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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15000928 No.15000928 [Reply] [Original]

Are all of us responsible for policing Science? Or is Science not policed by the people?

>> No.15001022

He meant 'us' as in the experts, not a random sexless chud off of 4chan.

>> No.15001039


>> No.15001065

>He meant 'us' as in the experts
>A guy who's not at all a scientist, let alone an expert uses the first person to refer to experts in science.
Makes sense.

>> No.15001114

Not a scientist. He was an expert, though.

>> No.15001117

Even a random anon is much smarter than a modenr (((expert))) >>>/plebbit/

>> No.15001138

Well then you have your answer. He said that because his opinion is too unqualified to matter and he's jealous of real scientists.

>> No.15001148

>Anyone who isn't a scientist doesn't have a valid opinion.
Another gem of wisdom from anonymous on 4channel.org

>> No.15001150

Hahaha, Serge Lang wrote just about the largest number of books out of all mathematicians ever! He also utterly btfo'd academia with his book "Challenges", exposing various affairs and charlatans. He'll always have much more integrity than you will ever have, kid.

>> No.15001165

>Are all of us responsible for policing Science?
>muh think of the cost!
>muh what are the applications?
>muh how to make money off this!?
>muh ethics
>muh 2000yr old fairy tales
>muh its nerd shit
>muh laymen scizos misunderstanding everything
>muh -latest big thing- is the end of the world!
>muh that conclusion doesn't support my agenda!

>> No.15001205

He lost his academic integrity and right to be heard when he started contradicting the consensus of fields he had no authority in and peddling false theories like the one that HIV does not cause AIDS.

>> No.15001236

Mathematicians do that all the time.

>> No.15001291

I guess that's why scientists don't care about what they have to say. :)

>> No.15003072


>> No.15004897
File: 419 KB, 906x740, 1614808440172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no difference between a scientist and a politician. Both are professional liars, arrogant, untalented people making a buck via selling people a(fake) story.

>> No.15004915
File: 47 KB, 680x678, Fake scientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in Science is dead.

>> No.15005044

Easier scientists are broke af

>> No.15005057

>peddling false theories like the one that HIV does not cause AIDS.
GRIDS is caused by multiple infections destroying the immune system. HIV is just one virus among hundreds that gays contract simultaneously. He was totally right.