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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15049434 No.15049434 [Reply] [Original]

Balls edition

Previous: >>15047166

>> No.15049439

the fuck?

>> No.15049442

Propellant is stored in the balls.

>> No.15049444
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3rd for MUSTARD

>> No.15049445
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look who came out his little man-cave

>> No.15049446

>jannies killed this thread when nothing was happening
>didn't kill the one before that was one of the biggest shitshows in months

>> No.15049447

I've got balls

>> No.15049452

Propellant slosh

>> No.15049455
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>Remember when Blue Origin looked like they had a chance back in 2016
I was highly optimistic at the time, but then the lack of updates and the article about how much of a dumpster fire Amazon Games was and it all made sense that the incredibly rigid structure of Amazon doesn't adapt well to fast-moving industries like vidya and space, where Euraka moments are critical to breakthroughs and success and not every engineer wants to wait around for weeks for middle management to approve of a new test procedure.
Old thread reached bump limit then fell off page 10

>> No.15049458
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Cancel the SLS and build Shuttle II

>> No.15049460
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>/sfg/ getting culled now
OH NO NO NO It's the beginning of the end for muskrats.

>> No.15049467
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>this board moves so fucking slowly nobody knows about the bump limit

>> No.15049470

Thread was deleted on page 4

>> No.15049472
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This shocking incident just proves we need our own board

>> No.15049475

Blorg will never improve because Jeff Who is stupifyingly rich. If they don't earn enough this year, then he'll just bail them out. If the government denies a contract, then he'll just bribe someone until he gets what he wants. He's at the point where he is too rich to fail and it's making everyone connected to him dumber for it.

>> No.15049478

/intp/ - Interplanetary when?

>> No.15049483

This. I also checked the catalog, there aren't enough new threads to support the bump limit theory. The only logical explanation left is that it was ayys.

>> No.15049484

>/sfg/ as dead as the interplanetary species fantasy.

>> No.15049488
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>> No.15049490
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>> No.15049496
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>> No.15049504

Delete this before NASA tracks you down.

>> No.15049505

The four booster Ariane 5 WAS considered (in the European sense of the word) as a SLS/Ares V style moon rocket; two launches would get a European lander and capsule to LLO. You would have needed to update the GSE, but since they were going to use it for launching crew they'd probably have built a whole new crew-rated pad anyway. Beyond that you'd need a better cryogenic upper stage than what the A5 had at the time, but that was actually developed and is currently sitting on the top of the Ariane 6. It wasn't the worst proposal Europe's ever floated and it's biggest weakness was the fact that the Euros would need to nut up and actually design a spacecraft they intended to put people in.

The larger versions are pure Kerbal and politics, and would have only ever been proposed as a means to milk some funds for a project that had no chance of ever seeing the light of day.

>> No.15049518

would 4chan even still exist when we reach that point?

>> No.15049520
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Well there first was twin Vulcain A5 which was a recurrent proposal since the mid 80s (and still had échos today, see the recent twin Prometheus proposal for A6), was supposed to boost the payload by 4 tons or whatever in tbe early versions

Then there was tbe Ariane 5 ECB project with Vinci engines, shelved when ECA failed in 2003 but reappeared in 2009 as Midlife-Evolution, before being cancelled in 2017, the initial target was 12 tons GTO/10.2 TLI/23.2 LEO with evolution possibilities to 15 tons GTO, so they might have squeezed a 30 tons to LEO and 13 tons to TLI Through an iterative evolution of A5

Then there were various flyback liquid booster proposals, can’t find much hard data on it.

There was this SNECMA/SEP proposal of a lunar Ariane 5 from 1995 lol, 35 tons to TLI with a third (proto-Vinci) upper stage

>> No.15049521

>Then there were various flyback liquid booster proposals, can’t find much hard data on it.
Would winged boosters have worked as an early form of reuse?

>> No.15049524

I thought they were just less public with any progress, and they would finish that rocket within a few years and have started the next one by now.

>> No.15049527
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There’s no reason they couldn’t, although they have a gnarly mass penalty and there may be issues with tank integrity and heavy lateral heating and loads (unlike the up-down loads on a vertically landing booster)

>> No.15049529

New Glenn was supposed to fly in 2020 and now it’s NET Q4 2023. It’s even worse than starship with regards to delays lol

>> No.15049531

Q4 2023? I thought it was Q1 2023

>> No.15049535

Nope it’s Q4 2023. Sucks

>> No.15049540

A lot of the problems that make spaceplanes so unattractive in practice aren't nearly as bad when you're only dealing with boost-phase conditions. It's like the difference between Falcon 9 reusing the first stage and trying to reuse the second stage. You would get a bit more effort out of flyback boosters since you wouldn't need to save any fuel for landing or boost-back burns, but you'd lose some performance carrying the weight of the wings all the way to stage separation. Maintenance between flights could be a bigger issue, but that'd depend on how well you designed it.

It was a pretty compelling idea for reusing stages before SpaceX went all in on propulsive landing, but the design costs were always higher than what any of the industry players were willing to contribute.

>> No.15049544
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>> No.15049548
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>> No.15049550

I kinda wish Starship was an actual winged spaceplane that can achieve flight. I would gladly accept a reduction in payload if it meant Starship could land horizontally on a runway. It would still mog the Shuttle in terms of upmass even if you added wings and beefed it up. You have like a hundred tons of margin to cut into.

>> No.15049555
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We are coming up in 7 years since the first Falcon 9 landing and no one else is even close

>> No.15049561

I said when it landed that it put them 10 years ahead of the rest of the industry, but I might have undershot on that number.
It's really amazing how nobody else is even close, in the entire world.

>> No.15049568

They would have been just 10 years ahead if the rest of the world had decided that catching up was something they actually needed to do. ULA and friends spent years pretending that reuse was never economical, Europe insisted that the market that would need to support it would never emerge, India was never in a position to try given their anemic funding, and while China took them reasonably seriously all aerospace dev times are longer when you're working inside of the great wall. 10 years to develop partial reuse isn't a bad timeline when you're actually trying.

>> No.15049574

At this point SpaceX still has a huge lead over everyone because it took them 2-3 years to really get Falcon 9 reuse perfected. Hell, it took until last year for them to reach 10 flights on a core

>> No.15049578
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Linkspace is still planning a 100km VTVL flight is mid-2023, Deep Blue Aerospace is still trying to do a 10km hop

>> No.15049588

the thought of a foil tank gliding back is hilarious

>> No.15049595

surely they would have at least replaced both srbs with flybacks

>> No.15049596

They looked great in the early 2000s idk how many anons followed space back then but I did and they were doing autonomous landing testing and it was cool
Idk what happened (cough installing a honeywell guy as CEO) but they went ice cold and thought new shepard was a good idea. And not only that but they STILL THINK NS IS A GOOD IDEA WHICH IS FUCKING RETARDED

>> No.15049599

I remember when NSF members pieced together the first 'landing' video from the corrupted datastream. Wayyy back in the day

>> No.15049613

Today is the 10th anniversary of their first orbital insert. I had a long ass post about it but gookmoot’s new website is gay and has popup ads on mobile and fucks up your posts and as soon as I posted it just sent it to the shadow realm
It was just a funny recap on every nation’s response to the launch. Iran’s was the funniest. Columbia was extremely angry for some reason. China’s and Russia’s reactions were interesting

>> No.15049616
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>> No.15049623
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I crudely extended the chamber and switched to autogenously pressurized propane. Tested a few days ago with somewhat disappointing results. The flowrate of propane is way lower that I was expecting. I think either my new fuel solenoid (I fried one yet again, so I had a new one for this test, this time from a cheaper brand) is really restrictive, or there's a clog in by old propane lines I re-used. It made several very loud pops, but did not sustain itself.

I'm going to troubleshoot the lines and solenoid and try again at some point. Also going to make a new throat and nozzle while I'm at it. This one isn't quite optimized for the lower chamber pressure.

>> No.15049633

post updates please, I can't provide any help but homemade rockets are fucking COOL

>> No.15049634

Once they return to flight NS is actually well positioned to control all of the suborbital tourism market. It's just that this market is too small to pay back the accrued development costs and doesn't show any real capacity for further growth.

It wouldn't have been that bad of an idea if Blue had won a place on commercial crew. They had plans to develop an intermediate semi-reusable rocket powered by a BE-3 cluster and a crew capsule that would have had some heritage from NS. But they didn't win anything and now they're pushing ahead to their post-intermediate heavy lifter despite it being awkward as hell. Their unwillingness to go with a hardware rich development process didn't help things either.

>> No.15049637

Probably not, but the idea of an anonymous martian sledding board will live on.

>> No.15049643

All that comes to mind is that scene from always sunny where the McPoyles twins talk about cornering the VHS market lmao

>> No.15049650
File: 708 KB, 1920x873, 1 million human colony city on Mars by Max Rymsha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So realistically, how could you do it without every colonist dying like Jamestown?

>> No.15049661

don’t be english
don’t be protestant
plan, and have backups for your backups when your plans don’t work

>> No.15049662

have hundreds of thousands of people there and many times more tons of infrastructure
or constantly ship stuff from Earth

>> No.15049673

>Fucking garden-hose tubing and jank-ass spark plug connected to a car battery
>Captcha: TRW DS8

>> No.15049674

have a constant stream of thousands of ships going back and forth, fuck the transfer window, load them up with extra propellant so you have a cargo ship landing every week. Also pre-building a lot of the essentials with bots for a few years will help immensely

>> No.15049677

Will do! I'll take a crack at figuring out what's wrong over the next few days.

>> No.15049682

>have hundreds of thousands of people there
>they all die from starvation

>> No.15049692

Don't blow yourself up anon

>> No.15049694



>> No.15049725

here comes another Chinese earthquake

>> No.15049728
File: 39 KB, 171x235, happy 19th birthday 4chan s4s 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well 4chan has made it 19 years so far. I think we'll make it to 2040 easily enough.

>> No.15049732
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We've been in this dumpster fire for nearly two decades, surely we'll last another two

>> No.15049733
File: 291 KB, 1067x1200, avatar isv venture star sequel scorch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /SFG/, given a recent trailer for Avatar 2, how plausible would this be to actually do? From what can be determined, they're using the ISV antimatter plumes to scorch and cauterize the ground below.

Perhaps it's just film schlock, but cameron has a record of at least being plausible in much of his work.

>> No.15049735
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>> No.15049737
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>> No.15049740
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It's so thin

>> No.15049744

why are you visiting a museum like some child?

>> No.15049746

It's unlikely that thin spindly thing would survive reentry. Plus the plumes probably have some crazy radiation emissions so everyone in the ship is fucking dead. Why not just drop bombs? This is fucking retarded.

>> No.15049747

Honestly why does JAXA even bother having their own rockets, it seems so weird to me
Not that it’s based to have independent launch capability. But… it seems way more cost effective to just buy commercial launches from NASA, ESA, or Pockocmoc

>> No.15049755

From what I understand the US DoD just gave them all of their hydrogen R&D. So they basically got to skip a bunch of skill trees and go straight to making ze hydromeme. But yeah it still doesn’t make sense. H3 is so strange it never even crosses my mind when I think of ‘upcoming rockets’. Plus expander cycle first stage engines is beyond bizarre. I love JAXA but H3 might be even more retarded than New Glenn

>> No.15049759

Supplementary material says the rockets are angled just enough so passengers aren't cooked. /TV/ says the aim is to properly colonize in this film. They are not allowed proper bombs, only repurposed mining equipment. Given the engines are designed to operate continuously for 6 months, I guess they are gonna pull themselves back into orbit.

>> No.15049764
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>It's gonna be a space colony = bad film
It's not like there's gonna be sentient catgirls on Mars. Bring on the Starships.

>> No.15049776

>Supplementary material says the rockets are angled just enough so passengers aren't cooked.
It's not just the hot exhaust gases, it's all the gama rays which when going through an atmosphere will be creating cascades of radiation emissions in all direction.
> They are not allowed proper bombs, only repurposed mining equipment.
so basically they're allowed to do anything they want but they're restricted in how they get to do it. fair enough
that thing is still not going to survive in an atmosphere. much shorter antennas (which are of course static) still need wires to prevent them from bending and getting all fucked up just because of winds.

>> No.15049808
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I'm aware of the gamma rays, but not of the cascading effect. Perhaps it's to cauterize a region from the influences of moon-wide biological AI, burning away all traces of Eywa. I can't help but think of allusions to Mordor, but I doubt Cameron could craft a story like Tolkein, given his holier-than-thou native american alegories.

World building is alright though; I'd like to see what the other planets/moons are like in the system.

>> No.15049819

These look like stubbier versions of the Venture Star, basically just the drive section with a big payload at the front, lacking all the little spindly bits.
I think that with the ridiculous sustained thrust those engines are capable of, you could just ignore all the usual considerations of reentry and simply hover down all the way through the atmosphere from space at a leisurely pace. The payload might be a drop pod that gets left on the surface while the drive section goes back to space to collect another. The spine of the ship is already designed to deal with what I assume is appreciable constant acceleration during the journey, so if you've got minimal lateral forces during descent/ascent it should be fine.

>> No.15049823

It's a pretty linear evolution of Japan's domestic LVs. The H-II was a classic late 80s rocket: two stage hydromeme core with big segmented solids on the sides. It came straight from the thought process that birthed the Ariane 5 and all of the shuttle-derived vehicles that we never got around to building. Unfortunately, it cost $190 million per flight in 1990's money which made it DOA as a commercial offering. The main goal of the H-IIA was to cut that cost in half to $90 million, which it did, and the H-IIA had twenty successful years as a domestic launcher, even if it didn't have any commercial success abroad. The plan for the H3 was to halve the price again down to $45 million, which would be a good place for a commercial rocket if we were living in a world where SpaceX didn't exist.

Hydrogen is awkward as fuck, but if you can make it work, you can make it work. H3's biggest problem is that no one was planning on having a huge paradigm shift as their competition.

>> No.15049827

Bros, NASA faked the Orion landing, there's no way that piece of shit made it back.

>> No.15049828

Is there any recent optimistic space sci-fi?

>> No.15049829
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How plausible is something like this in the near future?

>> No.15049835

I LOVE the booster.

>> No.15049841

>autogenously pressurized
my brother in christ. make sure you're safe still even if the propane tank gets pressurized with oxidizer and ignites.

>> No.15049854


>> No.15049857

Nobody is really focusing on stations so unlikely.
People want to go to Moon and Mars.

>> No.15049860

(concerning Deep Space 1)
>On-board communications were set to remain in active mode in case the craft should be needed in the future. However, attempts to resume contact in March 2002 were unsuccessful.
Sad :(

>> No.15049864

It's ok, I have check valves

>> No.15049865
File: 2.04 MB, 1170x1627, B3717991-A0FF-477A-8168-FF85215BC555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(concerning Deep Space 2)
>Intended to be the first spacecraft to penetrate below the surface of another planet, after entering the Mars atmosphere DS2 was to detach from the Mars Polar Lander mother ship and plummet to the surface using only an aeroshell impactor, with no parachute.
>The mission was declared a failure on March 13, 2000, after all attempts to reestablish communications following the descent went unanswered.
Alright Deep Space 3 when

>> No.15049867
File: 1.84 MB, 1170x1477, 75BD0817-9064-42C7-99CB-55CBB59102BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goofy lithobreaking mission

>> No.15049870

I think I found the problem. It fucking crashed

>> No.15049874

>The probe radio equipment had a low chance of surviving the impact.
>The batteries may have failed on impact.
>The probes may have bounced on impact.
>The probes may have landed on their sides, resulting in bad antenna performance or radio link geometry.
>The probes may simply have hit ground that was too rocky for survival.
I wonder what did her in.

If she succeded it might've lead to other incredibly low cost missions.
>The Deep Space 2 development costs were US$28 million.[3]

>> No.15049877

counterpoint: stations are COOL

>> No.15049883

Falling that far only to bounce is a hilarious idea
Unfortunate, but funny

>> No.15049886

DS3 has to be some form of technology demonstrator. What else is there to test on a primary mission? Solar sails?

>> No.15049891

Then put a station around Mars.

>> No.15049893

>Deep Space 2
>Mars Polar Lander
>Mars Climate Orbiter

The 98/99 launch window was not a great time to be a spaceflight enthusiast

>> No.15049897

>fuck the transfer window, load them up with extra propellant so you have a cargo ship landing every week

This is the level of intelligence/sfg/ has regressed to

>> No.15049899

Deep Thrust Telescopic Probe

>> No.15049900

>People want to go to Moon
>stations are COOL

I have good news for you two :)

>> No.15049902

>Have antimatter
>Land entire fucking ship rather than just giga nuking everything with a few teratons of antimatter bombs from orbit

This is your brain on the hollyjew

>> No.15049904

All were under the mars surveyor 98 program. Tough luck lol. Does this add to the fact that china had a successful mission first try or are they not really comparable things, as china came 20 years later after everyone else did the hard R&D

>> No.15049905

Reading about the climate orbiter as a burger has made me a staunch supporter of the metric system, if only to prevent such foolish actions from occuring again.

>> No.15049906

It really is such an embarrassing fuck up

>> No.15049908

JAXA also lost Nozomi on the way to Mars in 98

>> No.15049914

>my brother in christ
My brother in christ reddit is thatta way boi >>

>> No.15049919

i'm rich bitch!

>> No.15049920

The venture star is based on Dr. Pellegrino's "valkyrie" design, which implicitly assumes beam core designs with very high accelerations and radiators which aren't five hundred kilometers long. The antimatter plume isn't so much a flame as a giant particle beam; if there really were unburnt antimatter in the plume it would mean wasted energy that the starship couldn't use.
I encourage anyone who's interested in starflight to look up some details on the valkyrie. interesting stuff, though pellegrino is somewhat suspect

>> No.15049921

Has the CCCP/Russia ever landed anything on Mars that didn’t break in 10 seconds? I’m not even joking i’ve just never looked this up before but I can’t name a single mission that successfully landed and transmitted data

>> No.15049929
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>> No.15049931

No. They were technically the first to put hardware on mars’ surface by virtue of Mars 2 slamming into the ground after failing. Mars 3 successfully landed but didn’t transmit anything before dying an hero after 2 minutes. Mars 6 was on its way down but didn’t have any commands stored in the computer to actually fire the retrorockets.
They brought china along for phobos-grunt but after that failed the chinks said fuck this and did it themselves with Tianwen-1

>> No.15049932

It's a good thing they chose red for the Soviet Union, really emphasizes the failure.

>> No.15049934

America has the best spermatozoon
Mars wants yankee children

>> No.15049960

Whatever we get, it won't have that janky oldspace aesthetic that looks like it's about to fly to pieces.

>> No.15049973

can we make a tokomak booster?

>> No.15050086

Just realized that both B1058 and B1060 might reach 15 launches and landings before the end of the year; both achieving that in just around two and a half years.

>> No.15050114
File: 42 KB, 354x640, longcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long Ariane is long

>> No.15050121

How do they even achieve such a high thrust on an expander bleed engine?

>> No.15050122

The 40 and possibly the 57 ton versions could have been made with relatively little effort.

>> No.15050201

The Martian curse is an odd thing. Somehow the Soviets managed to have more success at Venus, the far more hardcore planet of the two

>> No.15050208

>Somehow the Soviets managed to have more success at Venus, the far more hardcore planet of the two
You can brute force a landing on Venus while a Mars landing requires a fair amount of technical precision

>> No.15050209

The planet was already red, two communists cannot coexist

>> No.15050224

The Majority of failed mars missions didn't during the reentry /landing, only Mars 2,6, Mars Polar Lander and Schiaparelli did, and Polar Lander and Mars 6 failed at the very last moment (with a perfectly fine reentry before it).

That's 4 reentry/landing failures out of 9 lander failure

>> No.15050238
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>open spacenews
>see this
fuck off foust

>> No.15050242

start it out as a nasa base and build from there, just like the iss

>> No.15050254

Jeff Foust getting in on the click bait.

>> No.15050264
File: 403 KB, 908x1079, chungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaceflight, Foust?

>> No.15050272


>> No.15050297

Antimatter engines are easier than antimatter bombs

>> No.15050317


NASA negotiating with UAE to for Artemis (Possibly to lure them away from China and fill the Russian gap)

>> No.15050321

>Old thread reached bump limit then fell off page 10
Are you sure? It seemed pretty active and had only 400 replies>

>> No.15050323

The 57 ton version would have needed a lot of extra work to reinforce the center core. This is the bit that SpaceX badly underestimated when they were putting the Falcon Heavy together. I also don’t think anyone’s ever actually tried a design where you put boosters on your boosters; that’s only going to make the problem worse.

>> No.15050329

So you're boiling some liquid propane in the engine and sending that back to the tank?

>> No.15050332

buncha posci buzzwords

>> No.15050333

>spacex valuation = $140 bn
>tesla valuation = $525 bn
spacex should catch up to tesla's value by the end of the decade

>> No.15050335

UAE catapulted themselves from nothing to a major player in space. they're ahead of countries like austrailia and south korea now. they'll be on par with italy soon.

>> No.15050340

Elon will unironically have a larger stake in SX than Tesla in the upcoming years

>> No.15050352

>twittards already complaining about hijab for female astronauts on the moon

>> No.15050353

the two satellites china launched yesterday are said to be close proximity inspector satellites. since they're in LEO, maybe we'll see them get close to starlink?

>> No.15050354

They’re stupid but they’re not that stupid

>> No.15050360
File: 2.25 MB, 2832x1356, 1652084776153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've mentioned it before, but leo inspection isnt unheard of

>> No.15050363

Looks quite similar to the ISS and realistic. I only don't know what those black panels/rods are at the rear

>> No.15050365

i thought those were radiators for the engine

>> No.15050369

why not?

>> No.15050370

shouldn't radiators be white

>> No.15050371
File: 74 KB, 749x1184, djt tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shouldn't radiators be white

>> No.15050374

Jannies killed it for some unknown reason, it wasn't even in a shit war as far as I could tell.
Maybe some jannie noticed that the faggot OP ignored the page 10 rule, twelve hours too late.

>> No.15050375
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>> No.15050402

Their Mars probe was built by Americans and Indians and their lunar rover is 10kg with a lander and comms from Japan. They don't have any real independent space program.

>> No.15050429

They're still ahead of the rest by getting so on board with the American space program.

>> No.15050431

janny tranny probably just fatfingered it like the fat retard he is

>> No.15050436

Gulf Arabs, if anyone, know how to get those American goodies. No launchers, no landers, no real space program though

>> No.15050444
File: 443 KB, 859x727, C3BDBE0C-5C37-49EB-8EBF-7DA8CC03E80C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up
>No Falcon 9 launch today
>No starship testing either
>Feel a bit sad

>> No.15050449

>the demand for research slots on the ISS is so high that companies are instead switching to the chinese space station just to skip the queue

we need more space stations to meet commercial demand

>> No.15050455

definitely need a private one that actual corporations can use

universities and other poorfags can stick to begging for slots on gubmint stations

>> No.15050462

we get the fusion news this afternoon

>> No.15050470

Two more minutes.

>> No.15050473


>> No.15050475

Will it help a useful form of fusion?

>> No.15050486

Faster, Better, Cheaper. in action, baby.

>> No.15050499

as always, the answer to that question is confident and resounding "maybe"

>> No.15050515

we need the wowhead equivalent but for space news

>> No.15050527

blame jason rainbow. this was not elder foust's idea

>> No.15050528

20 more years xd

>> No.15050532
File: 67 KB, 668x501, picture-f59b7d86-103a-429f-9a14-0241fb44f9a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15050550

Any update on the pad damage after SLS?

>> No.15050556

Two more molecules

>> No.15050565

>Fusion spacecraft could happen in next 20 years.

>> No.15050569

Newtonian propulsion is for homosexuals, where are my soliton drives at?

>> No.15050586

Pulse fission is more than enough power than you’ll ever need for a spacecraft but oooooooh those rocks are scaaary no we can’t do that!!

>> No.15050601

It's wasteful using bombs when fission reactors are a much better investment

>> No.15050608
File: 56 KB, 946x462, Pulsed fission Plasma Rocket 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making TRIGA reactors into rockets is cool but real chads use a gun type nuke with one end cut off to get their 100kN, 5000 Isp kicks

>> No.15050612

Our universe is infinite spatially and temporally. There's also an infinite number of other universes.

>> No.15050626


>> No.15050631

Pretending to know the mind of God is probably the worst sin you can commit

>> No.15050637

fusion is the energy we need to power bases beyond mars

>> No.15050638
File: 2.11 MB, 3293x4096, realitivty.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Group photo

>> No.15050646

Where's the diversity?

>> No.15050648

This is the real rocket future

>> No.15050647

>the women are put front and center
thanks for letting everyone know that they should avoid doing business with you

>> No.15050649
File: 176 KB, 708x562, mercury chads .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercurian power beams will do the needful

>> No.15050654

Why do all of them stand the same way?

>> No.15050676

Fission is superior to Fusion, which will always remain a meme
They think they can dodge regulations with Fusion, it's nonsense

>> No.15050690

>Fission is superior to Fusion

>> No.15050692 [DELETED] 

>the left is openly calling elon a terrorist
>they're urging the feds to take him down
how long until there is an attempt on his life? how do we save mars from the radical far left?

>> No.15050695

Women are smaller and so get put in front of group pictures, always been like this.

>> No.15050696

>They think they can dodge regulations with Fusion
They can.

>> No.15050733
File: 248 KB, 1024x768, weather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First snow at Starbase?

>> No.15050753

it snowed in the area about 5 years ago, not sure if boca chica got any

>> No.15050769

Yup, the ML was damaged beyond repair. As repayment for the first one's poor performance, Bechtel is giving a steep discount on the second one. IIRC they're only charging $8B (plus tip) for it

>> No.15050775

well that's good news

>> No.15050789

>the comments online are hostile to the UAE
we cant drop them because if we do they'll go to china, but the public is mad as hell about bringing them onboard

>> No.15050796

>People still believe the insane conspiracy theory that an astronaut intentionally damaged the ISS

It's possible to be too cynical about the official version of events

>> No.15050799

The public are Earthers

>> No.15050803

She was on her period, off her meds, and experienced gender dysphoria, yet you still defend her

>> No.15050807

Fission is literally zero effort or complexity, spicy rocks heat themselves up by existing

Meanwhile Fusion still doesn't exist outside laboratories for 1 micro second at a time

>> No.15050811

yeah but fusion has more energy

>> No.15050816

How difficult would a Skylab-style Starship be? Can we finally do a real wet workshop?

>> No.15050826

It wouldn't be worth the effort.

>> No.15050828
File: 67 KB, 686x812, shuttle telescope station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can we finally do a real wet workshop?
Careful now, you'll set off the autiste

>> No.15050829

>no flaps
>all white
>no TPS
>one or more docking nodes
Easier to make than HLS.

>> No.15050833
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, nasa-sun_sq-9d0a11b02364ed93282c14f64f612aa2c5bcd19e-s1100-c50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fusion still doesn't exist outside laboratories for 1 micro second at a time

>> No.15050838

sun is not real

>> No.15050839

Why not do a SLS wet workshop? At least that is a real rocket

>> No.15050846

That's just being lazy.

>> No.15050849

Why did S24 need repairs? What was wrong with it?

>> No.15050850

It's already wet at the bottom of the Atlantic.

>> No.15050854

that's the energy of gravitational collapse #TeamLordKelvin

>> No.15050863

2 more weeks to starship hop?

>> No.15050883

did you guys see this?? screw mars, we are going to Proxima centauri YAAA

>> No.15050890

it dodges regulations by the fact that it doesn’t exist lmao

>> No.15050895

>orbits the galaxy
>has atmospheric lift
>fusion powered
Yup I’m thinking the Sun is a space plane

>> No.15050896


>> No.15050900

>with a workforce that’s diverse and inclusive
No thanks I’ll keep to my racist and gatekeeping fission rockets. Thanks for trying though

>> No.15050905
File: 396 KB, 1390x1029, a3bb127188b40e3bf3559627746d013be48e5836cf5d72ceb98133d57937c63f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Firefly was going to build an aerospike?

>> No.15050910

they should name the new fusion rocket "Perseverance" because of all the people who persevered after were told fusion is dumb and will never work. who's laughing now?

>> No.15050913

I ain't watching 2 hours of that shit anon, what do they say

>> No.15050915

Prove it's Fusion and not the wrath of God

>> No.15050917

I remember when they were gonna build a space-plane

>> No.15050919

China already created an artificial sun

>> No.15050921
File: 57 KB, 657x610, sun galactic plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Sun is a space plane
yes and it skip-glides too

>> No.15050929

they did it, the laserbeams struck the inner wall, really fast, xrays impinged on the spherical capsule, and fused, but this time it stayed hot for long enough that 1.5X more energy out than was put in. 2 megajoules in, 3 megajoules. they fucking did it. WE DID IT

>> No.15050938
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NASA has gotten so based lately https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvOedUdH4OU

>> No.15050944

I bet it's one of those scams where they technically got 2 megajoules to the target to get 3 megajoules out of the reacton but it actually cost 20 megajoules to fire the lasers and 18 just went into heat

>> No.15050948
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>> No.15050954
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Orbital Assembly is valued at 170 million

>> No.15050966
File: 42 KB, 569x569, 589AD4B2-891B-4391-ACCC-F0005902F5A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do retards invest in scams so much

>> No.15050967

because in our heart of hearts we all want o'neill cylinders to be real

>> No.15050972

you're right actually. and even if it was truly net energy gain, it means very little if you want to actually generate electricity from it. need much higher yield

>> No.15050974
File: 356 KB, 650x458, d51518-36-bc7b8f910b6475b8e5ce-3.pngamps351518-36-2ace82db7498c2a00d1ba342cc0f18f6-2315x1630-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese just announced a commercial space station project, first module is planned to go up in 2030

>> No.15050982
File: 151 KB, 716x859, usborne books world of the future space colony bernal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will be where 90% of humans are living by 2300 A.D.

>> No.15050984

20 people in orbit on any given basis (Earth or Moon) is gonna be the baseline in this decade I swear

>> No.15051026

no cock confidence

>> No.15051028

requires 300MJ from the wall which powers 2MJ laser which released 3MJ fusion energy. not making this up

>> No.15051036

zero humans will be alive in 2300

>> No.15051042
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>> No.15051045
File: 254 KB, 525x525, jermotion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I was being hyperbolic
imagine holding a press conference to announce this shit

>> No.15051047


>> No.15051049


>> No.15051051
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>> No.15051052

These government scientists have worse credibility than the private fusion scams

>> No.15051057

I feel like I've been scammed by everyone reporting on this shit

>> No.15051061

NIF was actually built to test models used in the development and maintenance of the nuclear arsenal. The energy stuff is an afterthought and they only do it for a small fraction of the time. NIF is further away from break even than tokomaks in the 70s. So shit that they redefined their own Q parameter.
When it's all over the news you can quickly see which journalists copy and paste, and which actually think.

>> No.15051074

Fusion is too far away, we should invest in fission.

>> No.15051084

fusion is iromically closer than fission due to FAA meddling

>> No.15051092

Rovers on Mars are already using fission and NASA is going to send a nuclear reactor, Kilopower, to the Moon.

>> No.15051096
File: 22 KB, 315x395, hrc ellen deg son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rovers on Mars are already using fission
RTGs are not reactors dummy

>> No.15051106
File: 53 KB, 976x549, p0140xss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every spaceship must have the rotating ring thing where fat Americans can still experience gravity. This will allow humans to pretend they're still living on America. And it looks cool, like that movie Passengers where the two Americans wake up early and feed on slop and then fall in love out of desperation.

>> No.15051115

Glorious Nippon have to replace Kibo with something, and make up for perfidious NASA cancelling their centrifuge module.

>> No.15051120

Based, everyone should have their own space station.

>> No.15051126
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>> No.15051138

>inertial confinement fusion finally gets its proof of concept done
>this is somehow a huge breakthrough
>when it will take countless decades to actually hammer this wacky mechanism into a usable power plant
Not to mention the whole "net energy gain" didn't actually start measuring at the power plug, but instead only looked at the lasers going in and the heat coming out of the pellet. Lasers took dozens of times the energy to create, turning this into another net loss.
Got excited for a second when I first heard about it, but the more I thought and read about it, the less excited I am. Magnetic confinement still seems like the straightest path to fusion power. Which sucks because that it's still le 20 years away.

>> No.15051169

ror, rmao even

>> No.15051222

Ariane 5 launch is live:
Launch in 15 minutes from now.

>> No.15051224

What is this for? All these launches and nothing meaningful. SEND A NIGGA TO THE MOON YOU STUPID HACKS.

>> No.15051241
File: 485 KB, 586x553, youwouldntgetit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending people who can't even fathom climbing a mountain just for the sake of it to the moon is the antithesis of "meaningful".

>> No.15051246

It's some whatever sat.
This is space flight general, don't get why people would be mad at the payload after so many starlink launches.

>> No.15051249
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>> No.15051250

>opens stream
>"...the world economic form identified that the key risks that countries see themselves as facing over the next ten years are severe weather events and the failure to respond adequately to climate change

Europe deserves to rot in mediocrity.

>> No.15051270

would lick her ass and fuck her ass

>> No.15051275

>that tracking camera

>> No.15051280

At least it wasn't broadcast in glorious 720p.

>> No.15051284

Hey, it's better than having some picture in a picture of euros reacting other other euros reacting to the off-screen launch. They're learning, slowly.

I think this might be the first time we've ever actually seen the viewing balcony they're always talking about. Looks decent.

>> No.15051291

unusually nice tracking from Arianesapce

>> No.15051314

what the fuck is this

>> No.15051315
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1546234024179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>African Space Art Project

>> No.15051317
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>> No.15051319

why are fr*nch obsessed with africa

>> No.15051320

france, what's going on guy?

>> No.15051321
File: 239 KB, 720x719, 1455841254962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need a nationalist awakening

>> No.15051323

I guess it is a GSO sat that sits above africa
I thinks that's why

>> No.15051337

they used to own it

>> No.15051340
File: 397 KB, 640x512, 1663457973908963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very infuriating how few people actually understand what Q-plasma is.
Science media very predictably milking it for all it's worth.
Even ITER which is meant to get a Q of 10, won't actually be able to make electricity, it's still just a test reactor.

IMO the only real hope for the foreseeable future is that some of the venture startups will stumble upon some solutions with their more rapid and iterative process.

>> No.15051344

>Critics point out that the currency is controlled by the French treasury, and in turn African countries channel more money to France than they receive in aid and have no sovereignty over their monetary policies. In January 2019, Italian ministers accused France of impoverishing Africa through the CFA franc.
>In May 2020, the French National Assembly agreed to end the French engagement in the West African CFA franc. The countries using the currency will no longer have to deposit half of their foreign exchange reserves with the French Treasury.

I wonder why. Colonialism is a hard habit to break.

>> No.15051354
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>> No.15051375


>> No.15051388
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>> No.15051390


>> No.15051391
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>> No.15051393
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>> No.15051396
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>> No.15051400
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>> No.15051407
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>> No.15051410
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>> No.15051482

Quite a LARP around pure sentiment for people who are descended entirely from people who were just peasants in a village and at best only changed location when it was known to be fairly safe to do so.

>> No.15051493


>> No.15051504
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>> No.15051506
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>> No.15051512


>> No.15051520
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>> No.15051528
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>> No.15051530

digital can't compete

>> No.15051537

>antimatter bombs
>literally make antimatter and regular matter collide for explosion
>antimatter engine

>> No.15051541

With an antimatter bomb it's just antimatter in a container that you drop.

>> No.15051545
File: 227 KB, 2048x1078, 78F3F216-E1DB-4C66-A2B2-CDC6FA154CC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigeria and Rwanda sign the Artemis accords

>> No.15051553

sugoma wat dude?

>> No.15051555

Hot damn, we really are going. zambia soon i hope

>> No.15051561


>> No.15051565

I want a Nigerian to walk on the moon before a Chinese does

>> No.15051566

What would that even entail?

>> No.15051569

It would mean China would dominate the program

>> No.15051570

America should put a man from each of the Artemis Accords signatory nations on the Moon before China can put anyone up there.

>> No.15051573

The fuck can Rwanda offer

>> No.15051575
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>> No.15051585

>kiwi hell
>saudia arabia
For what purpose?
What could they bring to the table?

>> No.15051588

>a cgi model is valued at 170 million
meanwhile i cant get a dime for my neuro research

>> No.15051591

Money. They pay America for access to space.

>> No.15051592
File: 1.08 MB, 1125x1428, 462DF211-D578-499D-A596-523B27A59E53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Kurdistan

>> No.15051593

>don't be english

>> No.15051600

Yeah and what could they offer america?
They couldn't produce more than standard bolts
America has endless money to print and spend on pork so why would anyone get a seat on the 3 launches to the moon?

>> No.15051617

>still no germany

>> No.15051620

it’s over [math]\unicode{x1F614}[/math]

>> No.15051625

I've been looking for this for months.

>> No.15051635

Artemis accords are meaningless political papers. You don't lose anything by signing them, other than maybe getting shit from China at some point (unlikely).

>> No.15051639
File: 65 KB, 520x523, 324B2BB3-53E7-456B-8F05-81D8A6B55A85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day in the life of a true Martian Geezer

>> No.15051644
File: 51 KB, 848x848, _mars.nasa.gov_msl-raw-images_msss_03090_mcam_3090MR0161420001400929E01_DXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you found it anon

>> No.15051651

Why don they use that to clean injin's solar panel???

>> No.15051652

because they didn't want to have an option to clean the solar panels. Otherwise they would've installed blowers similar to the ones Perseverance has

>> No.15051657

>tape on 3 billion rover peeling off

>> No.15051659

Why do you have a poopmoji on your post?

>> No.15051661

That's asbestos. Yikes.

>> No.15051670
File: 51 KB, 500x335, 67034-5baadd3be2883cd0bf1c5d10b0749da1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15051678

With his limousine sandals.

>> No.15051705
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>> No.15051707
File: 106 KB, 768x1025, Booster-7-transfer-tube-damage-1-768x1025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tube looks function to me. Dunno why they replaced it

>> No.15051713

it's almost 1 year anniversary of this picture

>> No.15051728
File: 68 KB, 645x871, US Air Force posters 1983 space 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Finnanon/stampbro?

>> No.15051749

Germany is generally super slow to sign and ratify things.
It might start with something as simple as the text not beign available in German right now, notice how Austria and Switzerland are not there.
The Scnadivanians are missing, too.

>> No.15051752

Germany should really look into building a Starship type vehicle before SpaceX is finished with theirs

>> No.15051773

For anybody who is American and white that isn't really true.

>> No.15051783


>> No.15051787

Loss of communication can only mean one thing

>> No.15051789
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>> No.15051794

i love the government i love the government i love the government i love the government i love the government

>> No.15051800
File: 800 KB, 3076x2175, Fj4e4TiXkAEy1yd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15051806

the biden administration is putting their finger on the scale for inertial confinement fusion. this is extremely fucked, and probably the worst version of fusion for space travel. why arent they funding zap or helion types of fusion? tokamaks and lasers are well understood. research cutting edge stuff you faggots

>> No.15051809
File: 100 KB, 640x780, 1662160588795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking with grandma
>she calls Orion "The Shuttle"

>> No.15051815

Orion capsule "Endeavor"

>> No.15051816

It technically is a shuttle to space, your grandma is just two steps ahead

>> No.15051820

Orion is a spaceplane

>> No.15051822
File: 635 KB, 1125x888, 3D4AB560-5974-499C-BEBE-4B8527C83FD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got more info from L2. Take it all with a grain of salt.
>Booster 7 passed all of her tests with flying colors
>Ship 24 static fire before the end of the year, Booster 7 roll back in January
>Last tests are 33 engine static fire and a full stack WDR
>Launch is possible “within 6-8 weeks”
>Raptor 2 is very reliable and has not been a huge source of issues like it was on the 10 km hop days
The “launch within 6-8 weeks” is big news.

>> No.15051825

2 weeks

>> No.15051828

she would be right if she called SLS a shuttle instead

>> No.15051827

>The “launch within 6-8 weeks” is big news.
The launch has been 6-8 weeks away for a while now

>> No.15051832

She's right tho

>> No.15051833
File: 742 B, 47x29, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump limit on this board is like 300

>> No.15051834

Quick correction: Booster 7 may roll to the launch site soon, but no testing until after the holidays

No you’re right but this is the first time the booster and ship are actually “almost done.” Ship 24 has one more static fire and then it’s ready to go. Same with Booster 7 unless plans change.

>> No.15051835
File: 45 KB, 545x478, Calculated-capsule-lift-to-drag-ratio-compared-with-Apollo-Flight-data-M17-50-km.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it has a L/D ratio, it's a space place.

>> No.15051838

wtf are u doing with yor retarded grandma

>> No.15051843
File: 298 KB, 1004x1395, 506E8A58-C0F1-422E-A1D6-7805098BF954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is r/spacelaunchsystem right, bros? Is Starship impossible?

>> No.15051842

only 20?

>> No.15051849

if you put wheels on starship, suddenly the impossible becomes......possible

>> No.15051859

Did they carry duct tape to seal their suits in case of a rupture?

>> No.15051865

>every crashed and exploded prototype makes this conclusion more and more inescapable
Does this retard knows how many times Falcon exploded during development? If anything, Starship should be exploding more.

>> No.15051870

Don’t think about it it’s just cope. Starship could begin flying in 2033 and still upset the whole industry

>> No.15051877
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, 2022-12-13 14-25-17 - 0.04.45-0.05.44.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15051885

is that brown thing the "african space art" hahaha
it just looks like a poo rectangle

>> No.15051886


>> No.15051888
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, 2022-12-13 14-25-17 - 0.05.45-0.07.44.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15051894

it doesnt even go to orbit, just burns up in the atmosphere lol

>> No.15051905
File: 1011 KB, 1319x820, MAea6sT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not an exaggeration: fusion is solved

>> No.15051908
File: 349 KB, 813x1280, 3AD3403C-CC48-45F4-AAEA-FF4CB6762992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish SLS was painted like how Saturn V was

>> No.15051911

Rockets with SRBs look fucking retarded.

>> No.15051913

what's contained within the spheres near the bottom

>> No.15051914

pee haha :^)

>> No.15051916
File: 215 KB, 1536x1054, 4858566784_8a154ccc7c_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.15051918
File: 80 KB, 900x636, 4E4E7B51-4904-4828-A6D1-6DBCFA464FB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 2 more Ariane 5 flights left
What the fuck? This rocket was my childhood. It feels like every rocket I grew up with is now facing retirement
>Delta II is gone
>only two more Delta IV flights left (both heavy)
>Atlas V is out of production

>> No.15051919

I'll let an elephant fuck me if they don't manage to recover the super heavies

>> No.15051923

it prevents artemis from getting cancelled
thats literally the only reason the accords exist

>> No.15051925

Is fusion propulsion space-only or can it also get stuff out of the ground?

>> No.15051927

1970s NASA suits are impenetrable

>> No.15051928
File: 447 KB, 830x1076, 50B1282E-2FEF-4FC9-A38C-3720B8FB075D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now remember Angara exists…

Anyone else notice that Russian rockets always use a special boost stage to get to higher orbits, instead of just making a bigger upper stage? Angara, Proton, Soyuz all use either the Block-D/Persei/Briz/ or Fregat for moving payloads to higher orbits

>> No.15051931

>Rockets with SRBs look fucking retarded.
they do and painting SLS like SV would be a disgrace to SV

>> No.15051934

are you with the mole people?

>> No.15051948

Pucker your ASS up my space fiends

>> No.15051969

Soviet/Russian designs love reusing parts of other less successful projects. The Proton didn't quite have the performance they wanted so they stole the Blok-D off of the N1 and stuck it on top. The Fregat was a originally a modification of the Phobos-1/2 propulsion bus. Adding on a modification of something they're already producing is almost always cheaper in Russia than ditching something that works to design something new.

Also, more "larger" upper stages almost always means playing with hydrogen and the Slavs have less practical experience with than than any other major spaceflight power. Even India has more hydrogen flight time than Russia does.

>> No.15051970


>> No.15051980

more $$$ research $$$ is $$$ needed

>> No.15051987

Imagine you said it yourself, and you think it sounds clever, so you want it to be true so that you can feel better about yourself.

>> No.15052008

>ask a question
why does your microgravity research laboratory need to rotate to simulate gravity throughout nearly all of its usable volume?

>> No.15052009

What if they got penetrated?

>> No.15052022

Yep. Hydrogen has a negative reception nowadays but it has always been the number one in-space upper stage propellant choice.
Take the N1. It only needed to boost 25 tons to TLI (almost only half of Saturn V) but because the USSR didn’t know how to make hydrogen engines, they used kerosene, and N1 ended up being fatter than the Saturn V and needed 30 insanely complex engines

>> No.15052023

Hydromeme on SV was a mistake

>> No.15052025

I know that you're retarded, but ask someone to explain to you how many ancestors you have in each generation.

>> No.15052027

ZQ2 may launch in less than 8 hours

>> No.15052032
File: 87 KB, 710x710, tamara_tezzele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad

>> No.15052036
File: 108 KB, 1200x900, post_any_time_someone_mentions_france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15052045
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, ACDFF808-F2AE-40B2-8443-195E10FE5B55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck lmao

>> No.15052046

So you can poop properly.

>> No.15052047

Starship is African space art

>> No.15052050


>> No.15052053
File: 48 KB, 1080x607, chad at desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15052058

Isn't the N1 the way it is because of the spherical tanks?

>> No.15052060

Starship is a Mexican reinterpretation of African spazz art.

>> No.15052062

The N1 is the way it is because of fucked up Soviet engineering capabilities and the general lack of large form-factor transport infrastructure running face first into even more fucked up Soviet political squabbling between prospective design team divas.

>> No.15052063

>Lusaka, 12 December. Russia handed over to Zambia the body of a citizen of the republic, Nathan Nyirend, who died in Ukraine, who fought in the Bakhmut direction as part of the Wagner PMC.
>The young man came to Moscow to study at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI). However, he later became involved in drug trafficking and received 9 years in prison for drug trafficking.

>> No.15052065

That’s why the base is so fat. But it was also super heavy. More than this, the initial design called for 70 tons to LEO. When it was decided that the N1 would need to carry 95 tons to LEO, they added the inner set of 6 engines which increased the plumbing complexity

>> No.15052066

Rabbit hole posting part III

>> No.15052070

>Launch director after only 9 years after studying out of a good but not outstanding engineering school, and as a "Native" Guyanese and not a mainlander

She must be good considering how awfully rigid the engineering and aeronautical sector can be in France

>> No.15052072
File: 928 KB, 1170x918, F092430F-5A60-4F12-AF2A-88B67073EBB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ulysses will most likely continue in heliocentric orbit around the Sun indefinitely.
>However, there is a chance that in one of its re-encounters with Jupiter, that a close fly-by with one of the Jovian moons would be enough to alter its course and so the probe would enter a hyperbolic trajectory around the Sun and leave the Solar System.

>> No.15052074

It’s funny how a random African who joined a Russian mercenary group got better funeral honors than actual Russian citizens who are dying

>> No.15052078
File: 1.59 MB, 4003x2644, F7D591C7-B460-4BDA-8F0C-160D698503A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Mission Control was dripped out like this with cigars in the modern age

>> No.15052089
File: 30 KB, 602x741, 2018-05-08-205828-768x493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the LRB SLS

>> No.15052090


Also clearly a Tyrolian-Hmong ethnically if you want to know

>> No.15052093
File: 41 KB, 767x432, tammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks different in every single photo

>> No.15052095
File: 507 KB, 1170x770, B471D6AC-8495-43DF-A79E-C8ED36693275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first spacecraft to ever orbit another planet. We were too late to save her

>> No.15052108
File: 267 KB, 1500x1048, 8D829D0F-EAFA-4C29-BA20-E794F5BC0CC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading about the space race makes me want to play KSP career again

>> No.15052109

Trust me, I know my French Guyanese ethnography

Did you know that the highest Fertility rate ever recorded was among the 1925-1940 cohort of the Galibi Indians of French Guyana with a whopping 11.7 children per women? This was due to the exceptional circumstances of a Hunter gather tribe suddenly being considered as french citizen and having access to gibs and socialised healthcare

>> No.15052125

God KSP2 multiplayer where different agencies compete to achieve space milestones would be so based

>> No.15052135

We’ll quickly know if KSP2 has the potential to be good or if the base is rotten and it’s better to keep modding KSP

>> No.15052155

I want KSP2 to be good so bad. But I fear that multiplayer will be a laggy bug-ridden mess. Even just the singleplayer footage we've seen was shown to stutter. I don't want to be hurt like this. I just want a good game.

>> No.15052158
File: 726 KB, 998x962, F478910C-B65D-4447-A198-0950CF5BEADA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw only have a Mac
>Mfw I can’t play KSP2
I’m coping with my RSS/RO install in KSP 1 but still

>> No.15052165
File: 428 KB, 986x542, 95F85DDC-0BCD-4DC4-9751-3848986CDD42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally made lore about my KSP career
>In 1954, the US government green lights the production of an IRBM powered by two LR-79 engines. Smaller than an Atlas but larger than a Thor. This would become the Prometheus family of launch vehicles

>> No.15052169

Did you look up her surname or do you have a turbo-autism?

>> No.15052171

I did this sort of autism with saturn-shuttle, which culminated in an interstellar mission using shuttle hardware (they were just sent on a hyperbolic trajectory with thousands of rtgs)

>> No.15052173
File: 610 KB, 826x669, frenchtourist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15052176

Saturn shuttle was too kino for this world

>> No.15052177

>At T-6m in Thursday’s terminal count, we observed unexpected electrical interference in our avionics system. The issue has only presented during live propellant ops, not dry vehicle testing or in the lab. This indicates a thermoelectrical or thermomechanical root cause.
>The team is implementing fixes and working towards a launch attempt during our next launch window opening on January 9th.

>> No.15052181
File: 123 KB, 1440x810, 9A2F35F4-B13B-4347-BE8B-D5B708E94E8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15052182

How many scrubs is that now? 7?

>> No.15052186
File: 3.00 MB, 1334x750, C11D5962-F16A-4639-BFE5-8169C3E670B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh nothing will ever beat the turn by turn ksp space battles with save sharing.

Man ksp2 has so much to catch up to, some of the recent mods for ksp are insane, I just finished installing the parallax 2 one, right now people are making first person IVA and 100% volumetric procedural cloud mods, this was unthinkable 10 years ago

My cousins Have very similar ethnic mix from sudtyrol and highland Vietnam, I recognise it.

>> No.15052190

I do wonder if KSP is less modable

>> No.15052191

literal electrical infetterence

>> No.15052196

>first person IVA
KSP VR when?

>> No.15052200

I honestly always get bored of RSS/RO after the first moon landing at the latest, the early parts of the campaign are just more exciting (just like IRL)

>> No.15052209
File: 121 KB, 373x388, ice pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever I make beeg rockets in KSP and attempt a gravity turn I lose control and they spin over and I have to scrub the mission

>> No.15052211

it already exists
it isn't maintained, but it's extremely cool being able to load into VR in the VAB and see your ship at true scale through your own eyes

>> No.15052220

Then don't bother with the gravity turn. Just floor the accelerator and fly straight until you hit a heliocentric orbit

>> No.15052225

Interplanetary probe missions can be fun. I assumed so would manned ones but I've never gotten past the planning stage because the early game of rp-1 is just really fun, especially the first few times where you actually start to understand what's going on.

>> No.15052226

Do you have SAS on? If not it's probably your design being retarded, unless you're really overzealous with the controls.

>> No.15052228

You need to have fins at the bottom.

>> No.15052232

>If not
If you do*

>> No.15052240
File: 889 KB, 1280x720, A8F22A6F-BC73-44B9-B585-5C1510E8E78A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My confession is that I’ve never had a manned mars mission. You’re 100% right that the first moon landing is exciting but then it gets boring fast. But mars takes way too much time and is too far away.
Building orbital stations is fun but I always end up “ending” my career after building the ISS

>> No.15052241
File: 36 KB, 980x467, waterfox_cHkcKmB2LQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.15052245

the console has an unlockable munar launch site which I always thought would make me way more likely to go further out into the solar system if I had it

>> No.15052247

who's behind this??

>> No.15052248
File: 305 KB, 3000x2000, 52559506319_d652bced52_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15052250
File: 312 KB, 3000x2000, 52559680225_762d4b23e9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15052251

Jwst is cool and I’m tired of pretending it’s not

>> No.15052263

I'm going to try a manned Mars landing in my current rp1 save over christmas break. It's just a lot of work to design and launch everything, especially if you want to do a rover landing, lunar gateway, etc. first to make it somewhat more realistic. Space stations are fun to build but they're annoying to maintain since resupply/recrew missions are pretty boring, life support/energy always seems to be weird in some way, and if you timewarp too hard then kerbals end up dying

>> No.15052268

Good luck and keep us updated. I know at least I would love to see other /sfg/anons posting their KSP careers

>> No.15052277

i dont thimk waterfox is worth using anymore, anon

>> No.15052279

I’m on mobile myself and I was getting 404d earlier trying to look at the new F9 photos. The fusion reactor must be down

>> No.15052282

It's updated regularly and has no issues.

>> No.15052285

>My cousins Have very similar ethnic mix from sudtyrol and highland Vietnam, I recognise it.
>overconfident retard overgeneralizes based on one data point
sad. many such cases

>> No.15052286

Jeff's revenge

>> No.15052287

...i want to fuck anon's cousins

>> No.15052288

>overconfident retard overgeneralizes based on one data point
Must be an astronomer

>> No.15052300

It's a tyrolian surname, she looks hmong and there are lots of hmongs in french guiana so he's probably right

>> No.15052316

>Launch update: Due to poor weather conditions in the Wallops area, RocketLab's first U.S. launch of Electron is now targeting no earlier than Dec. 16. Wallops also continues to work with the FAA on final documentation for launch.

>> No.15052318

can anyone boil this down to one or two sentences?

>> No.15052320


>Happy to note that the Team Miles cubesat is alive and sending radio signals. NASA ground stations will be engaging in the next week or so.

>> No.15052327

Hello I am about to recap reddit and twitter speculation that is always wrong. Please like and subscribe.

>> No.15052336
File: 743 KB, 1170x770, CA77FA5D-C282-49CB-9F75-ECA3832A636D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even get this job?

>> No.15052337

i wish it was a recap. he just rambles on and on, pulling speculation out of his ass. the worst part is when he explains what he is about to explain as soon as he's done explaining. and he acts like some authority, yet he's been wrong on most topics. his skits are worse than nostalgia criric

>> No.15052341
File: 546 KB, 1170x783, 1AA3A0CD-49C4-4301-9611-FA7690C7DCF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I’m qualified

>> No.15052350

anyone got the video of the fat government guys standing around doing nothing next to the salvaged orion capsule?

>> No.15052407
File: 325 KB, 591x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok why are L5 society/O'Neillian jizzcream guzzlers such massive (and I do mean MASSIVE) pussies?
>step away from the keyboard
shut the fuck up you huge fag. god i hate rick, and chance he gets to blow jeff bezos' cock he takes it

>> No.15052412

Absolutely dumb, less than 2% of world population using Twitter, and the world won't collapse because some right wing retared got banned from Twitter.

>> No.15052413

Elon is terminally online. Idgaf what you fuckers think I don’t like him losing it to the point NASA had to ask Gwynne Shotwell if Elon was gonna be a problem.

>> No.15052417

elon should be in jail if we had justice in this country

>> No.15052418
File: 492 KB, 1313x1080, f1b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that development of the F-1B never started and it is complete vaporware.

>> No.15052420

The F1B would have been a stupid engine

>> No.15052422

Didn't they at least make a preburner?

>> No.15052429

>less than 2% of world population using Twitter

More people use twitter than work in all of space industries combined, the left wing activism that was at twitter before Elon would prevent the development of space if given the choice.

>> No.15052430

tim ellis is the dark horse who will become the protagonist of /sfg/
elon is a fallen angel
one day /sfg/ will accept this

>> No.15052433

tim ellis has smooth skin and a tight ass

>> No.15052434

They dug a preburner from an unflown F-1 out of a museum.

>> No.15052441

Just stay away from social media, back to real world please.

>> No.15052461

Social media in general, especially Twitter, were eroding civilization. If civilization collapses before Mars becomes self-sustaining, then nothing else matters.

Human consciousness is gone.

>> No.15052465


>> No.15052470

In the long term, Earthers are not needed, but you have to survive the short term to get to the long term, anon.

>> No.15052515

2% means they have room to grow

>> No.15052538

Official /sfg/ song:

>> No.15052543

Unpopular opinion but SpaceX would be fine without Elon at this point. Or at least in a year or two when Starship is proven. The plan is to use Starlink to finance mars

>> No.15052544

Would make sense for SpaceX to make HLS a shorter version of starship? I don't think Artemis will need that much mass, and they could save money from doing less refueling launches.

>> No.15052549

99% of all twitter users are americans
99% of all americans don't use twitter
it's really just the worst of the worst people using that shit

>> No.15052562

Technically a mini-starship would be better for pure NASA requirements, but part of the reason SpaceX won is that they exceeded the “12 tons to the surface” reccomendarion

>> No.15052577
File: 1.21 MB, 913x716, 852A54D1-F029-493A-80E6-C210EE26CB44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a final in one of my STEM classes today. I don’t think it’s gonna go so hot, bros. I’m hoping to keep my A- but I think I might end up with a B.

>> No.15052589

Twitter has 200M daily active users, 75M are Americans

>> No.15052593

never stops being funny to me that americans use kindergarden grades in university

good luck

>> No.15052701

bill nye

>> No.15052711

bill fuckin nye

>> No.15052718
File: 39 KB, 540x1200, 47BE26AC-7B61-41C4-B501-0FCDE20FA3E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZQ-2 was apparently nominal through max-Q (from visual confirmation) but rumours upper stage underperformed

It is at least the first LCH4-powered launcher to make it to space

>single data point

>> No.15052730

Raptor bros....

>> No.15052734

what the sudden mention?

>> No.15052739

i forgot he is the president of the planetary society, so while listening to the space policy edition podcast i was reminded of the fact. now i cant stop thinking about him and his goofy bowtie

>> No.15052752

Americans lost again

>> No.15052763

>What could they bring to the table?
international recognition of American interests at UN
you can't lay claim by calling dibs, but you can declare "safety zone" and "heritage protection" around places you landed on
>For what purpose?
Rich Arabs are prestige hogs and having one of the family members land on the Moon is more bling than diamond encrusted iPhone or pissing on white supermodel.
Luxembourg spends by far the most money (per capita) on space than any other country on planet so they seem open to anything.
As for the rest of them, it's just being in the cool kids club and expecting some gibs in return.
Artemis accords aren't necessarily tied with Artemis project
it's more of an amendment of Outer Space Treaty
Landing on the Moon is just a carrot on a stick

>> No.15052779

more rumour the sats didn't make it to orbit

>> No.15052786
File: 267 KB, 1514x640, Fj7nqZ9aAAEoSJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No orbit, RIP

America won, maybe

>> No.15052789
File: 61 KB, 732x492, maxmilian drap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone gets this reference I'll eat my hat

>> No.15052793

>chinks dropping rockets on india/myanmar

>> No.15052829
File: 166 KB, 480x300, nye sane & rational.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15052835

I wish this was another board so I could rant about this

>> No.15052840
File: 45 KB, 480x300, nye space & rational.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it

>> No.15052841

First methalox rocket to space, just not to orbit. We still have a chance.

>> No.15052842

>fusion is solved
Not even close. Small net gain during fusion is one thing, now get it to produce more energy than was required to produce the fuel as well and we're starting to get somewhere.

>> No.15052861

Or they could simply not being 100 tons to orbit and simply bring in 20-50t, thus reducing the refuel necessary

>> No.15052885

This is super cool anon, what kind of education did you have to be able to make something like this?

>> No.15052910

ZQ-2 failure was apparently caused by a shut down of the upper stage Verniers which were supposed to provide the last couple km/s of delta V. Thanksfully they're getting replaced in upcoming launches.

The ZQ-2 is really a monster, 6 tons to LEO in the block 2 version...

>> No.15052924
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, luna25.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna-25 is ready.
Now we have a race to the Lunar surface between American private companies and Russia.

>> No.15052967

I’m hope it takes good pictures assuming it even makes it lol

>> No.15052976

I guess it's safe. I would have some doubts if it was Proton.

>> No.15052986
File: 19 KB, 739x415, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of word filter

>> No.15053028
File: 1.91 MB, 1390x1080, PIA25657-SuperCams_Microphone_Records_a_Martian_Dust_Devil crcrf10na.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martian dust devil sounds trimmed from source: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/mission/status/425/experiencing-a-dust-devil/
with sound: >>>/wsg/4872868

>> No.15053030

I think he did that intentionally. Soyuz isn’t filtered but söyuzes is

>> No.15053034

That’s so freaking cool. It took like 60 years to finally put a microphone on the surface of mars lol
I also really appreciate how the team used the same mic to talk during the perseverance press conference after landing.

>> No.15053064

50% chance it has some random failure en route or in landing.
You just know the landing stream is gonna be full of ZZZZZZZZ shit

>> No.15053077
File: 448 KB, 1280x1018, C932A531-0DF0-4792-A3F7-6E021182BD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that as much as you want to shit on STS, they were at least pumping out hardware like crazy and SLS can’t even compete

>> No.15053081

My man single player footage from mid development being stuttery means nothing
If it was still stuttering in footage or gameplay seen leading up to launch I'd be worried

>> No.15053083

>sound in near vaccum atmospheric pressure
I hekin love science

>> No.15053087


last gameplay footage has some low framerate.

>> No.15053092

Looks pretty smooth what are you on about?

>> No.15053093

Also I will point out that STS typically rotated between 4 orbiters. Despite this they averaged 4 flights a year even with the loss of two shuttles.
Meanwhile Orion (supposedly reusable and easier to maintain than shuttle) already has a minimum of 6 capsules and may have a fleet as large as 12. So not only will SLS fly at 25% the rate of STS (probably even lower than this considering the gaps between flights) but they can’t be bothered to refurbish Orion at even a quarter the rate they refurbished a space shuttle

>> No.15053095

Why aren't they showcasing boosters landing because that was the whole point of the rewrite

>> No.15053097

What would have been the ultimate bottleneck? Orbiter turn around? The SRBs? IIRC they were aiming for something like 12 Shuttle launches per year before Challenger.

>> No.15053099

No stuttering, but definitely unoptimised

was it?

Anyway all the footage show the cool interstellar stuff while we know it won't be in the February 2023 release version, so it's not very representative

>> No.15053110
File: 277 KB, 1284x1802, F5879A52-0870-4A9C-981C-9AE49046100B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s his endgame?

>> No.15053112

Yeah. The old engine despawned everything after a certain distance.
That and they said they'd do time travel control for two separate craft so after your second stage goes to orbit, you'd go back in time to stage separation and could land the booster yourself.

>> No.15053113

What percentage of politicians, academics, celebrities, capitalists and software developers use Twitter?

>> No.15053122

Make companies that provide goods and services that are valuable. If you have a large revenue stream and can stay profitable, the other stuff is largely a distraction.

>> No.15053124

That's just the valuation starting to come down to something reflecting company fundamentals and actual potential for growth.
Also the market no longer buying the high autonomy self driving is imminent hype.

>> No.15053133

The shuttle proves that SLS theoretically should be able to fly at least 4X a year

>> No.15053157

Where you stand on this is the decider between musk dick rider and actual space enthusiast.

>> No.15053167

damn that’s pathetic

>> No.15053171

What the FUCK do they need 12 Orions for? Hell what the fuck do they need 6 capsules for???
SLS flies so seldom, they only need 1-2. NASA are massive fags if they can’t turn around a capsule in 365 days. Atlantis had a 54 day turnaround in 1985

>> No.15053178

>taking the opinion of literal ballast into account
you seem like a well-informed individual

>> No.15053226

it reflects macroeconomics, the price almost exactly mirrors Amazon's tumble. the company fundamentals havent changed

>> No.15053229

I don't think Blue ever intended to make a profit on NS. The way I see it, it's like if SpaceX started selling flights on Grasshopper: It was development work for NG that they've monetized.

>> No.15053248
File: 366 KB, 1920x1280, MAF_20221204_CS3_ES2Pegasus03large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're actually re-focusing MAF on tank stuff and moving SLS engine section (read: orbiter ass-end) production to KSC in order to boost the launch rate. Source: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2022/12/boeing-expanding-cs-prod/

>> No.15053250

Honestly it’s a miracle every Gateway component wasn’t tailor made to barely fly on a Block 2 SLS

>> No.15053254

I haven’t heard anyone explicitly say “more than 1 a year” because if this. If anything these changes will ONLY get them to 1 a year, as they aren’t even there yet with production efficiency

>> No.15053257

This is part of the 1/yr push - don't have the budget for more with the EUS and BOLE dev work being done. But the changes being made will allow for more if the funds turn up.

>> No.15053296

Well I hope they don’t. They already need to pay for another lander program, and ISS will likely stay online and drain a ton of money because congress (both sides of the aisle for some reason) are in love with it want it to run until it’s beyond feasible to do so anymore

>> No.15053314

Grasshopper at least has commonality with Falcon 9 as it’s literally just the core of a v1.0 F9 but with a single engine. New Shepard has almost nothing in common with the New Glenn (even the BE-3 second stage).
It would be like SpaceX making Grasshopper then going on to build Starship right after.

>> No.15053382

>Up until about a decade ago, an average of 80 to 100 satellites per year were launched into varying orbits.
>In 2017, according to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, the annual number exceeded 300.
>By 2020, the annual number of objects launched exceeded 1,000 for the first time.
>This year, the total has already surpassed 2,000.
we're making it, bros

>> No.15053436

stage it faggits

>> No.15053448


>> No.15053522
