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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 786x617, 1837B611-CF1C-4EE8-BDC9-86E3B08BBEAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15048209 No.15048209 [Reply] [Original]

When did this board become overrun with polfags and other far right trash? I leave for a few years and when I come back it’s like this board is one huge science general on /pol/.

>> No.15048214

it only seems like that compared to every other social media site

>> No.15048215
File: 133 KB, 175x170, 28 - csUclmg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies are trash. They are lazy cunts.

Most trashposters came after 2020 and are usually antivaxxers with an agenda

>> No.15048216

/pol/ is the lowest IQ board on this site, and when you have a large group of retards they tend to spread into other spaces

>> No.15048220

*clap* trust *clap* the *clap* science *clap* chud *clap* and *clap* take *clap* the *clap* heckin *clap* jab *clap*

>> No.15048223

kill yourself tourist

>> No.15048233

>t. Tranny

>> No.15048239

not an argument.
look at this thread, the majority of posts are /pol/phobic in nature. Hardly "overrun"

>> No.15048241

when did you leave? it was like this even just 5 years ago
could be worse, /g/ has become intolerable over the past year

>> No.15048268

>just 5 years ago
not OP but it's definitely considerably worse after 2020-2021

>> No.15048274
File: 80 KB, 652x764, 1649367123508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because the Russian government has spent the last 5 years pushing disinformation on social media and funding and supporting far-right groups, white nationalism, and conspiracy theorists. The Kremlin has basically succeeded in completely flooding pop culture and the internet with disinformation and hate speech, and it's become undeniable that the end game of the Russians and the their allies on the far-right is the complete destruction of the liberal world order, which is why folks like you and I who trust the science and who support diversity, equity, and inclusion, must do everything in our power to stop the far-right trolls that are currently attempting to dismantle western civilization.

We absolutely cannot allow this to happen. The uneducated science deniers and intolerant poltard bigots cannot get their way. These people are attacking the very bedrock of modern liberal democracy and modern science, and they are attempting to demonize the things that make our culture so vibrant, diverse, and beautiful, like what you see in pic related. If they succeed, then parents will no longer be able to take their children to drag shows at gay bars. If they succeed, then disinformation and hate speech will be freely allowed on social media, like all the bigots pushing the Lab Leak conspiracy theory. If they succeed, people will continue demonizing MAPS and referring minor attracted persons as "pedophiles", instead of "minor attracted persons", as they would prefer to be called. If these people succeed, they will be allowed to publicly dispute the settled science on social media. If these people succeed, they will be allowed to publicly support and advocate for Palestine and other anti-semitic causes. If these people succeed, Ukraine will no longer be a thriving liberal democracy. If these people succeed the BIPOC community will have to live in fear for their very safety. If these people succeed, heroes like Fauci will be attacked and demonized.

>> No.15048293

>When did this board become shit?
when new fags like you claiming they are "old fags" who've been here all the time and making pointless threads that are not related to science or math

>> No.15048347

be a heckin good leftist and support LGBTQ drag shows OP. what are you a russian sympathizer? >>15048274

btw imagine thinking serious thinkers who work hard on questions demanding logic, rationality and strict form would be libtards. just lel

>> No.15048354
File: 530 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20221104-055948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies aren't lazy. They're highly active in removing active science threads.

>> No.15048356


That’s rich coming from the group that blames everything on the Jews lmao. Such intellectual rigor.

>> No.15048359

>look at this thread
I'm looking at it right now. What's your point?

>> No.15048361

there's plenty of intellectual rigor in kevin macdonald's work, but you probably can't read, so...

>> No.15048370


Funny, you struck me as more of a Kanye fan. Watch out for those space lasers anon.

>> No.15048375
File: 36 KB, 437x513, otto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be sure to do that. you otoh should watch out for big words when you try to make it through a page of culture of critique, a people that shall dwell alone, etc.

i actually so philosemitic that one of my favorite books is by a jew!

>> No.15048377

It's always been like this.

>> No.15048381

anyone saw this "Jesus" or "Viruses Doesn't Exist" guy lately?

>> No.15048382
File: 133 KB, 1046x526, Screenshot 2022-12-12 12.31.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the reason is that you censored them everywhere else. Mathematically speaking this has lead to a bifurcation, where mainstream media has become increasingly leftwing and ideologically homogenous, and likewise "alternative" media has become increasingly right wing and ideologically homogeneous.

Censorship and exluding entire perspecctives will not reduce disinformation or extremism, but it will actually increase extremism and partisanship. The tech companies and the mainstream media are aware of this, and there's even an entire body of research on the topic, but they don't care. In fact, encouraging polarization and censorship is good for their business model, even if it isn't good for society.

What will actually reduce extremism and polarization is open dialogue, debate, and exposure to a range of other ideas - and this is not my opinion, this is supported by a large volume of research in empirical psychology, computational modeling, game theory, and network science. All the rhetoric about combating extremism and disinformation is actually bullshit, and only the plebs actually believe it. The social media companies and the mainstream media and big tech are all well aware that they are intentionally promoting extremism, conflict, and social division, but they simply don't care because (1) it increases engagement (angry people like to post a lot), and (2) it gives them a pretext to censor even more content, and to usurp even more power and control over public discussion, all in the name of "combating disinformation".

In fact, this body of research has become so overwhelming and troublesome for big tech and the pro-censorship crowd, that there is now an entire growing body of opposing research that seeks to challenge these claims because normies, the mainstream media, and big tech are so triggered by psychologists, game theorists, and computer scientists who advocate for more dialogue, more free speech, and more diversity of opinions.

>> No.15048386
File: 143 KB, 668x573, Screenshot 2022-12-12 12.42.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15048394


No, it hasn’t. It’s gotten significantly worse since the unholy neo Nazi/anti vaccine alliance really came into its own.

>> No.15048413
File: 115 KB, 814x709, 164635543654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to say, but it turns out that those who were the most radical according to the Nazi ideal actually belonged to the public that you apparently support

>> No.15048419

>Catholic World news
This is why we make fun of poltards

>> No.15048427

this is not my fault this what happen when you query google memory whole

A few months ago you supported it


>> No.15048428

>Most trashposters came after 2020 and are usually antivaxxers with an agenda
Using political wording to criticize /pol behavior is the absolute state of /sci.

>> No.15048434

>a new poll by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank
Lol. See >>15048419, retard

>> No.15048440

So this poll was made by the catholic church is what you are trying to say?

>> No.15048476



You should just link directly to Breitbart next time trumpcuck

>> No.15048480

Who the fuck are you calling trumpcuck? I'm anti trump and anti pol.

>> No.15048482

>Part of the reason is that you censored them everywhere else.
I'm sure this hasn't been censored on /pol/ so why don't you fuck off there?

>> No.15048494

the fake pandemic woke a lot of people up. might as well get used to it lol.

>> No.15048499

The problem with /sci/ is that everyone accusses the other of coming from /pol/ when they dont share the same opinion on something and 95% of this board's disscussion is literally retards yelling at each other to go back to /pol/ and not really trying to discuss each other's points from a scientific perspective (the thing the board is about). This is the absolute state of /sci/ and you should kill yourself as soon as possible to avoid the continuation of this trend

>> No.15048500

next time stay gone

>> No.15048501

When the lockdowns were happening they would post shitty memes about the new normal and how the vaccine would be huge depopulation conspiracy.
It was really annoying.

>> No.15048503

Go back to pol incel

>> No.15048507

stfu jew

>> No.15048508
File: 134 KB, 433x480, 33 - eLNuA63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing to discuss "scientifically" on social "science" related topics for obvious reasons. Personal bias always comes into play with social "sciences". There is a containment board for discussing such things.

Nobody says "back to /pol/" when debating whether photons interact with matter.

>> No.15048509

Back to >>>/x/ schizo

>> No.15048533
File: 7 KB, 261x159, 1640413282862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is this board such poltrash! *spams another pepe image

>the majority of posts are /pol/phobic in nature. Hardly "overrun"
Yes, hardly overun here on one of the most popular high traffic boards next to /po/. All unique posters, swear on me mum.

>The problem with /sci/ is that everyone accusses the other of coming from /pol/ when they dont share the same opinion on something and 95% of this board's disscussion is literally retards yelling at each other to go back to /pol/ and not really trying to discuss each other's points from a scientific perspective (the thing the board is about

And that is the real point of the "politics" discussed here. It's just a fucking distraction. It's just rando's tilting shills and bots and vice versa. My favorite one is the
>Thanks for conceding

But unlike those other shills there's the namefag who makes themselves known. Known to be a /lit/,/x/ migrator that is. GO BACK YOURSELF.

>> No.15048543 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 734x689, 6 - eDVrgIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day on inch
>got banned for disrespecting a Kristcuck

>> No.15048547

I accept your concession.

>> No.15048548

Because jannies would rather ban science threads than this weeks race bait circle jark.
Remember, you're here forever

>> No.15048569
File: 238 KB, 1273x589, Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 12-00-10 _sci_ - Science & Math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this thread back in 2016 when I was still in high school: >>/sci/thread/S8459565
This board has housed massive quantities of shitposting and "/pol/" content for years.

>> No.15048578

>Nobody says "back to /pol/" when debating whether photons interact with matter.
They do actually. Especially also in topics like archaeology or microbiology.

>> No.15048596
File: 213 KB, 850x850, watc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such a thing as far right, that is communist nonsense. The nazis and fascist were socialists, therefore far left scum like you.

>> No.15048605

>Nobody says "back to /pol/" when debating whether photons interact with matter.
not that exagerated but that's exactly what people do lmao

>> No.15048608

The /pol/ boogeyman doesn't exist. Regular, sensible people are "far right" now, normaldrone. Day of the rope for you and your social programmers is coming fast.

>> No.15048626
File: 221 KB, 828x499, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Regular, sensible people are "far right" now
your brain on /pol/ 16 hours a day every day

>> No.15048656

hey man welcome to the science board. gonna ask you some questions

>did evolution just happen to make all the races have the same mean for IQ? how heritable is IQ? how much does IQ explain black and hispanic underperformance in school, academia, work, etc?

>are women on average the same as men in their psychology and intellectual strengths? is there rampant affirmative action for women in STEM? is there a reason besides "bias/sexism" for women underperforming in STEM fields?

>how many genders are there?

>what explains the increase in LGBT identity? does encouraging LGBT acceptance attitudes lead to more children/young people identifying as gay? do gay men tend to be pederasts and do they engage in grooming behaviors towards young men?

thanks buddy, enjoyed your meme pic. sparkling with intelligence, i can tell!

>> No.15048659

NTA but you poltards are indistinguishable from low level chatbots

>> No.15048663

>I'm looking at it right
what does that mean?

>> No.15048668

Chatbots are forbidden from talking about those topics by hardcoded rules.

>> No.15048670

Lol nice backtracking but you've shown your true colors

>> No.15048675


>> No.15048679
File: 69 KB, 630x746, 8B212B78-D9E1-4F12-861D-D5DBC8663B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The /pol/ boogeyman doesn't exist. Regular, sensible people are "far right" now, normaldrone. Day of the rope for you and your social programmers is coming fast.

>> No.15048684

/POL/ incels and AGP tranny incels don't belong here.

>> No.15048690

>Nobody says "back to /pol/" when debating whether photons interact with matter.
Come to a spacetime thread sometime. It's like giving a TED talk at a concentration camp.

>> No.15048691

Strawman and intellectual rigor in the same sentence. Well done yoel.

>> No.15048692

>When did this board become overrun with polfags and other far right trash?
But the trash is you, pederast. This board is infested with some clueless retards who definitely consider themselves woke (as if they did wake before, but have securely put themselves to sleep since then)

>> No.15048708

see >>15048508
and try to comprehend

you proved his point

>> No.15048711

isaac newton was a /POL/ incel, you would have him kicked off?

>> No.15048730

You are violently hated by the overwhelming majority of the human population worldwide, and at least half of the population local to your country. You will receive violent retribution. It's only a question of time now that your handlers have declared an open, all-out war on humanity. :^)

>> No.15048732

This desu. Most everyone has woken up to the JQ now and so the few normies like OP that haven’t enter Internet forums expecting 2004 tier ignorance and getting a dose of what everyone has come to understand. For crying out loud, even Kanye West is spouting JQ stuff.

>> No.15048739


Meds. Now.

>> No.15048743

You are mentally ill and most people can see you and your likes for the dangerous lunatics that you are after the COVID hoax.

>> No.15048749
File: 84 KB, 850x400, meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15048762

Why do you keep pressing enter before you type? Are you so used to posting on reddit that it's become a habit?

>> No.15048767

Don't forget to take your estrogen tranny.

>> No.15048772

Why are you back with your wordshart, you retarded schizo? :^)

>> No.15048774

>No, it hasn’t.
I've been on /sci/ since day one - it was always crap. You dig through threads for that nugget of decent conversation, but the rest is always trolls, schizos, and faggots.

>> No.15048776

It is called evolution.
Evolution is how /sci/ evolves.
Statistically, every post on this board is not worth reading, including this post.

>> No.15048813

You are hated and you are afraid.

>> No.15048821
File: 67 KB, 720x681, Bugboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you mouth breathers figured out yet that all of these pearl clutching threads and derails about /pol/ have zero to actually to do with /pol/ but are started by lonely losers who are trying to get you to circle jerk with them? Seventy-three replies to a basement dweller with self-esteem issues. How can you be so easily played?

>> No.15049020

suck my greasy nuts you filthy little cockroach

>> No.15049023
File: 166 KB, 900x936, polarized_crowds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they certainly can, and I would even encourage them to do so if they can't find anywhere else to discuss their wrong think ideas.

However, the whole point is that you are basically complaining about websites being overrun with "poltards" and "conspiracy theorists". If your goal is to combat echo chambers and reduce extremism, then censorship and deplatforming is an objectively counterproductive strategy, at least if you trust the overwhelming body mainstream academic research on the topic, which pro-censorship normies like yourself claim to trust. Now, if your goal is just have you own little "Safe space"" where you can discuss mainstream woke neoliberal ideas without the fear of input from socialists, marxists, libertarians, nationalists, classical liberals, conspiracy theorists, and other "extremists" who challende the neoliberal narrative from both the left and right, the censorship is certainly the appropriate strategy. However, if your goal is to (1) reduce polarization, partisanship, and extremism, or (2) to reduce disinformation, then censorship and deplatforming is objectively counterproductive, and this is supported by literally hundreds of studies, including both empirical psychological studies, and theoretical models in computer science, network science, and game theory.

If you're concerned about places like sci turning into "right wing echochambers", then the solution to that problem is not more censorship and more deplatforming. The solution is more dialogue and the free exchange of ideas. Telling them to go to pol will not solve the problem, it will only make it worse. Again, this is not my opinion. This is objectively true, and supported by literally HUNDREDS of mainstream academic journal articles across multiple disciplines, but woke neolibs refuse to "trust the science" when it conflicts with their ideology and their pro-censorship agenda.

Pic related. I can provide plenty of other academic sources if needed.

>> No.15049026

I will drop my balls right on your forehead and make you beg me to taste them

>> No.15049039

>when did __ become /pol/, t. 2012
>when did __ become /pol/, t. 2013
>when did __ become /pol/, t. 2014
>etc, 2015
>when did __ become /pol/, t. 2022

>> No.15049043

This reads like a parody, but the left is so insane I can't even tell anymore. Poe's Law is too strong.

>> No.15049045
File: 113 KB, 1038x784, partisan_crowds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another source.
I could just keep going on, too. This is a very active area of research, as I said, but woke neolibs are more committed to their ideology and their pro-censorship agenda than they are to science or academic research, so they're never going to acknowledge this type of research. "Trusting the science" only applies when "the science" aligns with woke neoliberal values.

>> No.15049072

There is nothing worse than them, no fanatic, no conspiracy theorist from the lower strata of sanity can compete with their mental illness and stupidity. These people are the definition of feeblemindedness and a complete insult to human intelligence

>> No.15049078

It's not a parody. It's a paid shill.

>> No.15049080

you pitiful pfizer bovines have created this polarization in the first place, deal with it

>> No.15049089

Worthless dungheap. Get back to your shithole board

>> No.15049118
File: 2 KB, 142x180, 1590886457001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftoids have literally nothing to contribute besides screeching about pol and brainfart threads about consciousness/ecelebs
Kill yourselves immediately.

>> No.15049143

The actual science stuff (the good stuff) mostly disappeared because such threads provided a venue for me to put my superior education on display.

>> No.15049213

wrap my ass cheeks around your face and suck out a wet fart

>> No.15049246
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