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15018074 No.15018074 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think happens after death?

>> No.15018075

Everything I want and nothing I dont.

>> No.15018086

One of many possibilities. Some possible possibilities possibly no-one has ever even thought of and possibly never will. Various religions could be correct but I think their chance of being correct is about 0.000001%, just because there are so many possibilities and that is but only one possibility

>> No.15018089

time keeps on tickin into the future

>> No.15018093

By definition, nothing. If something happens then it wasn't really death.

>> No.15018113


>> No.15018115

Looky here, lookslike we got us one of those facny death-experts. Tell me, Caspet, whats the other side like?

>> No.15018118

death is probably a really fucking intense experience.

>> No.15018123

Your body stops working and its decomposed by nature. Your flesh becomes food to a variety of insects and parasites. Your conscious no longer exists so all your memories and thoughts are void. Your friend and family members may or may not mourn. The next version of a playstation gets released and you will not play it. You will not see the next Magic The Gathering set. Your belongings get sold on Ebay or craigslist. Your home gets renovated and moved into by Asians or Mexican, depending on the property value, blacks. You also shit yourself before all of that happens.

>> No.15018134

Everybody is placed in such a state as to make them exactly as happy as they deserve

>> No.15018160
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Get re-created in a simulation. In all likelihood, you're in that simulation right now. Hopefully, we opted to be here, in which case, it seems obvious you got bored in the "infinite candy universe" or whatever you created and wanted a nice, boring life to take some time off and come up with some new adventures and settings.

If you didn't opt to be here, than I guess we lucked out and we didn't have a "I Have No Mouth and Must Scream" vindictive AI fucking with us and it's more "Matrix" tier at worst.

>> No.15018175
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If I had to guess, probably a full blown DMT trip that eventually ends with you coming out crying and wet of a vagina and the cycle repeats

>> No.15018189
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>> No.15018192

certainly not any of the schizo-splanations in this thread

>> No.15018203

nobody knows. but I do hope there's an afterlife. that would certainly be nice.

>> No.15018705

your death is a flower and seeds something new maybe. Idk what. Maybe other yous form a great blossoming, fruiting tree.

>> No.15018709

Death is the end of life
Da'at is the goydeath, the passage thought of as a step unto another life rather than hitting the end and then reliving, pros think about it technically.

>> No.15019432

Same stuff that happened before birth

>> No.15019566

Your just dead. What happens to cows or sheep or ants when they die? Do they go to a Disney land in the sky? No. Well humans are just animals. So I'm 99 percent sure when we die we simply die. Our body decomposes. Our brains turns to dust. Our bodies get eaten by works and turn to dust. Some of us get lucky and Our bones will stick around for a while. But we die. It's the bloody end for all of us. Sorry.

>> No.15019665

the same as before life, nothing

>> No.15019718


>> No.15019902

Anything you want to happen happens. Same thing as being alive. You get to do anything you want right now, so why would death be different?

>> No.15019904

Wow you're so smart, explain what happens before birth then jackass

>> No.15020015
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>explain what happens before birth then jackass
same stuff that happen after death

>> No.15020170

The rest of life goes on

>> No.15020219
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1582240546272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody knows.
False. Tens of millions of people justifiably know because they have actually been to the afterlife and experienced it themselves.
>b-b-but muh halluc-
They understand that idea as well as we do and still reject it. Why? For the same reason you do not think that you are hallucinating right now as the dream character you were last night. You woke up. You realized life was vastly more real. Same thing happens after death but on a higher level in the other direction. So NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.

Of course, nothing gets normies and NPCs more uncomfortable than the idea that NDEs are ACTUALLY real, and that there are valid reasons to think that they are and that we should take them seriously.

Here is an extremely persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It makes a huge deal about the fact that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Statistics collected show that the "deeper" the NDE the greater the percentage of those who come away certain of the existence of the afterlife. Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves.
>but I do hope there's an afterlife.
No need to believe or hope. We know it exists know.
>that would certainly be nice.
As NDErs say, being in the light is better than (heroin+ecstasy+best orgasm of your life)^10000000, and it never ends.

>> No.15020422

Metempsychosis is irrefutable

>> No.15020432

Nothing, you stop existing forever

>> No.15020598
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Listen up. Life is simple. There is no point in getting worked up over all the details, but it is fun to play around in this material universe that we are visiting. Life (read:you) is simply pure energy, like light. Time does not exist for life energy. Matter does not exist to light energy. Except that something (read:God) set up this material universe sandbox for us to muck about in. It can be fun but also frustrating/sad/painful to interact with this physical world. This is the human experience - blending life energy with the material world. Our psychological problems are mainly a result of us forgetting this fact, and instead coming to identify with our physical body (which includes the mind and all of its ridiculous thoughts). The truth is that you exist above your mind and you get to choose where to direct your consciousness. You are not a slave to the thoughts that your mind generates. Also, memory is just a physical tool to help us in this world. Your true self has no memory and no need for memory.

When our bodies die, we fully return to the pure energy state. This state is unfathomable to us, because we are presently tied to our physical bodies and cannot possibly comprehend, but it is "heaven." There is no time or matter. Just pure energy existing as One.

So when your body dies you will disengage from the material world and enter a new timeless dimension of pure bliss.

>> No.15021742


>> No.15021817
File: 44 KB, 1200x900, SIERRA-1-opener-Galaxies page 140-WB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your experience is ended. your physical form is an incredibly direct method of interaction with the universe, but it isn't the only way you have interacted.
do you remember the core of the star you were once in?
do you remember when you turned into helium from hydrogen?
do you remember how you gravitated into a sphere of heavy elements that became a planet?
you don't remember because you didn't have a brain. you still existed. there isn't an 'outside' of the universe you go onto after death. you remain here, where you've always been. once you die, you won't remember anything here either. you lose everything, even the concept of being 'you', as there's no way to store that information. back into whatever we came from, but not gone. perhaps 'you' will find yourself changed, into a flowing molecule of water, or inside the core of a star, or maybe even as another lifeform. but you'll never remember this moment. everything here is temporary, especially our remembrance of it.

>> No.15021835

See, that's what bugs me. It sounds great. I'm not opposed to the idea, but forever? How do I get a guarantee that in the infinite space of time after I die, nothing fucky will form my ass back up?

I mean, my last bout of non-existence got interrupted by this shit. How can I know it won't just happen again?

>> No.15021836 [DELETED] 

>oh no, muh boring self indulgent vanity thread fell off the front page!!!
get over yourself, its not even a science thread you stupid gaywad

>> No.15021840 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 610x479, 97 iq dumbfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded post
>IFLS pic
dumb soience faggot lol

>> No.15021914

you try too hard nigbrain

>> No.15021917

None of us is actually even conscious. We react based on a cause and effect system, same as everything else in the universe. We can never die, because we were never alive in the first place.

>> No.15022234

idk what happens when a wave stops "waving"? maybe its an ancestor simulation and really im some dude from 200 billion years from now but thats really just a way to cope i feel adn eventually death would come

>> No.15022239

you cant

>> No.15022242

I just watched this video earlier today. Do we have such data tho? I couldn't find anything about NDEs in other regions outside Christian/Islamic (cultures that already have a strong culture of an afterlife).

>> No.15022667

You can't handle the truth, you filthy rat.

>> No.15022670

Unironically this

>> No.15022724

cope and seethe

>> No.15023600

You eat my fat bitch pussy mami

>> No.15023604

You can't die. It's impossible to die.
You're here forever.

>> No.15023631

- you can't die
- we're building a path to the 4th dimension
- crows are involved
- heat dissipation is involved
- presumably Saturn and Jupiter are involved
- perhaps crystallization is involved

>> No.15024556

This unironically

>> No.15026401

If we our universe is a simulation, we wake up and find out that we just completed the tutorial and are now told to go navigate the real world and be productive in life. If we don't live in a simulation, nothing. That's it. You're done.

>> No.15026419
File: 114 KB, 1242x1107, 1669191585916909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Individual souls don't exist, we are all part of a greater whole. Everything that makes your consciousness unique gets completely destroyed upon death and melts back into the fabric of universe, but this is not the end of life. You get recycled back into the ether to give birth to new life at some point in the impossibly distant future. Sort of like a sand castle being being destroyed by the tides but the sand grains itself remain unaffected and will eventually form something new.

Either that or this is all a bullshit simulation designed by a cold and uncaring creator.

>> No.15026422

I screenshotted this. Thanks for posting

>> No.15026428

one question i have is- if the alternative to life is pure bliss, what made life arise? Why is death so painful then? All life does not want to be extinguished, even though according to you they would go into a blissful state of energy oneness?

>> No.15026431
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NDEs are simply a really fucking strong psychedelic trip that is a result of your brain pumping out a cocktail of exotic chemicals because it's dying and doesn't know what the fuck is going on. People n drug induced trips have intense religious experiences believing they're witnessing an afterlife all the time.

>> No.15026432
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Is there a name for this sort of belief system?

>> No.15026584

New Age Wankery?

>> No.15026591


>> No.15026626
File: 56 KB, 1024x769, wow look nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an NDE and it was fuckin' nothing.

>> No.15027538

People die when they are dead.

>> No.15027743

you chill in the dream realm for a little bit before respawning

>> No.15027748

You go to Three.

>> No.15027752

Take vaccines and find out.

>> No.15027767
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I don't know. Either way I'll be fine.

>> No.15027998

Yes. Holofractalism


>> No.15028000

Same thing that happens before you are born

>> No.15028110

>Tens of millions of people justifiably know because they have actually been to the afterlife and experienced it themselves
It's just the DMT stored up in their heads.
>They understand that idea as well as we do and still reject it. Why?
Because the truth is scarier.

>> No.15029286

>what do you guys think happens after death?
my children start fighting over the inheritance because that's, like, a family tradition going back at least to 1898.
hopefully they cremate my corpse and scatter the ashes to the four winds. I've told them to do so but they might forget about my wishes amidst all the fighting.
people with my exact mental setup will continue to be born, although my memories will be gone forever or almost. whether this counts as being reborn is a matter of barmy dispute.
until then, I'll just live.

>> No.15029361

>what do you guys think happens after death?
Anti-Christians realize how horribly, horribly wrong they were.

>> No.15029370

sounds tiring, when will I get my eternal rest?

>> No.15029400

reminds me of a scene from a novel of Mika Waltari, whereby a finnish nobleman in the early 1500's is warned in a roundabout manner, by forcing the topic of man's mortality into the discussion, that he's about to be killed if he does not take precautions. guy says "my only consolation is that many people died before me and so will many people after me". nonetheless he takes the necessary precautions and defects to the rebel side, but this is beside the point.

>> No.15029406

Some guy pays the mortician 10 bucks to fuck your corpse

>> No.15030464
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Probably never


>> No.15030470

It is most likely that conciouseness forms a manifold of information - wherein all other information is implicitly accessible. As such, one would be able to explore the full range of human and extra-human experiences.

>> No.15030746

You either go to heaven or hell as ordained by the Christian God.

>> No.15030758

Y ..you become a sperm in the system of the living, or you pass on through the XYdimensionality as a sperm-type synod(like a human or a human turtle).

>> No.15030762


>> No.15030948

If we intend mind as radio waves that keep on propagating then you should come back with the exact quantic mind state of your previous life
Brain does not generate the counscious experience, it comes from onether level. A computer does not generate data by itself, you write the data upon it. So there is another dimension of being, totally abstract, transcendent and incompatible with this one

>> No.15031359


>> No.15031365

Peace. Extra peace if you’ve edged yourself into it by having an adventurous and fulfilling life.

>> No.15031386

Unironically what they are describing is a buddhist framework for understanding consciousness.

>> No.15031388

All of that is true except that you have no way of knowing whether or not any of those physical phenomena have a subjective experience of existing.

>> No.15031410

You stop existing.
I hope we discover immortality before 2050.

>> No.15032067
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I miss him so much

>> No.15032201


>> No.15032233
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No idea, but experiments to test an afterlife would likely be hard to reproduce. And unethical.
For example, you could tell someone to haunt a chalkboard in a sealed room. To draw something on it after they die. Then you for-real irreversibly kill the person. Does something get drawn on the chalkboard?
There could be any number of variables to change too; maybe it'd be easier to haunt a chair to move it across the room, maybe cameras watching the event effects the deceased's abilities, maybe air pressure/temperature/moisture effects it, maybe every individual has different haunting ability, etc...
Many people would have to die. Possibly for nothing.

>> No.15032270

Don't go into the light. They might tempt you and portray themselves as something they're not. But do not be deceived. You can break out of this cycle. You can free yourself.

>> No.15033432


Alternative to life? Does not compute.

What made life arise? That is beyond our comprehension. The word "arise" implies a temporal (time) dimension, and you have to remember that time does not actually exist in the pure energy world.

Why is death painful? Who says death is painful? Painful how? It can be difficult for us to come to terms with because we identify with our physical bodies. Our physical bodies will die, yes, including our brains.

Life is not extinguished. Life (meaning you) simply returns back to pure energy.


People come up with all types of different names and descriptions, but all of the terminology is just symbolic. They are guideposts to help us understand, because we cannot truly comprehend. So we have to put words and labels on it to share the idea. But look to Taoism, Buddhism, "New Age" as it is called in the West, or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Western psychology. All different names for the same underlying principle: you are your consciousness and nothing else. Everything else is a label that you identify with.

and yes it is the same as Christianity. Whatever "God force" is out there manifested through Jesus Christ, to share in our human (read:physical) misery and show us the way. It's all just filtered through human brain understanding, which is why religion is kind of janky.


No problem. I am constantly exploring these ideas. But I keep coming back to the same fundamental truth.

>> No.15033638

Probably nothing. It's sad to consider but anti-natalism is the truest philosophy.

>> No.15033652

I dont give a fuck if its cope. People around me are dying and I needed one like this right now. Thanks anon.

>> No.15033670

This sadly. What waits for us is likely as bad as it seems.

>> No.15033679

>True self has no memory or need for memory
So you don't get to re-unite with loved ones post-death? Given that your entire stance is just speculative wankery why not just throw any piece of comforting lies you can?

>> No.15033739
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Based on what people relate in near-death experiences, pic related seems the most likely.

>> No.15033766

that fucking blows if true

>> No.15033788

>rampant speculation and unfounded claims: the thread

not science or mathematics.

>> No.15034501

Wrong forum to ask this question. By definition, metaphysics is outside the domain of Math and Science. Bonus answer from Epicurius: "As long as we are live, Death is not with us. After we die, we no longer exist."

>> No.15034793

>behaviour is 100% genetic
>the soul, who is completely divorced from the genetics of the temporal body, is judged according to behaviour
Seems completely unfair and unjust.
Probably true, all mythologies have the gods and cosmic forces being assholes and pricks.

>> No.15034809

That’s because psychedelic experiences are intense religious experiences anon. Try it yourself and then we can talk

>> No.15035353

Life blows. Why should the afterlife be any different?

>> No.15035359

I agree, this thread is more /x/ than /sci/. But /sci/entists are human too, and it is human to speculate.