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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 1920x1080, EINSTEIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15023697 No.15023697 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe that Einstein's Special Relativity and General Relativity are correct?

Please vote here, and please do not share this link elsewhere, and please only vote once. This is to gauge the consensus among /sci/ users, not among anyone else. https://strawpoll.com/polls/mpnba5bBQy5/results

Before anyone (janny or otherwise) mistakes this as a troll thread: No, I am genuinely curious. I know people post stuff about the topic to troll, but this thread is because I genuinely want to know what percentage of people here subscribe to the prevailing idea that Einstein was right.

>inb4 Einstein didn't invent relativity
This is specifically about Einstein's version of relativity. Poincare, Lorentz, etc didn't invoke time dilation or relative simultaneity, for example. If you believe in their stuff on relativity but not in Einstein's ideas on time that he involved in SR, then do not vote yes.

>> No.15023706

Let me make the popsoientist killer question:
*ding* *ding*

Why is it easier to accelerate at 0.5c than it is at 0.9999c?

spoiler: aether

>> No.15023708

I don't think this question supports or opposes Einsteinian Relativity Theory. There are plenty of explanations, like that it requires more energy, or that there is more aether resistance, or whatever.

>> No.15023728

Because kinetic energy is mass times velocity squared. Which means it takes more work to go to the same difference in velocity when dealing with higher velocities. Ergo no aether

>> No.15023848

That doesn't imply anything about aether

>> No.15023958
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1642984273255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is specifically about Einstein's version of relativity. Poincare, Lorentz, etc didn't invoke time dilation or relative simultaneity, for example. If you believe in their stuff on relativity but not in Einstein's ideas on time that he involved in SR, then do not vote yes.
Time dilation etc are an inevitable consequence of any "version" of relativity, which you would know if you were not a posing pseud

>> No.15023976

>being this retarded

>> No.15024037

that would still be the case if you add an aether to SR

>> No.15024324
File: 946 KB, 1x1, classical_doppler_michelson_morley.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you believe that Einstein's Special Relativity and General Relativity are correct?
I don't have to believe anything, I know what's correct and what's not.

>> No.15024333

>I know what's correct and what's not.

>> No.15024417

Why didn't you aethershitters link this in the other threads? This is the only thing I've seen that looks at least worth reading

>> No.15024490

It's been linked before, this board just has a very short memory.

>This is the only thing I've seen that looks at least worth reading
It's worth reading. Enjoy.

>> No.15024499

velocity relative to what dear?

>> No.15024500

Relative to itself dumbass
>inb4 another retard that doesn't understand what a frame of reference is

>> No.15024510
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>> No.15024520

velocity relative to yourself is 0

>> No.15024532

I didn't say anything about doppler, retard. I know that SR is pseudoscientific garbage and I know that doppler effect may be why some of SR's math works. It doesn't change the fact that you are a retard for pretending to be omniscient.

>> No.15024659


>> No.15024673
File: 41 KB, 237x330, 332 - D7P7Lpl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we need a thread on the same topic every fucking week?

>> No.15024676

I love seeing schizos fight each other.

>> No.15025277
File: 11 KB, 300x291, happy Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we never had this poll before

>> No.15025532

GR/SR and einstein denies aether exists, but for speed of light to exist, it needs to be limited along a absolute frame of reference, speed of light is relative to aether itself, because aether exists and is real.

If there is no aether then there is no speed of light limit

>> No.15025739

SR explains exactly how you can have a constant speed of light in every reference frame. I'm not saying that no alternative is possible, but the mechanism of SR is consistent.

>> No.15025898

Correct? No. Useful? Yes.

>> No.15025912


>> No.15027373


>> No.15027427

Lorentz is pretty weird. Why light stretches space. But his is just math in dimensions on that root factor

>> No.15028648

You can pretend to have "constant speed of light in reference frames" but that doesn't answer the question of acceleration

>> No.15028669
File: 28 KB, 436x240, Guts[cultural].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, the power of tradition.

>> No.15028835

That's what GR is for

>> No.15029024

No, unless all of modern cosmology is wrong, which it could be.

>> No.15029095

Do I believe the math is correct? Sure, or rather, it is the best theory we have. So I believe it is a paradigm likely to survive for another century or the best description of the natural world? No.

With the first point, plenty of physicists have come out and said that space-time as a concept has significant flaws. There have been attempts to reconsider it, but none have been successful enough to spark a paradigm shift. I do like Wilzek's The Lightness of Being on this.

Second, the core concepts behind relativity are incoherent. Space and time are abstractions. I think this is more readily accepted for time in the physics community and in the population at large. A physical phenomena can't bend an abstraction.

Pure time is the abstract dimension in which energy is relevant. Pure space is an abstraction in which matter is relevant. The specifics of these abstractions are defined by specific physical quantities, but it seems pretty silly to start saying the abstractions bend due to interactions with physical quantities. I'm glad to see objective logic and dialectics moving back into the sciences (there seems to be a renaissance here). It took decades to get out from underneath the thumb of Copenhagen orthodoxy, and only know, after the incoherence at the center of Copenhagen has been exposed in mainstream forums do we also start to see a movie away from the positivists dogmas surrounding relativity.

Third, I'm somewhat convinced by critiques against modern physicalism as a whole from Hoffman, Pinter, etc. Our intuitions about space and time may come more from a sort of data compressing code than anything central to reality itself. People readily accept that things don't have a taste or smell sans first person experience, but have a much harder time dropping their similar sensations of space and time. I think this is due to the fact that sensory data tied to vision, touch, hearing, and body position all tie back to this same model and reinforce it.

>> No.15029102

Our sensory systems are kept surprisingly distinct given how much they could conceivably be allowed to blend with each other. Touch is experienced as very different from taste or sight for example. Synesthesia appears to confer a good deal of benefits, so it makes sense to question why different sensory systems are kept remarkably discreet across the animal kingdom.

My guess is that this is done to allow one sense to cross check another. If something looks light, we might be able to feel it and discover it is heavy. Space and time are a larger integrated model that allows for a coherent analysis of data from different systems.

But at the end of the day it's just a model, and sensory systems evolve to confer fitness benefits, not to accurately reflect reality.

>> No.15029208

Only if you're not accelerating.

>> No.15029850

not the point

>> No.15030631

Fuck aethertards. You guys are only 1 level above of Flat Earthers.

>> No.15030636

its just one determined schizo

>> No.15031042
File: 148 KB, 973x667, rf_signal_variations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is out there.

>> No.15031097

>spoiler: aether
did the problem with the aether having to be solid, in fact colossally solid with a very high Young-modulus, go away while I did not pay attention? required for transversal electromagnetic waves, you know.

>> No.15031107

For newfags like me

>> No.15031151

The elastic-solid aether model isn't the only possible model. However, most work on the development of the aether theory ground to a halt after 1905, so most aether models are constructed from the experimental results available in the 19th century.

>> No.15031180

>Do you believe that Einstein's Special Relativity and General Relativity are correct?
No, I astral travel to other starsystems, and return to my body within hours on the same day. That doesn't square away with time dilation as described in special relativity. Does the field of consciousness follow a different set of rules than the electromagnetic field? Perhaps, as it can see standing waves of photonic energy, something not described by any known phenomena.

>> No.15032807

that's cool sweetie, now take your meds please