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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15045531 No.15045531 [Reply] [Original]

new kurzgesagt just dropped

>> No.15045533

>watching bill gates propagana

>> No.15045555


>> No.15046051
File: 207 KB, 572x748, 1655807666602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay listen I'm not a chemist but
>just melt the oxide minerals to release the oxygen bro
>ok but how do you prevent the now rusting metals from reabsorbing all of the oxygen?
>idk man science magic or some shit

>> No.15046061

That's even more stupid than his venus shit

>> No.15046095

You will die before the first colony on Mars exists. Sorry chud.

>> No.15046150
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Based The Hated One enjoyer

>> No.15046192

not gonna post the link?

>> No.15046849

>discussing introducing earth bugs
>"lets leave out mosquitoes"
based. fuck mosquitoes

>> No.15046897

exactly this.

>> No.15046899
File: 7 KB, 446x114, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this PhD has you debunked

>> No.15046906
File: 29 KB, 552x447, 1654376801485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too funny

>> No.15046908

This is actually their worst video to date, literally science fiction

>> No.15046916


>> No.15046926

I didn't expect to find two Chads who watch The Hated One on a board that isn't /g/

>> No.15046971

With the amount of bullshit they had to ignore like the gravity difference on earth life forms and how that would conflict with the internal systems of earth life... This video is just scifi.
If anything it showed why people need to stop being nihilistic pieces of shit and actually fight for a future instead of allowing Shlomo Goldberg to turn this rock into a lifeless planet again.

>> No.15047002

>Shlomo Goldberg to turn this rock into a lifeless planet again.
madlad did it twice?

>> No.15047053

You build a mass driver on Triton. Then spend centuries stripping tge nitrogen rich surface ice off, and shooting it into mars. While Martians live in underground cities. Hoping the yearly Triton bombardment does not destroy their settlements.

>> No.15047059

>Hoping the yearly Triton bombardment does not destroy their settlements.
That's the thing with terraforming a planet, it runs completely counter to colonizing it. You simply can't increase the temperature, increase the pressure or introduce a water cycle without fucking everything up. Earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes, bad times.

>> No.15047066

most kurgszegat videos are grift

>> No.15047070

tldr we are never teraforming mars lmao

>> No.15047089

So what if it's propaganda? It's entertaining and educational.

>> No.15047092

They'll reabsorb some, but not all.

>> No.15047097

Why? The layer of "ash" would be a couple meters thick, water and dissolved gases will be able to make it's way through that just fine and react with the iron/carbon. Oh sure the rate is going to look like some sort of exponential decay but what matters is that no their blacked mars isn't going to have a stable atmosphere whatsoever.

>> No.15047160

That guy is a sociopath for defending mosquitos. Plenty of other pollinating bugs are included Other living things can fill that niche if they ceased to exist, we'd be fine.

>> No.15047192

I remember listening to Helltaker when it first came out. Never played the game, but love the art and music. Thank you for the good memory, Anon.

>> No.15047224

>Humanity successfully terraforms mars
>AI immediately replaces us
>Decides the atmosphere on mars causes too much rust, gets rid of it.

>> No.15047271

Good one anon

>> No.15047455

>literally science fiction
They all are.

>> No.15047489

all it needs is a artificial magnetic field since losing it was what made the atmosphere disappear in the first place, that can be done fairly easily as shown in the video with large magnets making a sort of "umbrella" at the l1 point

>> No.15047575

>all we need is continuous wave laser with twice as much energy densitiy as this pulsed meme laser
Musk ruined Mars

>> No.15047619

>So what if it's propaganda?

>> No.15047663

what is the propaganda trying to convince us of?

>> No.15047694

It's quite normal for wealthy people to fund educational stuff, it is considered philantropy.
I can see how this would fire up conspiracy idiots.

>> No.15047721

>here are you curated bread crumbs that never fail to make us look bad while we rig the economy and jealousy hoard all the riches of the world.
Philantropy is a scam.

>> No.15047768

how is it a scam if they give the money and the work gets done? at most you would say the economy is a scam

>> No.15047775

reject edutainment

>> No.15047975
File: 118 KB, 239x400, Bill Gates ties to Jeffrey Epstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15047981

Anon, most media you are subjected to is some form of propaganda. Kurzgesagt is fairly clear about where their biases are

>> No.15048027

That has exactly fuck all to do with what I said.

>> No.15048038

Just me or have his videos significantly gone down in quality? There's barely any info in them now.

>> No.15048051

The pretty colors are just meant to attract lots of viewers in the hopes that they'll watch the subsequent video about how AIDS is caused by eating meat rather than sodomy (sponsored by the B&M gate foundation)

>> No.15048055

Mars lacks the gravity and magnetic field to hold an atmosphere. Venus is the only planet that can realistically be terraformed.

>> No.15048063

I don't know, I wouldn't want to mess with Cydonia again.

>> No.15048072

It has enough gravity, but you're right on the magnetic field part. Putting the magnet at L1 doesn't seem like a bad idea, though.

>> No.15048075

I rate it Isaac Arthur/10

>> No.15048576

Three, I'm from /g/ as well

>> No.15048588

That you have to bring Africans into your home or the Earth will get too hot.

>> No.15048589

Damn, they only have a few million years before the atmosphere starts thinning out because of the lack of a magnetic atmosphere, what to do!

>> No.15048591

Magnetic field*****

>> No.15048592

Normies will believe anything if it's presented in a pretty enough way and the speaker has the right accent.

>> No.15048620

This and the Venus one are completely fucking retarded. And the worst thing is how much they emphasize that it's doable in the near future.


>> No.15048713

This, it's dumb

>> No.15048860

I'll magnetize yo momma's dick

>> No.15048992

>It's quite normal for wealthy people to fund educational stuff
You're implying wealthy people function the same way as normal people, wealthy people literally can't do things for free, it's hardwired in their brains. They need SOME kind of backscratch for their 'donations'.

>> No.15050140
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, MARS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is getting fucking ridiculous.

>> No.15050145

>that can be done fairly easily as shown in the video
die you stupid fucking subhuman trash

>> No.15050152

>new kurzgesagt just dropped

>> No.15050177

Near future as in starting in the next 100 years, and being finished in about 1000 years
Consider how much has changed in the past 100-200 years, so what happens in a 1000 years is basically impossible to predict

>> No.15050180

Seriously suggesting that terraforming is a viable option is any science channel's worst video.

>> No.15050182

Help me understand, so because rich people gave money to an educational science channel for normbesef and children that means it's used as a propaganda piece? I know the politcal video's are cringe but you can't tell me the science ones aren't at the very least creative and entertaining.

>> No.15050199

>O'Neill fag detected
>administering micrometeorites

>> No.15050210

Deflect harder, I didn't mention space habitats.

>> No.15050258

Venus doesn't rely on speculation or non-existant technologies. Primarily a matter of blocking the sun for a few centuries.

>> No.15050314

We can't even get the lines straight in parking lots. We're not Terraforming mars. Scientists lied to me my whol life. The future is incresingly shit movies and video games and waging.

>> No.15050334

neo-communist 3rd-worldism

>> No.15051006
File: 632 KB, 1920x1080, download (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really true? Is society really degrading? Where is our modern Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Newton. Why nowadays everyone is a fucking retard?

>> No.15051030

I swear they did a videos about how nuking the Mariana trench would destroy the planet or something, then deleted that and posted one about how it wouldn't do anything.

>> No.15051038

>that can be done fairly easily as shown in the video
Can it, though? It would have to really powerful to shield an entire planet. That's a lot of juice.

>> No.15051054

>new kurzgesagt just dropped
nobody cares faggot,
get of /sci/ with your s oy shit

>> No.15051671

You don't colonize until after teraforming

>> No.15052383

the biggest challenge is getting rid of the CO2. Keeping it underground forever is probably not a good idea, which means that launching all that mass into space at great cost is probably the only viable option.

>> No.15052656
File: 778 KB, 750x422, Popsci Internet Defence Force.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
