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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 633x356, prometheus engineer main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14997423 No.14997423 [Reply] [Original]

What was his fucking problem?

>> No.14997480
File: 66 KB, 587x649, 1668529484850826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine you wake up after thousands of year just to look at a kike and his robot.

>> No.14997575

Humanity killed Jesus who was actually an Engineer hybrid

>> No.14997875
File: 78 KB, 625x663, 1648164035303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats just what engineers do when they dont get their daily dose of adderall

>> No.14997876

He's pissed off because the Engineers haven't advanced technologically over millions of years and failed to achieve the Singularity.

>> No.14997883
File: 221 KB, 1242x1242, 1666665573198742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was awaken by a bunch of entitled brown manlets goblinos(from his perspective) demanding him to bring them eternal life, while his mission in the first place was to kill them.

>> No.14998153

Castle doctrine. From his perspective he was awoken in the middle of the night by home invaders, and he exercised his God given right to defend himself, his family, and his property.

>> No.14998272
File: 26 KB, 640x474, g9oo2b0aiq0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their deal was adhd? I just thought they were autistic.

>> No.14998644

having a hack of a Director who doesnt know when to retire

>> No.14998740

His speech is part od deleted scenes.

>> No.14999717

I think the movie was ok

>> No.14999729

And to add to that, he did it just so he didn't have to have some mongrel minded sentiment. Like like at me, I already am judging him based on the fact he is drinking a monster, and treat him like a monster. Maybe I am the one who is in the wrong.
But in reality life didn't work like that, and the engineer is a fictional being that doesn't exist except in my imagination.

>> No.14999776



>> No.15000758

>blockbuster sci-fi nostalgia cash-grab
You. You're the problem.

>> No.15000763

Why did the Engineers have such a shitty starship that allows a human starship to catch up and crash into it? They're supposed to be millions of years ahead of humanity after all. Why didn't the Engineer ship have sensors and AI to automatically make evasive maneuvers before Prometheus struck it?

>> No.15000772

What does this have to do with science and math?

>> No.15000773

I just realized that he is max stat zuckerberg including paleness.

>> No.15000879

Without condoning or condemning. I understand. Relatable

>> No.15000881

Amen , also lolz

>> No.15000889

it fits more in line with the "ancient alien" thing because people are stupid

>> No.15001598
File: 99 KB, 708x697, 1662431337082741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real fucking patriots.

>> No.15002522

Go back to /tv/ you faggot
All the new Aliens films are complete garbage.

>> No.15002626

Get Woke, Go Broke.

>> No.15002678

he was based and redpilled, next thread

>> No.15002687

fuck you, this is literally the best three minutes of any movie ever made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRxvp4sfhMo

i wake up every morning and thank ridley scott for creating the best fucking sci-fi horror film ever made. you're a hack

>> No.15004376

This is one good reason why I'm against welfare of any kind. The useless parasites shouldn't be able to take anything from the productive. Go earn money and use it how you want.

>> No.15004383

Bc it's a sci fi film that's meant to be entertaining. A truly ultra elrealistic sci fi show wouldn't have any aliens or fighting in it. But just robots doing boring mundane but dangerous jobs.

>> No.15004436

He was part of some splinter military movement or warrior sect. Clearly the Engineer society is fractured, and his part of it is uninterested in peace or coexistence with the abomination spawn of their scientist caste.
I'm guessing his outpost was some kind of literal sleeper cell, intended to sit in stasis for tens of thousands of years until they're needed. Given the payload of the ships, that station was probably the equivalent of a missile silo.

>> No.15004664

i read the intended dialogue for this once, and david is intentionally mis-translating
the engineer is basically spitting vitriol at weyland and david tones it down
like, the engineer doesn't say "why are you here" he says "what gives you the right to be here, you shouldn't be"
he doesn't say "why" he says "what makes you think you deserve it, when you're ungrateful for what you were given"
david is, of course, a duplicitous bastard and that's why he's the best character in the prequels

>> No.15005193

>Literally too stupid to run to the side.

>> No.15005196

>What does this have to do with science and math?
He just wanted to ask the opinion of smart people, but then you showed up.

>> No.15005348

First of all, there was debris falling all around them and obstacles around them so it wasn't as simple as just running sideways. Second, suppose you dropped a giant horseshoe on the ground. Would you expect it to roll on its side like a wheel? No, of course not. You'd expect it to wobble and then land on its face. They weren't expecting it to keep rolling like a wheel, and because it was behind them with debris falling everywhere, they couldn't see what it was doing. It's easy to be an armchair sprinter when you're the one watching from a safe distance. I bet the furthest you've ever sprinted is from your cum-encrusted keyboard over to your fridge and back, you fat fuck. Charlize Theron is fitter, smarter, and sexier than you've ever been at any point in your pathetic existence, and if she got crushed then you can bet your ass you fucking would have died too. Prometheus by all measures is a masterpiece of sci-fi horror and you should thank your lucky stars every day you've never been tested to even a fraction of the extent of the Prometheus crew. Never talk shit about Prometheus again.

>> No.15005407

he is a social economist and he don't like the old greedy man and his corporate toy

>> No.15005478

Blade runner and alien were great, ridley needed to walk away before he embarrassed himself.

>> No.15005486
File: 56 KB, 392x500, 1345407865906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, take it easy pilgrim, did you make the video or something?

>> No.15005490

Hello David was the best part of the film and it wasn’t even in the film; it was an advertisement. The film was shut.

>> No.15005510

That's why in the deleted scenes he says
>Inamaktu karkarste!
Which translates to English as
>I feel threatened!

>> No.15005564

>Engineers arrive at least 500 million years ago in a cool flying saucer to make modifications to early Earth lifeforms
>500 million years later the Engineers are flying around in much smaller shitty starships
Why haven't the Engineers advanced in all this time? They actually appear to have regressed. In only 5,000 years humanity went from writing on clay tablets to building starships. No wonder the Engineers hate us.

>> No.15005570

They bio-nuked themselves into near-extinction. That one city on the home planet may have been their only remaining population center.
They probably adopted some quasi-religious abstinence from further technological development because they saw firsthand how badly things could go. Advancement is not an automatic thing.

>> No.15005591

That actually makes sense. I wish the second movie focused more on the Engineers and their background and downfall instead of boring xenomorph chestburster stuff.

>> No.15005624

is this a copy-pasted old thread from /tv/ or am i losing my mind

>> No.15005641

I've seen /sci-themed movies discussed here quite frequently. This movie should qualify since it addresses topics like the fermi paradox, interstellar travel, extraterrestrial life, transhumanism, genetic mutation etc.

>> No.15006554

nice pasta

>> No.15006569

>tfw "lie in stasis until your ship of planet-scouring weaponry is needed several eons from now" isn't an available career choice

>> No.15006690

AI post

>> No.15008998

bad writing.
ridiculous bullshit you imagined up to compensate for bad writing.

>> No.15009009

t. Incapable of understanding environmental storytelling

>> No.15009011

>environmental storytelling
is no excuse for bad writing

>> No.15009023

>I can't pay attention so it was bad

>> No.15009025

>"paying attention" to shit you dreamed up in your head

>> No.15009099

mirin this guy's aesthetics.. should i watch this kino? i've only ever seen first alien.

>> No.15009111

>implying doing something is always more productive than not

>> No.15009142

Watch Aliens first, but yes

>> No.15010128
File: 18 KB, 600x200, engineerjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F U C K I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
P I G G E R S ! ! ! ! ! ! !

>> No.15010179

>Why haven't the Engineers advanced in all this time?
They did.
They split into a trifecta.
One squadron of warriors,
one faction of religious zealots,
and a middle crowd that may or may not have been obliterated when attempting a multiverse jump,
if not many multiverse jumps of which some succeeded and failed to another universe/dimension because once you reach peak aesthetics you just make up random shit to do.

>> No.15010191

>i've only ever seen first alien.
Holy shit...this dude hasnt seen Aliens?

Wow....lucky. Make it an event, get all comfy, turn the sound up, get snack and drinks. Game over, man. Only way to be sure. I'm jelly.

>> No.15010299

achievable natty?

>> No.15010639

You are autistic. Do you know what inference is?

>> No.15010647

lmfao the face-value-autism!

>> No.15010650
File: 54 KB, 764x304, Prometheus retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he spoke he would be in big trouble

>> No.15010664

Delusional samefag.

>> No.15010668
File: 37 KB, 575x320, 1475prometheust_00000000895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he spoke he would be in big trouble
Then speak in parables.

>> No.15010674
File: 44 KB, 585x156, 2022-11-25_04.03.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"paying attention" to shit you dreamed up in your head
Make the thinky-thinky stop!

>> No.15010675
File: 21 KB, 560x542, Prometheus eng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineers arrive at least 500 million years ago in a cool flying saucer to make modifications to early Earth lifeforms
There's no evidence that that is Earth rather than one of umpteen habitable planets

>> No.15011728

>may or may not have been obliterated when attempting a multiverse jump

>> No.15011744

Zogbot 250000

>> No.15011962
File: 39 KB, 474x474, Goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that consuming too much iodized silver turns your skin blue? Or that silver is bacterial resistant? Ever wonder why engineers are blue? Still wondering why the Hindus painted them this too?

>be me
>10 foot hyperargyriameleninosis gigachad
>fall asleep after some retard bro of mine decides he has had enough of life
>he decides to do so in the most passive aggressive way possible
>wake up
>pink pavement apes staring at me
>turns out suicidal bro was bored as shit and seeded a planet with life
>literally pointless and we told him not to because we are immortal af
>look out onto this group of unholy pigger pink hellspawn
>it's a literal race of manlets
>surprisingly it speaks my language
>mildly surprised
>still not as gigachad as our civilization though
>better to put these piggers out of their misery
>rip off one of their head
>wtf it's some kind of cyborg or sum shit
>give chase onto the remaining piggers
>holy shit they can run fast
>back is still rickety from hypersleep
>try catch them all like a voguumon tard wrangler
>they have a pansy little pea shooter
>turns out they found their way into our chadly weapons supply
>fuck fuck fuck
>get eaten by a giant starfish


As for the third faction.
It happened to The Dwemer. It happened to the Eldari and if humanities not careful...
It will happen to you.

>> No.15011966

>humanity is a frat bros prank
This is too much to bear. Bruh.

>> No.15013604

>bad writing.

>> No.15013703
File: 358 KB, 1600x963, 1411900233002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was his fucking problem?

A hastily thrown together script.

>> No.15013705

The dinosaur.

>> No.15013739

they were all disgusting manlets

>> No.15013767

This is useful but doesn't account fully for circumstances unknown to the individual. I believe in some form of wellfare, aimed at making sure individuals have both the capability and the willingness to ensure prosperity to better their conditions and that of those around them.

>> No.15014889


>> No.15015136

Go back to /fit/

>> No.15015178

Jews just like everyone else

>> No.15015199
File: 172 KB, 340x410, cossitius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /fit/ are not manlets
>implying /pol/ is white

>> No.15015452


>> No.15016938

/pol/ welcomes people of all races to participate in grassroots authoritarian white supremacy