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15055354 No.15055354 [Reply] [Original]

Isn’t it wild that some religious people are high IQ? Capable of dissecting and interpreting a massive book word for word, interpreting each reference in a historical context and commiting to memory thousands and thousands of prayers and ideas

Many pastors I’ve met are quite intelligent, quick witted people.

So I ask: why do smart people become religious? You have to literally be a fucking mouthbreathing retard to believe in the bible, so why do otherwise smart people fall victim?

>> No.15055363

It is not wild, your hypothesis is wrong.

>> No.15055367

One day you may come to realize that there is much more beyond the fold. Jesus is real and he loves you.

t. 150 IQ ex-atheist

>> No.15055369

>why do smart people become religious
A variety of reasons. Some were raised that way and fear of hell can be impossible to uproot with strict logic. The ones at church I knew growing up sought a mixture of community and simply had some faith in a benevolent creator. It's not hard to think with enough understanding of physics and biology one might just figure this shit all fits together too perfectly to not have had some intention behind its design.

Then there are the many religions, especially as you go East, where the gods, beings and practices are more symbolic of our consciousness, condition as humans, or take radically different metaphysical views like gnosticism, some of which end up being manuals to fixing your own condition and understanding it, which in practice superficially look similar to western and Abrahamic faiths. Thinking all religion is listening to sky god tell you not to masturbate is deliberately ignorant.

Scientific materialism is a philosophical stance, not an objective truth. There is no falsifiable answer regarding us, this place, its creation, or what comes next for us if anything at all.

>> No.15055370

What you are talking about, te bible, is religion, so i understand. the bible is really analytical and useful for practicing intellectual skills, understanding it's word. it's legal. legal professions are known as high iq. as high iq they tell the populace what to believe, including so called smart people. when the actual priests and frens grow up, sometimes the other iq-like frens filter the religion out because they are not that easily fooled. as far as old people. none of them are really religious, unless they have health conditions/close to death. they are coping with prayer/worship/group hypnosis. that's why they perceive you so well, because they have attenuated the human design and can manipulate visually the orientation towards space and matter of people around them.

as for buddhism/philosophy- people in this generation have a veil over their eyes and can't see just how fallacious it really is, because they have tunnel vision so that's why so many are falling for it. sometimes it's encouraged to think a certain way, preached, and the mind machine as such assimilates to a specific form of psyche/somatic. so they remain ignorant or narrow minded. they are in fact just dull and patient with nothing which is useful to get good grades.

as far as it good for survival? it really is, it's a coping mechanism and helps one get along in society doing what ones told and making attendance/ritual. it's not useful to the view towards the future, the reality principle. it's just echochambers and fantasies.

they remain useful herds and mental curds. Jews and muslims? no clue. never been there. i'm think it's all pipedreams.

religion is a good resource to grind your axe. but not really honest, and no one said it was! :) therefore we should put it down/give it a brake. maybe the one awkard kid who has no science skills needs to practice religion?

>> No.15055372

>heh, how foolish of you to believe something i don't believe. How can people be so irrational?

>> No.15055374

Man is not complete without faith and love, without the capacity to place our destiny in the hands of a higher power you are literally living exclusively through the reptile mind, the amygdala is running the show for these types. It is a stressful and maddening situation for them to exist with such dominance from one region of the brain. Atheists are incomplete.

>> No.15055383


and when I pull out my hinduish (christian->theistic stanist (which I have no comment on)->buddhism->atheist/confused dissociative schizo->random!)... I realize that i'm just doing random rituals to cope/git gud. and it works. maybe we are just exercising the animal lobes and layers of the mind in this, and it makes you more in tune with your body, 'soul', and the universe. getting mentally well with your roots.
there are other things to do with this. and taking those roots and nourishing them, nothing else... that's how I see it right now. still practice buddhism meditation and cosmic prayers/divine group think and hypnosis.

>> No.15055385
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Being an atheist is the typical midwit, mediocre in intelligence stance, that is most often found everywhere on this planet.

>> No.15055389

>You have to literally be a fucking mouthbreathing retard to believe in the bible
OP says, as a product of modern day globohomo conditioning

>> No.15055396

You never read the bible.

>> No.15055398

This is /SCI/

Please tell me your level of formal science training now.

>> No.15055412

You could be better at math than anyone else, know more about physics than anyone else, score higher in Mensa test than anyone else, and still believe God created it all. I don't understand OP's point other than just hating and ridiculing people who believe in God for no reason.

>> No.15055425

>>heh, how foolish of you to believe something with no evidence. How can people be so irrational?

>> No.15055452

read Dr. Wolfgang Smith

>> No.15055463

Objective metaphysical evil exists and will provide you with tangible material rewards for aligning yourself with it, yet despite having the entirety of human history to work its schemes it still hasn't won yet because people choose to be good instead.

>> No.15055485

>Please tell me your level of formal science training now.


>> No.15055520

There is a strong correlation between religiousity and lower IQ. The truth is that the smart people are not actually religious or they are not actually smart. The smart "religious" people are gifters part of a predatory community because they are sadistic pieces of shit that want to prey on children and whoever else they can. They enjoy making other people suffer. That's why its important we burn down all our faggy chruches and replace them with something usefull that isn't build for retarded psychopaths to destroy society.
Any private religious school, any church, anything made for religious purposes should be demonlished ASAP. The leaders of these predatory cults should then be locked up for life.

>> No.15055539

>The truth is that the smart people are not actually religious or they are not actually smart.

>they are sadistic pieces of shit that want to prey on children and whoever else they can
Those are the atheists, no one who beluved in a punishing god would do this. Sorry you got a beef with religion because you were abused, but that doesn't make relugio false.

I know of at least one PhD who started believing and obeying what's in the Bible, that's how it went
>be atheist scientist
>try being an entrepreneur
>keep reading and hearing success stories for your peers
>the Bible always keep showing up
>decide to try the Bible out, give it a chance for real, respect it and all
>ends up working, achieve success
>build faith gradually, sees life being better than atheists'
>become fundamentalist and seek to enlighten others (i.e. based)

>> No.15055567

He is from the 1700s, when everyone was retarded and needed to be or they were ostracized. Smart people being religious back then was likely just for PR. If you are religious in the 21st century, you are retarded.
> If they were religious they wouldn't be sadistic
1. Smart people aren't actually religous, they are pretending
2. Religious people don't actually change their morals if they believe they will be punished by a god. They still have their own morals dictated by their own brains even if they are too stupid to know it. A religious psychopath is still a psychopath and will act like one regardless. Just see religious people acting in the real world. They are mentally retarded and believe in hell, yet they will still find any way they can to pray on people, for example trying to force gays into suicide, molest children, or spread pseudoscience.

>> No.15055578

>You have to literally be a fucking mouthbreathing retard to believe in the bible
mouthbreathing retards drink water, is that mean that drinking water is retarded?

>> No.15055594
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>He is from the 1700s, when everyone was retarded and needed to be or they were ostracized. Smart people being religious back then was likely just for PR. If you are religious in the 21st century, you are retarded.
Plebbit-tier post right here

>> No.15055605

Cope, seethe, and pray. You will never go to heaven.

>> No.15055611

>You will never go to heaven.
Wow, I didn't know I needed your permission for that. What is an all-powerful God next to an anon such as yourself?

>> No.15055618

God and heaven doesn't exist. You will never go to heaven. Sorry, bud.

>> No.15055621

Alright, thanks for informing me, anon. I used to spend my life living a lie, but thanks to an all-knowledgeable anon on a Mongolian carpet weaving forums, I am now enlightened. I can cast away the yoke of religion and be free of the oppression of the man in the sky.

>> No.15055628

That's a fake Heisenberg quote, gullible christcuck.

>> No.15055632

Stockholm Syndrome isn't rational by any means, yet it happens. Same with these people, they might be smart regarding STEM, but they're dumb regarding psyops. What you'll see them generally do is throw out the basis of science, which is to show replicable proof of your claims, with arguments born from mental gymasting, usually to cope with the yet unexplainable, because they are more prone to mental unstability.
An example of this is the "le intelligent design" argument to try and find an explanation for how everything ties to everything supposedly so seamlessly, which has its roots in the age old question of "how we came to be?". This argument, however, ignores many of the facts regarding biology and chemistry, many of which most kids nowadays learn in school, reason why there's an increase in atheists, agnostics or, generally, just areligious people.
Christcucks just can't cope with the fact they worship a jewish cuck on a stick and have spat on their ancestors for millenias, thus, they engage in the sunken cost fallacy.

>> No.15055663
File: 291 KB, 1x1, Euler's take on God.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll tell you his...

>> No.15055726

Your issue is with Christianity and its wild stories, not with religion and theology in the general.
Confounding the two is brainiet behavior.

>> No.15055731

Mdodenr education only outs u as a retard

>> No.15055870

jesus christ is a moral symbol, so such images just demonstrate that you have a black hole where ethics and decency should be. your family must be disappointed with you, deep down, if they're not also cretins. (which they probably are)

>> No.15055872

>Stockholm Syndrome isn't rational by any means, yet it happens

it happens with women, big surprise. any "man" who unironically demonstrates SS is also a power bottom. plenty rational when you remember who exhibits it.

>> No.15056007

>jesus christ is a moral symbol
He is a religious symbol symbol, not a moral one. If it was just about morals then why doesn't everyone just admit that the bible is a mythology book and has no basis in reality? It's because religion is a literal belief in the supernatural. Religion is for idiots.

>> No.15056100

to fit in their community and have social status. Although this is hypothetical and no religious people have an iq above 110

>> No.15056109
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>> No.15056114

qrd before i read?

>> No.15056119

I think as god as a Man in the heaven but not as a man. I like to think of god like the own values that one has not conflicting with each other and following them, and what is a man if not its values and morals? It's not a physical person but the concept of a person.

>> No.15056139

you're retarded

>> No.15056152

atheists are the quintessential midwit

>> No.15056155


>> No.15056176

Atheism because „muh the bible is unrealistic „ or „its against science „ is peak midwit.
There are smart atheists and smart believers. But your position is one held exclusively by midwits

>> No.15056191

Most great scientists and mathematicians that achieved most were religious, whereas the majority of anti-religious scientists have achieved essentially nothing of note.
Consider Enoch for example, he achieved so much in the field of mathematics just to understand God, and he was even largely successful.
The problem is the established churches would hate his results.

>> No.15056216
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the fact remains: men do not come back from the dead
if you ignore this fact, you are a retard

>why do smart people become religious?
because they are generally good at one little thing, like idiot-savants
newton lost his life savings in the stock market, meaning he wasn't that smart. if he was smarter, he wouldn't have gone broke

>> No.15056224

if they are a pneumatic then death has no value to them

>> No.15056229

OP mentions all the historical evidence that exists, then denies it in the next breath.

>> No.15056238

He was probably quoting his friend Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker who used the quote often in his lectures and believed it to be an old adage among German physicists.

“Nach einem alten Satz trennt uns der erste Schluck aus dem Becher der Erkenntnis von Gott, aber auf dem Grunde des Bechers wartet Gott auf den, der ihn sucht.” - from his summer 1946 lectures.

It's a takeoff on Francis Bacon's commentary that: “A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion.”

>> No.15056269

Not to mention, the only one claiming that quote doesn't belong to Heisenberg was a lad who did a biography of him who says this quote doesn't match his patter of speaking. Yeah, no shit it doesn't if he was quoting someone else. Besides it's irrelevant:
>Heisenberg, a devout Christian,[148][149] wrote: "We can console ourselves that the good Lord God would know the position of the [subatomic] particles, thus He would let the causality principle continue to have validity", in his last letter to Albert Einstein.[150]
He was still a devout Christian and believed in God. Atheists can't come to terms that the founding father of quantum mechanics, the same framework that enables them to fantasize about many worlds sci-fi gunk, wasn't an atheist like themselves.

>> No.15056286

>"We can console ourselves that the good Lord God would know the position of the [subatomic] particles, thus He would let the causality principle continue to have validity"
>He.... he just would, okay?

>> No.15056289

Yeah, I'm sure the guy that invented quantum mechanics has no fucking clue on what God would think of it.

>> No.15056311

okay, you're so retarded you don't even know how retarded you are

1. just because he did some math equation doesn't mean he can talk, In German, in his head, with the creator of the universe
2. christfags like you always assume that someone, somewhere, said he "believes in God," which is about the most meaningless statement one can make, then it means that your personal fantasy of Jesus fighting dinosaurs or whatever other stupid shit you believe is valid
3, men don't come back from the dead, no matter how much you want to plug your ears and go "la la la I can't hear you" while you do a smug anime girl face.

>Yeah, I'm sure the guy that invented quantum mechanics has no fucking clue on what God would think of it.
why should he? what about the man who invented the washing machine? what is his opinion on the matter. is there something special about quantum mechanics that lets you talk with the spirit world?