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File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, 910179-nazi-history-adolf-hitler-dark-evil-military-anarchy-war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15003695 No.15003695 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any relationship between vaccinations and the increase in heart attacks in the last year?
Is there anything I can do if I am vaccinated?

>> No.15004910
File: 173 KB, 707x591, Bad Vaxess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ask too many questions. Trust the government and doctors. They know what's best for you, not you. Do as you are told. Do the right thing. Get at least 10 boosters.

>> No.15005033

>increase in heart attacks
There's evidence of that?

>> No.15005043
File: 221 KB, 743x800, Athletes Vaxxed 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>increase in heart attacks
>There's evidence of that?
Called reality. Even the healthiest people on the planet are dying at a record rate never ever seen in modern history, mostly from clots/heart issues and within a few days to weeks after the "vaccines".

>> No.15005048

Uh, yeah.

>> No.15005157

That guy in the picture either blew his brains out or fled to south American tail between his legs

>> No.15005166

>south American
What is it about South America and attracting Socialists? It be like a socialist magnet.

>> No.15005241
File: 96 KB, 786x800, 1657160096821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the future, consider scientists, intellectuals, educated people via jewcademia your enemy; do not trust them.

>> No.15005286

Vegan humans are at extremely low risk of heart attacks and other heart issues. An herbivorous diet, especially one high in fruits and nuts, is the optimal diet for humans. Watch the documentary called What The Health.
It won't directly save you from the vax but it will help improve your heart health.

>> No.15005293

Vegans have an extremely low quality of life and low IQ as well as anger issues. Their diet damages the brain.

>> No.15005298

Vegans have higher average IQ, and higher quality of life due to living a virtuous life and making the world better.

>> No.15005314

giga cope

>> No.15005337


No refunds ;)

>> No.15005372

Do not listen to this >>15005337 guy, fast and pray to Jesus. You got conned into taking garbage, your body can be healed still.