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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15041313 No.15041313 [Reply] [Original]

Is blondism a disease?

>> No.15042357

no, just a genetic mutation from ancient times

>> No.15042362

Intelligence is a disease?

>> No.15042366

Light coats are a sign of intelligence and sociability. It's polygenic with genius.

>> No.15042371
File: 268 KB, 889x1472, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in what way

>> No.15042372

Why are most of the greatest minds ever brown haired?

>> No.15042373

Brown hair with white skin is a light coat color in humans.

>> No.15042380

oh, alright then.

>> No.15042382

I wouldn't worry about that. You're as healthy as they come.

>> No.15042392

In selectively bred animals, when looking for intelligence and agreeability it tends that as these rise coat color lightens alongside those characteristics. It's been seen in rodents and in foxes to give some examples.

>> No.15042394

They're also non-niggers, non-mongoloids, and non-poojeets.

>> No.15042395

interesting. In humans as well we see blonde haired blue eyed people as nicer and more trustworthy while people with darker features the opposite.

>> No.15042409
File: 529 KB, 960x1315, 32222E96-A9C6-47EF-A16C-5F9806FB21D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramanujan would like a word with you

>> No.15042416
File: 63 KB, 940x580, djk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are most of the greatest minds ever brown haired?
Because most whites are brown haired.
All non-whites have black hair.
Simple statistics.

>> No.15042951

yes, and one we will soon cure

>> No.15043073

if blondes are the smartest then shouldnt nordics have the highest genius rate? The group with the highest genius rate is the Jew who mostly have dark hair

>> No.15043078

>Because most whites are brown haired
>"but if blondes are the smartest..."
Let's be honest, you'll never understand any patterns in society. There's no point trying to explain things to you. Dark hair for white people is light hair compared to most of the world.

>> No.15043080


>> No.15043090

Your face is a disease.

>> No.15043098


indians are smarter than whites and jews

>> No.15043099
File: 98 KB, 1500x923, Monsey-rabbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Fins, Swedes,... are blone, why aren't they the smartest ethnicities?
>Dark hair for white people is light hair compared to most of the world.
I don't know what white people you're talking about. I'm talking about Jews, are these the light hair you're referring to?

>> No.15043111
File: 34 KB, 678x381, D36ED28F-4245-47C8-8F5F-F078BF8E92D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like how I look as a moderately attractive black guy but white people hair and eye colors are pretty cool. If I could change one thing about my phenotype, I’d want grey eyes.

>> No.15043175

>average IQ of 82
>11 Nobel laureates with a population of over a billion

>> No.15043282

No, blondism is not a disease. It is a genetic trait that causes a person to have blonde hair. It is a recessive trait, which means that a person must inherit the gene for blondism from both of their parents in order to have blonde hair. While blondism is not a disease, some medical conditions can cause a person to lose their hair, including alopecia and certain medications. However, these conditions do not specifically cause a person to become blonde.

>> No.15043444

not even indians believe that themselves chang

>> No.15043678 [DELETED] 

>I don't know what white people you're talking about. I'm talking about Jews, are these the light hair you're referring to?
Average IQ around 90 btw.

>> No.15043715

Because they're not slanted-eyed rice-eating bugmen who cheat on IQ tests.

>> No.15043720

But Asians and Jews score higher than Whites in tests administered in US too

>> No.15043725

Jews score lower than Whites in tests administered across a larger sample size (in Israel).

>> No.15043730
File: 516 KB, 1185x872, Chinese students caught cheating on SAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're not slanted-eyed rice-eating bugmen who cheat on IQ tests.

>> No.15043735


>> No.15043742

Ashkenazi are the smartest species

>> No.15045256


Sorry Chud, it’s been debunked

>> No.15045260

That goes for you too Charlie

>> No.15045264

no it's A CUTE

>> No.15045272


>> No.15045484

you posted this on /his/ as well

>> No.15047592
File: 11 KB, 236x350, black-beauty-black-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the cure

>> No.15047623

that's ashkenazi i.e. eastern europeans and southern europeans. and only because you are looking at a really tiny elite population, you could get the same looking at subpopulations.

also nordics have a tiny population, even within europe. simply cannot sustain that many people due to food production limitations.

>> No.15047626

good morning sirs

>> No.15047651
File: 292 KB, 2115x1078, CJ5Em9rW8AAKr33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shouldnt nordics have the highest genius rate
Funny you ask.

>> No.15047698

ohh man, are greeks retarded?

>> No.15047704
File: 125 KB, 1024x538, how-many-sheep-are-in-new-zealand-1024x538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK this proves it: NZ is the superior race and is going to dominate the world.
We should stop them before it's too late.

>> No.15049296

Vietnamese chads, we fucking won

>> No.15049356

What really matters more than IQ is racial composition. Jews (the Ashkenazi kind you could find in pre WWII Europe) have 115 IQ, but that's not all. You see there's a certain un-measurable part of IQ which is dependent on genetics. Jews have the highest genetic affinity with southern Italians and secondarily Levantines.

That's somewhat of a simplification of course because they show broad genetic affinities with multitudes of groups, so northern Euros, Asians, Africans, even Native Americans. This basically means that qualitatively a 115 IQ Jew is different from a 115 IQ White/Asian, likely stemming from the whole 120 verbal 98 spatial thing.

>> No.15049363
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>> No.15049409

But you're not posting the entire photo. In America Ashkenazis were measured at 115. I don't understand how Lynn could have documented such a discrepancy on his own publication, no less. I'll believe the American statistic because Israelis are much more likely to be mixed with Mizrahim or otherwise have some Mizrahim ancestry compared to American Jews. Either that or it's some kind of environmental thing.

>> No.15050167

A blonde girl rejected me so, yes.

>> No.15050930
File: 614 KB, 500x325, jubiiiii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is already full of /pol/ niggers. They can't even name 3 blonde hair, blue eyed people that changed our world.
The arab world, later christian world, has carried our field of science throughout human history. If you disagree with this then you're actually a nigger.

>> No.15051229
File: 213 KB, 422x323, 1495257310110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting these /pol/bait threads across all these different boards with the same picture of that little blonde girl
it's extremely transparent