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15031555 No.15031555 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't science prove what happens to humans after their deaths? That's the mos important question of all time.

>> No.15031585

That's preposterous; humans aren't alive. Being human just means you haven't read the Book of Thoth.
Therefore, since humans aren't alive, clearly it is impossible for them to die.
It's manifestly clear that since humans can't die it would be nonsense to suggest that it is possible to study them after they die.
Clearly you cannot remain human after reading the Book of Thoth.

>> No.15031598

>Why can't science prove what happens to humans after their deaths?
It can. You just can't prove anything *to the satisfaction of the religious types*; but for everyone else, the answer is quite clear and has been for many millennia.

>> No.15031604

Atheism is a temporal aberration that's going to end in the next 50-100 years.

>> No.15031619

Because there's nothing to measure. But the simplest answer is that we just die-like every other organism. Just enjoy life anon, no need to be a coward who eschews mortal suffering in favor for some questionable afterlife.

>> No.15031627

No, but religion is.

>> No.15031630

Religious people outbreed atheists by a factor of 5. Atheism is a passing fad of the 20th century and nothing more.

>> No.15031638

There HAS to be something anons, or else life sucks... I mean, it's just like the radio which doesn't create the sound waves right?? The brain doesn't creat counciousness. I think.

>> No.15031782


>> No.15032038
File: 148 KB, 256x256, quantum mechanics neuralblender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum teleportation might be a possible mechanism for how an afterlife could exist.


>> No.15032043
File: 137 KB, 256x256, Welcome to the Afterlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List of scientific theories of an afterlife:

>> No.15032058

Are animals also connected to the same server as humans? I don't understand why they're not as smart as us, if their brains also just receive a signal from a server somewhere

>> No.15032060

Atheism is a religion

>> No.15032070
File: 39 KB, 624x315, Screenshot from 2022-12-05 02-43-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these describes atheism?

>> No.15032077

>Atheism is a religion
Yep. Takes as much "faith" to believe in nothing as it does to believe in something.
Agnostics are the only intellectuals, since they set their ego aside.

>> No.15032086

There's a lot of things that I don't believe in, but I don't think faith has much to do with it. Ultimately atheists just believe in one god less than religious people. Does it take faith for a Muslim not to believe in Hindu gods?

>> No.15032106
File: 64 KB, 647x622, religion-drastic-go-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesn't really mean their children are going to be religious though. There's some new data too from just 2 months ago here showing it's definitely going down at some rate

Religion creates unnecessary division in humanity. Nobody can know what the real truth is and people should be encouraged to be content with that. Maybe one day we'll know for sure but it's not productive to think we know when we don't, we should just work towards finding out. And think about how if some religion is eventually proven to be false, then in reality the people that created that religion are absolutely evil, convincing all those people to have their thoughts controlled by something that isn't even real and threatening them with eternal punishment in the afterlife if they don't think and behave a certain way. And if God is real and he's good then surely he wouldn't mind if you just say you don't know if there's a God. A God that demands constant worship doesn't sound so good

>> No.15032111

3 and 5.

>> No.15032113

>Does it take faith for a Muslim not to believe in Hindu gods?
Yes. Faith that their worldview is the correct one.

>> No.15032115

Who is the spiritual leader of atheists? What are atheists pursuing?

>> No.15032120

>Who is the spiritual leader of atheists?
Whatever onions cult leader convinced you. Dawkins, Hitchens, etc.
>What are atheists pursuing?
Rebellion against their dads usually.

>> No.15032125
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I can't say that anybody convinced me of anything, I just didn't have a religious upbringing so I never started believing in one

>> No.15032126

the atheist website says this
>Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods
>If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby

To me it kind of sounds like weasel words though. The way they define it is too close to agnosticism. If atheism isn't a denial of the existence of gods then what is ?

>> No.15032127

>Dawkins, Hitchens, etc.
they're not spiritual though

>> No.15032144

Ultimately it's all just semantics. You could do the same thing with anything, like "do you believe in gnomes?" Well no, since nobody's shown that they exist. If someone could show that gnomes exist, I would believe that there are gnomes. Is that a denial of gnomes, or is it just not believing in gnomes

>> No.15032148

The natural state of not knowing is different from the theological assertion that God does not exist.

>> No.15032153

Life is a temporal aberration that's going to end in the next 500-5000 million years.

>> No.15032168
File: 47 KB, 477x487, e0b5c676-e1c0-4616-bde2-511bffbd4f9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems like more semantics to me. Is it a theological assertion that gnomes don't exist? What if someone believed that there is a god that created everything, but did not consider him sacred or something to worship, but instead just another creature, except this particular creature happens to be all-powerful. Would it still be related to theology in that case?

>> No.15032169

>Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods
Should be "Atheism is not necessarily a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods."
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_and_positive_atheism
>The way they define it is too close to agnosticism.
Atheism concerns belief, whereas agnosticism concerns knowledge. Hence you can mix and match multiple forms of atheism with multiple forms of agnosticism--or even multiple forms of theism with multiple forms of agnosticism.

>> No.15032304

>Is it a theological assertion that gnomes don't exist?
That would be a positive assertion for which I would ask you proof. I guess you could consider that an ontological assertion.

>> No.15032307

>Atheism concerns belief
Hence why it's a religion, where agnosticism isn't.

>> No.15032569

What happens to a chicken after you kill it anon? Same shit as us.

>> No.15032585

It's difficult to conduct an experiment after you die in order to collect the necessary evidence

>> No.15032618

why cannot retards distinguish between proving and figuring something out?