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15054997 No.15054997 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any /sci/ books that support anti-psychiatry? I'm aware some books talk about the ineffectiveness of antidepressants. Is there any book that deals with several mental illnesses and their purported "cures" (mostly pharmacological) being ineffective? Pic related undermines the whole concept of mental illness (I'd also be interested in something more specific that undermines, for example, the existence of "schizophrenia", i.e. that it cannot be called a "disease of the mind", nor can its existence be supported on a neurological basis), but I'm also interested on books that deboonk psychiatry in its own terms.

Also, it's the relation between psychiatry and neurology similar to that of philosophy and science? Shouldn't most psychiatric problems either be relegated to neurology or classified as non-medical altogether? Is psychiatry just an useful institution to cover the gap of what we cannot cure yet must address somehow (this, of course, ignoring its possibly oppressive/potentially controlling goals)?

>> No.15055004

God that was terribly written. Sorry, I'm just very sleepy.

>> No.15055006

>(I'd also be interested in something more specific that undermines, for example, the existence of "schizophrenia", i.e. that it cannot be called a "disease of the mind", nor can its existence be supported on a neurological basis)
Well you won't find that anywhere. Schizophrenia is known to be genetic. It's one of the only neurological disorders for which we have an extremely large body of proof.

>> No.15055018

It was just an example, I don't really know anything about schizophrenia. It's pretty clear our understanding of mental illnesses have changed since Szasz, but that sort of leads to my second question. Schizophrenia is "known to be genetic", but specifically neurological. Therefore a full understanding of it should make a psychiatric approach to it unnecessary. What about other "mental disorders", such as addiction? Wouldn't a full understanding of them make them psychological-neurological problems rather than psychiatric? Psychological due to the burden on the person's responsibility, assuming free will, and neurological due to its predisposition being explained in purely organic (the brain's) terms. What is the purpose of psychiatry then?

>> No.15055037

I was also thinking about things such as anxiety-disorder, something I was diagnosed with myself. It doesn't matter what caused the anxiety, enough symptoms warrants a diagnosis. Then I'm prescribed benzodiazepines, and they of course help. Where's the "psychiatry" there? Seems like a logical prescription a pharmacist could make (even if we didn't have the concept of "anxiety disorder"). They also prescribe anti-depressants (for anxiety), but on what grounds? What's "medical" about psychiatry? Neuroscientists might study possible causes for what we call depression, does then the psychiatrist just learn what drugs should be administered? And since the possible drugs seem to be limited in kind compared to almost every other area of medicine, the choice seems rather easy. Maybe my question is, what would make a convincing defense of psychiatry?

>> No.15055047

I think it's important that we continue research on mental illness regardless if some people say it's fake. The amount of research done on mental health is vast and people trying to debunk it typically have a handful of sources from what I've seen. The debunkers could be correct but we don't know until we've exhausted all options for diagnosing and treating mental health. I see a psychiatrist for mental health problems, I had a lot of problems at work for many years until I found out I was autistic, and the symptoms describe me fairly well. But there's some people out there that have severe mental problems and all regular avenues have be tried to treat them so they see psychiatrists who do like ten years of medical school and specialize in alleviating the symptoms of mental health so people can function more normally, they don't really cure anything

>> No.15055051

>does then the psychiatrist just learn what drugs should be administered
Yes they do that and also help with organizing counseling or government benefits or other forms of help. They're like GP for mental health instead of the rest of the body. Possibly because mental health is complex and can be severely debilitating

>> No.15055175

>mental health
No such thing. The mind, being an abstract concept, has no anatomy and thus no possible pathophysiology.

>> No.15055176 [DELETED] 

That's retarded.

>> No.15055177

The difference between a psychiatrist and a pain specialist is that the pain doc doesn't pretend to "diagnose" anything.

>> No.15055189

If you think a mind can literally be healthy like a heart can, you're deluded.

>> No.15056858

tfw your Doctor gives you medicine for your Schizophrenia, and he starts to fade.

>> No.15056859

Maybe if you took your antipsychotics you would understand what people mean by mental health.

>> No.15056979


>> No.15056984
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>tfw when psychiatry has been unequivocally shown to be a pseudoscience but no one cares because antidepressants are a money-printer

>> No.15056996

You dumb retards are dumb.

>> No.15057352


>> No.15057358

It's pretty amazing that you can operate computers without a brain.

>> No.15057369

Do you think psychiatry is just what he haven't understood in terms of brain disease, with sone non-diseases thrown in?

>> No.15057370

We havent*

>> No.15057372

You can be mentally ill from completely nonphysical causes. Not every problem with someone can be reduced to chemistry.

>> No.15057740

Mental health is nothing but the next buzzword to condition the masses into being obedient, conform and submissive.

Problems at work? Be like this guy >>15055047 who's now suddenly 'autistic' for having problems at works (Autism is dramatically overdiagnosed). But as long as he consumes the goyslop and blames himself for the problems of others, it's going to work out fine.

Some book recommendations:

Anatomy of an epidemic
Madness in America
Insane Medicine
Psychiatric Hegemony

>> No.15057753

>It's one of the only neurological disorders for which we have an extremely large body of proof.
What are the others?

>> No.15059006


>> No.15059009

Jews have the highest rate of schizophrenia of any group, and it's heritable along family lines.

>> No.15059019

Actually we don't, no one does genetics test for mental illness diagnosis, you're full of shit

>> No.15059189
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read Madness and Civilization by Michel Foucault

here’s the qrd
>ruling class desires a method of controlling the ruled, not on a micro scale but a macro scale
>this is done by allowing some of the ruled a certain degree of liberty as long as they participated in “civil society” e.g. get a job, take on debt, worship material wealth, all things that ultimately buttress the wealth of the ruling class
>for those who are seen as acting in defiance of civil society e.g. being unemployed, homeless, believing in invisible things, they are “punished” not only with the violence of the prison system but the clinical oppression of psychiatric practice
consider the concept at face value. I’ve read the DSM. here’s the diagnostic criteria and prognosis for nearly every “disease” in it
>Is the patient homeless, unemployed, struggling with social connection?
>They are suffering from [disease], it’s not possible to test for it physiologically, and the prognosis is that the patient cannot be cured, and will instead require lifelong “treatment”
the mental health industry basically figured out a way to extract rent from yet another marginalized population, even if most of it is just taxpayer dollars dumped out through welfare disbursements that end up in the hands of private medical/pharma corporations.

hope this helps

>> No.15059195

>no one does genetics test for mental illness diagnosis
They don't do that mainly because having the gene doesn't necessarily imply presentation of the disease, but they could if health insurers would pay for it. Just like they don't test for cancer risk even though many known cancers have a genetic component.

>> No.15059198

Foucault also argued that it should be legal to have sex with children. He was a mentally ill individual who wanted to blur the lines between sanity and insanity so he could indulge in his paraphilia.

>> No.15059663
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You should read "medical nemesis" by Ivan Illich

>> No.15059673
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>> No.15059676
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Illich on antipsychiatry

>> No.15059733

Whatever heritable component you call genetic could as well be imparted by upbringing in a schizo family.

>> No.15059737

>You can be mentally ill from completely nonphysical causes. Not every problem with someone can be reduced to chemistry.
Is the brain not a physical, chemistry-dependant object?

>> No.15059738

>Jews have the highest rate of schizophrenia of any group, and it's heritable along family lines.
That's just their way of filtering out mosers who rebelled against the mafia

>> No.15059759

Every single thought process corresponds to a particular brain pattern. So why should schizophrenia be any different? Whether there is an external organic cause triggering this brain pattern is an entirely different topic though.

>> No.15059832

How is this science in the same way physics is? Science doesn't deal with the prescriptive. How you should behave is a question for ethics.

To say how narcissistic someone ought to be, is just one's opinion of healthy levels of narcissism; which will differ from person to person and culture to culture.
By some culture's standards other ethnicities can be perceived as slightly mentally-ill due to their lower levels of narcissism. Is the average Finn technically mentally ill in Italy? Because all I have to is point to their idea of healthy narcissism and look I've paibted a whole ethnicity slightly ill.

>> No.15059849

Mental illnesses are largely memetic diseases due to improper parental care during the developmental age. No one wants to admit this due to opening up a legal nightmare.

>> No.15059995

But some thought processes might be explained in very general, everyday terms, such as "impersonation" or "lying". In these cases, looking for a neurological cause for a cluster of symptoms would be stupid, since we would just be looking for the "neurological causes" of foundational human behavior. These things can be "treated" rather than "cured" at the high-level, i.e. the human communication level, by COMPETENT psychologists (something I'm not sure currently exists).

>> No.15060005

>But some thought processes might be explained in very general, everyday terms, such as "impersonation" or "lying".
The fact that you can even mentally classify them under a common umbrella suggests that some pathways must be similar at least in their recognition. But either way you're too hung up on current terminology. This terminology could be further reclassified as we find out more about the specific patterns involved. What if what we call schizophrenia is actually four etiologically unrelated diseases? Such disputes and revisions happen all the time in medicine.

>> No.15060014
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Mental Illnesses exist but the philosophy involved in today's psychology is flawed. For ex. They shouldn't treat arguments with parents as signs of mental illness, and they should require full analysis of any case where an argument is the underlying cause for a case. For ex 2. When my Nan used to have a winge randomly for attention from other family members for intervention for something small, it's more her weakness as to why I shouted that day. Unwarranted Trouble causes misery. To conclude, they're not doing psychology for the right reasons, they're too quick to the mark. Lots of weaknesses in society exist where people may neglect the system to give someone a diagnosis.

TL;DR you're probably mentally ill in the eyes of modern day psychology unless you suck leftist ass

>> No.15060015

>Science doesn't deal with the prescriptive.
Oh, so there's one theory that works in both microworld and macroworld?
So, there is only single interpretation of QFT?
What you are talking about is called positivism, and it died in the beggining of 20th century.

>> No.15060036

The end result of all scientific theories is still searching for positivist results though. Otherwise you're arguing that 2+2 can sometimes equal 4 and at other, arbitrary times 5, and there is no rule to when which is which.

>> No.15060303

Great stuff, thanks for the recommend.

>> No.15060377

This point is one of the main points Szasz makes. I will check that out, thanks anon.

(Unrelated, but /lit/ was unable to recommend similar books even though Szasz and anti-psychiatry has been relegated to "critical theory" and its incorporation in serious medical/scientific debate done by its own practitioners is something I haven't seen. It seems like psychiatry is some self-aggrandizing institution with no official checks, not scientific nor governmental/policy-related, to its practice.)

>> No.15060689

Fuck you OP you're denying me a paycheck

>> No.15061687

Mental illnesses are just a trick of the ruling classes aren't they

>> No.15061746

>but /lit/ was unable to recommend similar books even though Szasz and anti-psychiatry
/lit/ for the most part doesn't read any books. I've visited it for quite some time only to realize that any conversation there devolved into memes about some authors with the participants professing quite clearly an utter lack of understanding.

>> No.15063186

The only board with more pseuds is /mu/.