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15005900 No.15005900 [Reply] [Original]

Explain what "spin" is.

>> No.15005905

Rotation of an object around itself

>> No.15005908

the movementology of an objectium in a circulosity of rotationizm about a centroidalization

>> No.15005932

there is no classical physical description. spin is a degree of freedom or degeneracy in a set of equations.

>> No.15005975
File: 356 KB, 1600x1200, what_is_spin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15005993

the spinning ball shit is merely since the quantity was assigned the units of momentum from dimensional analysis to make the equations valid. It's also unique to solutions to Schrodinger's equation where the electron isn't a particle. It's a wave. How do waves spin like balls?

>> No.15005996

That's like saying that there's no such thing as "up", it's just a degree of freedom in an equation, and the world is actually two dimensional. It clearly exists for the particle somehow or it wouldn't have a physical effect. Just because you can't visualize or model how a wave might be spinning doesn't mean that it isn't.

>> No.15006001

>That's like saying that there's no such thing as "up",
there is no such thing as up. unless you go further and define it as a normal to the surface of the earth at a particular point. Your up and the up for a guy in Australia are not in the same direction.

>> No.15006007

Imagine a tornado. Big spinning mass of air. The tornado is a local maxima in "tornado space", or T. T does not contain wind, dirt, or any other things that you think of with tornadoes, only the tornado itself.

In the center of the tornado in 3D space is a maximum value of T, with T values decreasing as you get farther away. Now, in 3D space, the air feels a pseudoforce near T similar to the Coriolis effect, which causes it to begin to rotate. As it does so it picks up dust, then dirt, then cows and shit.

As a human observer, if you see the tornado, you would swear that it's rotating. We know of course in T space that it's a gradient that doesn't rotate, but anything observing it from outside of T sees rotation. Not just as an equation side effect, but as a real physical spin.

So too with electrons. The electron itself in E space may not "spin", being a gradient, but everything that interacts with it observes it as a spinning ball. Every observation lines up with this, and every prediction that turns out correct requires it. You can model it however you want. That bitch is spinning.

>> No.15006009

>Imagine a tornado. Big spinning mass of air.
why? what you are describing has nothing to do with any solution to Schrodinger's equation.

>> No.15006014

If you start from the proposition that spin is definitely nonphysical I guess it's hard to convince you that it could be physical. Why are you in this thread if you're going to be dogmatic instead of inquisitive? Why study anything instead of just reading the book and taking it for granted? We'll save a ton of money on research grants by turning it into religion.

>> No.15006038

>If you start from the proposition that spin is definitely nonphysical I guess it's hard to convince you that it could be physical.
that is the stating position retard. spin is a description of a solution to a differential equation not an observation of any physical system. Everyone must necessarily start from the position that it's non-physical. Your attempts to interpret the numbers as something physical are just shitty too. since the electron in Schrodinger's equation is a wave the closest physical phenomenon you can relate it to is polarization of EM radiation.

>> No.15006069

>How do waves spin like balls?
Circular polarization?

>> No.15006096

Its what Johnny uses to defeat Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

>> No.15006158
File: 374 KB, 300x178, 300px-Wavepacket-a2k4-en.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks like this wave packet. It's spinning and looks ball-esque

>> No.15006214

Why would it be called spin to begin with if it was not like a spinning ball?

>> No.15006231

>It's spinning
What is spinning? What do those lines represent?

>> No.15006233

>Why would it be called spin to begin with if it was not like a spinning ball?
Dimensional analysis dictates it must have units of angular momentum.

>> No.15006258

ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!! XDDDDDD

>> No.15006285

that's a visualization of the Schrödinger equation, a particle moving through space

>> No.15006349

>that's a visualization of the Schrödinger equation, a particle moving through space
Can you just answer the question? What does the blue line represent? You presented a graph but you don't know what any of the axis are? What quantity the line represents? Wtf?

>> No.15006397

It's the average precession of an ensemble of electrons orbiting about some field. You can interpret it, loosely, as a "drift" momentum.

>> No.15006399

But why does everything spin?

>> No.15006419

>It's the average precession of an ensemble of electrons orbiting about some field. You can interpret it, loosely, as a "drift" momentum
So the units are precession? Excuse me? Listen, you found some graphic on the internet. Unfortunately you have no clue what it means but it looks cool. Pathetic.

>> No.15006482

>units are precession
Why do you comment about things you have no understanding of? Do you even know what a precession is?

>> No.15006500
File: 2.62 MB, 498x498, skeleton-chair-spin-thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thinker ponders over a perfect despription of his existence without realising the futility of such thoughts, for his existence is the only model sufficient enough of describing itself perfectly

>> No.15006591

i did answer your question, both questions. Those lines represent a particle moving through space. More specifically it describes a volume which is the probability density of finding a particle in that area. Maybe this visualization is better

>> No.15006632

im 14 and this is deep

>> No.15006661



>> No.15006677

Another name was magnetic moment