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File: 2.39 MB, 4096x2897, 1662145038005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15053446 No.15053446 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>15049434

>> No.15053452
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>> No.15053465
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4 Falcon launches left to the promised 60

>> No.15053484
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Father, which art in the heavens, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Mars as it is in Boca Chica. Give us this sol, our daily beans. And forgive us our dust, as we forgive our fellow dusters. And lead us not into tubes, but deliver us from Earthers: For thine is the kingdom, and the (solar) power, and the glory , for ever. Amen.

>> No.15053497
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>> No.15053521
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>Elon's jet tracker has now been banned after Elon specifically said it not being was an example of free speech
kek, sorry for the off-topic, but this is just too funny, I guess it really was the reason to buy Twatter after all.

>> No.15053543

Musk is deranged and I'm saying this completely unironically

>> No.15053546

>random ass companies from random ass countries are going to the moon
>russia still cant

>> No.15053553

Good, now go back to twitter

>> No.15053557
File: 31 KB, 621x305, 2022-12-14_12-52-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's lost it

Him and Zubrin have completely ignored Mars for months now

So this is how the great Mars Society dies

>> No.15053560

He's right.

>> No.15053561

Back to /pol/

>> No.15053562

>lost it
Get the fuck back to bunkerchan.

>> No.15053563

No :)

>> No.15053565

>got to Mars
>not self-sustaining yet
>humanity collapses and can't aid Mars
what the fuck do you think happens then?

>> No.15053567

>musk lying? Next the Sun will rise in the East!
>Musk is a petulant child
>Seems like he wants to be a villain to the world
>Elon Musk is digging his own grave. He should talk less if he wants his businesses to grow more
>Buying twitter has highlighted what an insecure asshole he is to everyone who didn't already know. It's been a disaster. Long may it continue
>There is no way I’m setting foot in a tunnel, car, or space ship created by a company Elon Musk owns. God knows what will happen to you if he deems you an enemy. Untrustworthy.
>Billionaires should not exist
>if once a year we threw a billionaire in a valcanoe pretty sure the worlds problems would fix pretty quick
>Elon you're on the road to super villain. Which in some way you always knew would happen

>> No.15053568

Back to/GRIDShospice/

>> No.15053571

How does it feel to have your flames quenched? Felon fucked up messing with that shithole, and Zubrin has been unhinged and psychotic about the war ever since it started. Not looking good, e*rth will try and keep humanity on its filthy wet soil as long as it can, as lowly as this

>> No.15053577
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Fuck you I was here since this was Texas tankwatchers, you are probably from /pol/ after that cunt went around spreading the general link there because he was salty he didn't get his space board

Twitter is nothing more than a massive distraction to Musk and Mars, theres no sense of urgency from him anymore

>> No.15053589

To the conmen martian grifters we propose the alternative, earnest venutian sun shade

>> No.15053596
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>> No.15053602
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>> No.15053613

>implying anyone will ever let you do this
kek. off the deep end. been a good ride

>> No.15053615

MPD looks kino

>> No.15053623

I'll be depressed if the future of space exploration looks in any way like this, but if we stick to flags and footprints these wouldn't be too bad.

>> No.15053629
File: 36 KB, 998x488, bateman td driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the American Psycho webm where they're comparing spess ships

>> No.15053638

He has done nothing to improve it besides making an absolute ass of himself in public
>liquidated several SLS launches worth of Tesla stock to pay the bills because he bought an overpriced app
>Has to pay billions in interest alone
Shotwell should take over SpaceX, Musk deserves all the hate he’s gotten

>> No.15053644

This is true though

>> No.15053688

Spacebros we just keep winning

>> No.15053731
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>> No.15053732
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>> No.15053733
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>> No.15053739
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>> No.15053742
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>> No.15053751
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>> No.15053756

Is it supposed to do that?

>> No.15053775

I think so, but if that gold stuff is just kapton to insulate the spacecraft against reentry, those TPS tiles on top are gratuitous overkill.

>> No.15053850

The kapton foil and thermal insulations protect the capsule in space, but they burn off during reentry

>> No.15053852

He's killing Twitter, thats a vast improvement since social media can only improve if it disappears.
And all the hate he gets is from fat Americans for whom showing off how many mental illnesses they have on Twitter is 60% of their personality.

The very concept of social media needs to disappear

>> No.15053858

>He's killing Twitter
He’s addicted to is because of his massive ego

>> No.15053860

At least he is dismantling its staff, which works for me.
Social media should either die or turn into the digital wild west that the Internet was before Facebook.

>> No.15053869

Since when is having an ego something bad? Just because zoomies hate themselves like a bunch of Myspace emos doesnt mean everyone else will.

>> No.15053894

So his accomplishment is loosing a billions and making twitter even worse than it was before?
You’ll dick ride him to the very end even if the fallout harms SpaceX.

>> No.15053911

His accomplishment is killing Twitter, if it drives everyone away from that hellhole he'll be doing humanity a bigger service than any spaceship SpaceX makes.

Twitter, and social media, are one of the biggest societal cancers in the world, anything that either kills, harms or turns them into [s4s] levels of shitposting is a good deed.

Even other boards in 4chan have turned into fucking social media gossip circles, its embarassing.

Social media needs to die or be rendered unusable in the eyes of the masses and corps.

>> No.15053914
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, 85314D9C-34A7-4005-A762-6F1098FA98C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with Zubrin? I checked Twitter and it’s just
>Him complaining about Starship launch license
>Chinese mars mission
>Complaining about Trump
>Excited Ukraine is getting more weapons

>> No.15053917
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As much as I wish that was true, social media are not going away.

>> No.15053920

Then humanity is doomed.
The internet really shouldnt have stuck to being a computer email program for the government.

>> No.15053924

Buy ads on Twitter then to save space

>> No.15053932

He’s bragging that the shitshow has increased the number of active users. What brand of copium are you huffing that you’re ascribing goals contrary to what Musk has said?

>> No.15053933
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I wish he talked more about spaceflight but otherwise, he's based.

>> No.15053941

>huffing copium
Oh boy, so you are an unironic Twitter user.
Sorry, but I dont feel anything but disdain for social media and everyone who uses it. You are the cancer of humanity and deserve to disappear.
Anything that makes social media users mad can only be good, and its already been hilarious seeing millennials cry that they have no real alternatives.

Wish I had money to commit such planetary-scale levels of trolling.

>> No.15053949
File: 957 KB, 962x1482, 79248DD8-581F-4361-BC0F-7A0EDC6B13E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon will never top Chuck Yeager Anglophobia

>> No.15053971

Old boomers don't even know the state of the countries they live in, while rambling about grudges from 60 years ago

>> No.15053978

You must be British.

>> No.15053997

>Killing twitter would be bad
Either Elon Musk destroys it, or reshapes it to be unrecognizable from what it was. Either way, society wins, and wins massively.

>> No.15054000
File: 452 KB, 512x640, 1667934832230933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cardboard in the windows
>muh ITAR

>> No.15054016

You retards can't fucking understand how the world works.
Destroying a platform does not kill the user base. This has never fucking worked. Look at what happened when Tumblr got fucked, the stupidity from there just spread out.

>> No.15054021

Why did tumblr ban porn, again?

>> No.15054030

Yes it does. The scattering and de-concentration of individuals present on a platform diminishes its influence. Twitter's greatest impact, and greatest sin, is being the place where news is made.

>> No.15054038

So you want to ban free speech and cancel everyone? Isn’t that the opposite of what your daddy Musk wants?

>> No.15054040

It's okay when we do it.

>> No.15054043

Your leading question doesn't even remotely follow from my assertion, dipshit.

>> No.15054044

Falcon 9 launch at 6 am tomorrow.

>> No.15054050

I hope a hurricane wipes out boca Chica

>> No.15054061

looks like a robot man sucking a single spaghetti noodle out of the sea

>> No.15054068

>he said anonymously on a social media website

>> No.15054073

No, I want anarchy of speech, I dont want any kind of rules on the Internet.

>> No.15054077

>I guess it really was the reason to buy Twatter after all.
This meme has gone too far, normies believe this unironically

>> No.15054087

>Creepy stalker gets banned for being a creepy stalker
>"So much for free speech, huh?"
Never fucking change. Twitter had double standards out the ass. Now those standards are being applied more evenly and people are seething like fucking crazy.

>> No.15054098

>Bernard Arnault is now the richest person on Earth
ok, so now he'll receive as much criticism as musk, right?

>> No.15054102

And it turns out that the big bad rich man suspended the plane watcher guy because the dipshit had 30 Twitter accounts.

>> No.15054103

>plane watcher
sounds interesting, takeoff when?

>> No.15054106

That guy keeps a super low profile. Musk deliberately seeks the public eye for PR purposes.

>> No.15054108

Isn’t he a free speech absolutist?

>> No.15054111

I don't think being a creepy stalker is protected any amendment related to free speech.

>> No.15054113

It's a private company, they can do whatever they want. And this applies to SpaceX once they land on Mars as well. Don't like it? Build your own colony.

>> No.15054114

>dipshit had 30 Twitter accounts
not against twatter rules

>> No.15054117

It is when you're using those alts to boost your main.

>> No.15054121
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>the richest person on Earth
No one knows who that truly is

>> No.15054162

Watching redditors twittitors seethe at musk is peak delight

>> No.15054176

You're suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Now shut up and talk about spaceflight.

>> No.15054179

same with some retards from this website, even this very same board

>> No.15054184
File: 63 KB, 504x600, 1656794224122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Build Tethered Ring
>Solar Farm, Transport, Space Launch, Tourism/lulz = PROFIT

>Build Nuclear Salt Water Rocket

we now spehs

>> No.15054206
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, 1654418080702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At precisely 5:54 pm ET (22:54 UTC) today, humans will have not stepped on another world for 50 years.

>> No.15054210

We shouldnt go back. We've been there. Now is for Mars

>> No.15054221

Bernard Arnault is not as large a danger to democracy as elon is

>> No.15054222

Go fuck yourself retard, bullshit like this is why manned space exploration stagnated. We need to stop focusing on firsts and instead invest in permanence.

>> No.15054224
File: 106 KB, 707x787, McCall, NAR, NERVA, nuclear ferry, Nuclear Shuttle moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb faggit

>> No.15054228

It's worse than that. It's not only 50 years that we haven't gone back to the Moon, but also 50 years of not even leaving Low Earth Orbit. Must be the greatest disappointment ever. Utter embarrassment of a species.

>> No.15054230

What is there on the Moon except gray dirt?

>> No.15054234

just gotta dig a little for the resources. the gray dirt covers everything.

>> No.15054244

France on top once again, as it should be

>> No.15054245
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>> No.15054246
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>> No.15054248

a little water frozen with the gray dirt

>> No.15054253

What a retard, the issue is mass, not volume.

>> No.15054255

I would call him a fat fuck.

>> No.15054261
File: 155 KB, 1275x1269, 1667925432934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15054265


>> No.15054266

Somehow more delusional than sfg posters were early last year

>> No.15054278


>> No.15054279

Allahu Akbar

>> No.15054285
File: 996 KB, 1678x2129, Magnum_Booster_Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrap the SLS

build the Magnum

>> No.15054296

it's never too late to scrap a current Shuttle-derived launcher and begin work on an all new Shuttle-derived launcher

>> No.15054298

What if they made a reusable Shuttle-derived launcher? It should be cheaper in use.

>> No.15054318

ISV Venture Star made a re-appearance in Avatar: The Way of Water
My god is it a good movie

>> No.15054325
File: 102 KB, 1199x643, John Frassanito upgraded space shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make Shuttle II

>> No.15054338
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>> No.15054346
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>> No.15054355
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Woops forgot I took a better screenshot of the ISV from the DCPrip I recently acquired

>> No.15054357
File: 100 KB, 457x700, avatar 1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's a room temperature superconductor AND an immortality potion you make from space whale brains (neither of which can be synthesized of course because reasons) on the same exomoon?
Wow, Cameron has done it again!

>> No.15054358

Cry about it
Movie of the decade

>> No.15054384

SpaceX was never going to take colonies to Mars. Mars colonization talk is just a recruiting scheme; it allowed him to hire the best rocket scientists in the country, and even pay them modestly because they believe in the supposed mission. The real objective is juicy satellite launch contracts.

>> No.15054387

>His accomplishment is killing Twitter
But he hasn't; twitter is more popular than ever. I wish he'd killed it but he hasn't.

>> No.15054391
File: 2.57 MB, 640x360, rocketcards.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me while to find it, I converted it back in September

>> No.15054394

highly based, fuck the british.

>> No.15054396

>this decade
>using a habitat/etc that doesn't exist yet
He's not just crazy, he's retarded.

>> No.15054404
File: 62 KB, 612x619, elon musk muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much anon

>> No.15054408

>space force established a unit in korea
their power... it grows...

>> No.15054421

so you're saying he's doing all this for the money?

>> No.15054422

Money and the various perks that come with being a defense contractor.

>> No.15054444

I get where you are coming from, but if this is the case then why is SpaceX dumping so much money into the risky bet that Starship is instead of going to the safe route of making better Falcons?

>> No.15054446

You are wrong and should commit suicide

>> No.15054448
File: 2.30 MB, 1193x1070, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15054449

>then why is SpaceX dumping so much money into the risky bet that Starship
Because it's going to be an exceptional satellite launcher. Hundreds of satellites per launch, and fully reusable. That's dynamite.

>> No.15054454

There is literally nothing more retarded, and more of a bigger cope than a manned mars flyby.

>> No.15054456

Because due to its scale and capabilities, Starship is more economical. They made Starlink V2 that can only be launched by Starship, because it'd simply too big.
All about that cost per kg.

>> No.15054457

just great, hadn't seen this one before

>> No.15054458

at least it's new

>> No.15054459

>filename not Elon Mosque
you had one job

>> No.15054460
File: 94 KB, 1217x784, sls mars fly by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will happen with Americas rocket chudoid

>> No.15054482

Why doesn't SS use metal tiles?

>> No.15054486

The point is really that Elon explicitly mentioned allowing the plane watcher as an example of free speech, so regardless of what you think, Elon himself considered it free speech. He's back now, so good on Elon, but still, extremely funny.

>> No.15054487

additional complexity and cost. It's on SpaceX's radar but its a stretch goal.

>> No.15054491
File: 1.21 MB, 3750x3000, 2366AF53-294C-4836-AA5E-F07A23FB74DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) mass constraints (this is solvable)
b) no one has made metal tiles worthy of trial by fire from interplanetary reentry velocities (this will remain unsolvable until someone tried it)
Metal TPS tiles were made for the venturestar program but they were only to be used in select locations on the vehicle, in areas with very gentle reentry temperatures

>> No.15054495

*tries it
FUCK i’m so sick of my typos

>> No.15054516


>> No.15054517

They wouldn’t have built starship like they did if that was the case

>> No.15054521

You saying this, implying what about starship exactly? That it's not going to be excellent at launching tons of satellites cheap? No other launch provider can possibly compete.

>> No.15054525

>We have a wide-open shot at being the first methane fueled rocket to fly to orbit now with Zhuque-2 mission outcome. Getting past max Q will prove our 3D printing tech handles max flight stress (already proven in ground acceptance testing) which is key for scaling to Terran R
>All the way to orbit we’d be the first company ever to do so on our first try @relativityspace
>*first venture-backed company
kek, cocky proonter dabbing on the chinese

>> No.15054552

>Not Stratolaunch
One fucking job

>> No.15054554

>Spend months in what amounts to a Cygnus
>All to not land on Mars

>> No.15054555

>Some crazy leftist tried kill Elon's kid last night.
WTF elon doing???

>> No.15054567
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>> No.15054568
File: 344 KB, 1440x810, BlueOrigin_Colony-SpaceFlorence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotating colonies are the future, and Mars will serve as a resource depot for raw material. UNless you want people to adapt to 1/3 g, it's best to have regions dedicated to fleets of robots that construct the finer tools. Also space elevators.

>> No.15054580
File: 60 KB, 589x279, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the crazy leftoids that were defending the guy running the Elon tracker account sure look like shitbags right about now.

>> No.15054583

"SLS is Jupiter DIRECT" is a strange hill to die on

>> No.15054586

>His accomplishment is killing Twitter

I'm old enough to remember the troon crowd holding a funeral for twitter when all the employees who didn't do anything quit.

>> No.15054587

Elon shed 90% of the staff and the only thing that changed was that all the child porn people had been complaining about for a decade vanished inside of a week.

>> No.15054588

SLS has a co manifest ability of 10 tons to the moon alongside Orion. That’s nothing mate

>> No.15054589
File: 192 KB, 1024x576, Command-Module-Comparison-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but wait. You can set up a Mars free-return using Orion's engine, which would otherwise have been used for Lunar orbit insertion. Even with the hab payload, it could still make up the shortfall from the SLS.

Doesn't change the fact that inflatables don't exist and flybys are gay though

>> No.15054594

Fuck yes. Relativity is allowed to do this
If it explodes it will all be retroactively cringe as fuck

>> No.15054595

lmao how much you want to bet they wanted to stretch the ESM but can't because the mobile launch tower is too short even with the 1B upgrade

>> No.15054600

Elon mocked Pelosi's husband for being attacked, just karma.

>> No.15054601
File: 594 KB, 1125x1378, BE39838B-AFE8-4162-A713-40955E4DE03E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potential S24 static fire tomorrow

>> No.15054605

You might be confusing the Pelosi's daughter mocking Rand Paul.

>> No.15054607
File: 43 KB, 622x345, memri sodomites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pelosi just picked the wrong guy for his lemonparty

>> No.15054609

What would be dragon v2 highest operational orbit?

>> No.15054612


>> No.15054616

wait it's that easy to meet elon musk? holy shit brb

>> No.15054617

>Elon mocked Pelosi's husband
this never happened. it was just "there might be more to this story (link to gay sex article)"
Now makes more sense why the Jet guy was banned, seemed somewhat out of character.
ADSBExchange still exists however. If you put such a big target on your head, this is bound to happen. Hope he doesn't get killed.

>> No.15054618

Thanks for undermining your own claim?

>> No.15054622

elon shared a link to the nytimes?

>> No.15054624

Just use process of elimination and find out places he won’t be at.
I’ll start: Starbase

>> No.15054625

He flew to Austin yesterday so that's false.

>> No.15054630

Tesla you dumb fuck

>> No.15054637


>> No.15054638

uhhhh guys the soyuz just pissed all over the iss

>> No.15054640

Ugh I wish

>> No.15054642
File: 2.12 MB, 1912x1080, sc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me why this excites you

>> No.15054643

im thinking theyre not space walking today

>> No.15054645

ORSC kerolox is fucking based and I hate BO so much I wish Vulcan was flying with AR1 instead of BE-4 even if it’s more expensive.

>> No.15054646

That's A LOT.

>> No.15054648

isnt ORSC old hat? wasnt BE4 supposed to be ORSC?

>> No.15054649

why are the russian so gross..peeing all over? come on

>> No.15054653

Remember when russia complained about crew dragon visiting the station because it could cause a threat?
I remember

>> No.15054654

So if in fact that is propellent, how is MS-22 getting home?

>> No.15054657

sorry. comrade rogozin needed new house

>> No.15054658
File: 650 KB, 1290x1693, 2C0F3113-017F-4401-9D47-4203BB597C3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf just happened


What’s leaking from the ISS?

>> No.15054659

The soviets are stranded and will be left to die on ISS

>> No.15054660

That was Rubios trip home :(

>> No.15054661

I'll give you one guess

>> No.15054663
File: 465 KB, 1170x867, EBC5740E-4E19-4BD7-BAF6-9F6B2B5EA7B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well good thing they aren’t making that new airlock

>> No.15054667

he was a good man and a patriot, but shit happens. condolences to his family

>> No.15054671

>busted cygnus
>soyuz spraying piss and shit everywhere
Something poetic about all of this being on the ‘Z’ side of the station lol

>> No.15054673
File: 97 KB, 1207x832, 60542EDA-0B15-4FFA-A862-7F1DB610DBF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck has happened to the Russian space industry? Is there anything they touch that isn’t JUSTed right now?

>> No.15054678
File: 533 KB, 1421x687, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two Falcon 9 launches in 18 minutes
Holy shit

>> No.15054681

Is MS22 fucked?

>> No.15054683

what if its stuck on the iss forever?

>> No.15054684

Good question
Emergency Crew Dragon would be amazing just imagine

>> No.15054688

Crew Dragon saving the day for some Russians would be kino

>> No.15054689

They probably don't want to go back home

>> No.15054690
File: 2.20 MB, 387x338, iss spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15054692

Leaks been going on for an hour.

>> No.15054693

coolant line low pressure, particle stream of (pee). i think we have the culprit. the russian nation must be glassed for this transgression. not only is this extremely immature and rude, it is obscene

>> No.15054695

Dragon getting very cozy. Althoughs there's plenty of margin to build and launch a rescue mission since the ISS is meant to house people for years on end and has resupply missions lined up already; it will just screw up everyone's plans.

>> No.15054696

Very Disrespectful!

>> No.15054704

Stream just said it was actually 2 hours

>> No.15054706

Soyuz coolant loop leak. MS 22 might be stuck

>> No.15054708
File: 1.08 MB, 1125x1428, F78D8CC1-1824-4ABB-BC14-0BAA5842B4E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckkkkkkkkk. Russia legitimately has the worst luck in history at this point

>> No.15054716

maybe we'll get to see a space walk on the side of the soyuz. thatd be pretty cool

>> No.15054721

>Please be more careful
>Knife slashing into the side of the Soyuz intensifies

>> No.15054722

What happened to this guy https://www.youtube.com/@cost-pluscontent2371/

>> No.15054724

They’ll find a way to blame Americans somehow

>> No.15054727

>This horrible and fatal system originates in two sources ... the rooted dishonesty of the national character and the incurable inadequacy of despotic power. Cheating, bribery, peculation pervade the whole tribe of officials, and are, in fact, the key-note and characteristic of the entire administration. There seems to be no conscience, and not much concealment, about it. The officers are ill paid, and of course pay themselves.

>Then the power of the Autocrat, absolute as it is and vigorously as it is exercised, is utterly insufficient to meet the evil. What can a despot do who has no instruments that can be trusted? There is no middle class who pay the taxes and insist upon knowing how they are expended. There is no free Press, with its penetrating and omniscient vigilance, to compel honesty and drag offenders to light and retribution. There is only one eye over all: and that eye can of course see only a small corner of this vast Empire. What the Emperor looks at, or can visit, is well done: everything else is neglected or abused. It is the common and inevitable story wherever you have centralization and barbarism combined.

This was from the Economist describing why Russia was getting its ass kicked in Crimea back in 1854.

Corruption is a way of life in Russia, and the only things that can be said to run efficiently are the ones that the the Czar or General Secretary have a direct interest in. Things did better under the Soviets because the powers of the police state let the Politburo keep a personal eye on a lot more things. With the collapse of the USSR a lot of that was lost in favor of the economy being divided up into neofeudal fiefdoms, which left the people in charge free to loot and enrich themselves off the old Soviet glories. The Soviet space sector was torn to pieces by this, and by the fact that we were recruiting soviet aerospace engineers as fast as Lockheed could convince the State Department to give them visas.

>> No.15054736

At least they could send an uncrewed Soyuz to replace MS-22.

>> No.15054741

my understanding is that there is 2 cooling loops and only one skeeted its load. Not sure however if the 2 are seperate or redundent systems

>> No.15054762

Who is sweeney?

>> No.15054763

teenager who ran elonjet twitter

>> No.15054782


>> No.15054784

oh shit nvm you guys are on top of it

>> No.15054785

Going to blame this one on an astronaut too?

>> No.15054791

It's still leaking, MS-22 is done for.

>> No.15054793


>> No.15054796
File: 503 KB, 1082x661, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post old clip while it's still leaking on NASA live stream lmao

>> No.15054814

aaaaaaa I'm pissisinngggg

>> No.15054822

They'll send up an unoccupied Soyuz as a lifeboat for the crew and then cut the dead one free and see if they can remotely deorbit it. They did something similar in the 70's. Soyuz 33 I think?

They won't send a dragon because the crew doesn't have training on it and the suits can't plug into the life support system.

>> No.15054829
File: 223 KB, 1284x720, F2337D61-E191-4559-BBE0-7AEC1E5A8697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic 5D chess going on here. Starship hasn’t even test fired it’s booster with all its engines

>> No.15054837

Hello leftypol shill

>> No.15054840

>long and storied legacy as the most-flown and most reliable spacecraft in history
>begin wildly shidding and farding and pissing everywhere as your faculties decline (i.e. as the government that makes and operates you forgets how to)
Soyuz is officially a decorated war hero veteran with severe dementia.

>> No.15054844

Elon is da man!

>> No.15054846

>don't open windows on the ISS
good advice

>> No.15054848

Good, electric cars are gay and their engines make gay noises.
Give me cars that either use kerosene or liquid hydrogen.

>> No.15054849
File: 2.13 MB, 537x268, not_great.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's the chance they are going to have to evacuate the station and leave the cosmobros to fend for themselves?

>> No.15054850


>> No.15054853

because water from the firmament would flood it pretty quickly

>> No.15054857

I don't see why. There is no immediate danger if the cooling fails on Soyuz.

>> No.15054858

Oh fuck me nevermind
Minimal. Soyuz coolant was upgraded after 7K-OK 8. I don’t think it poses a threat to the station
Very good read here

>> No.15054861

How is posting publicly available flight data comparable to someone following Elon's car? Wtf would he even be suing him for?

>> No.15054863

>However, it was later established that the 32 pyrotechnic charges, which split the upper section of the Soyuz from the rest of the rocket at blastoff had ignited a highly flammable coolant spilling from severed pipes leading to the instrument compartment.
>To exacerbate the situation, the pumps of the thermal control system continued sending the coolant down the severed lines, literally adding fuel to the fire.
>The flames then ignited tanks of the hydrogen peroxide propellant in the instrument compartment of the Soyuz and then spread to the huge propellant tanks of the rocket below.

>> No.15054864

window covers, the windows dont open on the iss for obvious reasons

>> No.15054865

>Wtf would he even be suing him for
Some bullshit but he can afford to hire high priced lawyers to make the guy's life miserable. The point is to deter anyone else from doing it.

>> No.15054868
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>> No.15054870

Not a problem (for now) but worst case scenario they could always suit up and ride the cargo dragon back

>> No.15054873

>wake up
>soyuz is leaking
will russia ever be a space power again? it wont be in our lifetimes will it?

>> No.15054876
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>> No.15054881
File: 1.65 MB, 1571x871, firefox_2022-12-14_23-34-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut arm doing

>> No.15054882
File: 2 KB, 662x111, firefox_2022-12-14_23-38-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we poplar

>> No.15054884


>> No.15054885


>> No.15054889

>arm grabbing a ship known for looking like a flying dick in a silver condom

>> No.15054892

Stock price down? It's like a Christmas present for the shortfags to let them unwind their position a bit... but their mental problems won't let them understand this, they'll just double down, won't they?

>> No.15054895

goin' in for the coolant cumshot

>> No.15054900
File: 1.32 MB, 3614x4819, Serena_Auñón-Chancellor_during_spacewalk_training_at_Neutral_Buoyancy_Lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't me.

>> No.15054913

>sold stock at an all time high
Seems like a good move to me

>> No.15054920

>esa arm
wtf how dare they copy us like that

>> No.15054921

Laugh all you want about soyuz, but today the RS-25E had its first ever hotfire. Emergency shutdown lmao

>> No.15054924
File: 2.11 MB, 5568x3712, ISS-59_EVA-3_(b)_Anne_McClain_suited_up_inside_the_Quest_airlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me either.

>> No.15054928

>"First time?"

>> No.15054934

that's what the E stands for

>> No.15054935

Efficient grifting

>> No.15054940
File: 686 KB, 1170x776, C31CC2AE-61D0-4B8B-B854-0880A004D18E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ride back to the motherland? Not my problem

>> No.15054945

she can fix me

>> No.15054949

It's too dark light a matchstick

>> No.15054952

if this was just a russian or chinese station we may never hear about the leak. thankfully nasa is open to the public.

>> No.15054960

This is a russian space station anon

also if the chinese randomly launched a lifeboat shingshangdingdong capsule or whatever it's called I'm pretty sure enough people would ask questions that they'd have to make a press release eventually

>> No.15054962

I knew the Russian shit would start falling apart just like the rest of their country.

>> No.15054964

russians are pretty good about being as open as NASA. Although the roscosmos website has been down for a while. But anatoly zac would find out eventually. If it were their own station then yeah maybe they would be way more secretive. I have to give NASA credit they uploaded all the pad damage from SLS to the image archive. It’s cool that they are open about everything

>> No.15055016
File: 105 KB, 1170x402, CBE4FEF0-283C-420B-A9ED-4C2B443231EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over

>> No.15055026
File: 86 KB, 1557x677, 1639798412236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia WILL get to the bottom of this, who did the last female EVA?

>> No.15055031
File: 96 KB, 640x394, Barry Wilmore Clickhole interview quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the same reason you don't open its airlocks when the whole crew is inside.

>> No.15055053
File: 1.58 MB, 3920x2160, FY0nhDmXgAEajmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, Vladimir Vladimirovich?

>> No.15055076

Two weeks

>> No.15055080
File: 2.58 MB, 1280x720, Dancing Starship.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, technically, wouldn't all the 24/7 NSF cameras also be a problem because they provide real-time location information. Elon's been spotted on the streams before.

>> No.15055081

Yes, but they're on Youtube, and Google doesn't seem to care

>> No.15055085

Shame he thinks Mars is all that matters while he spends $44b on social media and $0 on Mars.

>> No.15055088

>Cosmonauts sent the video of the damaged location to Earth using the American communication channel, says Dmitry Strugovets, the former head of Roscosmos press service. “Why? Because the modem of data transmission through the Russian Luch system broke f***ing down”, he said.

when it rains it pours

>> No.15055093


Booster 9 rolling out for test campaign

>> No.15055094
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>> No.15055095

>booster 9

>> No.15055096
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Jettison the russian side

>> No.15055106
File: 209 KB, 2048x1150, Fj_t5ZzXkAADRk3.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher res pic of inspection

>> No.15055117
File: 863 KB, 1178x1162, Screenshot 2022-12-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and rogozin bfto

>> No.15055123
File: 100 KB, 900x652, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Soyuz look like a garbage bag?

>> No.15055126

Is that something to do with ice formations possibly damaging the craft?

>> No.15055131
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>> No.15055140

Because its covered in a thermal blanket.
Its a design from the 60s and 70s, dude, its pretty much the AK47 of spacecraft.
Old, clunky, obsolete but proven to be reliable.

>> No.15055150

>ywn be on the ISS when Anna Kikina is in charge of Penis Inspection Day
Why live bros

>> No.15055170

>but proven to be reliable.
Not anymore lol

>> No.15055183

Why is her chest split open above her breasts?

>> No.15055188
File: 206 KB, 1500x1000, Soyuz in natural habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russians love their tea cozies on spacecraft.

>> No.15055191

Blankie :)

>> No.15055196

She'd only laugh, anon

>> No.15055198

>society was going to collapse because woke libtards of twitter secretly bullied /pol/tards to make them post their memes elsewhere
The polarized society with all its issues exists because of the US' dumbfuck voting system and the two clown parties it permanently keeps in power. Not because of some fucking app.
Elon is so far off the mark here, it's fucking ridiculous. 44 billion for this. That's a good downpayment on a moon or mars base right there.
Can't believe how much headspace of his has been wasted on /pol/ memes lately.

>> No.15055206

Its been 40 billion to dismantle Twitter piece by piece. I would have done the same, but i'd have also leaked the personal info, usernames and passwords of literally everyone registered in there.

>> No.15055216


>> No.15055217

>44 billion for this.
He could have made 4 JWSTs with that money. Imagine all the probes that could have been made with this amount of money.

>> No.15055218

he sold because the entire market is gonna fucking nosedive in the coming year

>> No.15055223

Polarization happens because social media censors conservative voice that would otherwise have balanced the echos of the left. When social medias are controlled by the left and suppression happens on the right, you get echo chambers. With echo chambers you breed extremism. Its simple as that.

To restore a sense of normalacy, all social media/tech giants need to be neutral. Twitter is a start. Facebook needs to be as well. So does Google/Apple/and so on. Leddit for example is a leftist echo chamber created by extreme censorship. You get extremist voice controlling the narrative of the entire site.

>> No.15055226

he didnt actually pay 44 billion, you realize that right? you're not that stupid are you?

>> No.15055228

To restore normalcy you have to kill the concept of social media. Ban it and hunt any attempts to replicate it.

>> No.15055230

Polarizarion is provoked by the US government because it achieves two things: people's blind trust in politicians and being able to deflect any criticism into "the other side", plus not having to promise or do anything beyond not being the opposite guy.

The culture war is a psyop to kill America's libertarian spirit and turn everyone into puppets of the state.

>> No.15055232

I mean I wouldn't call it "reliable" in the sense that it always works 100% as intended, but it's VERY hard to fuck up a soyuz bad enough to kill its occupants. They're obviously going to repair or replace this this one before they come home but I'm pretty certain that if they needed to they could get this bitch back home in one piece.

>> No.15055233
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Some guy came to the similar conclusion

>> No.15055236

How, soyuz are expendable, they cant land.

>> No.15055263


>> No.15055265


Another S24 static fire later today

>> No.15055273
File: 293 KB, 720x420, 1541936845115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>space is on fire

>> No.15055283
File: 7 KB, 190x232, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be a bad idea to try to pee too hard. I found this cool trick where you can pinch the end just right and push and get a few feet more altitude, maybe even all the way to the ceiling, but then I noticed I was getting dark grey strands in my spooge, which I think was blood, so I might have pushed pee into my balls. So yeah, I don't do that anymore, but it was still pretty cool. You can stand at a urinal and whiz over a stall wall onto a person sitting on a toilet in a public bathroom. Try it yourself if you don't belive me.

>> No.15055300

Is the human bladder autogenously pressurised? If not what gas does it use?

>> No.15055302

i've been alive for a long time and even i cant explain pressure differentials in the bladder. not even the lungs make sense. it shouldnt work but it does every day. our God is a great God

>> No.15055305
File: 166 KB, 1080x1365, zhuque tiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they want to reuse this

>> No.15055307
File: 118 KB, 712x516, ssto mockingbird-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSTO bros....
>But it was found that, if design properly, the simple target vehicle could do some rather more interesting things than simply get blasted. With a very lightweight aluminum rocket engine (yes, a rocket engine can be made from aluminum – it simply needs good regen cooling and, preferably, some additional fuel-film cooling) burning a combination of hydrogen peroxide and JP-5 performance in terms of thrust and Isp would be fairly high, and bulk vehicle density would also be quite high. It would, in fact, be just barely possible that this modest target vehicle would be able to attain low Earth orbit with a payload of 10 kilograms… hence the nickname “bricklifter.” Empty weight would be 75 kilograms; light enough to be picked up be two men.Gross weight would be 1500 kilograms; light enough to be carried by a largish pickup truck. And small enough that it could potentially be launched from the back of a smallish pickup truck.

>> No.15055318

the ancient texts foretold

>> No.15055326

My pee comes out with barely any pressure. This dude at my last job it came out like a fire hose. I was honestly starting to get nervous like my shit is broken. But they are the abnormal one. Not sure what the fuck was causing such pressure.

>> No.15055329


>> No.15055340
File: 49 KB, 671x664, sheev fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20:1 mass ratios are a pathway to abilities some consider to be unnatural.

>> No.15055364
File: 586 KB, 330x448, 1630356308532.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got to slow-walk that grift

>> No.15055368

Heh, I only just realized that "Lil X" wasn't a rapper.
And now he's dealing with the issue as a case of direct personal harm, not as speech, which is the right way to do it. You can yell fire in a crowded theater as free speech, but you can still get punished for the panic it causes.

>> No.15055371

>the first methane fueled rocket to fly to orbit
I'm cool with anybody setting this record, except for the part that there still hasn't been one yet. It's time to get over hydromeme already.

>> No.15055376

>sure look like shitbags
Why would they? Posting publicly available flight data is pretty different from actually following someone

>> No.15055386

Holy kek Astra BTFO. Rocket 3 could only get like 20 kg

>> No.15055390

Isn't ORSC the harder half to "rich"? Might as well go FFSC, good on SpaceX for that.
I remember that time when there were three launches (including China) in a space of like 2 hours. But they were all from different launch sites. Launching from 40 then 39A is bonkers.
And it's not even a night launch. Tomorrow? My body is ready.
Wasn't he an /sfg/er? Regular YT videos be a lot of work, yo.
And now stampfinn is missing too.

>> No.15055413
File: 256 KB, 274x362, 9A4C261E-F8CA-4F5E-B0BB-CC8286F7E5DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Booster 9 is getting ready for rollout soon, too. This is going to be a wild couple of days
>Ship 24 static fire
>Three Falcon 9 launches tomorrow
>Booster 9 rollout and maybe even cryo
And this is just this week and maybe next

>> No.15055455
File: 74 KB, 965x647, shuttle et srb base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sekine: Analysis of @CassiniSaturn data reveals the first evidence for phosphate in Enceladus’s ocean. The concentration of phosphate is >1000X that of Earth’s ocean—likely due to the dissolution of apatite in an alkaline (pH~9) and CO2-rich ocean environment.
exobio bros we are so back

>> No.15055458

>Isn't ORSC the harder half to "rich"? Might as well go FFSC, good on SpaceX for that.
No you’re right. There’s a lot of factors to compare but at the end of the day, when you have raptor (FFSC) and it’s ‘counterpart,’ the BE-4 (ORSC) it’s way better to run with the FFSC cycle. My point though was that the RD-180 is fucking cool and I wanted America to get the chance to try their hand at it. It has disadvantages to raptor (cost only because aerojet sucks, slightly harder refurbishment for reusability, lower isp) but it has advantages too (denser fuel, less massive tanks)
I think once raptor has been flying for a while it will dethrone the RD-180 for reliability, power, cost (already better apparently). RD-180 is dual-chambered but 2 raptors can take up the same space as an RD-180 and come out on top with better performance. And this performance is only going to increase the same way it did with merlin.

>> No.15055461

That's what I was thinking

>> No.15055477

It’s criminal that Aerojet had the designs for the RD180 licensed, but never decided to build them.

>> No.15055489

they dont do anything the government wont pay them to do

>> No.15055509

>mfw men try to draw women. . .

>> No.15055513

love how nsf (niggers of space flight), without fail, put the most interesting part of their videos at the very end

>> No.15055530

wow it's nothing

>> No.15055537

How do they get outside for EVAs?

>> No.15055549

Which woman sabotage soyuz this time?

>> No.15055563

I downvoted this because of Space Karen.

>> No.15055566

The female Russian astronaut. Brings it full circle.

>> No.15055568
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Testing soon

If I had to guess, it's S24 static fire.

>> No.15055569

He's called

>> No.15055574
File: 366 KB, 2000x2473, elon-musk-shirtless-mykonos-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that's the best one yet

>> No.15055580

ayylmaos confirmed yet again

>> No.15055583

no it isn't. poshpine is completely natural. why do you believe this bunk?

>> No.15055591

I’m surprised we didn’t get a spin prime first

>> No.15055613

they already fired the engines

>> No.15055642


>> No.15055645

He fucking is to French democracy tho

>> No.15055647

>He fucking is to French democracy tho
not even close to democracy

>> No.15055648

gotta be MBS

>> No.15055649
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, gwynne.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy spotted

>> No.15055650

Personnel stalking is pretty bad imo. NSF shies away from it for professionalism however the other streams like labpadre guys are into it.

>> No.15055651

Okay, surely BO has offered her an absurd amount of money

>> No.15055652

>Jeff Bezos tried to hire Gwynne Shotwell to run Blue Origin in 2016—he ended up with Bob Smith.

>> No.15055655

NSF did it once where Elon looked at B7 after mishap but yeah it's extremely inappropriate.

>> No.15055657

If Luna 25 sticks a perfect landing after rotting for 15 years in some gloomy building I'm going crazy
Hell that could happen, Nauka worked. Anything is possible.

>> No.15055658

how tf do i slide my penis into her bros

>> No.15055662

That would require deep space coms for Orion (unavailable) and Mars-rated heat shield (unavailable)
Also that would be utterly useless.

>> No.15055669


>> No.15055671

AR-1 SLS liquid rocket boosters (-18, space porn, taxpayers BDSM)

>> No.15055673

Isn’t Bob still working there?

>> No.15055678
File: 13 KB, 595x335, E8F07FBC-DDA2-48B9-9E3C-EDE30BB2E09D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Antares now using a Firefly Beta first stage as it’s own, why even call it “Antares” anymore?
For the Antares 200, they replaced the AJ-26s with RD-181s. Now they’re replacing the whole first stage.
Is it still “Antares” anymore? If ULA replaced the Atlas V first stage with a Falcon 9 core, would it really be “Atlas V?”

>> No.15055735
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>> No.15055740
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>> No.15055742


>> No.15055745 [DELETED] 

everyone here has their Avatar 2 tickets right

>> No.15055748

No, not really, his group owns a few economic newspaper, there’s some influence when journos try to cover lvmh affiliated companies, and of course lots of tax avoidance, but Arnault doesn’t have some media empire (He tried a while ago but didn’t conclude) nor is he linked to some huge political shattering scandals

>> No.15055750

I watched the trailer and I don't think I'm gonna like it. Also the cgi looks really shitty

>> No.15055753

Holy shit, hahHAHA holyyy shiit

>> No.15055754
File: 49 KB, 638x476, whalers on the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no

>> No.15055782

No, it's trash.

>> No.15055811

Why is Gwynne so obsessed with Earth to Earth Starship? It’s fucking retarded

>> No.15055812

Considering the Atlas and Delta family tree yes.
I wonder how much assembly Northrup Grumman will do on the Firefly first stage. Shame they quit using the AJ-26 hate to see the engine go to waste.

>> No.15055814

yea of course

>> No.15055820

Turning a 24 hour flight into a 2 hour trip means the ROI on even the most expensive vehicle increases 12 fold. Fair bit of money to be made at E to E. Alas FAA is big gay.

>> No.15055823

She's looking out for SpaceX's CGI artists

>> No.15055840

With a 787 ~US$338.4 million (2019) doing one trip a day. A StarShip and infrastructure can approach US$4 billion in capital cost if able to do 12 trips at the same ticket price. So even with some egregious cost overruns StarShip could very well disrupt the long distance aero flight market.

>> No.15055852

E2E could work if the world was 100% anarchocapitalist. With regulations and nation states with their own interests, it will never work outside of niche military applications.

>> No.15055867

Heavier than air will never fly.
Rockets can't fly in space.

>> No.15055869

>Turning a 24 hour flight into a 2 hour trip means the ROI on even the most expensive vehicle increases 12 fold. Fair bit of money to be made at E to E. Alas FAA is big gay.
>With a 787 ~US$338.4 million (2019) doing one trip a day. A StarShip and infrastructure can approach US$4 billion in capital cost if able to do 12 trips at the same ticket price. So even with some egregious cost overruns StarShip could very well disrupt the long distance aero flight market.
Not how any of this works.

>> No.15055878

I don't see why I would do that
a message that would be timely about 100-300 years ago
I hope next time he will tackle a more contemporary topic, like the dangers of asbestos or why whaling industry is wrong

>> No.15055893

it costs SpaceX nothing in terms of R&D and would bring some extra money
not a practical way to travel, but I'm sure there would be people willing to pay just for the novelty/experience and speed
I mean Concorde made profit despite everything

>> No.15055894

not gonna fall for it

>> No.15055901

E2e doesn't just have to be people. Cargo will be the first and main use. 1 hour shipping anywhere for only $500 extra per kg is worth it in many cases.

>> No.15055923
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>> No.15055924
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>> No.15055931


>> No.15055932

>soyuz leak was likely caused by micrometeorite or debris
its getting dangerous in LEO

>> No.15055938

>it costs SpaceX nothing in terms of R&D
10 billion at least to turn a man-rated starship into a viable hypersonic transporter

>> No.15055940
File: 72 KB, 1170x942, 96E3DD77-1F85-4E3D-AC1A-B14CAE66A34D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon banned the account that tracked Russian oligarch jets too lol
Not a good look

>> No.15055944
File: 432 KB, 386x494, Kozak, more like my Ko-nutzak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if there's one for Ukrainian oligarchs

>> No.15055947
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who care

>> No.15055951

Welp, seems like it’s the first case of a man-rated capsule getting significantly damaged by mmod right? Probably first of many

>> No.15055959
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>Space debris expert: Orbits will be lost—and people will die
should've listened to jah. he warned us.

>> No.15055960

S24 gearing up for static fire.

>> No.15055962

Stalking is not okay

>> No.15055965

>oh now you're listening?
>too late

>> No.15055967


FAA doesn't have enough resources to support high launch Candace of SpaceX

>> No.15055986
File: 80 KB, 900x636, AFA0D846-8948-47E0-BB18-8B9AAFF56C15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NSF starts their stream before S24 even gets frosty

>> No.15055995

corrupt congressman A: if we cant stop spacex then how do we slow them down?
corrupt congressman B: i know, lets not give the faa enough funding!

>> No.15055999

>no hops
>orbital test has been two weeks away for a year
>Elon is spending more money on social media than he is on payloads for Starship
>Elon, whether right or wrong, is quickly turning public opinion against him which has an increasing risk of negatively affecting SpaceX
>blue origin is making a cartoon
Guys what happened :(

>> No.15056008

It's all Jack Sweeney stop shilling.

>> No.15056010

>Bureaucracy can't support advancement of mankind

>> No.15056020

>no hops
No need for them anymore and with the current setup of methane tanks, they're impossible to perform.
>orbital test has been two weeks away for a year
The launch site hasn't been finished yet.
>Elon is spending more money on social media than he is on payloads for Starship
If you exclude Starship, customers are the ones that pay for payloads. However, commercial payloads are two years away. Starship in the nearest future will be fully occupied with Artemis. They, if they have enough time, vehicles, they will launch Starlink V2.
>Elon, whether right or wrong, is quickly turning public opinion against him which has an increasing risk of negatively affecting SpaceX
Irrelevant, when they start a hate campaign against you, you can't do much.
>blue origin is making a cartoon

>> No.15056023

*If you exclude Starlink

>> No.15056027

gotta rack those supercummies in

>> No.15056030

In retrospect; we all were a bit cocky about how long the launch site would take

>> No.15056032

I've been saying that for months.

>> No.15056033

yes, I don't really care but my friends absolutely want to see it

>> No.15056035

accelerate. LEO should remain natural

>> No.15056037

speak for yourself
I was always an unironic doomposter

>> No.15056043

this is the most modern looking rocket I've seen, really nice

>> No.15056044

I am lol. I got too cocky. The suborbital hops required almost no infrastructure

>> No.15056049

>Candace of SpaceX
Feet pics?

>> No.15056052

Speculation is that S24 won’t fire all her engines. Maybe 1-3

>> No.15056057

Titanic 2 where jack survives

>> No.15056065

>source: my ass

>> No.15056067
File: 79 KB, 992x742, 1658092985473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the eternal /sfg/ cycle. We're now in the
>What the fuck it's actually over I can't believe $TRIVIAL ISSUE happened, I'm literally shaking and crying
In a month or two, or even six, Starship + Superheavy is going to fly and it'll swing back to the
Then Elon won't instantly solve all the world's problems with the wave of a finger, and we'll have to endure months more of
>Wtf is it actually that hard in spaceflight? Bros?

>> No.15056069

No NSF commentary = no static fire

>> No.15056068


>> No.15056071


>> No.15056073


>> No.15056075

>Ship 24 is loaded for a 1 to 3 engine static fire test or spin prime.

>> No.15056076

that's just the doomposters, if there's a lot of "spacex fuck yeah" going on, they just get lost as noise

>> No.15056077

it's over

>> No.15056078

its over

>> No.15056081


>> No.15056083


>> No.15056085
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>> No.15056088

Makes sense that they only fired a single engine. Only one Raptor was replaced since the 6 engine test

>> No.15056093

Oh my god...hundreds of tiles lost

>> No.15056094
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>> No.15056099
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My point is that a 2022 orbital test flight was always a nearly impossible goal, if Starship flew in December it would have been the quickest development of a superheavy lift vehicle of all time.


>> No.15056101

how long a delay will this tile loss induce ?

>> No.15056105

none. the booster is not ready.

>> No.15056106

Losing the tiles won't cause any delay.

>> No.15056112
File: 1.08 MB, 986x1764, Screenshot_2022-12-15_at_2.05.50_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the tiles have mostly fallen off from where the new welds are

>> No.15056116

That was fast

>> No.15056124

I suddenly think those single use non-ceramic heat shields aren't that bad. Like how long could it take to wrap a SS in that stuff that protects the inflatable heat shield

>> No.15056127

>expendable heat shields

>> No.15056129

>single use

>> No.15056133
File: 2.93 MB, 900x740, S24 12 15.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see tiles pop from that one line.

>> No.15056136

one fell from the wing.

>> No.15056147

If NASA wanted to , could an exact replica Saturn V be built and launched today?

>> No.15056153

it could be launch extremely easily and quickly

>> No.15056157

Yes if only thry wanted to

>> No.15056167

no, just coolant
its all ran out now, and they're evaluating how it happened. There's some external damage, so probably a micrometeorite or undetected debris. We all knew this day would eventually come.

>> No.15056171

nah this was Russian engineering. Stop blaming it on God

>> No.15056174

>problems pissing
must be Soyuz penis inspection day!

>> No.15056189

And I already watched it yesterday
It's that good that I'm going again

>> No.15056192

>just coolant
Said coolant just happens to be ammonia, a highly corrosive fluid. Fucking churka space program.

>> No.15056195

>And now stampfinn is missing too
Someone is taking out /sfg/, one by one. I wonder who's ne

>> No.15056196


>> No.15056197

So how many engines is this?

>> No.15056198


>> No.15056200


>> No.15056217

Booster 9 is on the move

>> No.15056290
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Ship 26 gijinka

>> No.15056298

someone draw a baseduz gijinka wetting herself please

>> No.15056299
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, s26 fire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15056304

Some times I wish i could hijack SpaceX controls and launch during a static fire. Hopefully the hacker known as 4chan will help me.

>> No.15056314

flattering angle

>> No.15056329

I don't get it
when does the drone drop the VOG-17 grenade on the starship

>> No.15056335

They sometimes drop balls that extinguish fires.

>> No.15056336


>> No.15056349

Falcon 9 never needed a thousand static fires before launching the first time

>> No.15056397

at this point im starting to believe the people who are saying that orbital launch is NET april. it looks like spacex are delaying launch as long as possible.

>> No.15056403

do spacex even have the authorization to launch from boca chica yet?

>> No.15056409

If I’m remembering this correctly they actually have full license to launch falcon 9 from there

>> No.15056411

Can't they just say that Starship identifies as Falcon 9?

>> No.15056412

July probably or September

>> No.15056416

I'd be VERY happy with an operational Starship this half of the decade desu

>> No.15056417

>russia's space industry is collapsing
>despite this they'll still be the 3rd best country at spaceflight because nobody else tries
why do countries avoid investing in space so much?

>> No.15056421

Because it doesn't buy you votes. Better waste money on welfare.

>> No.15056427

Brain drain and corruption are two major reasons

>> No.15056431

You both need a somewhat educated population, some decent political stability at least initially, either a strong state or a strong military, and most importantly a geopolitical reason to develop your own missiles rather than relying on another country's

>> No.15056434

India could overtake Russia within the decade 2bh

>> No.15056436

countries that are *trying* in spaceflight
>south korea
but they're so far behind

>> No.15056448

Iran is also trying

>> No.15056457

Iran is just taking a fairly healthy ICBM program and trying to evolve it into some domestic launch capability for their spysats. They're "trying," but they're not really trying for very much.

India's trying and doing a pretty good job within their limits, but if they want to get out of the minor leagues they're going to have to give the ISRO more than ~2B/year. They've already overtaken Russia in deep space, but if they want to surpass them overall the Russian are going to have to outright collapse.

>> No.15056477

>they're going to have to give the ISRO more than ~2B/year
That will happen if/when their economy actually starts to function. Right now 2B is actually pretty solid, especially when you adjust for purchasing power.

>> No.15056480
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>> No.15056492

ISRO is having issues with supply chains. For instance, they can launch a max of 3 GSLV MK3’s ever 2 years (1.5/year). Pretty bad

>> No.15056500
File: 929 KB, 1125x1452, CE2AD474-EE59-4FD8-B0FA-946286A0C1D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roscosomos wants to sell 10 RD 191 engines to India

>> No.15056503
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>> No.15056511

Oh, now this is where things start getting interesting. India's the last viable market for Russian engine tech. If this does happen we might actually the LVM-4/GSLV mk4 make some progress towards a launch.

>> No.15056519
File: 2.66 MB, 1280x720, KSpaceAcademy-1603424934851641344-20221215 102109-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15056523

RD 191 is a good engine. It could really help out ISRO. You’re right that India is Russia’s main buyer of aerospace stuff because they also purchased a few Su fighter jets

>> No.15056527

S24 sharted

>> No.15056531

Imagine the day we have pictures like this of the HLS on the moon

>> No.15056532
File: 232 KB, 1080x1080, C2DDD458-7494-4F8D-82B5-8327193B969B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She coomed…

>> No.15056533


>> No.15056535

With a bit of editing you could make it look like it's flying

>> No.15056548

India's SCE-200 program has been radio silent for nearly a year, and was behind schedule even before that. Ukrainian drama might have just killed the project. The RD-191 is about as close to a drop in for the SCE as it was for the AJ-26 on the Antares.

India and Russia's space programs have some pretty close ties too. All of India's hopeful astronauts have been preping for their first flight at cosmonaut training facilities.

>> No.15056549

Disappointing news about SCE 200.

>> No.15056552
File: 428 KB, 1200x1800, 6048EEF0-A521-408E-9C02-3DD8E27898E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chandrayaan 3’s launch got pushed back because the GSLV MK3 it was going to ride on was used for OneWeb instead. Apparently, the OneWeb contract made ISRO a lot of money at the cost of delaying their homegrown programme

>> No.15056555

Maybe I'm coping, but surely if only a small number of tiles here or there come off then it should be fine? Like how much damage will you get from a couple of missing tiles?

>> No.15056559

why dont they sell any to iran

>> No.15056562

>but surely if only a small number of tiles here or there come off then it should be fine
>how much damage will you get from a couple of missing tiles
total RUD if it's on a tank section, maybe fine if it's on the skirt.

>> No.15056573
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A tile (pic related is Shuttle, but you get the idea) isn't that big though. Some melting might occur but it shouldn't be fatal.

>> No.15056576

Disappointing but not really surprising. Post-SSR Ukrainian propulsion tech has always been an overvalued quantity, and it's not like India is the only international partner getting screwed by geopolitics right now.

Starship isn't made of melt-in-your-mouth aerospace aluminum like the shuttle was. It's an issue, but it's not that big of an issue. Still might RUD the ship if it happens in the wrong place, but we don't have crew aboard at this stage and we're supposed to admire hardware rich testing.

>> No.15056608

>lunar mission delayed for the sake of a constellation
shit, at least they're getting money.
Do you have the source? I just wanna check if they have a new launch date.

>> No.15056701

It would be a major PR setback if nothing else

>> No.15056710
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>> No.15056716

>It would be a major PR setback if nothing else
kill yourself
the ship is extremely likely to explode at some point.
there is no consideration to be made for pr

>> No.15056717

zubrin being correct as always. so many dumb takes on the fusion stuff going around.

>> No.15056720

It's actually fucking cringe how mamy people think this means a goddamn thing

>> No.15056726

it doesn't mean nothing
obviously reality is always 90% more boring and retarded than the headlines say

>> No.15056728
File: 87 KB, 828x378, its time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is anyone else ready to start hunting regulators for sport? Because I'm pretty much there.

>> No.15056729
File: 23 KB, 240x240, Thinking Emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the problem with tiles on takeoff is vibration rather than temperature, why don't they just, I dunno, slather them all in some crazy glue?

Sure it'd burn off during re-entry but the tiles would stay attached until then, which has gotta be less turbulent.

>> No.15056731

>hello fellow domestic terrorists

>> No.15056734

biden can spend a trillion dollars on ukraine, hire tens of thousands of irs auditors, but not a dime for more faa people to speed things along

>> No.15056739

We need to copy over that corrupt user fee idea from the FDA. Imagine: an FAA funded by the number of approved launches it can process in a year.

>> No.15056744

stop glowing retard

>> No.15056745

The FAA is working exactly as intended. You think oldspace cares about having the slowest launch cadence possible?

This might not be the worst idea I've ever heard.

>> No.15056746

It means as much as some cunt of a Norwegian bike repair dude created the first gas turbine that produced more power than required to run itself.
Fucking nothing at the time, but eventually allowed for cool shit like jet engines.
Until the energy produced is more than the energy cost to start the reaction as well as cover all energy required to produce the fuel, it's a net loss. And we're not going to see a net gain for a very very long time.

>> No.15056748

Sometimes sincerely expressed discontent is just sincerely expressed discontent. I'm not talking about to starting club here.

>> No.15056752

Hello fellow 4channel users, do any of you also wish to do lots of crime? Lean forward and speak into the microphone

>> No.15056753

speaking of oldspace, when are they going to break ULA up?

>> No.15056763

kek, they are seething

>> No.15056765

Perhaps because Antares 330 will probably continue just flying Cygnus, while Beta/MLV will be commercially marketed.

UAE is just doing it for prestige like literally everything else they do. They want to feel relevant beyond oil.

>> No.15056771

They won't break up so much as dissolve. Going forward they're just a Vulcan marketing company. They've got contracts through 2027, but if they don't get anything from NSSL-3 then they won't have enough commercial contracts to stay viable as an LSP and they might die off. They could survive if they could switch gears to something that's not simple launch services but most of those opportunities are going to get poached by either Boeing or Lockheed.

I wouldn't be surprised if Beta ends up turning into an Antares 400.

>> No.15056775

ok glowtard, maybe you could also tell about your extremist beliefs about society and convince more fellow 4chan users

>> No.15056777

stop namefagging nigger

>> No.15056785

oopsie, left that there by accident desu

>> No.15056794
File: 165 KB, 1288x968, FkDryUOVEAENo3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to link if you wanna read the anthropomorphic rover talk

>> No.15056807

How about anthropomorphic rover imagery?

>> No.15056809

Anon come on now

>> No.15056811

I can't draw good stuff no matter how much I try

>> No.15056816

>My source is I made it the fuck up

>> No.15056824
File: 1.17 MB, 4013x1183, 1657308143829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the japanese team doesnt look very japanese...

>> No.15056832

counted 12 japanese out of 27 people

>> No.15056841

I'd be satisfied if they called it Antares 400 in the end. There's something cool to me about long lines of evolving and often hardly-related rockets sharing a name.

>> No.15056848

elon is randomly banning journalists on twitter now
the end is near
no mars by 2040

>> No.15056852

That lander had a long history with Dutch, American and Indian involvment so it's not surprising

>> No.15056861


They stopped pretending they can launch twice from the cape in 30 minutes

>> No.15056864

no one will use inertial confinement fusion at large scale. it's like gas, diesel, and a third option. interial is the third option no one uses, like hydrogen

>> No.15056875

The whole point of the Gom Jabbar test is to see if you're a human or an animal by judging your ability to control your baser impulses in a dangerous situation. Pravda bitches be failing left and right tonight. This is a good thing.

>> No.15056898

How would they have pulled this off? Would they have had one long livestream

>> No.15056901

No [math]\unicode{x13143}[/math] [math]\unicode{x13143}[/math]

>> No.15056909

>multiple launches in one stream
That would have been really cool tho

>> No.15056912

If they could have it would have been as simple as launching one and then launching the other. One long livestream would probably have been the simplest part of it.

I'd guess that the bottleneck is probably in critical personnel. The first launch wouldn't have got all the way to payload deployment by the time the second was due to launch and there's probably recycling time before those people can even move over to get started on a new countdown. You'd need two parallel teams and matching sets of control infrastructure, and that's just not an investment that SpaceX needs to make at this point.

>> No.15056924

They went after his kids, he's fucking pissed now

>> No.15056936
File: 47 KB, 610x813, goth Musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

>> No.15056939

Anyone got the "who do you think owns the press" screenshot?

>> No.15056955

Damn, page 10 already?

>> No.15056966
File: 255 KB, 1170x821, 9D48E967-3A76-4F04-8F42-82FA6233CD17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15056970


>> No.15056972

Journos doxing others lmao

>> No.15056978

Official /sfg/ song:

>> No.15056982

>Nozzles going into an even bigger nozzle
Imagine the specific impulse

>> No.15057012
File: 2.53 MB, 3000x1825, FkEUlVPacAAh7Kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Countdown Begins! INNOSPACE Launch Date of HANBIT-TLV Set December 19th 6 am (Brasilia Time) from the Alcântara Space Center in Brazil.
>Live streaming – due to limited network access on a military base, it won’t be possible unfortunately. Our team is preparing for recording.
Bruhzil moment

>> No.15057030


>> No.15057125

uncontrollable volumes of porn for a site with their levels of resources meant they couldn't effectively police all content, which meant pizza with no toppings was slipping through the filters. They couldn't moderate it so they blanket banned everything.