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15039951 No.15039951 [Reply] [Original]

can social isolation and low cognitive stimulation make you dumber?
if yes, can this be reversed?

i'm feeling like i'm in a blur, i often find myself searching for the proper word or name to use

>> No.15040104

Holy shit anon, you're retarded. Obviously If you don't talk to people much for a long time, you will become less adept at making conversation. If you struggle with one-on-one conversation then you will definitely be incapable of participating in a group socialisation event where quick, reasonably interesting responses are required and saying things at the right time and in the right tone are much more important. Humour will also be a stranger to you, since you need to be capable of making quick, unusual connections between concepts, a skill which you have stated you struggle with.
In relation to your struggle when searching for certain words in certain situations this is a skill that needs to be sharpened. Look around you when you are on the bus, the train or just sitting somewhere quietly and try to rapidly name everything you can see. Come up with quick descriptions of people and ponder on their lives. Try and make connections between the things you see. If you practice this regimen you will swiftly and significantly improve your social skills and reduce sluggishness in your thoughts. Phones and technology have had the negative effect of reducing people's ability to think this way so you must practice it.
Can brain fog and brain lethargy be moved on from? Yes unless you are an actual retard (I mean 75 IQ subhuman), have actual significant brain damage or are 70+ years old.

>> No.15040124

Literally me.

Answer to your question, yes. Studies have correlated a lack of social engagment with lower intelligence scores.

The brain needs to be constantly stimulated.

If you don't like IRL much, join an active chatroom and read a bunch of shit constantly. Play vidya that keeps you on your toes.

Otherwise, touch grass.

>> No.15040154
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Im NEET for approximately over 3 years i have none friends i talk to or hang out neither on the internet do i have any frens :(
I spend the most of my day just trying to cope with my loneliness and progressing stupidity and the immense feeling of hopelessness

>> No.15040172
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Lift weights. Now.

Alternatively, I unironically suggest reading the New Testament because the opposite certainly isn't doing anything for you.

Refine both your mind and body. This nihilistic self-pity is an endless chasm and intellectual trap.

>> No.15040188

Also, go the fuck outside. Take walks, hike. You need sunlight, which produces natural anti-depressants. It increases testosterone, forumlates vitamin D, and releases dopamine and endorphins.

Anything is better than wallowing in a perpetual misery that will only end in suicide.

>> No.15040853

You'll feel dumber as you get older if you don't use your brain. Some people are saying lift weights but I don't see how that would create new neural connections in your brain which you get from problem solving and critical thinking. Being at least somewhat healthy is pretty obvious. Just learn something, teach yourself JavaScript or something and make some shit

>> No.15041311

i don't think thats how it works

>> No.15041325

What are the effects on the brain of social isolation alone? Me studying in uni is intellectually stimulating obviously, but I haven't really talked to people in like 4 years, I wonder how stupider I am now and is it reversible, are there studies on this?

>> No.15041331
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Why are you so rude? If he's isolated, there's no way he could've known in advance

Plus that's hardly even real advice. You basically gave him a personal anecdote

You are not so special

>> No.15041355

Don't lift weights at a public gym.

>> No.15041573
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>> No.15041589

Yes, of course. Just like if you haven't studied geography for years and were asked to name countries off the top of your head. You can do most, but you'll probably forget Angola or Mozambique or Tuvalu. Most social situations require that little bit of extra sharpness. If someone says a joke and everyone laughs but you, or if some bit of irony is lost on you, even once or twice... It gets picked up on immediately by the group. They notice. Humans have millions of years of social adaptation where we notice these things. The milliseconds of time it takes. Right now, you are socially obese and want to run a social marathon. It won't happen. You'll be too sluggish and brainfogged. No pop culture references, no experiences to talk about. You'll sink, not swim. So my advice is to lose the weight and sharpen yourself up in a low stakes social setting that is free from consequence. Dunno what that is but that's all I can say.