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15000111 No.15000111 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, good high school student
>ace everything easily
>go into college, pre-med w econ major concurrently as a backup bc why not?
>do really well first couple terms
>completely run out of energy towards the end of year 1
>have some bereavements in my personal life so I assume it's because of that
>keep being tired, grades start to falter, social life ebbs away
>covid hits
>a relief at first since I was losing it
>gets worse over time, online school is a joke, professors stop giving a fuck and hate students now bc all of them cheated lmao
>everything closed, can't visit a doctor
>slowly waste away, barely able to pass classes now
>haggard and exhausted recluse, look like a mangy dog
>jettison my pre-med reqs halfway through, down to just an econ major and chem minor with shitass grades
>limp to the finish, get degree
>more people die this summer so I assume I have no energy left yet bc stress
>also my best friend went full schizo and tried to stash automatic weapons at my place, my neighbor killed 4 people etc -> perfectly justifiable reasons to be stressed
>erratic energy levels and moods, throat swelling
>finally leave that shithole and move back in with parents
>it's fall by now, don't have a job yet, feel worse than ever
>mom thinks my thyroid is busted due to odd swelling in face and neck, her mom and sis had the same thing
>it's pretty treatable
>wasted most of the prime of my life because of this shit, thought it was depression or stomach problems or schizoaffective disorder etc
>it took me this long to find out
This life is gay, I want a do-over. Fuck do I do now? Wait for my health to come back and do a 1-year master's? Keep looking for basic programming/remote jobs? I dunno. Relevant to /sci because I was just like a lot of you once. LOOK AFTER YOUR HEALTH

>> No.15000352
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>Fuck do I do now?

>> No.15000922

OP you remind me of myself in ways. There is no do-over have you move along with the dice you have now. 1-year masters where are you gonna get that money from? continue looking for programming jobs live with parents and stack until you are self sufficient. Vendition is offering tech sales roles look it up, other than that good luck life sucks indeed can't do anything about it either.

>> No.15000933

haahha, I had the same shit. I wasted months of my life being a depressed, unmotivated, apathetic piece of shit thinking I've got ADHD or some shit, then I happen to one day have my blood tested, find out my thyroid levels are out of control, and a few weeks later on these meds I suddenly feel perfectly normal again.
I had thyroid issues in my childhood too and my doc told me that people have been taking these pills for decades with no side-effects whatsoever, so no way am I ever gonna stop taking those again if my pituitary gland is an asshole.

>> No.15001455


I might have a thyroid condition how do I get tested?

>> No.15001938

Yep Issa gem

>> No.15002912

I had something similar, OP, but not the specific thing this thread put on my screen.

It's hard to give specific advice, because context always changes things.

>wasted most of the prime of my life
>thinks college years are "prime of life"
Nah, your "prime" doesn't end until you start aging into old people health problems. What you wanna do is save everyone's contact info.

>Fuck do I do now?
It's okay to take a dumb job for 2 years or whatever until you get your other shit sorted. Money is nice but it's not the only (or even most important) thing right now.

The most important thing is to get so you can think clearly and plan well. Tired? Nap as needed. Room cluttered with stuff from college? Pick one day a week to go through it. Want to rebuild your social net?* Pick one day a week to explore that. Parents tetchy about something? Negotiate regular nights they get the house to themselves for date night. Want a different job? Pick a day. Got a hobby? Pick a day. Make time for things. Read. Meditate. Take walks. If you drink caffeine, pay attention to how it affects your brain and mood.

*Floss and use mouthwash. Breath fresheners aren't worth it. For that matter, see a dentist. I spent a couple grand out of pocket on a root canal and I should've just had the tooth pulled.

>> No.15003956

PS: if you see something you like online, you have to save a copy locally. Especially if it's on a forum or hobby site. Shit disappears.
PPS: your room probably stinks. Get an air filter, a window fan, and fix any damage in the house that affects airflow. If your deoderant is especially potent, keep it in a bag. (Don't do exterior walls or attic stuff when it's cold or wet out.)
PPPS: be prepared for computer problems. Murphy's law here.

>> No.15003966

thyroid bros unite. found out i had hypothyroidism about 8 months ago after a similar experience. energy levels kept getting lower and lower, depressed, constantly sleeping. i would be exhausted and want a nap even after sleeping 10 hours. hair started falling out, skin became dry and flaky, grad school suffered. got on meds and finished school and now at least i'm not tired all the time anymore

>> No.15003985

Not the guy but to add as someone doing a CS degree, if you want to make a job of it then you can get by self taught.
if the knowledge is easy enough for you to absorb and you have the willpower to produce some portfolio programs then you can stick it on a basic website. You might get filtered by job search algorithms for not having it listed but companies are generally more impressed by your work output than if you paid to get through uni. A lot of Cs majors fuck up in the professional world by just passing classes and assuming that'll get them a job, not realising they have nothing to make them stand out or actually show prowess.

>> No.15004062

smoke weed, get a job as a doctor that prescribes medical

live until the cancer gets you