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File: 286 KB, 1947x1203, goldstone_africa_2050_demographic_truth_and_consequences_revised1-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14993355 No.14993355 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight /sci/, is overpopulation going to kill us and cause an ecological disaster?

We're going to add billions more in the coming years.

>Inb4 innovation
Innovation to stop pollution requires wealth though, look were the population growth is.

Sub-Saharan Africa just passed a billion people in 2015 and is going to perhaps have more people than all of Asia by 2100. Pic related is people aged 18-59 population.

By 2100 more than 1:2 people under 18 will be African. By just 2040 2:5 children born in the world will be born in Africa.

So it seems like stopping ecological disruption might require wealthy nations to share to get any innovation stood up abroad.

I am doubtful. It seems like we are sleep walking into a disaster.

>> No.14993431

the world is walking into a disaster and there's nothing you can do about it unless you want a world government that can distribute resources towards ameliorating (cant just fully prevent it at this point) climate disaster.

would most nation-state politicians prefer to sell out their country to the UN? probably not

>> No.14993448

>would most nation-state politicians prefer to sell out their country to the UN? probably not
I wish that were true. You and your ilk should be sent to Africa.

>> No.14993457

Eventually nature will balance one way or another. Civilization is fucked though.

>> No.14993461
File: 85 KB, 1234x852, un_population_projections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give it to me straight /sci/, is overpopulation going to kill us and cause an ecological disaster?

North America will become a park like paradise OUTSIDE the major cities.
Europe will become Detroit 2.0
Africa will become a dystopian nightmare of warlords, starvation, violence, over population, pollution, etc.
Eastern Asia will become a Technological megalopolis.

>> No.14993484

by East Asia you just mean SK, Japan, and Taiwan right?

>> No.14993553

Overpopulation is a big disaster. There should be strict policy to have limited amount of children.

To counter it temporarily we can relocate people to increase diversity and lower population density in certain countries and area.

Like Canada and Africa has lots of empty land. Use it to relocate central Europe and south asia.

>> No.14993566

>Like Canada and Africa has lots of empty land. Use it to relocate central Europe and south asia.
Please send all the blags and messicans to Africa so I don't have to deal with them in my city.

>> No.14993659

>By 2100 more than 1:2 people under 18 will be African. By just 2040 2:5 children born in the world will be born in Africa.
It's simply the natural progression of the world. Nothing you can do about it. Just except it. Nobody stopped white people from having sex.

>> No.14993740

Where is the magic modernization of Africa going to come from and why is there an exact predicted timeline for it?

>> No.14993766

>would most nation-state politicians prefer to sell out their country to the UN? probably not

Most politicians are globalist traitors. Third world aid subsidizes unsustainable population growth and should be halted immediately.

>> No.14993768

People should stay in their ethnic homelands and globalists like you should be put down.

>> No.14993780

birth rates are not survival rates

>> No.14993855


Anon I would love to except it