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15030267 No.15030267 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t the richest countries in the world spending any money on immortality research? Is it impossible to research?

>> No.15030273

Even if the technology existed, it would not be meant for the average goy person. The socialist elite would control it all, similar to that shitty movie "Elysium".

>> No.15030275

It’s illegal to be racist on blue boards

>> No.15030286

and who is being racist? You are the only one mentioning race.

>> No.15030298

You’re talking about Jewish Goys. Stop being racist before I report you.

>> No.15030317

They're spending money on biology research which is the serious pursuit of immortality among other things. Direct immortality research is a meme. Understand biochemical pathways, understand why they go out of homeostasis over time, understand approaches to correct. "Simple" as.

Also, fuck guys like Huberman and Sinclair who pretend we're just 2 more years away from curing everything just because their chemicals do some things in a particular direction in petridishes.

>> No.15030337

Because most of us by adulthood have accepted this. The quest for immortality is some sort of indicator of a developmental delay. You're literally kinda retarded.

>> No.15030339

Goys are non-Jews you moron. "Gentiles" is the anglo word. Are you being racist for me using Yiddish/Jewish words, you fucking leftist nazi scum??

>> No.15030342

Religious thinking that involves an afterlife doesn't count as acceptance.

>> No.15030351

Literally all Christian’s believe in an immortal afterlife. Retard.

>> No.15030457
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You will never become immortal. You will be replaced by computers and robots. Cope and seethe.


> Some techies may consider this acceptable. But their dream of immortality is illusory nonetheless. Competition for survival among entities derived from human beings (whether man-machine hybrids, purely artificial entities evolved from such hybrids, or human minds uploaded into machines), as well as competition between human-derived entities and those machines or other entities that are not derived from human beings, will lead to the elimination of all but some minute percentage of all the entities involved. This has nothing to do with any specific traits of human beings or of their machines; it is a general principle of evolution through natural selection. Look at biological evolution: Of all the species that have ever existed on Earth, only some tiny percentage have direct descendants that are still alive today.[21] On the basis of this principle alone, and even discounting everything else we've said in this chapter, the chances that any given techie will survive indefinitely are minute.

>> No.15030462 [DELETED] 


>> No.15030517

Isnt all medicine “immortality research”? The entire medical industry is constantly researching how to stop people from dying.

>> No.15030528

This is very wrong, the first nation to develop someway to reduce aging and mass produce it to the work class will rocket past the rest. Imagine having the body of a 25 year old but the knowledge of multiple lifetimes. Children would now just be a small part of your life not either have them or not."This century lets have a 3 child family then take another 100 years off"

>> No.15030531
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Fuck off

>> No.15030536

>why aren't you sciencing me immortal?
>just research it idk

Faggots like you deserve to wither in entropy

>> No.15030607
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It really is. I got banned from all boards on /ck/ just for passing a casual remark.

>> No.15030641

Why would I ever want to live a minute more than I have to?

>> No.15030673

find God and stop being afraid of death. have children and keep living through them. a society that focus on death instead of life is already doomed

>> No.15030676

Is immortality even good? After some time you will be tired of everything

>> No.15030856

I'll let you know in 500 years.

>> No.15030894

>Isnt all medicine “immortality research”?
No. It's against illness. Death is just a collateral target.
>The entire medical industry is constantly researching how to stop people from dying
The medical industry doesn't answer to what actual medicine is. Their purpose it's to make money, fighting illneses are it'a secondary objective. People dying doesn't bother them at all as long as they fall like a cat everytime some shit hits the fan

>> No.15030926

I will be racist against goyim faggots all I want

>> No.15030929
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>never die
>Vulnerable to burning up to maximum degree
>Stupid death fear
>Want to die someday
>I good

Fucking retard lol

>> No.15030933

the technology already exists but murdering babies to extend one's life is extremely immoral and thankfully still illegal.

>> No.15030939

immortality would come at the cost of sterility except for them

>> No.15031083

I choose to believe that's a meme from ignorant boomers.
There's no way you could get tired of living as long as there's something to learn and apply. That's my theory anyway.

>> No.15031096

Even if you did get tired eventually, it would still be nice to choose when you die or maybe even wipe your brain and start over or merge your mind with a super intelligent AI.

>> No.15031112

So, the jews are a race now?
That sounds like wrongthink to me!
Officers, we've got another one for the peepoopee rape dungeon!

>> No.15031536

In civilised countries, social services and health are about 30% of the national budget. Give people superb health and see that drag come down.

>> No.15031548

Because it's unavoidable. The universe is infinite. You are finite. Given that there is an unknowable amount of non-zero possibilities that result in death that ISN'T age related, it is therefore impossible to exist forever in your human form.

Accept it. It's gonna happen either way. Just don't spend your entire life worrying about the end and it won't be so bad. Fear generally makes us more afraid of things than we need to be, there is no reason to believe this principle cannot extend to death.

>> No.15031565

>a society that focus on death instead of life is already doomed
This. Not to be a christfag about it but goodness how fucking morbid can you be that all you think about is your own death. Especially as a non-religious person, you quite literally will not experience being dead. It will be out of your hands to worry about what happens after. Just live a good life and accept that it's gonna end. It isnt hard.

>> No.15031572

you're right. But I think it is also reasonable to hold the stance that it isn't good to live FOREVER, but rather a significantly longer amount of time than we currently do. But as some ITT have stated, living exceptionally longer than we currently do would not be immortality, it would just be an improvement of our existing condition.

>> No.15031656

Ted has justifiable concern for an antihuman future but he is making claims about evolutionary inevitability which are not backed up by evidence.

>> No.15031920

Eventually your brain gets saturated and ossified. A fresh start is needed.

>> No.15031940

Honestly for any anons who fear death, take magic mushrooms, it will really help with the fear.

>> No.15031957

>Especially as a non-religious person, you quite literally will not experience being dead.
that's great, but I am not keen on the idea of never existing or having conscience again after the end of this life

>> No.15031978

Only if you were operating from a stupid persons understanding of consciousness and death anyway.

Any person who can wrap their mind around consciousness and the fact that death implies a destruction of yourself, something you cannot fundamentally escape or be saved from in any way. Any conscious experience cannot alter this unpleasant thought.

>> No.15031990

>the first nation
Globalists are doing away with nations. The rich socialist elite 1% have no nations or national pride.

Haven't you heard, Nationalism is racist and sexist and causing global warming/cooling, and probably causes trannies to cry more.

>> No.15031995

>In civilised countries
No such place exists. Nor will humans ever be civilized. Now kill yourself for being a stupid faggot.

>> No.15032055

What's worse than death is getting old. Humans are only sexually attractive 15 to 30 yo (25 for women). Honestly life isn't even worth living once you hit the wall

>> No.15032216
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>Humans are only sexually attractive 15 to 30 yo (25 for women).
60 year old Brad Pitt laughs at your wall

>> No.15032655

And he will still fail to make it past 100 without looking like a zombified corpse. Fascinating how we basically have a built-in self-destruct button.

>> No.15032672


Who said anything about religion? Are you two well? Do you have brain damage?
You can accept death without joining a religion. In fact, you haven't accepted death if you're religious l.

>> No.15032680

Christianity is nothing but focused on death. The entire religion is built on devoting your life to it

>> No.15032935

you are woefully retarded. christiniaty is all about achieving beatitude by following and knowing God. The Beatitudes reveal the goal of human existence, the ultimate end of human acts: God calls us to his own beatitude.

>> No.15032977

>No such place exists.
Well, I pay taxes in spades to support this massive budget. I am not claiming my country is the peak of civilisation, just that we are, somehow, part of it.

>> No.15033001

I pay taxes to spades.

>> No.15033050

I pay taxes to import more niggers and cut down on plant food

>> No.15033061

>sneakily leaving out the "eternal life" selling point

>> No.15033114
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The only scientific way for the human body to reach immortality is to preserve the brain and transfer it to something else once the body has rotted away.
Transferring the brain to something like a machine is the obvious choice and I don't think it's possible to transfer the brain to another different body (at least for now).

I don't think it's possible to reach immortality with your original body unless we have found a way to prevent every single body parts from decay with little to no downside.

>> No.15033119

I believe in God but the possibility of this endless darkness that we cannot see and feel makes me shudder.
It's the reason why I crave to see signs of afterlife or even something supernatural in front of me that lasts more than a minute and doesn't in any way hurt, scare, and/or kill me. Not just as some kind of assurance but another way for me to appreciate life even more, to be content on knowing that there are mysteries in life that no one can answer but interesting enough to exist.

>> No.15033165

Our stupid politicians use huge amounts of taxpayers money to import new voters from the third world and give more money to third world cleptocracies in order to get fat cat jobs in UN and the like.

>> No.15033383


Why would you want to be immortal?

>> No.15033454

Imagine at your death bed a man offers you a life extension of 5 years with the vitality of an average 30 year old man or better at a reasonable price you can afford, with no strings attached
now after 5 years have passed he offers the same thing a second time, would you refuse that? How about a third, fourth or even a hundredth time, would you accept?

>> No.15033474

There is so much to experience, books to read, places to see. Just the Penguin Classic collection alone is so large it is not feasible to read every book in one lifetime,

>> No.15033508
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anyway cryonics is an interesting technology im wondering if theres a better way to preserve a persons brain other than freezing but i suppose you'd have to do it fast like cut open someones skull and remove the brain within 10 minutes of drying then stick it in some formaldyle for 1,000 years until cyborgs with human brain interfaces exist u still gotta unformaldhyde the brain but yolo maybe acrylic? idk human tissue is so finicy

>> No.15033510
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>> No.15033512
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>> No.15033515

>Why aren’t the richest countries in the world spending any money on immortality research?
they absolutely are
just the optics of it are terrible so nobody talks about it

>After some time you will be tired of everything
the part of your brain that makes you bored of shit is a chemical process

fear of death i guess
desu i hate myself and wouldn't want to be myself for all of eternity but there's definitely a person i would want to live as forever

>> No.15033594



>> No.15033597



>> No.15033683

the field recently had an inlfux of donations, I'm optimistic for any sort of progress but of course I'm ready for a letdown, I believe it's entirely possible but I do not know if we can even maintain society long enough

>> No.15033688

i donate to it regularly
although i fucking hate myself, but if i die i'll never have a chance to fix myself, right?

>> No.15033692

besides fear of death being a motivating factor, I still have lots of thinks that I would enjoy doing in life that just aren't in the cards for me, can't really try every sport or get into every damn hobby or field of interest, and besides that there's year to year / decade to decade changes in the world you get to observe

>> No.15033701


Enjoyment, hobbies, interests, etc. are all tautological, and only seem appealing through reference to a necessary second enjoyment, hobby, interest, etc., i.e. money for marriage, marriage for sex, sex for children, children for status, status for money; the circle itself being likewise tautological. Life itself being a kind of "active death", or, more precisely, an indefinite dying.

>> No.15033716

well I certainly don't see the appeal in suicide or death by waiting around aging on purpose

>> No.15033721

I would rather be tired of everything than to stop existing

>> No.15033727

if it gets too tiring there should always be the option to go jump off a random cliff somewhere

>> No.15033728

ageing has been recently defined as an illness, look it up

>> No.15033731

Nobody wants imbeciles around for 200 years or more.

>> No.15033767

so do you expect if this sort of thing rolls out you expect it to be in a sort of eugenic system?

>> No.15033906

The eugenic system is already in play. It's called vaccines and unnecessary prescriptions.

>> No.15033915

that's besides the point of the question, we're talking specifically with regards to access to this sort of technology

>> No.15033920

Access to this technology is access to this knowledge.

>> No.15033944

>Who said anything about religion? Are you two well? Do you have brain damage?
Let me break it down for your 70 IQ.
Poster said that most adults have accepted mortality.
Well, guess what? Most adults have some kind of religious thinking that entails an afterlife.
Therefore, it's not true that most adults have accepted immortality.
Can your 70 IQ handle that? Let me know if you need more help, you contextually oblivious retard.

>> No.15033947

>Therefore, it's not true that most adults have accepted immortality.

>> No.15033986

This. You don't accept death by finding God. That's the whole point.

>> No.15034001

stfu faggot

You goys will NEVER see that technology. Only absolute leftists retards think that hit will be shared lol

>> No.15034072
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>Well, I pay taxes in spades to support
pedofiles and crack addicts.
why you no support pedos and crack cocaine comrade?

>> No.15034075

>The only scientific way for the human body to reach immortality is to preserve the brain and transfer it to something else once the body has rotted away.
That's what Neura-Link is about. Upload your brain's thoughts, memories, etc. into a computer, then download it into a new younger cloned body that was grown for you.

Or you could simply upload it into a robot if you are a poors.

>> No.15034105

These globalists still love nations for tax collection purposes though. Funny how that works!

>> No.15034161

>That's what Neura-Link is about. Upload your brain's thoughts, memories, etc. into a computer, then download it into a new younger cloned body that was grown for you.
That's not what I was thinking when I said something about preserving the brain. I was thinking of physically transferring your brain to something else since from what I can gather with Neura's method, it's not exactly you that's being transferred but rather making a clone of your mind. That means that you will still experience death but there's someone out there who thinks and acts the same way as you.

>> No.15034163

Population for a start, you fucking spasticated child.

>> No.15034179

Because fuck having some meat bag with gay feelings like you cast his gay gaze into the universe a day fucking longer.

>> No.15034200

> not backed up by evidence
I mean... I think it seems pretty intuitive that your average I FLERKING LOVE SCIENCE söyguzzler isn’t going to become immortal. How is this utopian pipe dream of immortality somehow more grounded in fact than basic Darwinism?

>> No.15034232
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Isn't this guy working on it? Apparently he thinks we'll actually have it fairly soon.

>> No.15034248

He looks fucking clueless. Good luck. Same way i know your mother gets wet with that gaze she gives me. Oh you wouldn't relate, you have zero social skills.

>> No.15034270

less posty more meds takey

>> No.15034289

>physically transferring your brain
That doesn't work. The brain is just another organ, not some mystical thing that can last forever. You wouldn't transfer your old heart into a new young body would you? Wouldn't do that with a brain either.

Neura-link is the key to immortality, uploading your consciousness and continuing it, though nothing lasts forever, since the planet will be engulfed by the Sun in around 1-2 billion years.

>> No.15034290

They are, see calico labs, nobody talks about it because it''s reserved for (((them))), not you plebs.

>> No.15034516

My grandfather is 98 and still says he wishes he had way more time to explore the world, try different things, see where the future goes, etc. I reckon I'll feel the same way.

>> No.15034651

Listen, aside from you being a lil bitch nigger, yes, I do see what you're saying.

The "most adults accept it" post was me. I really didn't take into account that most people's acceptance of death involves spirituality. That's how divorced I have become from that concept. That's a big blind spot on my part, and you are right; Most adults are walking around coping with fantastic bullshit rn.

He's telling you he wants to fuck young women again. That's all he's saying. He wishes he was getting slobbed on by some 50's poodle skirt cooze like your grandmother.

>> No.15034658

grow up.

>> No.15034659

you have no idea what's coming kiddo

>> No.15034660

Is this about your grandmother bobbing for apples in your grandpa's lap behind the wheel of his Studebaker? It's no biggie. Everyone's grandma polished a knob or twenty. She probably woke him up on his birthdays with one then kissed you on the cheek at the party.

>> No.15034683

everything dies anon and as a part of this universe, you will die someday too

>> No.15034695

Good, do you really think I would want to be a slave to the rich forever? Let me die in peace and move on to the next life, hopefully on a planet not run by shitheads.

>> No.15034701

You will reincarnate... in Florida!

>> No.15034819

they say the funding this time around is good but that they're lacking in talent, and not scientific talent but entrepreneurial talent

it's about an increase in longevity not being some mythical creature

>> No.15034863

Dying isn't that bad. You'll understand when you grow older.

>> No.15034989

>You'll understand when you grow older.
biggest cope of all time

>> No.15035018

it's the opposite, older people are more afraid of death but paradoxically they can't do the lifestyle interventions that make them live longer

>> No.15035028

The Elysium movie is not a bad movie, but rather a well-crafted science fiction film with a strong and compelling storyline, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes. The acting and visual effects in the movie are top-notch, and the film has received praise from critics and audiences alike.

Furthermore, it's important to keep in mind that opinions about movies can vary greatly from person to person. Just because some idiot on 4chan doesn't like the Elysium movie doesn't necessarily mean that it is a bad movie overall. There are many people who have enjoyed the movie and found it to be a rewarding and entertaining viewing experience.

In conclusion, I would argue that the Elysium movie is not a bad movie, and I would encourage anyone who has not seen it to give it a chance and form their own opinion.

>> No.15035034

We are doing research on it, and in this field, it is quite easy to win funding. My boss just got 3 million euros for our team of 4 for 5 years. And that's after winning 1 million euros just last year.
And we are doing good work. We just figured out one of the key activators of transposons, and we prouved the connection between a specific epigenetic marker is stornger than any previous aproach, so we can basically tell biological age to within a year.
We willbe attmepting a lifespan expansion based on this epigenetic marker (i'm not allowed yet, to say exactly which untill we publish that part).
So yes, it is possible to research, and we get decent funding. More money wouldn't do much, because there arn't enough people to do the work.
As some one working in the field: this is a retarded take. Once a solution is figured out, it will be published open source, as this is basic research, not industry. Then there will be an industry race to make the best human version.
This, 100%. Those retards arent taken seriously among actual researchers, and our direct goal isn't cureing ageing, just understanding the mechanism. Afterwards, once it is understood enough to attack certaine points, industry will take over. For now, our understanding of ageing is a convoluted mess, we know most of the pieces, but not how they fit together.
This is dumb, we try to understand and research everything, includeing ageing. "bacteria kill us, antibiotic research is a childs fancy" is a retarded take.
Go back to pol, this is suposed to be sci
eeeeh, no. A good example is cancer research. You can find better theraputics, but it means fuck all if transposon activity gives you an exponentially increased risc of cancer.
Kind of fair. A single google search would have answered OP.
Then kys, you misantrope.
Then you can kys. Increased longevity would give you more of a choice in the matter.

>> No.15035048

based, I would be proud to contribute to such a field

>> No.15035055

hurr yeah being forced to wageslave in a broken down shell might make you think that

>> No.15035066

This is also retarded, no ammount of killing babies would help you live any longer.
Despite the fact i suspect this is some dumb take, there is actually some interesting truth to this. Some of the best longevity enhancing techniques currently existing is H2S metabolism pathway modification, and IIGF modification. Both of these can do up to 10x lifespan in C. elegans, but also reduices fertility significantly. Still above replacement rate, but still quite low.
I think it's different from person to person. I'd finish literally every university, master every instrument, every craft, anything i can. I love learning. But some people would kill themselfes of boredom.
Interesting ideas... I like it.
"you can exist forever, why try to live longer" This is retarded.
Though i disagree with the ages you gave, i agree it's not only death, but getting old that sucks. And a point of ageing research is that you can target specific age related diseases, not only lifespan. So forinstance increased clearance of senescent cells could help just decrease all the age related muscle and bone degeneration. It coul make it much less shit.
It's more of a disease we are all bourn with. It's an ongoing armsrace. Transposons try to kill you, Zink finger and PIWI proteins try to kill transposons. Some species won the race, and live forever, like hydra, acoels, planarians...
I know one guy working on that. He's insane though. I don't think that's the way to do it. Technically it may be possible, but eeeeeh.

>> No.15035071

It's actually not that hard to get into. BSc in biology, MSc in "molecular genetics, cellular and developmental biology" and the find a PI for ageing related research for PhD. Good groups are in Munchen, Freeburg, Budapest, Wiena, America, and Oxford. And maaaybe Lund.

>> No.15035073

at an iq of 96-104 I think I'd have to work pretty hard and I'm lazy

>> No.15035087

Well yes, that's an unfortunate fact of life. You ethier have to be hard working or smart.
Though i think a lot of people underestimate the hard working part. Even in academia we ned what we call soldiers. People who aren't necesseraly good at designeing experiments, but are hard working enough to do good labwork. These people contribute a hell of a lot to research.

>> No.15035659

Immortality contravenes evolution.

>> No.15035675
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>> No.15035925

Do you think it's worth it for a CS boomer to swallow his pride, go back for a bio or biochem undergrad and blow 8 years on it?
I'm sick and tired of working in tech. Just going to try my ass off for a promotion for nothing beyond pride's sake next year then get the FUCK OUT.

>> No.15036209

Would someone with a postgrad in bioinformatics be able to contribute much?

>> No.15036308

Private investment is more than enough.

>> No.15036340

It would probably be more like Altered Carbon, where due to "inarguable" (as in, if you disagree then it instantly outs you as a sociopathic evil and people will feel justified in slaughtering you) ethical reasons everyone has access. The catch being the average poorfag has to go into debt to continue to receive the service, while the people who own it basically snowball their wealth into infinity.
We'd probably see the return of literal debt slavery.
But hey, at least social mobility would be possible in theory.

>> No.15037322

Evolution is not what you think it is, if a hypothetical situation arose wherein humans who are less intelligent had a higher chance of survival or those with high intelligence had a low chance of survival then through the process of evolution humans would become less intelligent, to us this is clearly a negative , but evolution does not care, it is a blind, crude process, it would be better to direct humanity along a path of development in line with our standards if possible

>> No.15037360


>> No.15037441
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Nice answers but you didnt tackle the central point of this : >>15030273
you only posted "will be an industry race to make the best human version.", however, that doesnt solve the fact that only the elite will be granted acces to that technology, lets take cancer research as example, better treatments agaisnt it are available, but only for those who can afford it, shit, even if your are diabetic, your budget will be in shambles for insuline and more medication. The "industry race" dont necessarily implies that cost will be reduced, and even if the goverment for some reason secure that for all, this anon post >>15036340
warns that in the end it will lead to a more extreme wealth inequality that we have now.
Just think about boomers being inmortal, the last hope for millenials and zoomer to inherit their wealth or climb the eco-social hierarchy is done and they will have to endure the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" shit forever and ever

>> No.15037687

youre right anon but literally every part of existence is absolute horrific shit if you think hard enough about it, there is no universal truth beyond this simple consistent factor. Your application of this fact in this specific circumstance doesn't mean that research into this field could not possibly bear fruit.

>> No.15038172

Well, i don'T know your situation, so i can't tell you if it's a good idea, but my god do we need good bioinformatics dudes. It has so much potential, and so many people are computer illiterate in the field. I mean we learn a bit of R and C and python, but most people just get through it and forget. But it's so imprtant.
Yes. Absolutely. One of the largest problems ageing research is faceing is targeting and identification of transposons, which is largely a bioinformatics problem. The miRNA code and histone code is still waiting to be solved, which is also in large part a bioinformatics problem. So there is a lot of work for you guys...
Well, i gues.. Look, here is the thing. Once the tech is published, anyone can do it. Genetics isn't physics, none of our equipment or processes are particularly expensive.
Could pharma cartells hike the price up to a ridiculous ammount? Depends on local law, but mostly yes. Sure. Would people just make it in a garage or just rise the fuck up? Probably.
Honestly, this is all speculation, as we don't know what exactly the solution is. If it's a matter of epigenetics, the solution will cost like a few dollars per person. And even if an extra thousand years costs as much as a car or even a house, most people would find a way to pay for it.

>> No.15038202

Are you optimistic about this goal being achieved in the next 30 or so years? Is it even clear that such a thing is possible?

>> No.15038224

Is it possible? Yes. Can we do it in 30 years? I have no idea. It's really hard to tell. Maybe the transposon theory of ageing is right, and we'll be done in 10 years. Maybe we need to solve the entirety of epigenetics and that could take several decades.
Sorry, but i can't really give you a good answer.

>> No.15038324

I can understand making your body sustainable/repairable but what about the mind? Won't you eventually literally run out of memory space and start forgetting things? Illnesses like dementia nonwithstanding, wouldn't the quality of an average memory degrade for someone who's been on this Earth for 12 thousand years?

>> No.15038641

>Well, i don'T know your situation, so i can't tell you if it's a good idea,
in terms of risk vs reward and financially, it's a terrible idea. no matter what route i take i would essentially be trading away my low effort but high paying tech career away to do something less forgiving and lower paying and i might turn out to be absolute shit at it

i really don't even have any stats or ML background either. i did no research in college, i hard focused on becoming an industrial FAGMAN code monkey

>> No.15038856

i don't really want to live forever, but 200 years would be tolerable if i was able to maintain roughly the same level of health i have currently. the problem is getting old, and for me that is specifically related to the degeneration of anerobic tissue. one of my shoulders is already on its second surgery, the other one sublexed once, and i have a damaged meniscus (not to mention my allograft ACL, which is actually doing fine)
the nerve in my dislocated arm is also damaged, or the casing is, and it isn't going to get any better as far as I know.
So basically, at the current rate I am going to have serious mobility issues by the age of 60 or 70 that may or may not be able to be fixed with joint replacements, and if it gets to the point where I can no longer move, living another few hundred years will be pointless.
but with that said all discussions of immortality are a moot point for me because I own a motorcycle.

>> No.15038905 [DELETED] 
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Death is for suckaz.

>> No.15038924

I wouldn't worry about memory space the brain can build and change itself, I'd say what's more likely is just completely losing sentience, having like a heat death of the mind where every feeling becomes the exact same.

At our core, humans are only driven to feel or do anything by innate instinct to continue living, if you become immortal you lose the need for the most basic instincts driving life, you lose hunger and pain since it's now pointless, then there will just be this cascading effect where you eventually lose fear, then worry, all bad feelings go away, you no longer can comprehend what makes good feelings feel good since you no longer have any other feeling to provide reference and eventually you become no more troubled as well as no more thoughtful than a rock.

>> No.15039057

Most would settle for digital form probably. Should be forever essentially with enough backups.

>> No.15039089

Well, yoep, research does not pay very well. I mean don't get me worng, you can live a good life off of research, but you'll never be rich.
As to being good at it, surprisingly i think the most important part is that you are interested in what you do. If you love it, you'll be good at it. Unless you are an actual retard.
As for R, it's really easy, though it can be anoying.
I'm not going to try to convince you to go in this direction, do whatever feels right. Just know, that biology research definitely needs more people who know how to code. And we also need more mathematicians. And engineers. Fuck, we need everyone. It's such a multidisciplinary field, so vast and complex, we really need all kinds of STEM people.
This is a really interesting aspect of biology research. It has recently been found that there are adulthood neuronal stemcells in the brain, and there remains some degree of neurogenesis. Some attempts are being made to increase this neurogenesis in different reions of the brain (right now it's strongest in the bulbus olfactorius and one other region i can't remember the name of). My girlfriend is working with organoids, and there is some really interesting shit going on with neural organoids and neuronal stem cell research. Unfortunatly that is a really expensive avenue of research, and due to ethical concernes it's not all that well funded.
But short answer, it may be possible to clear old and regrow new neurons at a higher rate, and neuron density can still be increased, so our brain capacity could still be significantly increased. Theoretycally, maybe.
A lot of the fragility that coems with ageing, like reduiced bone healing, increased bone fragility, muscle pain, and joint pain come from strile inflamation caused by cytoplasmic DNA and the NF-kB signaling pathway, which not only causes tiny inflamations all over your body without any infection and no real way to stop it, but also interfears with the GH hormon system.

>> No.15039092

That is not even remotely how it works. Hunger, pain, even more complex emotions are just mechanical chain reactions. Blood glucose and amin concentration goes down, gradient sensitive neurons activate, you are hungry. People think of biology and emotion like it's something special. Not to sound like some edgy fedora lord, but this is really a wrong way of looking at things. It's all just chemistry and physics. You cant apathy your way out of physics and neurochemistry.
That really doesn't seem possible at the moment. A brain does not actually work like a computer. Even neural networks are actually very far off from how the brain works.

>> No.15039116

Ever wonder if we're all immortal but amnesiac?

>> No.15039192

good answer anon
>Sure bro, just let me finish my designer baby project i been making in my bathroom so i can save time to go with my bros and start our MRA vaccine in Jimmy's garage.
Come on dude, even if the equipment is not as expensive as other disciplines, is still out of your average joe reach, and im not even considerating that you should know at least the basics of the science, asking your local bro about genetics is the same as asking a monkey about computers

>> No.15039249

Naturally, not every rando is going to be able to make it. I may not be explaining myselfe well, this is clearly not my strongsuit.
The point i'm trying to make, is if a technology is not particularly hard to create, and the information on how to do it is freely available, it becomes really hard to control.
An example would be drugs. Meth for instance is hard to make for some one with no chemistry knowledge. But it is doable. And there are no components which are prohibitively expensive. And so, despite it being illegal, there are still retards in bumbfuck nowhere, who make it. So you can't controle it. If you make it illegal, there will be back markets and bootleggers. If it's legal but really expensive, but it's really chea to make, some undergrad with a bit of buisness sense will start a buisness selling it at a amarkdown.
The market takes care of it unless there is strict control. balck markets and bootleggers take care of it if there is strict controll but not a police state. If there is a ploice state, we are fucked or there is a revolution.
Once again, i'm not good at explaining myselfe, but i think you get the point. If it's not that hard to make, it's hard to control.

>> No.15039253
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>You will Die
So? Give me one objective reason why it makes a difference if you live for 80 years or 800.

>> No.15039254

Oh, and also a qPCR is not needed to make stuff, it's best for measuring stuff. Once you have a protocol, a simple pcr is sufficient. And that costs as little as 800$ or you can make one for 2-300$. And if you know a tiny bit about elecronics, you can buy a fixerupper of any expensive gear. That's what i do for home.
But all of this is beside the point, just saying.

>> No.15039263

i like cooking but ck mods have an entire street light up their prolapsed asshole and ban everything that isnt "cow pee thread!!!!!"
"yowza!! new goyslop at goys delight just dropped frfr"

>> No.15039266

They are investing in AI because humans aren't smart enough to figure out immortality on their own

>> No.15039275

They are investing in "AI" because they're not smart enough to enact a totalitarian dystopia by any normal means. No one is working on extending your life. You are set to be culled.

>> No.15039278

Just work hard to be one of the elite, that way it will be you culling others

>> No.15039283

>You will Die
And there is nothing, NOTHING, you, the government, the jews, or even God himself can do to stop me from dying.
I WILL die and nobody, NOBODY gets a say in it. The death is all mine and mine alone.
Deal with it faggot.

>> No.15039286

>Waaaahhhhh I'm seething because this faggot is gonna kill himself and I can't do anything to stop it

>> No.15039297

>Just work hard to be one of the elite
Ok, boomer.

>> No.15039307

>Waaaahhhhh I'm seething
I know. That's all you can do.

>> No.15039320
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ye WoW

>> No.15039325
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>It’s illegal to be racist on blue boards

>> No.15039329

>You’re talking about Jewish Goys.
wow this guy does not know what goy means

>> No.15039362

There's no objective reason to do anything. This argument is silly.

>> No.15039364

Most people accept death by 10, you are either under 18 or retarded and i think you are both

>> No.15039366

I forgot I'm dealing with actual mouth breathers, so allow me to reformulate: give me a justification that objectively follows from premises that you are willing to consistently own up to.

>> No.15039367

>Well, yoep, research does not pay very well.
i'm very well aware. even the most experienced scientist positions make less than an entry level coder
>but you'll never be rich.
if i cared about being rich i would have moved to finance

>> No.15039376

Most people on earth don't fully comprehend death or cope with religion which is not accepting death, so you're just flat out wrong on that one.

>> No.15039378

Not only are you going to die, but you are going to die within the next 20 years, having never really lived at all. lol

>> No.15039401

I am healthy and love my life anon. Not sure if I offended your worldview or something but I'm sorry if I did, that wasn't my intention.

>> No.15039403

See >>15039378

>> No.15039587

ok, i got your point, but i still dont believe that if someday the gene-therapy to solve aging and death is discovered, that would be that simple to replicate. The drugs dont mess with your genes, so they are far more easy to develop than some gene therapy. Also, monopolies and cartels exist.
After searching for my response, i got an unusual curiosity about making a genetic lab in my basement

>> No.15039594
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Why accept death should mean dont do anything about it?
The research can help to improve the life quality of mankind, and if it get its objetive, its up to you to make that decision. Inmortality is a controversial topic, but "lol accept death" is one of the weak arguments against it
More ass to get and being alive to get to try the robot pussy and genetically engineered catgirl bussy

>> No.15039604

You will die a kissless, handholdless virgin.

>> No.15039609
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Immortality is against good engineering as it contains risk of living in too much pain.


Honestly I've had it with these... Retards... Who just don't think enough.

It's like you skim sense life and come to conclusions.

Take cyanide, per se.

>> No.15039616

>responds seething this hard immediately
>twice in a row
okay now you're just furious

>> No.15039617

See >>15039378

>> No.15039621

Assuming such treatments are elective, would it not be simple to just ask people if they would rather continue existing for a while longer and give them the choice as to whether or not they'd want to keep going?

Given enough time, most people would eventually do all they wish to do and willingly die. If they are in pain, they would not wish for this to continue to begin with. It seems self-solving.

>> No.15039623

I'd rather be in constant suffering than dead

>> No.15039632
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Some people would disagree - often sane, forethought, intellectual people.

>> No.15039691

This is dumb, AI is not magic, and it can't really do research. People who think AI will solve all our problems probably never coded anything even related.
Accepting you will one day die, does not mean you should not fight for to die as late as possible. "I'm drowning, I could try to swim, but i'm not 10 anymore. I accept i will one day die, so i'll just drown now"...
Researchers can make decent enough money, because you can technically hold multiple jobs at the same time, as a PI of multiple groups. There are also spinoff companies, like if you come up with a new method, you are the first to know about it, so it's easyer to build a company around it.
It's really all about what exactly are you interested in and how much you are willing to work.
But honestly, just pure research is a lot of fun, and the work enviroment can be really good. A lot of my collegues are fun, friendly nice people, everyone a bit of a weirdo, but passionate about similar things.
Aha, the thing is, we really don't know what kind of solution is going to work. So for instance, if the current theory is correct (which seems realistic right now, but we had such mistaken optimism twice before) then waht we need is a one time treatment with artificial PIWI piRNA system. That could be really cheap and simple to do. Oooor we need to i don't know, individually target every type of stem cell and do all kinds of complex shit, in which case it would be much harder. So we just don't know.
As for making a genetics lab in your back yard, a basic lab is really not that hard. Back during my BSc days, i made an incubator from a terrarum heater some chicken wire and a cooler box. If you have a metal lathe or some shop where you can get stuff machined, you can make a PCR for really cheap. A preassure cooker is just as good as an autoclave. People throw away pipettes because they are "inaccurate", even though they are just not calibrated.

>> No.15039698
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Immortal =/= indestructable.
Ageing is caused by a whole tangeled mess of things, but to put it in tearms you may understand: cells don't work perfectly, and cell division isn't perfect, and parts of your DNA (mobile genetic elements) replicate inside your DNA, etc.. for a lot of reasons your DNA gets messed up. And that causes more problems which causes more DNA degradation which causes more shit, it's a cycle.
Fixing some of these can increase how long you live. But if i shoot you in the head, you still die.

>> No.15039729

So for instance, if the current theory is correct
If it isn't too hard to answer, what is the "current theory" and what were the most dominant 2 previous theories you mentioned?

If this is too much to answer easily do you have some books to reccomend?

>> No.15039743

>appeal to authority

>> No.15039747
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Lick my boot fagfag

>> No.15039835
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I don't know of any books that summarise the history of ageing research, but i can give you a quick rundown.
Basically there was the genetics aproach, which proposed that ageing is just genetically controled, we need to ID the genes that if we change increase or decrease longevity. About 500 genes were IDd, and most of it was just optimisation of metabolic pathways, making cells more efficient. But they were not master controls of ageing. Optimising as much of it as we can gets you like 1.2-1.5 times normal lifespan in a rat.
Then there was the oxidative stress boom. Oxidative stress has no gene, but researchers realised free radicals produiced mostly in the mitochondria do weird shit to ageing. High impact stuff. So everyone thought solving that will be the solution. So they did a lot of interesting work, and turns out oxidative stress grows due to ageing, so it is used by the body as a swith to turn on ageing moderatro pathways, increasing gene repair, etc.. but after a certaine thershold it does more damage than the positive effects of the signaling it does. Now it is calssified as one of the antagonistic haulmarks of ageing.
And then later when we had a somewhat better understanding of ageing, researchers realised apoptosis plays a key role in ageing, through many different ways, but most importantly through clearance of senescent cells. And we know senescent cells are really important in ageing. After a decade or so, it turned out, this whole thing is still pretty downstream too. Ageing causes and is caused by senescence, but that is not the key cause. It too is more of a resault which is recursive and makes thigs worse. Senolitics are still an interesting aspect of anti ageing research, but it's still only part of the picture.
What we need are the most upstreem, highest imapct aspect of ageing.
I'm linking a quick summary of how ageing works if you are interested.

>> No.15039860
File: 2.64 MB, 1x1, s41586-021-03542-y.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for the current theory, well it's not fully formed yet, but it really seems like the key central point of ageing is DNA degradation, and the largest contributing factor is transposon activation.
Transposons are small genes, which can replicate themselfes and cut your DNA to insert themself into it. There are multiple types, cut and paste, copy and paste, RNA, DNA... the point is, it causes DNA damage, and since it can replicate, it causes an exponential ammount of damage over time.
We have kind of an evolutionary arms race going on with these things.
They are actually kind of usefull in evolution, so there is a reason it's hard to get rid of them.
Transposons not only cause DNA damage, they cause senescence, they paly a role in increasing oxidative stress, through mtDNA damage. They play a role in sterile inflamation by cytoplasmic DNA causing an immune response. They play a role dementia, cancer formation, etc...
So they play a large role in ageing, but we don't actually know how big. The reason we don't know, is because they are highly polymorphic, and it's basically reall really hard to target them accuratly.
The research team i'm a part of is working on targeting the mechanism by which these transposons activate, by which general early life silencing is lost. If we target how they turn on, we don't have to ID all of them.
An alternative avenue would be to research the PIWI piRNA pathway, this is the mechanism which silences these transposons in immortal animals and cell lines. Hydra, acoels and a few other animals are immortal, and all known immortal animals silence transposons verry effectively through te PIWI piRNA pathway. Humans also have something similar, our germline needs to be kept in check far more than the body, and we have active PIWI piRNA pathway in our germcells, and those do not age. There are people working on that too.
Over all, we have a lot of hope for this approach, but it could still wrong.

>> No.15039968

thanks for the responses. Pretty cool to read about.

>> No.15040661

>Researchers can make decent enough money
as long as it can make ends meet.

>But honestly, just pure research is a lot of fun,
i'm much more interested in the result than the process.

do you find any value in people with only a CS background trying to transition?
like i could compromise, take the path of least resistance, and just write pipelines or tooling for researchers
could go one step in between, get into ML, then just be an ML SME
or i could go balls deep and go back to undergrad

>> No.15040764

>A lot of the fragility that coems with ageing, like reduiced bone healing, increased bone fragility, muscle pain, and joint pain come from strile inflamation caused by cytoplasmic DNA and the NF-kB signaling pathway, which not only causes tiny inflamations all over your body without any infection and no real way to stop it, but also interfears with the GH hormon system.
In my case most of my joint injuries are from trauma from downhill skiing and american football. Also, recently, rock climbing, but so far it has just been a few sublexes, not full dislocations. anaerobic tissue, specifically in joints, heals very slowly because without bloodflow, they can't get the things they need to heal properly. Like even when I was 17, my shoulder didn't heal on its own, I had to get it fixed surgically. In fact all of my major injuries have happened when I was 16 to 23, so at peak healing capacity. They haven't degraded too much since then but the damage is there.

>> No.15041032

Most you can ever do is live up to 200 years, and to age 160 you'll be so senile you won't be able to remember most of your life.
Even if you make a copy of your brain, and "transfer it" to a robot, is not going to be you, simply because what makes you "you" is a bunch of chemicals and past experiences.
Whatever you say to yourself, the environment in which you were brought up defines you, and defines your thinking, and your body ceasing to live means that whatever makes you "you" stops existing as well.
So that's one way less to immortality.
We can only realistically aim to live for as long as we can, make it 100 or 200 years, but humans will never be immortal, at least in the traditional sense of immortality.
You need to accept this.

>> No.15041059 [DELETED] 

I don't wanna die!

>> No.15041233

You are wellcome, i love talking about it.
If you are not interested in the process, the day to day of research, then maybe it's not for you. 99% of research is labwork.
However, "labwork" doesn't actually just mean lab work. It's also evaluation of data or bioinformatics work.
So if that's the route you want to take, read up on bioinformatics software, and see if you find any of it interesting.
You can get DNA sequences from places like NCBI (just search for the name of a gene), you can view and easely manipulate data in AliView. You can try your hand at phylogenetics useing Trex online, or dick around with protein on Uniprot or Alpha fold or PyMOL...
See if anything catches your interest.
Interestingly, evolutionary biology is one of those fields which uses a lot of maths and coding.
In that case ageing research won't do you much good. Regenerative medicine may though. Organoids and tissue regeneration research is fucking fascinating. That's what my girlfriend researches. I don't know much about it, beyond what she tells me, but apparently they are making some interesting advances. Having access to induiced pliripotent stemcells completely bypasses anything embrionic, so the ethical dilemma of stem cell research is gone, and they have been able to do stuff like regrow limbs in frogs (which normally can't do that).
And you base that on what exactly?
We can make model organisms live several times their lifespan. Some of those changes translate to humans, others may not, but there is no reason in theory we couldn't live for thousands of years.

>> No.15041257

He's been saying "2 more years" for almost 20 years now. Soon he will be dead. It's all cope.

>> No.15041754

>If you are not interested in the process, the day to day of research, then maybe it's not for you.
to be completely honest, i hate working. i don't think there's even a single job in the world that could cause me to legitimately enjoy having the responsibilities and accountability or actually willingly prefer to be doing the activity over something else.
doing a job for the sake of performing the job the point of work to me, it's the end result, what useful shit comes out of it

>However, "labwork" doesn't actually just mean lab work. It's also evaluation of data or bioinformatics work.
do you mean things like setting up data pipelines or deployments? i can do most programming grunt work, but so can pretty much every SWE
my stats and ML background are nonexistent and i'd have to take a detour to get experience with it

>protein on Uniprot or Alpha fold or PyMOL...
alphafold was what got me interested in the subject in the first place

>> No.15041780

>Socialist elite
Who would that be? You're just making words up.

>> No.15041789

what you just said to do is way more involved with creating death then immortality research
Lol, that is death city you seem to be describing

>> No.15041800

Basically, immortality and invincibility need to be discovered, more money needs to be put into it, scientific advancement needs to go full speed ahead, people need to stop fearing progress towards a world without pain and death and suffering, we need to advance to a world without necessity

>> No.15041822

>but I am not keen on the idea of never existing or having conscience again
It's a scary thought, to be sure. I've never been able to conquer it fully desu. I've gotten exceptionally good at distracting myself though.

>> No.15041833

I know it sounds gay as fuck but I always cope with that possibility by remembering that it can be quite difficult to think outside our human experiences.

If nothing happens after you die, it won't really be the way we envision "eternal darkness". If you go into a coma, one day can feel like a month and a decade can feel like a week. It'll be like a deep sleep.

>> No.15041965

invincibility not sure we need, maybe some resistance to blunt trauma so combat sport would be less of a retarded endeavor but I don't need to be immune from falling off a cliff cause I won't try

>> No.15042018


Finally, a man who knows his stuff amongst retards and misantropes. May I ask you in what field you graduated in? Did you choose your speciality because you wanted to study aging or did it come afterwards?

>> No.15042055

>In that case ageing research won't do you much good. Regenerative medicine may though.
Yes, that was just why I am not super concerned about immortality. I am excited for the possibility of joint repair that can actually put you back at full strength, because Like I said, immortality doesn't mean much to me as things are.

>> No.15042070

>Invulnerability(can't be harmed; die when necessary; ultimate health)
>Insolvarty(can't be demoralized by other people; ultimate consciousness)

>Passive Inflation(thought immunity from recycling information; like you're never wrong @$ it is right somehow)
>Passive Mulnability(ability to multiply thought in single line; like your gripping something with every thought)

>> No.15042072


Religion in general came into being because: a) human pattern-seeking brain wanted to fill white spots in his understanding of the world (why does the sun rise?); b) humans became intelligent and self-aware enough to look around and realize that everything that lives, dies, and that they'll inevitably follow. This realization triggers the self-preservation instinct, and there was nothing humans could do to quench it besides self-delusion. Religion is just a millennia-long self-delusion, and your comment shows that perfectly.

Self-worth of human life is a moral imperative, the most important moral imperative. Therefore, any means to prevent the loss of human life must be pursued. Research of the aging process is the most important avenue of such efforts, since aging and illnesses caused by it are the main reason of human deaths. Consequential problems (like overpopulation) caused by found and distributed solution to aging are not an argument against pursuing such a noble goal, but simply a challenge to overcome, one of the many that humanity faced and will inevitably face in the future.

This most important field of study is severely understaffed and underfinanced (compared to efforts that should've been put into it) because of religion. The "actual you will live forever" delusion was important and overall beneficial in the past, when we weren't able to do anything about it, but it's been decades since we gained understanding and means necessary to begin the search for the solution to the most deadly (and, therefore, the most abhorrent) source of human life loss. Humanity should've focus more resources on this than on the space race, yet people are blind to the problem and the scale of it because religion convinces them that the problem doesn't exist in the first place. Why should we spend so much on preserving the mere mortal shells when the spirit is already immortal? Religion is the poison that kills more people per year than anything else.

>> No.15042074

based rationally moral poster

>> No.15042086

I've heard others posit that, and it makes sense to me, that solving the longevity issue will also bleed into other spheres of life, allow for us to make those other leaps like space travel and such

>> No.15042123

research into this stuff seems good solely because a lot of people are fuckups and dont achieve things in short order as they should. I feel like we'd get a whole lot more out of people if they were given the chance to succeed but weren't on a timer and forced to do what's best for themselves with what little time they have.

>> No.15042154

not only that but if you can restore neuroplasticity no one has any right to use being older as an excuse not to learn something difficult

>> No.15042161
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>You will Die

>> No.15042272

desu living forever seems comparable in its horror to dying

either one is undesirable so i'd rather just not age as a top priority.

>> No.15043640

it's the only true cope for a wasted life
you don't get a real second chance at life and if you fuck up your first you spend the rest of your life doing damage control, often mentally and physically degrading into your old age
if you fucked up your early life the only way out is to undo the mistakes of aging or accept that being older means you are forever a loser
i wonder what the limits of human memory are though

>> No.15043672

you don't need to remember everything at once, just what's relevant for the given few decades

>> No.15043737

maybe you just need to remember some fundamentals and keep up with the times. or memory itself has to change, i dunno

>> No.15043743

I'd love to have memory extension to have the memory availability of 10 people and the processing power to make sense of it and apply it quickly but that technology sounds like far fetched sci fi that can't be implemented without some sort of dystopian societal framework

>> No.15043754
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I wonder more if there is something afterwards than the fact of dying. Not talking about anything explicitly mentioned in religion, but consciousness and all information being lost seems odd to me.
Have you ever been in constant pain?
Unless you have a light at the end of the tunnel, as in, there will be a cure to a disease some day, I'm pretty sure severe and constant internal pain will at some point make you yearn for release.

>> No.15043777

Because academics consider it cringe.

>> No.15043802

if they consider it cringe why is it actively being worked on

>> No.15043843
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prosthetic replacement of the brain is possible, and the only way to significantly extending lifespan

>> No.15043857

I'd hope rejuvenation would sooner become viable