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File: 117 KB, 800x1200, Elon_Musk_Royal_Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14997839 No.14997839 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the smartest man in the world?

>> No.14997847

No, I am

>> No.14997859

Me, not in the picture

>> No.14997870

>makes everyone seethe
>kickstarts a new space race against the glowies' wishes by being a polymath
>now we know he kickstarted a space race without a fucking degree even
>reinforcing America's energy infrastructure with those electric "power stations", even sells an ev car to go with it
>solar walls in every house
>made solar viable after the Obama infrastructure boondoggle almost shelves them entirely
>makes politicians and old media seethe
yeah I'm thinking he's based.

>> No.14997874

He claims to be the person with the most knowledge in manufacturing engineering and I tend to believe him.

>> No.14997940

Also owns the libs

>> No.14997977

ironic because every industry he's invested in is something a Roosevelt democrat would've supported.

>> No.14998083
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14998309

No, but the second smartest, together with Jordan Peterson, right after Neil Tyson.

>> No.14998321

>LOL he makes me political enemies SEETHE!
Come back when you're an adult

>> No.14998327

the question was if he is the smartest man in the world

>> No.14998328

Maybe he's the most obedient sycophant in the world. That might explain his station in life whereas being the smartest man, which he is not, could never explain it.

>> No.14998333

Right after based Chris Langan

>> No.14998340
File: 352 KB, 727x807, 1668853529968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk is a WEF global leader. His artificial twitter drama only serves one goal in the end: Digital identity. His mission is to establish a global unforgeable digital passports linked to every post you make online. Tied to your vaccine passport, to your CBDC blockchain bank account and to your social credit score. Posting an unwelcome opinion will result in your total social and financial exclusion.

>> No.14998362

No. He's an idiot. I could do what he does easily and much better too. I just don't feel like it because it's boring and too easy. I did a diploma in law studies and what has Elon done. That's right, nothing. Elon walks around like he graduated cum lord or some shit. His days in the spotlight are numbered

>> No.14998400

No he's just the guy with the money. He says dumb shit and make wrong predictions constantly and most of his projects fail. He's far from smart.
The smart people are the engineers working for him.

>> No.14998556

Name one product he’s personally pioneered that was a success. He’s way below Steve Jobs on the scale of innovation. I think he’s an outright scammer that should be sent back to whatever country he’s from.

>> No.14998560
File: 45 KB, 600x758, Edward_Witten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is though

>> No.14998851

He's from South Africa, born into daddy's multimillion (or is it billion) diamond mine trust fund.

>> No.14998856

LMFAO not even fucking close
He’s just a good marketer and farms subservient consumer retards to parade around him. Someone like Terrence Tao iq mogs him by a LONGSHOT

>> No.14998947

In the business world he’s only second to Zucc IMO, clearly better than bezos for sure

>> No.14999018

You should think long and hard about yourself that you look up to a grifter

>> No.14999185

Some of his ideas are interesting, but if you think about it. Some are just horseshit, they usually solve a problem in a short term and doesn't usually come with a good idea, look at twitter, I think it's just a matter of time until it comes down as well. He won't be lasting long, I've better hopes for mr Beast, we'll about that

>> No.14999454


So the guy who manages everything: who makes more money while toiling less and being able to say dumb shit and not worry about getting fired because of his position is less intelligent than the engineers?

>> No.14999495

You know what I call a conman who's done more for the space race than NASA or the Russian Space Agency have in the past 20 years?
A good one.

>> No.15000417

he's an odd lookin' duck

>> No.15000472

why does he sound like a girl

>> No.15000502

I don't even give a shit anymore. Being a scam artist is more soulful than whatever the fuck most companies are doing with the ultraprog bullshit.

>> No.15000530
File: 643 KB, 2000x2048, engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15001490

He's the smartest African in the world

>> No.15002594

factorio vibes

>> No.15002762
File: 232 KB, 848x480, 7C0C8434-C6F7-47A3-B8CE-F3032CAE2F79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15004334
File: 57 KB, 1310x490, elonfactorio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15004336

This, also, Elon would have special government
clearance (due to his work with space X), meaning glowniggers can work directly at twitter now. I don't know what elon is planning though, but Digital Identity would be one of them but time will tell.

>> No.15004344
File: 98 KB, 720x933, uqcbrzjlgqj31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based means high on crack niggerlover
also you will never go to space

>> No.15004693

the richest person is an African huh TIL

>> No.15004909

he managed to convince millions of retards to give him billions of dollars for shitty, exploding cars. he also managed to get the world to use his shitty currency transfer site that takes 5% per transaction