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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15000714 No.15000714 [Reply] [Original]

Why are schizos so attracted to math?

>> No.15000721

Are you sure about that?

>> No.15000726

schizophrenia relies on the right hemisphere of the brain instructing the left with verbal commands, a dynamic much more efficient than conscious introspection, which involves the whole brain acting as one self-aware unit.

>> No.15000731
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>> No.15000738
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>> No.15000743
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Because math pertains to what is true in all realities; it is the eternal language of God.
Physics and all the other material sciences merely studies this temporal manifestation through experimentations. They are but fleeting plays.

>> No.15000825

Alright we get it you mathfags need to stop making these threads robbing it in.
Go don your priest hoods and make a math gen on /x/ or something so these schizos would stop congregating here.

>> No.15000841

Pretty sure they are around to troll you physicistfags.
If you make a phys gen there I guarantee these consciousness threads that pop up like clockwork dissipates right back into the ether.

>> No.15000848

who else are you going to convince of real numbers
lmao "more than you could count", I laugh

>> No.15000862

Joe biden casually walking off stage into an apparent daze after delivering a barely coherent, somewhat lengthy speech is actually one of the funniest things ever and he does it on purpose.

>> No.15000874
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Because all mathematicians are schizophrenic

>> No.15000915

They don't. Schizos usually interested in pseudo-scientific woo i.e vortex math which is bullshit.

>> No.15000939

Cite one example of a schizophrenic interested in mathematics.

>> No.15000946

uh the guy that movie was made about

>> No.15000963


>> No.15000971

Do you have any proof he's schizophrenic and not just a mentally ill retard?

>> No.15000972

also newton was probably schizo as fuck he wrote constantly about burning his parents alive(because of childhood trauma or something), or it was someone else, anyway he spent 2 decades learning alchemy that's what schizos do

>> No.15000982

Wanting to kill people doesn't make you schizophrenic.
>anyway he spent 2 decades learning alchemy that's what schizos do
No it isn't.

>> No.15000992

sure it does otherwise why would anyone want to learn how to make gold from cow shit?

>> No.15001001

>Everyone who is a retard is a schizo

>> No.15001055

on the contrary, retards can't be schizos they are mentally deficient

>> No.15001124

Cause just like the voices in their head numbers don't exist

>> No.15001246

John Nash, a certified genius and who contributed significantly to game theory. Also nobel laureate. Ever heard of Nash equilibrium.

>> No.15001260

All important contributions of Nash were before his illness kicked off.

>> No.15001278

they arent its media influence, even the film with john nash pointed out his actual influential work was before his illness became prominent. Other examples are speculation or fit our society's retarded criteria for what qualifies as "schizophrenic". The reason that reputation persists though is because of this >>15000915

>> No.15001353

The same goes for Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla contributed to electronics in the period before he became a crackpot, but he contributed nothing to science after he went crackpot. Most of the people who worship Nikola Tesla today are in the group of people I wrote here >>15000915

People in this group usually love to deal with conspiracy theories. They have never achieved anything in life. They are complete losers. They don't know math, they don't know the philosophy of science. Most of them cling to New Age conspiracy theories that they see on the internet and that's how they satisfy their ego, otherwise there's nothing else to make them feel that they are intelligent.

I met one of them on the internet, he believed that the Earth was concave, he believed that no plane hit the towers on 9/11, he worshipped Nikola Tesla and of course he believed in the existence of the ether, he didn't send his children to school but taught them vortex math at home because he believed that vortex math was real math.

>> No.15001401

Speaking of schizos and Tesla, I keep wondering about one thing. There are people who are scared of 5G and of phone signals giving them brain cancer.
Then there are are people who lament the fact that Tesla "wasn't stopped by the big electric cable" and that they could get free electricity from gigawatt wireless transmitters.

Is there a clash between these two groups?
Are they having debates/conducting "studies" about harmlessness of massive Tesla coils?
Or are they simply ignoring one another?

>> No.15001423

They are actually the same group. If even Tesla succeded 'free' electricity through wireless transmitters, then conspiracy theorists would say that they are trying to kill us. They are actually schizo, they must be treated.

>> No.15001453

Most of them aren't. You hang out on a math and science board, so you encounter those which are.

>> No.15001458

>Most of the people who worship Nikola Tesla today are in the group of people I wrote here >>15000915
Nonsense. Most of the people who worship Tesla are normalfags who know nothing about Tesla's crazy shit and just know him as "the guy who invented AC, and also Edison murdered an elephant"

>> No.15001461

OP is a retardio sci channel guardio, who protects us from out of the box dualistic thinking, and principles. Go OP, you strict oneist.

>OP thinks nothing exists outside the realm of sense FALSE cause knowledge contains 50% out of sense thinking.

>> No.15001499

Calm down Electric Universe schizo, and keep watching Wal Thornhill's latest video. Don't forget to subscribe to channel and like the video.

>> No.15001501
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tfw the namefag is already in my filter

>> No.15001507

>Electric Universe
Most Tesla fanboys don't believe any of that nonsense. I certainly don't either, and I'm not a Telsa fan.

You are confusing the delusional fringe of Tesla fans for the mainstream of Tesla fans. Most Tesla fans are merely normalfags who's 'knowledge' of Tesla amounts to
>Tesla invented AC but Edison wanted DC, then Edison stole all the credit from Telsa but I know better.

>> No.15001525

>You are confusing the delusional fringe of Tesla fans...
Which is the majority of Tesla fans. I bet you've never met a Tesla fan, ever. They believe in Electric Universe, they are mostly vegan, and they are also into other New Age woo stuff i.e telepathy.

Ken Wheeler is their another God. They worship his pseudo-scientific holy-book which has no scientific credibility.

>> No.15001533

>Which is the majority of Tesla fans. I bet you've never met a Tesla fan, ever. They believe in Electric Universe,
I've met lots of Tesla fans, and not one has any of them said any electric universe bullshit. Most of them have virtually no interest in science at all. Tesla having credit stolen from him by Edison is something they learned on reddit or youtube and they have little personal investment in the matter besides it being a little 'factoid' they 'know' which they think most people don't know, because they only learned about Edison in grade school.

>> No.15001540
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Hey look, a thread on forchins that attracted a bunch of edgy 17 year olds that hate everything

>> No.15001542

>everything I am not smart enough to understand is woo
the pseud calling people psueds, how meta

>> No.15001543

>schizophrenia relies on the right hemisphere of the brain instructing the left with verbal commands,
I thought this was autism?

>> No.15001555

A better question is why are so many NPCs attracted to science in general. The answer is is because in present day it is procedural and algorithmic and requires very little creative/independent thought. Science went from a noble journey of discovery to training lab techs to use pipettes for big pharma's next cash cow. A so called "scientist" today is a mockery of science

>> No.15001592

Butthurt Wal Thornhill fanboy, get lost. /x/ is your home.

>> No.15001601

>book titled "how to read a book"
lmao even

>> No.15001604

>source: i made it up

>> No.15001683

>and not just a mentally ill retard?
Schizophrenia is a mental illness and makes you retarded.

>> No.15001687

Different frequency wave.

>> No.15001788

They feel that throwing out equations justifies their beliefs but even perfectly correct math isn't necessarily real world realized much less the shit they try to do with it

>> No.15001790


>> No.15002306

>thinking Wal Thornhill is anybody significant in the history of aether physics
as I said, psued. kys retard

>> No.15002315

lol you are so wrong and it shows like lol. The fact that you so confidentely make your case while everyone is like "wow this guy is fucking retarded!!" I DON'T EVEN KNOW it's hilarious I'm shitting myself here. You're basically a clown who doesn't realize he's in a circus it's fucking delicious LAMO

>> No.15003056

>Muh aether
>Muh Saturn
>Muh Tesla
You're a fucking clown.