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File: 114 KB, 1152x1372, JcX8rU2M3Q6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15023505 No.15023505 [Reply] [Original]

Should science give up on facts?

>> No.15023523 [DELETED] 

you should give up on living

>> No.15023695


>> No.15023705
File: 119 KB, 896x700, Jews Control Media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanye is right, the Jews really are behind most all of the bad things that happen in the world and control all the media.

>> No.15024209

That's offensive.

>> No.15024429

Can you post a higher quality pic? Cant read shit

>> No.15024481

Yes. Facts are Jewish deception. Embrace the flat earth.

>> No.15024491
File: 219 KB, 561x648, theparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15024505

original is from 2017

>> No.15024522
File: 457 KB, 643x466, media ownership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15024526

Becouse you are on movil fool

>> No.15024549

It says 2017 in OP but the retard for some reason took a screenshot of a twitter post that was a screenshot of another twitter post (2022) that was a screenshot of the article.

>> No.15024635

Science gave up on facts a long time ago

>> No.15024719

Yes, cuckservatives are making the same political error that liberals used to make: muh facts, muh cogent arguments. It's political impotence. Fear-mongering, shameless hypocrisy, and manipulative falsehoods will always beat those cuck facts. "Debate me, bro" is for cuckservatives who are too lazy/weak to wield real power.

>> No.15024735

Yet you mfs still believe the Earth is a globe despite your eyes and ears telling you otherwise

>> No.15024760

Basically the article is about how "le dumb Americans don't understand muh facts" and they need to be oh-so emotional like those ebil Republicunts. That way the dumb voters will vote for the good guys, more or less.
It's a stupid article, which is honestly at par with everything else Slate throws out.
Whatever bro, I guess you got me to reply to the bait lmao

>> No.15024849

>should I ask what the context of this article from 2017 is?
>should I maybe skim it?
>lol no, just gonna use its headline to push my conspiracy
Sage rightoids and conspiratards

>> No.15024872

Either the headline is an accurate summary, or the headline doesn't summarize the story. In the former case, it's reasonable to label the liberals as unreasonable, by definition since they favor emotions over logic. If the headline isn't a good summary, it's trainable to label the liberals as unreasonable, since they can't properly summarize their positions without imbuing them with emotional headlines. No matter how you slice it, the article is damning without even reading it.

>> No.15024876

>the liberals
Do you mean the author? The article wasn't written by a collective liberal hivemind.

>> No.15024884

>a screenshot of a twitter post that was a screenshot of another twitter post (2022) that was a screenshot of the article.
Impressive self-documentation of textual transmission.

>> No.15024889
File: 608 KB, 1596x666, 1654745344523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are not real jews, they are Sabbateans cult they want to sacrifice jews to satan because they have the purest souls, they use "antisemitism" to provoke people to hate and kill jews like they did in the shoa

>> No.15024894

Placing facts above all else is definitely a utilitarian nightmare that degrades people. Silly heading though , retard who doesn’t understand quotes Orwell. Probably doesn’t understand Orwell either.

>> No.15024912

>The article wasn't written by a collective liberal hivemind.
Did you read it? It literally was.v

>> No.15024926

It's Slate. They're infamous for their hot takes. Even a lot of libshits didn't like that op-ed.

>> No.15024927


>> No.15025036
File: 311 KB, 1049x616, triggerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're massively triggered and you're seeking any excuse, no matter how laughably lame, in order to try and forget the image which triggered you so massively
>reeeeeeeee, i refuse to read that meme because i don't like the font!!!

>> No.15025148

The earth is not flat and the bible is not a flat earth book
If someone told you it is then they are badly misread using very misconstrued translations.

>> No.15025169



>> No.15025189

It's not, I've checked it and it's real. Dumb bitch is so retarded that it's even phenomenal that she was an editor for such magazines.

>> No.15025275

hm, a little embarassing for me, should have checked.

but it still doesn't mean nearly what its being made out to mean. the idea is "we are right but our facts don't convince them because they are stupid, so let's belittle them and talk to them like children". the idea was not "we are wrong but want to keep believing what we believe and enforce our beliefs to hell with facts". if you go on her slate page, you can see another name for the same article:

>Liberals, Lay Down Your Facts and Pick Up a More Useful Weapon: Emotions

and the fact that this (rather poorly titled article) has been made to represent this boogieman does indeed prove her point of how emotionally charged and influenceable some people are

>> No.15025305

The replication Crisis proves western sciences gave up a long time ago

>> No.15025321

I can't help but notice you accused him of being offensive, but didn't accuse him of being wrong.

>> No.15025382

Slate is not a science magazine.

>> No.15025386

its a bait you retard go back to pol

>> No.15025390

Wait how does this one work?

>> No.15025393

Oh you sweet summer child, please be careful with that edge.

>> No.15025401

I'm going to post the real GREEN pill.
Jews are feeding goyim the information they need, not the information they want.
Yes, emotions are fucking better than 'facts' when it comes to gut health and immune diseases, just fucking fix your shitty family.
"the cure for cancer" is stop being an obnoxious fat ass retard

>> No.15025941

>Those are not real jews, they are Sabbateans cult they want to sacrifice jews to satan because they have the purest souls, they use "antisemitism" to provoke people to hate and kill jews like they did in the shoa
Very true. In USA they are called JINOs, Jew In Name Only. Most are politicians, bankers, media CEO's, Corporate CEOs, Executives, etc.

>> No.15025944

>I can't help but notice you accused him of being offensive, but didn't accuse him of being wrong.
kek, facts are offensive these days.

>> No.15025950

>that's why I believe in god :)
Funny how that works out ain't it.
Wanna know a real redpill? You know why all these kinds of infographs are always (literally fucking always) extremely low res? It's not by accident.
It's to discourage people from checking the names out for real and noticing a good percentage of these are non jewish or straight up just Christians.

If you're on the right side and the side of facts why do you need to lie so much?

>> No.15025958
File: 444 KB, 1712x1338, ustupidnigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15025959
File: 794 KB, 1800x1406, resolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know why all these kinds of infographs are always (literally fucking always) extremely low res? It's not by accident.
>It's to discourage people from checking the names out for real and noticing a good percentage of these are non jewish or straight up just Christians.
Here's your high rez fool. Now sit your white jew ass down and learn.

>> No.15025961
File: 299 KB, 433x430, gnz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized we were baited.

>> No.15025968

this. I feel bad for the real jews they are precious fucking geniuses. not like Einstein, yet he is one of the geniuses of the world, but not one of the best

>> No.15025985

nice picrel

>> No.15025987

>Slate is "the party"
kek, you really think failed journalists rule the world?

>> No.15026000

They're the official mouthpiece of the people who do.

>> No.15026027

CNN, CNBC, FOX ect. are the mouthpiece of the ruling class, that is why they all agree on neoliberal economic policy.
Slate are just useful idiots producing clickbait and have no influence over public opinion on war, economics, international trade or anything else that actually matters.