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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 205 KB, 1024x1024, ectopic-pregnancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15048995 No.15048995 [Reply] [Original]

"You implanted in the wrong neighbourhood, fool" edition

Previous: >>15006027

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15049027

Comparing screening tests without a gold standard is so fucking gay.

>> No.15049036
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>> No.15049317

If I am legitimately concerned that I have ASPD, but never had a mental health evaluation in my life to confirm or deny that, is there any risks of using my medical school's behavioral health care center to evaluate my condition?

>> No.15049324

Isn't that supposed to be part of the benefit for students? Contact the disability department at the school and see if they'll confirm.

>> No.15049343

Are there still people dumb enough to make their mental health issues public with medical school administrators?
Did nobody ever tell you to NEVER get evaluated by a psychiatrist/psychologist if you are a doctor or becoming one?
If you ever need help with mental health you have to go private and don't let the doctor keep any records about you.
You will thank me later.

>> No.15049366
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Should I be worried about slight anisocytosis?

>> No.15049560

>Are there still people dumb enough to make their mental health issues public with medical school administrators?
>Did nobody ever tell you to NEVER get evaluated by a psychiatrist/psychologist if you are a doctor or becoming one?
>If you ever need help with mental health you have to go private and don't let the doctor keep any records about you.
>You will thank me later.
What about for an ADHD script?

>> No.15049586

Probably 30% of all med students in America have a fake ADHD diagnosis to get free amphetamines. Still don't get your school involved unless you're retarded.
The reason why you never go to a psychiatrist as a doctor or med student is because they can and they will declare you unfit to practice medicine and then you are fucked.

>> No.15049967
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Let's say I hypothetically suspect it possible I am suffering from a tapeworm infection. Let's also say I am hypothetically unable or unwilling to see a doctor about it. Would I be able to self treat using pic related? Looks like the suggested use (for humans) is 10-20mg per kg of bodyweight taken either once or three times 4 hours apart in a single day.

Now obviously one can't just purchase this chemical without a prescription. At least not for humans. However if it's for fish or cats or dogs, that's perfectly legal to buy without a prescription. Would pic related be safe? Or is there a difference between these? Inquiring minds would like to know.

>> No.15050134

I'm not a doctor but I would treat with massive amounts of alcohol, spicy food, and try to create an extremely hostile environment inside my body for it. If it still survived, then fair play to the worm. At least I'll have one friend who isn't a total pussy.

>> No.15050237

Sometimes the gold standard is impossible or, frankly, impractical

>> No.15050280

How good is anaesthetics for private work in the UK. Also, anyone have any experience moving out of the UK for anaesthetics?

>> No.15050410

Not an outragous statement desu, while a lot of conditions aren't an issue, you can definetly get into hot waters. But even worse is getting disability insurance coverage (which you should absolutely get as a doctor) if you've got some prior mental health issue on your medical record

>> No.15050416

Should be the same, I'd go for it If I was poor and uninsured

>> No.15050489

right? Only thing that concerns me is how much cheaper it is. I see online a singe 600mg blitricde (just generic praziquantel) going for like $70-$80, but here this 25grams of what as far as I can tell is the exact same chemical, but it's a fraction of that price. Seems weird but I guess not unheard of in the world of pharma. but it should be safe, right? Do they do anything differently with these products? Since it's not marked as for human consumption, surely they could get away with lower safety or purity standards, right? Although it quite literally says "100% pure", but then again I doubt it's like anyone is actually testing them. Also isn't that actually impossible? 100% purity?

>> No.15050672

Obviously fish medication isn't quality controlled by the FDA, so technically they could get away with selling you sugar-powder laced with trace praziquantel, but then the fish-antihelminthics market doesn't seem like a the biggest draw for pharam scammers. But yes, there is probably no third party testing or quality control involved. If you're really that adamant about not seeing a doctor and still that concerned about contaminants I'd just look for fish forums and see if the shit you want to take killed anyones kois

>> No.15051181

I think I have bronchitis, wet cough that's getting drier and fucked up my throat, slight fever, pains in all my body
Can I take dextrometorphan? I only have that and aspirin. My throat is fucking killing me

>> No.15051468

>My throat is fucking killing me
Just suck on a strepsils retard

>> No.15051473

Why don't you try ivermectin, /pol/ told me it treats literally everything

>> No.15051510
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It's amph or bust, lads
Do this >>15051181 if you don't have them then take dxm
What (not med student, just rather do private if I have to go to doc)

>> No.15051826

I'm well aware. Doing comparisons for the best screening test without one is annoying though.

>> No.15052185
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>Random shocking sensation on face that keeps getting worse
>Go to Neurosurgeon
>Got Trigeminal Neuralgia AKA the suicide disaese
Okay lads, the doctor told me I can stay on medication that will definitely wear off, or I can have surgery and get this over with but might have a slight chance of it coming back. He told me I can either do MVD or Gamma Knife, but I read online that Cyberknife is supposedly better. Which of you smart /sci/entists think is the best option for me in the long term and never have to deal with this shit ever again?

>> No.15052255

What does your neurosurgeon say? You're paying him for his expertise. No one here will be good enough for neurosurg.

>> No.15052289
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He told me that MVD is usually the best option but there's a slight chance of complications if not done properly (Fucked up hearing, worst case scenario is stroke/death). Gamma Knife surgery provides years of pain-free experience and is non-invasive, but he told me he had patients come back to him that the pain came back after a couple of year and is much worse, so they had MVD. I was thinking of doing either Gamma Knife or Cyberknife for the naive reason of living many years pain free until there's a much better option. I'm still 28 and I don't wanna risk brain damage just yet.

>> No.15052524

Neurosurgeons are niggers.

>> No.15052534

You fucking faggots killed thousands

>> No.15052551

still waiting for the apology for ruining my life these past 2 years
the virus didn't do as much damage as the people who belong to this disgusting cult
you will get what you deserve from forces you don't believe in

>> No.15052561
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>> No.15052579

At least other religions don't forcibly stick their ritual gear inside you, they just wave it in front

>> No.15052637

Literal thousands of healthcare workers died, millions of families dropped into poverty and dozens of countries are either in recession or economic crisis.
I am sorry you are retarded.

>> No.15052639

they just mutilate your body

>> No.15052646

Common flu viruses create economic crises and recession? Are you literally insane?

>> No.15052662

Public health officials not doctors. It was a political choice not a medical one.

>> No.15052731

happened before see the spanish flu

>> No.15052741

Strepsils don't do shit, even 1000mg paracetamol is useless
Is dxm safe if there's a lot of mucus and I can feel it when I breathe

>> No.15052767

Your mental retardation is as profound as unbearable. Pls sudoku asap as possible.

>> No.15052776

Is adhd something that makes you unfit? My significant other has it bad and the concerning thing is I’m just like her and never really saw it

>> No.15053312

My friend has had testicular pain for two months now. He barely goes out anymore because of it. He's done an echography, no varicocele, no cancer, no epididymitis. He also did urine and blood tests, both negative. He was precribed painkillers and 9 weekly physiotherapy sessions for contracted adductors and psoas. The physiotherapy helped reduce the pain at first but it stabilized now. He can't get an erection or fap without his pain increasing significantly. He's got a doctor appointment next monday but I was wondering if someone could offer him an educated opinion in the meantime.

>> No.15053505

It's lupus.

>> No.15053574

>My friend

>> No.15053585 [DELETED] 

And doctors were quiet as a church mouse because you're debt-slaved midwits. nobody is going to buy it

>> No.15053918

Is pursuing an MD-PhD a bad idea? I like research but I know you don't need a PhD to do research

>> No.15054107 [DELETED] 

Hi. That guy is right, your opinion is shit and you should kys.
T. Hermes Trimegustus

>> No.15054120

Are my procreation chances doomed?

My sister has low functioning autism.
I have ADHD but tested negative to autism.
My brother is maybe also not neurotypical but not tested with anything.
My mother was seemingly normal but her three siblings are weird but high-functioning.
There are also more low-functioning autistic people further up that side of the family tree.

Given all this, am I basically guaranteed to get an autistic child if I procreate?
I am particularly interested in the chances of getting a low-functioning autistic child because that shit is no joke.

>> No.15054125

Do you ever get tired of being a braindead contrarian fgt virgin?

>> No.15054468

What do you expect me to do? I'm a medical student: if I raise my concerns, I get kicked out of med school and then you only have establishment golems in the medical profession.

>> No.15054694
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Both of my parents tested positive for covid and I had the same symptoms as them on about a 4 day delay, so I assume I had the exact same thing. How long until I get my sense of taste back? The fevers that lasted for 4 days and nights were somewhat annoying, the congestion has already almost completely cleared up, and I didn't cough at all. But this fucking taste loss is driving me insane and it's only been a week. Literally everything apart from chocolate and plain water tastes awful. GIVE ME MY TASTEBUDS BACK.

>> No.15054701

You have a high chance of getting a retarded useless child unless you use CRISPR to edit the retardedness out.

>> No.15055161

How do I boost my immune system as much as possible?

>> No.15055276

i've got this thing where after i ejaculate (and sometimes just randomly) i have a pain in my ass, probably where my prostate is or so. it doesn't happen often, maybe a couple times a year, but it's unpleasant and lasts like 30 minutes. it's like a muscle spasm or something. my doctor says it's probably nothing.
i can't find much information about this other than some people just get ass pain randomly sometimes and it's just a thing you have to suffer with forever.

>> No.15055291

What are the leading causes of early 20s T12/L1 disc desiccation?

>> No.15055308

Being a bottom butt boy.

>> No.15055341
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Well, fuck.

>> No.15055403


>3% to 5% vs 1.5%

It doesn't sound super bad. Also I heard that low-functioning autism is more like Downs were its not just heritability but also mutations.

>> No.15055409

You either reproduce or let your blood line die out, your choice man

>> No.15055449

How and why?

>> No.15055479

whenever you die you get to see through the eyes of your offspring. it's like watching a movie. but if you don't have any kids then you burn in hell forever.

>> No.15055480

Galvanick cation

>> No.15055589

Severe head trauma.

>> No.15055626

Whats wrong with my brain if the only time i can feel happy is when i first wake up?

>> No.15055698

sleeping probably makes you sad. try to avoid sleeping.

>> No.15055728

During surgery, most of the penis is disassembled and the components are used for vulvar, vaginal, and clitoral construction.
A neovaginal cavity is dissected in Denonvilliers' space between the bladder and rectum.
This neovaginal cavity is lined with inverted penile skin, which produces a skin-lined vaginal cavity that shrinks little, is nonhair bearing, and sensate.
The goal of vaginoplasty is to create a feminine vulva, a hooded and sensate clitoris, labia minora, and, for those who express the wish to be able to engage in neovaginal penetrative intercourse, a deep and wide enough neovaginal cavity to facilitate penetration, all with the least possible surgical complications.
Before surgery, the genital is generally depilated. In the first days after penile inversion vaginoplasty, the neovagina is rinsed with betadine, but later only with water.
Dilation is performed daily in the first postoperative year.
Dilators are routinely cleansed with water, but not regularly with antimicrobial agents.
After surgery, sexual functioning and postoperative satisfaction are paramount.
Little is known on microbiological and fungal characteristics or associated pathology of the neovagina.

>> No.15056223


Please excuse the comically large link.
Is this true? Have you guys seen this happen yourself?

>> No.15056384 [DELETED] 

i expect you to slave away in terrible working conditions and cratering public support because you're an absolutely worthless human being

>> No.15056686

Nah, I'll chill in my derm clinic with my Mercedes outside high on life. I will have a far greater quality of life than you and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15056687
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Please, I need help choosing a topic for my P4 seminar pharmacy presentation. I need a good contemporary PICO question and I can't seem to draw inspiration form anywhere!

>> No.15056721

is bupropion for opioid addiction a hot topic in research right now?

>> No.15056867

>SOAPs into some malignant IM program in bumfuck nowhere

>> No.15056886

I'm not American but good try

>> No.15056911

>Not American
>Rich dermatologist
Did you look at US salaries again and think that eurofags make even close to what they make?

>> No.15056921

I'm not euro either. Try again.

>> No.15056930

>If Canadafag, you won't match anyways
>if Australia, lmao good luck getting a spot and being an attending in 10+ years
>if UK, you will be poor and become an attending after 10+ years, still euro btw
>inb4 some Arab cunt, well then who even gives a fuck

>> No.15056951

i'm 23 years old, and my testosterone isn't like, unbelievably low, but my doctor was willing to write me a script for it. i've been taking it for a couple months now without thinking about it much, and i do feel better, but reading up about it there might be permanent consequences for doing this.
like, my bones are probably already fused so i'm not worried about that, but i could be infertile now? or if i come off, my testes might not work properly? i'm actually genuinely concerned.

>> No.15056963

whoa you're injecting drugs with needles? that's really weird bro, sorry to hear you're an intravenous drug addict. get better soon

>> No.15056969

I am the first-born of a dynastic line that acts as the personal dermatologist for the Saudi crown prince. You will never be on my level, peasant. I will purchase all your beautiful women and shit on their chests. Your girlfriend? I've probably shat on her chest multiple times as we sailed in my family's yacht around the Mediterranean.

>> No.15056974

>bong starts seething and larping because I called his country European

>> No.15056991

I'm not larping. What proof will you accept that I am who I say I am? Do you want a selfie of me and His Royal Highness at the Kaaba?

>> No.15057086
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Apparently the average neonatology fellowship is around 2/3 research and 1/3 patient care. Now I'm not disregarding the importance of research, I realize that the only reason we are able to do what we can for these sick babies is in large part thanks to research, but this isn't going to be the roll of the vast majority of neonatologists. We need clinicians out there treating patients as well. I find it crazy that the majority of my training isn't what I will actually be what I am doing in my job, but producing (let's be honest here) mostly unimportant research. The fellowship used to be only 2 years in the 90s but most peds specialites were converted to 3. Hell, most pediatric hospitalists are now required to do 3 years of fellowship following residency. Is the pediatric inpatient that much more complex compared to the adult inpatient that it requires 3 more years? Sorry I realize none of you probably give a shit about pediatrics but these things are very frustrating to me and I am drunk and must vent...

>> No.15057103

Preterms before 30 weeks should simply not be saved, you are willfully creating people with mental retardation.

>> No.15057104

stop raping newborn infants. who is your supervisor? i want to contact them so you'll cease this horrid practice

>> No.15057107

This is what I get for blog posting to /med/. I must remember this next time and simply go to bed

>> No.15057117

Unironically justify saving extreme preterm babies without "Muh sacred life" (same shit anti abortion retards spout).
You are costing the healthcare system millions to save children that end up with severe mental deficits. Parents are forced into PTSD to see their newborn suffer in the NICU for sometimes months, just to either see them die due to sepsis or end up having a child with permanent brain damage.
Neonatology is the most unmoral specialty there is.

>> No.15057256

Nigger, most of the time all a neonatologist does is chuck antibiotics at kids for 3 days and kick them out. About 1 in 20 kids needs a short course of antibiotics to prevent sepsis and death, or phototherapy to avoid becoming dumbasses. Out of those only 1 in 100 will get filled with meconium, and only 1 in 1000 will be needing ventilation and thats it. Only 1 in 5000 will be needing intubation and further care, and these still can grow up to be a regular person. The ones with even more preterm births are very rare. Out of my country with 7 million people, like 3 kids die per week for neonatal complications.

>> No.15057348

thats for like super high doses

>> No.15057499

Post bidet. Post personal camel. Post Saudi Arabian palace home. Post yacht. Post hands with timestamp. Post Royal highness' bed chamber. Any of these will do. The more of these you post the stronger the evidence that you are who you say you are

>> No.15057503

Ass cancer. It's the stimulated prostate pushing against the rectal tumour.

>> No.15057574
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Thoughts /med/?

>> No.15057585
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>your pediatrician may be posting in 4chan(lite)

>> No.15057605

I still have a terrible acne despite being a guy in his late 20s. Should I consult an endocrinologist or a dermatologist?

>> No.15057649

what do FC, Et/Fi and PANI stand for?

>> No.15057690

That's usually when it comes to tes abuse, using it therapeutically to get normal levels should be fine.

>> No.15057702

Consult this guy >>15056969
He seems qualified

>> No.15057712

This needs to be a copypasta.

>> No.15058049

>most of the time all a neonatologist does is chuck antibiotics at kids for 3 days and kick them out
I was talking about extreme preterms, not 35-36 week preterms or even 32-34 week preterms with a completed course of lung maturation.

>> No.15058421

>extreme preteens
In my country those are called non viable preterms.

>> No.15058432

my ferratin is over 2k, am I gonna die?

>> No.15058438

Where the fuck do you live where babies less than 28 weeks are non viable?

>> No.15059065

7 months of gestation is very fucking preterm

>> No.15059268

Where in the shit do you live that carrying the burden of a hypoxic retard is better than giving up on them.

>> No.15059554

>27 years old
>have cs degree
>have grown to hate computers and the thought and sitting in front of one for the rest of my life makes me want to kill myself
>will probably get fucked by AI anyway
Should i try to become a doctor? I'm not american and med school here lasts for 6 years and doing it while i was younger was basically impossible for me.

>> No.15059710
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>Just got my first dose of chemo
>11 more to go

I'm dying. The bottle of opiates next to my desk looking really fly right now.

>> No.15059724
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>> No.15059727
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I tried alternative treatments, not gonna lie. But none of them worked. I really sympathize with alternative medicine because I hate the medical establishment.

Not vaxxed btw.

>> No.15059734

i am in the opposite situation
became a doctor, but did a bunch of programming prior
i think both are good career options, medicine is more diverse you can do different things
personally i'd enjoy more doctor colleagues like you, that did other stuff and especially actual math,cs, stem related stuff
doctors are fine people in general, but a lot of them are so boring

you should try to become a doctor, you have my full support

>> No.15059840

did you fast?

>> No.15060021
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No, I was doing Ivermectin, Curcumin, Fendbendazole, Various vitamins, and Exercise. I lost 5 pounds anyway from the loss of appetite that comes from Hodgkin's Disease.

>> No.15060028

and fast
that's my prescription

>> No.15060138

Literally anywhere in the western world. You would start considering it unviable at around 24 weeks.
I am personally against saving these children, I find it completely unmoral to put parents through months of suffering just so that they maybe can have a mentally retarded child.

>> No.15060174
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>be reddit country
>save le innusunt pruturm 28 week gestation chuldrun aka crying gelatine alien
>end up with squatty, half deaf, half blind, half syndromic and half retarded parody of a human
>yeh but we first world dawg og frfrfr 100% (ok hand sign emoji)

>> No.15060184

If I got bad grades (2.5 gpa) in undergrad a decade ago and don't have money, is there any pathway to becoming a doctor? I'm better at studying now, I worked through some of my old textbooks problems and got correct answers without cheating.

I make money doing anime commissions and programming stuff on fiverr and upwork and stuff but I want to do more with myself. I'm actually really good socially and can happliy talk with sstrangers with no anxiety. (That's how I got the 2.5, I focused all my effort in college on overcoming my crushing social anxiety successfully)

>> No.15060193

> 4 halfs
damn, it must be hard to have retarded twins

>> No.15060247
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what's this on my abdomen?

>> No.15060253

You meme it, but 28 week gestation babies get saved even in the third world nowadays.

>> No.15060263
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>first semester of masters in molecular medicine
>discovered the power of flashcard studying
>only have 4 exams left until graduation because entire last year is just writing my thesis

brehs...i feel invigorated and unstoppable. i basically knew everything on all of my tests this semester, it was weird...

>> No.15060304

>implying there are doctors who didn't know everything on their exams.

Guys... say it aint so

>> No.15060593

>that toilet
jesus christ dude

>> No.15060696

>all the hospitals and offices in town got bought up by a shit-ass network run by white women
guess it's witch hazel and mugwort for me

>> No.15060845
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>> No.15060867

is being a doctor a good job or is there too much bullshit to put up with? give it to me straight bros. i'm 30 with a maths background and got accepted into a master's recently (non-med) but the admissions people told me i could also apply for med to start in 2024. wouldn't mind being a GP out in a regional area away from cityfags.

>> No.15060983
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>FC, Et/Fi and PANI
Cardiac frequency, End Tidal/Fraction Inspired (CO2) and Non Invasive Blood Pressure.
This are the BIS and Suppression Rate at arrival.

>> No.15061021

holy fuck actually potato
how'd they turn out?

>> No.15061228

Needs more context, what country? what are you goals in life? what kind of personality/disposition do you have? how much or little risk are you willing to take? where are you academically (gpa/mcat?) in terms of applying?

>> No.15061516

there's a lot of bullshit paperwork, logistics, resource management
it's still a very good job
we could use some more mathfags, you have my full support

>> No.15061568

Depends on the spec
>wouldn't mind being a GP
It's gonna be 100% bullshit
You want a spec where you're valued for your actual skills and rapid decision-making, not where your job is being a protocol-to-boomer interpreter and filling out paperwork

>> No.15061779

>You want a spec where you're valued for your actual skills and rapid decision-making
Do you have some suggestions? I know it probably depends on the person, but a general list of good specialties would be nice

>> No.15061846

Yes. Not bothering all together.
Actually useful specs have a terrible shelf life for the practitioners and your only aim should be living fast and dying young.
As soon as induction starter he dropped to 20MAP. Transanesthetic went ok but guy entered ICU with 0.45mcgkgmin NE, 60 MAP, 20/40 BIS/SR.
Patient's daughter was hawt. Willing too see her again when the ICU guy asks anesthesia for a gastrostomy.

>> No.15061967

Anesthesiology or surgery
Plastic surgery for easy big bux, but getting in is competitive
But also what he said >>15061779
GP is fine if you want just a comfy 9-5, it's essentially office wagekeking, but you're in a white coat instead of suit

>> No.15062129

I could probably never do surgery because I've had bad eczema including on my hands for my entire life and most likely rest of my life and it would probably impact my work a lot

>> No.15062161
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I need to know something for a story

Let's say that in a SHTF situation a woman got captured and beaten unconscious and then someone used a scalpel and rubbing alcohol and had decent surgery knowledge to basically cut into her lower spine around L2 to paralyze her, then sew it back up and sterilize. Then tried to keep her as a pet In a wheelchair basically. I imagine she would die from infection eventually even if someone did a good job in such crude conditions, but what sort of infection would it be and what would the symptoms be? This is for a story so don't worry. I just want to describe things as realistically as possible as to what would happen to her.

>> No.15062251

The pain in your ass probably comes from the dick that's stuck up in there faggot.

>> No.15062280

Where do you live nigger?

>> No.15062285
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>> No.15062289

Most get good grades. It's not really important to know the molecular biology when treating a disease but you might not know that answer on a test

>> No.15062296

L2 is probably too low

>> No.15062297

Meningitis would fit

>> No.15062783

australia. i like the idea of being able to work my own hours eventually, not doing shiftwork (aside from intern+residency), not having to commute through heavy traffic every day, and being able to interact with people. i am very outgoing/personable but overall introverted. not huge amounts of risk as i have a mortgage, but the risk tolerance is going to go down the older i get so i'm willing to push it a bit now. perfect GPA (from hons 1), i would sit GAMSAT in march next year.
can i ask what makes it good for you? people interaction? getting to stretch your brain a bit?
yeah i kind of get you, i'm just cognizant that i'm an oldfag now and getting into competitive specialties might be harder given i'll probably have a kid or two straight after med school

>> No.15063170

>You want a spec where you're valued for your actual skills and rapid decision-making
Why does everyone always want a procedure heavy specialty that treats acute disease?
Why do you want to live a stressfull life where you have to do important decisions with legal implications every day? FM is fucking comfy and you can easily work in private practice treating what you want without having to deal with retarded hospital admins all day.

>> No.15063277

Go for it! Your life isn't worth the extra time or trouble to you, so it's hardly worth it to anyone else.

>> No.15063442

just become an optometrist instead.

>> No.15063445
File: 57 KB, 600x618, spinal-cord-injury-levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I didn't specify. They paralyzed her legs only. They severed her spine at L2. This was in a tabletop roleplaying game, like Dungeons and Dragons. In a post-apocalyptic setting. The players' characters captured her and did this to her and kept her as a "pet" in a wheelchair, then brought her back to their village and kept her in their infirmary where she started slowly dying of disease. Then they felt guilty so they went looking for medicine for her. If they fail to find it, or don't make it back in time, I want the village nurse to relate her death to them in a gruesome way so they feel bad.

Can you link to or describe yourself a sort of narrative of the sort of awful things someone dying from that would go through? I want to describe it in a way that will be upsetting

>> No.15063771

Why did you dick around and do nothing while he was edging a subarach?

>> No.15063840

I've been taking anti-psychotics that make my mouth dry, and I've had a rough few months so I wasn't as hygienic as normal. Calculus built up again so now it's chronic. Dentist gave me a lecture on brushing and flossing more often because I have bleeding gums and calculus. I don't know why she didn't get the bacteria/pathogens tested, nor prescribe me antibiotics. I got some anti-tartar floss instead of the usual stuff I buy and chlorhexidine gluconate/alcohol mouth rinse. I'll try to get more and more vitamin C and D. What else should I do beyond this and regular hygiene (3 times brushing, 2 times mouth wash, 3 times flossing a day)? I don't want the systemic diseases associated with periodontitis like diabetes, alzheimer's, nor cancer.

>> No.15064164 [DELETED] 

>Can you link
scroll to symptoms and complications and go wild

>> No.15064167

>Can you link
read the symptoms and complications and go wild

>> No.15064270

How to cheer up a med student who failed a couple of courses... I honestly don't know how I can help this person out.. It seems like he has it rough since he never failed before. A word of advice from a similar experience would be nice.

>> No.15064621

Stfu and just put in the time and work faggot. If you are already putting in the time and effort but are still failing you simply are too retarded to make it. If you are just too lazy, well there's your fix.
Stop posing as a "friend" pussy.

>> No.15064631

Anyone know why teriparatide isn't first line for osteoporosis. Seems like it increases BMD with better quality bone than bisphosphonates.

>> No.15064635

Take time if you need it. Medicine is a marathon not a sprint and you want to build a good base.

You wouldn't have gotten in if you weren't smart enough but medicine is 20% brains and 80% work and memory. So you absolutely can do it, no question, just got to get a good attitude.

>> No.15064638

Expense. It's used all the time by athletes needing bone recovery but whacking someone on aledronic acid is cheaper.

>> No.15064645
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still name brand, and I assume it's well tolerated so long as the patient follows the directions (no laying down for some time afterward, drinking w/ water, being amenable to the bisphosphonate 'breaks')

>> No.15064676

Anyway to know how long the patent is for?

>> No.15064708

Redpill me on bisphos breaks. Do the effects persist after cessation? I always had it in mind as shitty grade bone that disappeared when you stopped treatment. Whereas Rank-L inhibitors and the anabolics at least put down actual bone that lasts.

>> No.15064733

>Anyway to know how long the patent is for?
have no idea, probably varies
>Redpill me on bisphos breaks.
bone growth/remodeling needs both clasts and blasts. if you sub bisphosphonates into bone and induce clast apoptosis you don't remodel the bone you lay down. You have bone, but it's relatively weak (think about bones of osteopetrosis). the break allows time for remodeling

t. parroting what a pharmacology professor said. take w/ a grain of salt

>> No.15064839

oh so in part the break actually helps improve the overall result?

>> No.15065014

Looks like it kills you really quickly. That story of the football player was pretty scary. I'm hoping for something that can only be treated by rare drugs, so it can be a uest to find them, but something that would kill you after 7 to 14 days since that is the time range they have.

>> No.15065088

to my knowledge, yes.

>> No.15065132
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>> No.15065141

Cushing reflex?

>> No.15065436

>looks like it kills you really quickly
that's what happens when your CNS gets infected matey

I like that you're doing your homework for your dnd game. Maybe look into cerebrospinal fluid leak? Can occur due to medical interventions and your bootleg disabling of the poor girl could cause it potentially. A complication is brain herniation, which causes coma and death, but before that you get really bad headaches. I wouldn't be able to tell you the exact time to death off the top of my head - depends on how bad the leak is. But should be longer than mengingitis.

>> No.15065559

I would consider asking a rabbi like Yaron Reuven for advice

>> No.15065562

I have a cut on my penis
Am I harming myself by applying povidone-iodine just as a precaution?

>> No.15065568

alright I'll check it out
Worst comes to worst I will just make something up. I rolled dice to see how many days she lived and kept it secret. But I wanted it to be about a week. But yeah I figured it would be something involving seizures and fatigue.

>> No.15065580

Would compliment you on valuing your strong family's honour but then you just admitted to being another arrogant fool.

>I will have a far greater quality of life than you and there's nothing you can do about it.
I know a rabbi who used to be a multimillionaire. No one determines their quality of life, only God does. One day you're rich and healthy, after a simple hemorrhoid surgery you're steaming in pain, sleepless and you lose all your money

>> No.15065586

Go drive a tractor and work the fields

>> No.15065991

>FM is fucking comfy and you can easily work in private practice treating what you want
You will be treating nothing but diabeetus and fibromyalgia for 140k after taxes until you retire at 65.

>> No.15066008

You'll always work in some niche whether it's diabetes and fibromyalgia or doing nothing but revascularizing coronary arteries

>> No.15066039
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Is there any book with actually good hystology illustrations?

>> No.15066123


So what's ACTUALLY going on that these two schizoids are acting like they have a point?

>> No.15066258

endocrinologist said that i have autoimmune thyroiditis but my TPO antibody count is only 1.8 IU/ml, wat mean?

>> No.15066369

I understand that Americans subspecialists make hundreds of thousands of dollars, but here in yuropoor it really doesn't matter what you specialize in your salary is almost the same.
So why would I become a Trauma surgeon that has to take call until he's 60 instead of a FM with my own practice, treating the diseases I want to treat and actually earn more than the surgeon?

>> No.15066509

there are other antibodies aside from anti-TPO related to autoimmune thyroiditis

>> No.15066792

The brain was all mush and I received the patients already intubated with multiple pumps. It may be that some norepinephrine was rushed without we noticing or his brain went ballistic after the stimulation from lifting him into the OR table.
Guy has pools of blood in the subarachnoid space, intraparenquima and intraventricular. Everyone deserves a chance, I guess.

>> No.15067261
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Try Netter's Essential Histology:

>> No.15067272

>but my TPO antibody count is only 1.8 IU/ml
Normally there shouldn't be any antibodies against the thyroid gland, so anything above 0 is abnormal.
Autoimmune thyroiditis is also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, you might wanna look that up.

>> No.15067832
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does this mean my kid is O+?

>> No.15067888

Someone explain like I'm 6 years old
Why don't we treat high blood pressure with bloodletting/leeches?

>> No.15068007

28 is saveable anywhere. 27 is dead on arrival.

>> No.15068151

one of my testes is bigger than the other one. Do I have cancer?

>> No.15068192

Leeches formed unions and we were not allowed to use them anymore

>> No.15068297

You'd have to do it all the time because your body makes more blood. Easier to just take pills. Also muh iron and other physician bs that I don't care about.

>> No.15068317

Because you will get iron deficiency anemia if you do it every day. It's easier and much safer to reduce blood volume by pissing it off with diuretics rather than bleeding yourself.

>> No.15068358

What's one single study which you think would be the most impactful in terms of humanity's health which can't be carried out today for ethical/funding concerns?
So for example something like forcing x number of people to eat their assigned meals at assigned times because they live in a totalitarian state and checking the results, infecting people with viruses, etc

>> No.15068418

yeah lifetime dietary studies could make sense. Apart from looking at the obvious things like causes of death and overall life satisfaction, there might be the possibility to pull some epigenetic fuckery.
Though i kinda have to add that there are already giant long term studies for stuff like cardiovascular disease and they also managed to provide significant evidence for the most prominent risk factors like smoking. Even with imperfect test groups most disruptive factors can obviously be suppressed by sheer sample size.
A perfect group of subjects might make smaller risk factors more appartent or at least put a lot of autistic minds at ease.

>> No.15068423
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I just found out yesterday that I have an inguinal hernia, and it on-off hurts like a bitch, but it's small and doesn't contain a bowel. Surgery frens, is there really no other way to alleviate it besides surgery? I know the usual mainstream sources claim so, but then again they also claimed that the v@x is 100% effective and my local surgeons follow those sources unwaveringly. On the other hand, the few "hernia natural cure" I've spotted seemed like broscience or scam artists. Is there a middle position on all this?

>> No.15068437

>He's got a hole in his abdominal wall
>Shine some light on it and supplement vitamin D bro
Yeah whatcha think?

>> No.15068445

Dude I meant shit like using a hernia truss, specialized exercises, lots of rest etc. not drinking snake oil. A hole in the abdominal wall is effectively a wound, couldn't it somehow scar up and form a tighter seal while it's still inflamed? The logic behind it makes sense to me.

>> No.15068451

It's not a wound it's a weakness of connective tissue.

>> No.15068453

That doesn't explain why surgery should be the only way to do something about it. It just seems strange, since somehow it's held up for 30 years without this happening after all.

>> No.15068458

Things break. You can choose to do nothing about it but once a section of your small intestine slips in and blood flow is cut off you're in big trouble.

>> No.15068467

I know about that, but it's just 1cm wide. Plenty of broken things have been solved without surgery, I don't see why a hernia couldn't be in theory. Pseudo-truisms like "things break" aren't scientific and don't belong in medicine.

>> No.15068486
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Today an anaesthesiologist told me internal medicine docs are losers. Is that true?

>> No.15069005

Couple years ago I went to the doctor with an ache in my side that wouldn’t go away and I was worried it was appendicitis. When they took my blood sample they found that my lipase level was at like 600 which was way above the healthy level.
They just wrote it down as idiopathic acute pancreatitis and called it a day.
I’ve still never understood what caused this.
Anybody know of things that can trigger excess lipase production? It only happened once

>> No.15069062

a friend (F30) has gotten some really strange symptoms these past few days.
I only did pre-med so I couldn't really come up with anything. just thought this was weird as fuck.

>muscle cramps in her feet

wtf? she has an IUD so it's not pregnancy.

>> No.15069145

>She has an IUD so she can't be pregnant
Anon, I...

>> No.15069157

hey drunk ped-anon. just dropping by to say you're not alone. wishing you a hangoverless morning and nice patients who smile at you

>> No.15069282

Sounds like hysteria, have you tried giving her your penis?

>> No.15069418

Not that guy but " things break" was a polite and informed way to dumb down the core problem to your ignoramus ass.
Fact that you came up with math/logic comebacks are further proof of how densely and profound is your mental retardation. Ultimately if you so smarty go and search the answers for yourself from the sources you surely know are science proven. Stop being an intellectual leech and fuck off. The 3 minutes I took from my time typing this reply are way more worthy than the pathetic excuse you call a living. kys.

>> No.15069422

>dozens of countries are either in recession or economic crisis.
was inevitable anyway actually

>> No.15069430

based chest shitting arab dermabro

>> No.15070389

Sometimes when I turn off the lights/enter a dark room, and strain my eyes in a certain way, I can see green circles around the center of my vision. What exactly am I seeing? Artifacts from the mechanical strain pulling on something? Or something else? I’m curious how things like that work.

>> No.15070396

Oh, and the insides of the green circles are usually transluscent white.

>> No.15070426

>Today an anaesthesiologist told me internal medicine docs are losers. Is that true?
Gasmonkeys like to talk a big deal in that regard, and don't get me wrong, I appreciate my gasmonkey brothers, but they're the spec that's the most prone to develop engineer syndrom and think they know the ins and outs of every other spec.

>> No.15070434

The height of your lipase level has very little correlation to the severity of your pancreatitis, it really just matters that it was elevated to slap a diagnosis on you. But Inflammation and agitation of the pancreas are common enough, the pancreas is an absolute bitch of an organ that get's inflammed for the most banal reasons, could've been a slight infection, could be gastrointestinal motility issues or a heightend tonus of the sphincter odi for a myriad of reasons. Slapping idiopathic on it really just means that no obvious cause was found and investigating it further is waste of time and money unless it becomes recurrent, which would lead to a reevaluation of your condition that might end up in another "idiopathic" diagnosis if no obvious underlying cause is found unless it becomes recurrent, and so on and so on. In all likelyhood it won't happen again, so don't worry about it too much

>> No.15070452

Holy shit I didn't realize this was midwit general, I forgot that only depressed medfag whining is allowed to discuss here. Finally found this guy who is infinitely more informative than your kvetching ass could ever be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7109iqMdR8 and my only question is, can you prove him wrong with actual PR studies or will you also just call him a nigger and go back to your daily dilating.

>> No.15070615
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So you killing yourself or nah?

>> No.15070680

Why should we care? Get the surgery or don't - it's your choice. Any doctor with enough experience will tell you that hernias don't close on their own

>> No.15070698

>Any doctor with enough experience will tell you that hernias don't close on their own
Did they even try though? Where are the sources then? Doctors like to keep saying this as gospel, but the hard data is missing.

>> No.15070783
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>> No.15070794

not any of the other anons. you may be conflating asymptomatic hernias for closure

>> No.15070946

You said yourself that meds won't help my hernia faggot
>conflating asymptomatic hernias for closure
In plain english? Are you trying to imply that asymptomatic hernias close on their own, or what? That's "officially" not possible though. But "unofficially"?

>> No.15070959


>> No.15070962

Do your own study then

>> No.15070968

Touch grass tranny

>> No.15070978

I unironically fucking would if I had a patient sample and several years of life to waste just so fags you could latch on to it and pretend that you knew it all along if it turns out with positive results

>> No.15070984

*fags like you
The tranny infected me with bad grammar apparently

>> No.15071005
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>Security, please escort this man out of the hospital

>> No.15071083

>First complains about being in midwit general
>Can't comprehend simple medical language
Why do psych patients always come here

>> No.15071100


>> No.15071220

Thank you, kind stranger!

>> No.15071561

can you actually get in trouble for walking around a hospital in a lab coat or scrubs pretending to work there?

>> No.15071670
File: 237 KB, 400x400, 1670936128264186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm that one retard that struggles with ungodly hunger. Read through all of my med papers since beginning ot it again:
>elevated cortisol in the morning (negligible)
>low total t3, normal (closer to low) tsh, normal total t4
>borderline normal (almost low) c peptide
>normal (was closer to being low) fasting insulin
>elevated fasting blood sugar (97) - higher than years ago (87)
>good blood sugar reading 2h after OGTT (100)
Hm. What could it be?

>> No.15071682

looks kinda like herpes zoster
>also jesus that toilet

>> No.15071684

gas is being cucked by CRNAs

>> No.15071729


>> No.15072014

a friend (F33) has bled somewhat from her nose, mouth, and the two lower orifices throughout the day. she is also experiencing vertigo. she has had those bleeding episodes in the past. no colonoscopy or similar has found anything strange. no clotting disorder. any clues?

>> No.15072017

I once ate two high blood pressure pills within a few hours by accident, I didn't take the second pill intentionally, I forgot I already took one pill. I felt funny after that. My hands and legs became very weak. But the weak limbs effect went away in one day. I like the experience honestly, it's a funny and curiously new experience for me.

Have you tried taking two high blood pressure pills to experience the weak limbs effect?
Will taking two pills kill you?

>> No.15072170

hmmm, one of her parents have similar symptoms?

>> No.15072233

Will family Medicine get replaced by AI soon?
On one side I think that it can't be hard to have an AI manage Diabetes, Hypertension and other chronic disease, on the other side boomers are too retarded to even learn how to use windows and the job of a specialist gatekeeper will probably still be necesarry.

>> No.15072323

>muh AI
At most, it will decrease the number of jobs since it will improve productivity of doctors. It will never completely replace humans since:
1. machine learning is not sophisticated enough to have an adaptable interface for inputting patient information. I.e. the skill of taking a good history and examination is pretty much impossible to replicate by a computer.
2. Companies who run these types of software will not want to carry the risk of malpractice. They will always have a doctor "supervising" the program so that they are less liable.

>> No.15072347

I am considering going into med, will having a psychiatric record really make that much of a difference? Seems kinda fucked, like they're straight up admitting psychiatry doesn't work.

>> No.15072349


>> No.15072364

Why do you stop feeling happy? Does it feel like there are any thoughts driving that?

>> No.15072378

>it will decrease the number of jobs since it will improve productivity of doctors. It will never completely replace humans since
Decreasing the number of jobs is equivalent to replacing humans. This is something most people going into Radiology are blissfully ignorant about.
AI in things like Mammography is getting surprisingly good surprisingly fast. If you make Radiologists interpret Mammograpys 50% faster you suddenly decreased the overall need for radiologists in a very lucrative field.

>> No.15072393

Go to a urologist.

>> No.15072433

You might want to look into PNC-27 and 28 if chemo doesn't work out:


Apparently, it doesn't get popularized because the compounds are not patentable, so big pharma won't push it.

>> No.15072499

>paper from someone that hasn't even graduated from a Biology degree published on the website of a literally who College.

>> No.15072646

No. I don't trust (((doctors)))

>> No.15072688

>remember how my father died (negligence)
>feel bad
>remember what you disgusting death cult members did to us for the past several flu seasons
>go to this idiotic board
Fuck you, everyone who wears a white coat and is not actively helping someone right now. You are the scum of the earth.

>> No.15072702

Give it time. Your body will heal. Also, stop flailing around like a maniac, and stay away from modern "medicine".

>> No.15072705

Blood count? Von Willebrand disease? Autoimmune thrombozytopenia? Bernard-Soulier? Is she on medication?

>> No.15072708

>takes two pills
>Will taking two pills kill you?

>> No.15072714

Any software could replace managing Diabetes - the guidelines literally include algorithms you dipshit. No special AI would be needed - now think why that hasn't happened yet

>> No.15072875

Say you get tingling and sometimes light pain in your small pinky toes. And occasionally accompanied with pain in your pinky fingers.

Should I go to a doctor? I've been ignoring it for a month now, thinking it'll go away. But thus far, it goes and comes.

>> No.15073053

nope, no family history of it

those are great questions. they probably looked into all of those things a few years back. no medicines afaik. she has strange episodes of bleeding randomly that has included crying blood

>> No.15073055

also slightly below average clotting factors and normal hb counts iirc

>> No.15073187

Kindly, fuck off.

>> No.15073210

cope, everybody hates you now

>> No.15073220

Didn't get into this shit to be liked. Honestly couldn't care less about anyone. You can cease your pathetic mewling now.

>> No.15073231

I'm addicted to zopiclone (have tapered down to 1.25mg), but I have some alprazolam. Should I use the alprazolam to withdraw, or would that just be replacing one problem with another? I ask because it's impossible to get an answer to this question from a search engine.

>> No.15073284

Simple medical language, Pablo, really? Would you like to get deported?
>conflating asymptomatic hernias for closure
Conflating with WHAT
For closure of WHAT
For WHOSE closure

>> No.15073323

low T3 indicates some thyroid problem, the only thing that i can think of that seems to fit your thyroid tests is euthyroid sick syndrome:
>The most common hormone pattern in nonthyroidal illness syndrome is low total and free T3, elevated rT3, and normal T4 and TSH levels, although T4 and TSH suppression may occur in more severe or chronic illness.
Do a reverse T3 (rT3) test to see if you actually have that.

>> No.15073359

Maybe Ehler Danlos is messing up her vascular integrity? It's unlikely because there should be bruising and what not.

>> No.15073377

Hang in there bro, you got this!

>> No.15073609


>> No.15073789
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>> No.15074150

I was reading this blog about countercurrent heat exchange in some cold weather adapted animals


somwhere else online( cant remember where ) I read that it might have been possible for the neanderthals to have converged on a similar layout to their veins in their extremities oweing to 400000 years in freezing European conditions.

now us modern out of Africa nigger humans dont have such an adaptation, and no one is going to sit around for 400000 years naked to get it, but my question is,
would it be possible to use gene editing to modify human veins to become countercurrent rather then what we are now, which is con current in our vasculature?
is this within the limits of our technological capabilities?

>> No.15074337

1st year student here reading a book on fractures and fracture care
It suggests that in cases of suspicion of axial skeletal fracture that I should avoid the head-tilt-chin-lift maneuver. What in the fuck am I supposed to do if someone needs resuscitation and I suspect a spinal cord injury? Attempt CPR without tilting their head back?
Obviously I don't want medical advice here but if someone could weigh in it would clarify this passage a bit thanks.

>> No.15074381

jaw thrust is the preferred method in suspected spinal injury

>> No.15074410

>Let's genetically modify humans to have varicose veins

>> No.15074411

I'd just do the cardial resuscitation without mouth to mouth and wait for a neck stabilizer and someone to intubate. There's not that much evidence for mouth to mouth anyway

>> No.15074549


>> No.15074730

t-thats not how countercurrent veins work, if anything, because of how much more efficient they are, if humans where to get countercurrent veins there would be less incidence of varicose veins

>> No.15074811

>Learning fractures and shit instead of memorizing the Krebs cycle

>> No.15074840

>1st year student
And it shows. You're a fucking retard, you think medicine is theoretical shit? You never think on the field "uhhhh atlanto occipital fracture". You get a guy like the ones on the chinese rekt videos, You put a rigid collar on him (if stable enough), sedate, intubate, give him hypertonics, and send him to fuck off to the trauma center. If he's on cardiac arrest you do chest compressions without giving a shit about anything else because that's critical enough to have the guy come back as a vegetable in the best case scenario.

Besides, come on, they tell you on the BLS bullshit you stabilize the head. with the shoulder grabbing maneuver. You're way too young in this field and you still don't know what the fuck the job is even about. Stick to physiology books, literally skim through it because none of that "protein, molecule, signal" bullshit is useful.

>> No.15074871


Yeah but you never know you might get an Elon musk or future furry vtuber with high functioning autism

>> No.15074875


Well, did you splode?

>> No.15074877



>> No.15074894


People like you are why medical systems become overburdened

>> No.15074973


>> No.15075231

Thanks for the answer about the neck fracture thing Merry Christmas

>> No.15075356

Silence, PA/RN/NP larping as a physician.

>> No.15075519

No. Patient already has a tracheostomy, his wife came to sign the permission instead of his moderately attractive daughter. A shame.

>> No.15075722

What was your question?

>> No.15075793


It wasn't a great one I was just bored last night.

>> No.15075802

probably vzv as other anons stated

>> No.15075859

But I rarely go to the doctor faggots.

>> No.15076103

Dunno if this is the place to ask about alt medicine.
But my mom recently got some miracle cure gizmo that, I think, is called a vitaphone or something. It's basically a device with two little speakers on wires. You're supposed to put the speakers on different parts of your body (chest for cough, neck for sore throat, etc) and then it buzzes on a whole bunch of frequencies and makes you healthy again.
I was curious if anyone knows what this kind of device is called and if there are any more proofs that it's bullshit beyond me suspecting so since it's supposed to be a one fits all solution for a bunch of unrelated problems.

>> No.15076140

People in here will provide a better insight:

>> No.15076274
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Daily reminder that even if you finally are a Careermaxxed subspecialistcel after investing years grinding 1000 Anki Cards every day to score a high Step score, do research you are not interested in to publish papers and then slaving 6 years in residency + 2 Years in fellowship, you are still nothing compared to the GENETICALLY SUPERIOR CHAD that will graduate bottom 10% of his class, SOAP into a FM residency and still end up earning in a month what you earn in a year because he started a YouTube channel exclusively based on his hot face.

>> No.15076286

He's a jew though. He gets access to special Youtube and Instagram algorithms. Otherwise he would be irrelevant. Have you seen his videos?

>> No.15076475

Don't you have an Anki card about Jewish nepotism?
I have an Anki card about Jewish nepotism

>> No.15076814
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Any medical Anons around? Got this duo on my bum and can't tell if it's a bug bite, it itches a little and found em today.

>> No.15076827

Step 1: Read the OP.
Step 2: Fuck off.

>> No.15076938

>be me
>be high monis spec

As long as I can snort angeldust from a post-teen whore's ass I am ok.

>> No.15077060

I'm not doing any crazy gunner shit like working 100hrs a week but I am doing what is meant to be mostly cushy 40hr weeks (little bit of overtime and call so money is good), but the schedule I'm given (and everyone else) is fucking retarded.

Usually I start on call and then spend my week going from evenings back to early mornings so at best I have a 10hr break between shifts, then once you factor in 30min drive each way, eating food, and doing chores, you have about 6-7hrs to sleep provided you can fall asleep immediately despite your obliterated circadian rhythm.

I'm currently using benadryl to get myself to sleep which I can't keep doing unless I want dementia. I sleep like shit even with a normal schedule, what the fuck do I do bros I'm not in burgerland so I can't get any fucking sleeping pills except tricyclics.

>> No.15077118

I suffer the same shit you do. Smoke a joint of the cheapest cannabis you can find. It'll do wonders for your quality of sleep.
Either that or 75mg of pregabalin. Whatever is more accessible to you.

>> No.15077151

I'm watching the Hbomberguy video on vaccines and autism. I didn't realize the whole situation went that far.

>Wakefield was hired to make a study suggesting that autism was caused by the MMR vaccine by a lawyer
>Lawyer was hired a few parents who thought that the MMR vaccine gave their kids autism
>The study was just "lmao these parents (the ones who hired the lawyer) think the vaccine gave their kids autism, therefore I diagnose these kids with a new neuropsychiatric enterocolitis"
>2 pathologists on the study were dismissed because they found no evidence of colitis
>Wakefield wasn't even against vaccines, just the combo MMR vaccine, because he had stake in a monovalent style MMR vaccine(s)
>News media hyped up Wakefields research because "if it bleeds, it leads"
I was only ever taught it was just retracted, not all this shit.

>> No.15077157

That said, I feel the same way about using ozempic for weight loss.

>only 10-14 lbs per year of weight (literally just diet)
>many side effects especially thyroid cancer
>can now prescribe it for pediatric weight loss
>"lmao let kids play fortnite, they'll lose adipose weight and gain it back in tumour weight"
>"Lets get rich!"

>> No.15077247
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My abdomen is pulsating synchronised with my heart rate. Sounds like an aneurysm right? I'm studying medicine and incidentally we did an ultrasound of my Aorta in a class. Nothing out of the usual could be seen. What else could be the cause? I'm pretty lean and muscular

>> No.15077315


>> No.15077341

Can you become immune to E. Coli O157:H7 if you've had it before? Say theoretically, you catch every food borne illness under the sun, will you become immune to all of them?

>> No.15077346

Your body doesn't produce permanent immunity against most bacteria

>> No.15077362

Alright, I'm just wondering, since you have these people fucking eating "high" meat. Shouldn't they be getting bloody shits? I was wondering whether they built immunity or is something overblown here?

I personally drank raw milk Kefir for a while, found out it could've fucked me up. Still drink raw milk on occasion. Am I immune or how does that work?

>> No.15077367

Raw Milk isn't dangerous unless you don't store it correctly and don't drink it quickly.
(Ultra-) Pasteurization isn't a process to make raw milk drinkable, it's just a process to preserve milk and make it long lasting.

>> No.15077563

dd pregnancy, prolactinoma, ckd, hypothyroidism

>> No.15077636

Interesting POV fren. One quick google search and you get 59 FDA articles telling you you'll get E. Coli, Salmonella, die of HUS and become paralyzed.

>> No.15077766

Yeah based on raw milk from industrial scale produced cows that live in pure filth.

>> No.15077779

Agreed. Oh well, I'm gonna try GOrawMAD, see if I gain weight.

>> No.15077807

>Raw Milk isn't dangerous unless you don't store it correctly and don't drink it quickly.
Yup. Drank it for many years when had a couple dairy cows.
Best part was getting so much cream everyday and making gallons of butter to freeze. That shit is expensive to buy.

>> No.15077888

If you're lean, then the normal pulse from your aorta can make your abdomen pulsate. Happens to me too.

>> No.15078598

>wonder why my hands and feet are so fucking cold and freeze so easily even in gloves
>check blood pressure for once
>it's 115/65 after MPH and like 2-3 mugs of coffee
Hmmmm I really do wonder
I could, but I'd rather not fuck around with thyroid hormones anymore (was on levothyroxine for a while and it didn't help at all, just gave me edema) especially pure t3 which could make my hunger even less manageable

>> No.15078921

what do if pulse is over 100 for hours and isnt decreased by drugs

>> No.15078989

this is pretty urgent

>> No.15078996

ekgs say SR, isosomething ST, beta blockers and valium didnt do shit

>> No.15079142

so it turns out the government propped up a fake narrative about covid and vaccines, any doctors upset about this or? how does it feel your peers are more easily manipulated than a construction worker despite all those years of schooling?

>> No.15079172

Nobody gives a shit, nursoid

>> No.15079783

Hey guys, have any of you got research experience? I've got a masters in clinical psych and was thinking of applying to medical school to pursue psychiatry, but the schools I'm looking at say that they look into research experience and beyond taking a few classes on research methods I've never really seen any opportunities around me to participate as a researcher. How do I find these opportunities?

>> No.15079911

>look up who does research in psychiatry at your university
>pick topic you like
>email them about research with your CV
simple as
even a complete failure like me got an opportunity with the chair of the specialty I want at my university. too bad I hate what I'm doing and I'm behind schedule >.>

>> No.15079922

no it's really for a story I swear.

>> No.15080308

I graduated a little while ago.

>> No.15080496

I failed calculus again. I swear im not retarded, I just played my cards super poorly twice in a row. Should i just give up and go be a dishwasher or something.

>> No.15080783
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>> No.15080797

How do we fix the Ethnic Pain pandemic in modern US bros?

>> No.15080993

national programme to get lifesaving spaghetti to the wiseguys and nonnas that need it

>> No.15080999

Still haven't changed faggot cell. tut tut

>> No.15081100

should i send the videos for bandaging exam to my classmates? i don't know if i should or it will be well recived
>am paramedic 2nd year

>> No.15081162

and what the fuck are you eating anon?

>> No.15081570
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Depends if I'm conscious or not (barely awake or asleep). If I'm conscious I usually go for something high volume (vegetables, lean meats, fat free diary, bland cereal, lean fish) or something I find okay that my family buys (plain bread, muesli, oranges, bananas). If I lose it tho I will eat anything that I can get ahold of especially if I'm asleep since I can't retaliate even If I start eating something I find gross or unpleasant normally (and that's saying something since I can go after frozen/old bread or literally spices itself). I was able to almost return to pre onset hunger weight, but I still get attacks where I feel like I'm gonna snap or do snap, but go a little less far since I partially know what do in such situations (lay in bed and don't move until shaking and urge desists - can take few hours, otherwise choke on opioids or dxm and hope they can numb the pain) or react as fast as I can

>> No.15081609

Burning pain left right abdomen and right above pp. Currently waiting it out, should I br worried? Hurts like shit at times then dulls, but still not gone.

>> No.15081809

how does eating so much you throw up work? is it just that the stomach is overloaded? I've heard the stomach clears fully about two hours after eating, if that's true does that mean someone eating once every two hours wouldn't throw up from eating too much? once it clears the stomach would eating too much just present as big shits?

if this isn't the right thread tell me and I'll delete

>> No.15082313

sounds like you fell for the "high volume eating" and "fat is evil" meme, but that's a common thing nowadays desu
try adding more fatty meats and dairy into you diet and see how that makes you feel, try reading up on satiety hormones and what causes their release desu
and did you talk about it with some type of mental health provider?
by looking at your case you should rather be less hungry than more with these levels of thyroid hormones so it should be more on a mental and diet/GI issue, if you have to take opioids for that someone should take it more seriously
are you also a fat fuck or not really? you could try fasting as well to learn more about your own hunger and whether it's more physical or emotional, but be careful if you need meds so much
hope you get better anon, t. nurseoid who is into alt dietetics