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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 206 KB, 591x598, vax-vs-infection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15050341 No.15050341 [Reply] [Original]

I see this kind of shit a lot. Given that the vaxes don't prevent infection, it's not very useful to pit the vax risk against the infection risk, because that could mean, in the worst case, that vaxed+infected has more risk than unvaxed+infected via simple addition of risks. Obviously the risk reality isn't so simple, but goobers like this do nothing to enlighten.

>> No.15050818

Holy shit, I created a vax thread with 0 replies. Really the Holy Grail of /sci/.

>> No.15050851

Leonardi is right that covid fucks your t-cells. He's wrong that the mrna doesn't fuck up your veins/organs. The real trick is to not get either but that's probably only possible for wealthy schizoids like myself.

>> No.15052026

Need a servant?

>> No.15052623

Almost if not all /sci/ are fully vaxxed retards. They think cause muh math muh steam makes them geniuses yet they failed the only test that mattered in their existence. They will perish like the shabbas goy they are.

>> No.15054670
File: 81 KB, 707x900, Faucikiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

safe and effective! kek