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File: 354 KB, 834x678, 1670831255561027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15057110 No.15057110 [Reply] [Original]

Med school is full of literal psicopaths

>> No.15057112

I wouldn't know. I have no friends and talk to none of my classmates. People on rotations seem nice enough with the bare minimum chit chat we have thougu

>> No.15057128
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>T. Psychopath

>> No.15057130

I'll be honest sometimes I struggle to have empathy for fat patients

>> No.15057133

I’m in nursing school surrounded by fat single moms. It could be worst

>> No.15057188

Then you shouldn't be a doctor. That's like saying you don't have empathy for patients because of their sexuality. You are talking about a human. You have a duty and moral obligation to care for all of them and if you don't you've failed, both as a physician and as a person.

>> No.15057193


>> No.15057194

Do you feel that being unable to empathize with a patient is a serious obstacle to performing competently as a physician?

>> No.15057208

eh regardless about how i feel he's still getting the same meds

>> No.15057212

Why should I have empathy for sinners?
They meet their dues

>> No.15057276

i got a med school interview and the moment i sat down the first question the dude asked me is how much of my salary as a physician i would allocate to helping minorities and donating to LGBT causes. i knew from the get-go that i wouldn't be getting in

>> No.15057291

just lie, it's not a legal obligation
>At first it might be hard with so many bills, even now it's pretty stressful, but once I have a stable salary I hope to donate a generous portion of my excess wealth back to the community. I would be most interested in supporting organization that help pay for the education of African Americans. Education is so important and if I could help give back to people in need then I know I'm doing good both inside and outside the hospital.

>> No.15057331

How fat?
Could you make a quick graph of bmi vs empathy?

>> No.15057333

Everyone is a sinner, Jesus specifically said to have empathy for sinners and enemies and that he is the only one suitable for casting the stones. Love your neighbor, love your enemy, love yourself.

>> No.15057343

Hamplanets are not human
I'd just let them rot alive if I vould

>> No.15057366

Every fucking time without fail. The most blasphemous and disgusting subhumans attempt to twist religious rhetoric in a way that attempts to guilt the religious for not buying into their predatory shit.

>> No.15057376

That is just how christianity works because christianity is specifically a jewish conspiracy to create the most efficient worldview for a race of shabbos servants. Turn the other cheek, bro.

>> No.15057378

>That's like saying you don't have empathy for patients because of their sexuality
And that would be equally as based.

>> No.15057384

Thankfully not a Christian, but I don't appreciate manipulation tactics from any corner.

>> No.15057445

Not that anon but yes. A doctor is supposed to care for their patients and how do you care for someone you don't care about

>> No.15057448

You sound like a sinner

>> No.15057459 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey

>> No.15057464

By doing what every other doctor does and look it up their symptoms on the computer and recommend what they are told to recommend by the medical association.

>> No.15057942

You'll never be a real Christian.

>> No.15057945


>> No.15057981

Nah, fuck fat people.

>> No.15058051
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>> No.15058052
File: 131 KB, 652x384, circumcision revenge on male population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15058053
File: 53 KB, 640x521, medieval torture device circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15058057
File: 3.56 MB, 5240x2116, forced circumcision in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15058058
File: 220 KB, 640x907, Andrew Freedman AAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15058080

I wish Jesus would hurry the fuck up and start throwing some rocks at some of the psychopaths I've met over the course of my lifetime, already; fuckin' lazy Jew

>> No.15058086

I have no empathy for those who disregard all advice and discipline to get healthy. Fat people love to say they can no longer get on a treadmill, and that their heart is actually what's wrong - nothing to do with their weight. People like that get no empathy from me, and I believe they should be euthanized. It's the one thing Canada almost has right.
If a queer gets prolapsed then that's their fault. They go in knowing the consequences. If they want to pay for it, then it should be fixed. We are not obligated to support an unhealthy lifestyle.

>> No.15058089

I'm inclined to agree, but you'd be amazed at how many people in the medical profession actually lack the ability to empathize with people

>> No.15058292

And you sound like a faggot.

>> No.15058427

>you should love people and yourself

>> No.15058437

>I struggle to have empathy for fat patients
I'm not even a medical doctor and I feel the same.

>> No.15058440

Original sin doesn't exist.

>> No.15058443
File: 64 KB, 498x614, Giotto_di_Bondone_-_No._27_Scenes_from_the_Life_of_Christ_-_11._Expulsion_of_the_Money-changers_from_the_Temple_(detail)_-_WGA09210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither will you.

I come not to bring peace but a sword

pussy faggot

>> No.15058445

we've all affirmed the will to life by taking our first breath, anon. you're out of your depth here

>> No.15058447

I don't see how that's a sin. What do you even mean?

>> No.15058454


>> No.15058458

alphabet people don't deserve empathy

>> No.15058465
File: 19 KB, 214x191, Hermann_Pook1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I started dental school I was a huge /pol/tard and my actual goal was to torture political enemies and become a legend like Mengele. I even had a picture of Hermann Pook (chief dentist of the SS dentists within the concentration camps) hanging at my wall at home.

No /pol/tard today anymore but you see where this could have leaded to.

>> No.15058523

Everyone deserves empathy.