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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 441 KB, 1x1, _sci_ - Define number . Protip you can't. - Science & Math - 4chan.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14991667 No.14991667 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit the jannies on this board are truly fucking retarded. I just saw them delete a thread on the foundations of mathematics, presumably because they thought the OP was "trolling". This is peak pop soi brainletism. Anyone who has even a basic, undergrad level understanding of proof based math should be familiar with the foundations of mathematics, and the sorts of questions it addresses - namely questions concerning how to define and axiomatize the natural numbers and arithmetic on the natural numbers. The jannies on this board need to take an intro discrete math or into logic course.

Just to be clear, I'm not the person who made that thread, so I'm not personally butthurt or anything. I'm just a math grad student, and it truly blows my mind to see a stupid and uninformed the jannies and many of the users on this board actually are. It wasn't always like this, but obviously the jannies we have today are nothing like the people who were on here ca. 2014-2015. Most of the jannies and users are complete pop soi retards. There used to be a large number of users on this board who were competent in graduate level maths like algebraic topology and representation theory and stuff like that. Now most of the users on this board would not even be able to prove the Handshaking lemma in graph theory, certainly not any of the jannies. I've seen them delete good, serious threads on countless occasions, while leaving pop sci shit about engineering and technology and career advice threads, both of which used to be forbidden on sci. Sci is not for career advice or talking about technology. We have dedicated boards for both "advice" and "technology".

I imagine the jannies are unaware and I will probably get banned for this, but under 4chan rules, we are allowed one meta thread per board to discuss the state of the board.

>> No.14991671

>inb4 OP saying "Protip: you can't" somehow proves that it was a troll attempt

It might be kind of boring and not very clever, but starting threads with something like "protip: you can't" is not tantamount to trolling. Thats just a generic and kind of boring way to start a thread, but I doubt OP was genuinely trying to troll. I really don't think it was that serious - it was likely half-ironic or half-sarcastic, so to speak.

>> No.14991698

>There used to be a large number of users on this board who were competent in graduate level maths like algebraic topology and representation theory and stuff like that. Now most of the users on this board would not even be able to prove the Handshaking lemma in graph theory, certainly not any of the jannies.
This board was always full of retarded pseuds

t. Occasional lurker from /x/ turned migrant

Anyway, do you have any proof that this is consistant behaviour, and not just a one-off mistake? Ought I take your word for it?

>> No.14991742
File: 145 KB, 1009x1200, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_chamaruku__b28e62cd5d968af4b3b37608c9610ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define "number" is actually a good thread about the foundations of mathematics
No it isn't.

Any further points or can the jannies clean this up?

>> No.14991760

You made a shit thread and it got deleted and now you cry.

If you want to have a "serious" discussion then don't make the thread obviously shit. The fact that you don't seem to grasp this means that you are either pretending to be retarded or actually retarded at which point it already retroactively justifies any mod action against you.

>> No.14991765

>posting coomer pic to beg replies
Nah. Back to /b/ kid

>> No.14991780
File: 30 KB, 614x614, 66435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pseud trash got deleted and you're mad about it. LOL

>> No.14991784

Don't you have a consciousness thread to create?

>> No.14991792

>Make shitty porn bait because you think that 4chan is for incel nazis and it'll attract them
>Get banned and cry that no one cared about your stupid plebbit question
wow you're retarded!

>> No.14991793

There are countless more retarded threads than that that don't get deleted

>> No.14991795

It got deleted because mods hate pseuds.

>> No.14991803

What's wrong with being a pseud? Why do you think that's an acceptable reason to delete an on topic thread?

And have you not noticed the moronic anti-science posters who all think they're enlightened geniuses? Why are their threads allowed, then?

>> No.14991804

So they're selfhating projectors. Makes sense.