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File: 1.85 MB, 1920x2241, stages of terraforming Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15034212 No.15034212 [Reply] [Original]

This will be Mars in your lifetime.

>> No.15034216


This will be martians in 100 lifetimes.

>> No.15034238

we'd have a better chance terraforming Antarctica than mars

>> No.15034239

>Decalcification of bones: astronauts lose bone mass 12 times faster than a post-menopausal woman;

Lol that's just 1 of many issues of microgravity. I know most of you who wish to live on mars are weak faggots anyway, maybe that's why you dream of it, because you are already weak.

Fucking dreaming kids. Grow some balls.

>> No.15034254

No good, the underground Nazis would interfere with us.

>> No.15034264

Venus should be a higher priority than Mars. Due to its larger size and higher gravity Venus could be made into a second Earth if they can find a way to cool it down. This could be easily done by building large solar sails around the planet. Once Venus cools down they can then introduce bacteria to make the atmosphere breathable.

>> No.15034284

We don’t have the genetic code to cope with living in .38 g also you can’t make an atmosphere that’s livable for us given that gravity

>> No.15034286

But the obesity would be like 90%

>> No.15034287

Venus doesn't have enough hydrogen. It's useless.

>> No.15034291

So import it from solar wind harvesting stations loitering at L4 and L5?

>> No.15034315

>Cool down this massive molten-hot hell plant, even though we can't even stop our own planet from getting slightly warmer.

>> No.15034323

You can unironically park large balloons on Venus at altitude and sit at 1 atm with comparable gravity to earth. You also have an atmosphere above you to protect your from solar wind. Only issue then is the acid rain.

>> No.15034329

>Only issue then is the acid rain
Only issue is that you would melt

>> No.15034332

You would need billions of years to make a tiny sea like the Caspian Sea.

>> No.15034339
File: 746 KB, 658x1172, fish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope so, but I imagine the poltards and schizos will do everything in their power to prevent this from happening. If we couldn't even deal with a pandemic that was literally ravaging the entire worlds and killing millions of people, I doubt we will be able to muster the collective will to go to mars. Maybe if we get all of the disinformation and conspiracy theory shit under control, we'll be able to, but as things stand we have a number of obstacles preventing us from making this sort of scientific progress, and ironically none of the obstacle actually have anything to do with science or human ingenuity itself. These obstacles are sociological and political in nature. If we really want to get to mars, the first step is not to build the rocket that will get us there, but rather figuring out what to do about all the people who will do everything in their power to stop us from getting there.

>> No.15034346

we can't even terraform Earth

>> No.15034350

The clouds on Venus are mainly sulfuric acid so there's plenty of hydrogen available

>> No.15034358

I thought you wanted hydrogen? If it's water you're after, import some kuiper belt objects. Or relieve Triton of a little of its water.

>> No.15034360
File: 4 KB, 205x245, incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the heckin based Nazis were secretly so advanced that they had secret UFO technology and a base in Antarctica.

I always find this to be one of the dumbest conspiracy theories. I honestly can't believe how someone could fall fort it, but I guess I should never be surprised by the profound stupidity and ignorance of poltards and schizos.
If Hitler really had all of this super advanced technology, then why didn't he use it to win the war?

You're a fucking retard. Take you fucking meds, and go back to pol.

>> No.15034370

>If Hitler really had all of this super advanced technology, then why didn't he use it to win the war?
Hitler was just a pawn of the real power in German, the Kriegsmarine. They had their sights set on a bigger prize - the stars.

>> No.15034374

If you want to do Mars, you should start with the babby mode challenge of the Moon. The only reason this isn't being done is because of Memelon Musk.
Venus or one of several of Jupiter's moons like Callisto or Europa has most of the raw stuff you need. Mars is always going to be handicapped by its lack of an internal dynamo.

>> No.15034389

Moon is still within the grasp of the ruinous powers on Earth. The whole point of Mars is that it's hard to interfere with you once you get there.

>> No.15034390

You live in a fucking fantasy world.
Touch grass, incel.

>> No.15034392

>plenty of hydrogen available

Venus needs 15,000 times more hydrogen to be like Earth. 15,000.

>> No.15034400

>Touch grass
You'd like that, wouldn't you.
Don't think I'm not wise to your tactics.

>> No.15034419

The most habitable planet/moon in our solarsystem is titan
Only thing needed is heating and oxygen, oxygen is easy to get on titan.
The massive abundance of fuel would make powering a settlement for heating easy.
To get to titan we first have to develop technology by going to the moon, mars or the moons of jupiter.

>> No.15034428
File: 342 KB, 1440x1800, 1656105849173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, have you ever worked outside in -40°C weather? Have you tried to manipulate tools, run equipment or even put on clothing at that kind of temperature?

I'm in Northern Alberta and have, and I'll tell you it's difficult to even put on boots and 25% of the equipment fails. And that is still orders of magnitude better because the atmosphere is nice and thick and breathable.

I'll believe we can establish permanent settlements on Mars when I see permanent settlements on Antarctica.

>> No.15034440

>I'll believe we can establish permanent settlements on Mars when I see permanent settlements on Antarctica.
It would be fully settled and exploited if it wasn't illegal to visit.

>> No.15034445

>permanent settlements on Antarctica
There are people that live year round.
What's preventing us is the antarctica treaty.
>working in the cold
You're in pressure suits that thermally protect you from the cold
>failing equipment
Yeah i agree this is overlooked
Not to mention the dust

>> No.15034447

>It would be fully settled and exploited if it wasn't illegal to visit.


>> No.15034449

The Antarctic Treaty completely prohibits economic exploitation.

>> No.15034455

>What's preventing us is the antarctica treaty.

Another stupid faggot trying to nitpick his way out of a losing argument. Let's deflect this back at you morons: why aren't the northernmost regions of Greenland inhabited?

>> No.15034462

Ice Gnomes.

>> No.15034467

How do we move Titan to Earth's orbit?

>> No.15034470

It would evaporate if you did that.
Plus these moons have next to no gravity, it's impossible to walk normally. Mars is the absolute lower limit.

>> No.15034479

>Once Venus cools down
I suggest building an orbiting ring, like Paul Birch suggested over Earth (also as WH40k suggests over Mars).
The material will have to be imported of course, from Venus-crossing asteroids.
But all the shit they served to Birch about how we can't turn Earth into an ice planet, is a *bonus* to Venus, because as you point out it's the planet with too much heat.

>> No.15034481

They are?
There's bases in north greenland.
But also there's not as many resources and open space as there is in antarctica.
There would be mining, oil and gas settlements in antarctica if thet were allowed.

>> No.15034486

>There's bases in north greenland.

Bases with part-time occupants supplied entirely from external sources are nowhere near analogous to any extra-planetary colony which will need a high degree of self-sufficiency. Try again.

>> No.15034487

Venus has more than enough atmospheric hydrogen and water to support the needs of the small initial colony. As the planet cools down and terraforming proceeds more water can be brought in as needed via comets and asteroids just as would have to be done for Mars to make it more Earth-like. Compared to Mars, Venus is a much more suitable planet for mankind because the gravity is almost Earth-normal. Mars may be inhabited first because it appears to be easier but Venus is the real prize. Having two habitable Earthlike planets in the same solar system will provide incredible benefits for humanity.

>> No.15034492

Why would they be self-sufficient when they don't have to be? Now you're just making up new rules so you don't have to concede.

>> No.15034497

>Why would they be self-sufficient when they don't have to be?

How do you supply several thousand permanent inhabitants?

>> No.15034498

Nah you're retarded.
Most northern tip of greenland there is no incentive to colonise or establish permanent settlement.
Antarctica has resources, but otherwise there's a treaty preventing extraction.

Mars has resources and it also puts us closer to the asteroid belt to mine.

The whole point of doing stuff like this is developing the technology to make it possible.

>> No.15034505

Ah okay so my reply just didn't work?
That's 4chan breaking in a way i've not seen

>> No.15034509

what we're willing to do to get away from latinos

>> No.15034514


>> No.15034515

>How do you supply several thousand permanent inhabitants?
How do you supply several million bugpeople in New York City?

>> No.15034520

It would turn into a hothouse planet.
All the liquids and water solids would evaporate into the atmosphere making it very dense

>> No.15034522

You're one to talk. You live in the world where obvious shitposting is a real post.

>> No.15034528

Now try to supply New York City but the obstacle is Earth escape velocity.

>> No.15034530

Cities aren't self-sufficient because it's easy to transport shit on Earth. I'm telling you your argument about Antarctica is stupid because we would obviously do the cheap thing instead of the expensive thing if given the choice.

>> No.15034533

Obligatory Kurz video on how to terraform Venus quickly. This actually looks easy. Why don't we build these space mirrors to reverse global warming on Earth?

>> No.15034544

>This will be Mars in your lifetime.

No magnetosphere, no life as we know it. Enjoy your skin cancer ayy lmaos.

>> No.15034560

I would not believe in the collectiveness and push for more of it if unsociable underachievers in the minority are the root cause for the collective homo's failure in covid containment or mars exploration, something that is suppose to be easier given the increased capacity, something that is supposed to work once every tweet and videos are auto detected and be given a credibility warning and a link to the page of a credible site.

>> No.15034562

but you could still live there, right?

>> No.15034621
File: 259 KB, 500x625, qrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pandemic that was literally ravaging the entire worlds and killing millions of people
You're overdoing the bait, but I have to admit it's still funny.

>> No.15034653

Imagine wanting to live in a place with no concept of nature, how sad!

>> No.15034654

This is a good thing though. If all the "I fucking love Science" reddit bugmen fuck off to Mars, the Earth may become a better place.

>> No.15034666
File: 288 KB, 1080x1159, 1670032752510973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this fucking mindset and I'm going to bury it once and for all. The very reason we haven't made a grand effort to colonize and utilize Antarctica is not just because of the frigid conditions, but also because it's literally illegal to do anything but set up smaller research stations.
Mars also has a much thinner atmosphere made of CO2, so the freezing aspect isn't as outright dangerous since well, you're gonna be going there with a pressurized suit regardless. What's a little extra heat?
>what is resistance training
>What is proper nutrition
>What are all the cases of ISS attendees returning home and only needing to sit down a little to readjust to Earth gravity
>What are Artemis and Starship HLS
Mars will probably just be dotted with biodomes and underground neighborhoods until a Lagrange satellite unleashing a gargantuan shield of a magnetic field can be built and launched.
I'll take it over living with niggers.
>Implying the IFLS types don't side with the earthnigger jews saying we should solve all problems on earth first

>> No.15034680


>> No.15034682

Magnetosphere is absolutely irrelevant. At most it reduces atmospheric erosion on the millennial scale. Ground level radiation is blocked by Earths atmosphere, not its magnetosphere. Same effect will protect Mars once the atmosphere is restored.

>> No.15034684

Completely delusional. Cosmic kek.

>> No.15034750

>This will be Mars in your lifetime.
they've got to hurry, then.

>> No.15034787

Yeah I've probably got like 40 years left, gonna have to do some pretty rapid terraforming

>> No.15034836

It would a an extremely dense atmosphere with a large greenhouse affect.
Over time the sun would gradually strip the atmosphere away due to a lack of a magnetic field.
And eventually it will go to another airless rock

>> No.15034872
File: 117 KB, 1000x667, MV5BOGJjZTJlMTctZjhjNi00MDJhLWI0YjItNjdmMDYwZTk1OGNlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTU4NjY5MzM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what Martians will look like

>> No.15034880

How close are we to building one on Earth do you think? It would more or less solve all of our major problems.

>> No.15034911

you will never go to space

>> No.15034954

>This will be Mars in your lifetime.
Lmao. terraforming a planet takes thousands of years bare minimum. Even something straightforward like baking oxygen out of the rocks is going to take forever, even if you do have energy to do it.

And mars doesn't have any nitrogen

You're gonna be depend on earth for damn near everything that can't be found locally

Because you still have put an obscene amount of material in to spac, millions if not billions of tons.

>> No.15035046

Devil trips beats 9/11, I'm still going faggot.

>> No.15035511
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, moon-city-clean-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances of an international base/tourist hotel on the moon in our lifetimes?

>> No.15035513

>be hooman
>cant convert desert to forest
>hurr durr lets convert a whole dead planet in hueg forest

>> No.15035527

we're gonna get near immortality tech in the next 50 years? nice
While I think a permanent human base on mars is possible in our lifetime, any serious terraforming attempt is measured on a timescale of centuries, not decades.

>> No.15035531

Mars never gonna get a real atmosphere, at least you can build in there, for small "bubbles" there's enough nitrogen. Hydrogen is even scarcer but you don't need 10^20kg like in Venus.

>there's even less hydrogen
>perchlorate everywhere

>> No.15035534

I just ate 2 pounds of pentobarbitol.

Tell me more about how this is going to happen in my "lifetime"

I'll just be in the corner seizing.

>> No.15035542

>>there's even less hydrogen
reread my post

>> No.15035546

Yeah, I don't think so (especially if I really do have progressive nervous system disease lol)

>> No.15035566

Get better soon, Michael J. Fox

>> No.15035574

>reread my post
> there's enough nitrogen
Reread my post.
I'm not talking about terraforming Mars, but for vivariums there's more than enough carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in Mars. Venus is useless because you need hydrogen to cool it.

>> No.15035672

China, Israel beg to differ.

>> No.15036045
File: 289 KB, 650x854, soviet cloud city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus might only be of use for atmospheric mining from floating platforms.

>> No.15036054

What IQ do you have to fall for that shitpost?

>> No.15036069

>spergs out at an obvious joke
Calm down, buddy.

>> No.15036075

The light scattering from those spotlights is pissing me off.

>> No.15036090

Very realistic anon... very...

>> No.15036101

Upside is humans can get really tall

>> No.15036154

And the 7-foot martian women will wear 7-inch heels routinely, further mogging the Earthlets.