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File: 84 KB, 1920x1080, StudentLoanForgiveness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14986287 No.14986287 [Reply] [Original]

>Be a pretentious faggot and brag about being """""educated""""""
>Beg the """non-educated""" to bail you out of your trash degree with their cash

Why are redditor cultists like this?

>> No.14986291

In civilized countries, education is free.
I pity American students who have to take on debt in order to receive education.

>> No.14986299

Maybe because your country is small enough geographically and demographically to efficiently mobilize resources by the government to get a good safety net. Another thing you Europeans can do is have a very small military budget since the USA will protect you.

>> No.14986300

Crazy that anyone on /sci/ falls for that.

>> No.14986319

Meanwhile the students are constantly rioting and protesting in every euro country on a regular basis, and youth unemployment is through the roof. You should rephrase that to "we get child daycare for """"free""""

>> No.14986340

>In civilized countries, education is free
Bragging about not paying your taxes could get you into massive trouble.

>> No.14986636

If the gov offered you money wouldn't you take it? Even if they didn't give those students money you rodent see they money do anything beneficial for you, at least it would be going to Americans and likely being spent in America

>> No.14986642

Wouldn't haha

>> No.14986658

So why are government bailouts okay?

>> No.14986661

The one time government gibs go to white people you complain bitterly about it.

>> No.14986703

Glaringly ignores how much money gets printed through reverse-repos/ treasury-bonds/..., but once the hand outs start touching your fellow poors you decide to rant about it. America's thought control experiment is working just as planned.

>> No.14986732

Most of acedmia could be replaced with online certificates. I don't think 80% of people with degrees need them for what they do at work. The issue is we have almost a ponzi scheme in the sense that you need to get a bs degree to play the game.

Even manager positions in retail often have degree requirements. In the USA there are various laws around degrees that give companies incentives for hiring educated workers. One person I knew working at Walmart got a 7 dollar raise just for getting his associates his role didn't change at all but they weren't able to technically give him the manager position until he had an associates because of some regulation.

Academia needs to go back to a place exclusively for the very smartest and or rich people who want to kill 4 years. 80% of people do not need to go or they should not be in university.

>> No.14986877

We're brainwashed to believe that merit and productivity gets you places, that healthcare is optional, and that businesses are more important than families or human life at all. The protestant work ethic is a joke.

>> No.14987814

>>Beg the """non-educated""" to bail you out of your trash degree with their cash
that's not how debt forgiveness works
debt forgiveness is literally the government going to the lender and saying "yeah you aren't getting any more of this"

the money was already spent, all this "bailout you must pay for" nonsense is banks getting pissy about their student loan asset backed securities losing value

>> No.14987834
File: 131 KB, 768x966, party time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully soon the South American socialist work ethic will take over.

>> No.14987854

The government is the lender, but you already knew that. Obama took over the student lending industry, now over 90% of student loans are issued directly by the government, but you already knew that. The loan "forgiveness" program doesn't apply to private loans, but you already knew that too. Not sure who you thought you could fool with your plebbit trash deception.

>> No.14987855

>that's not how debt forgiveness works
Biden is literally going to print money and pay it to student loan companies. That's how the plan is written. It's a bailout of finance.

>> No.14987925

>In civilized countries, education is free.
That exists in no country on Earth retard. Taxes pay for it.

>> No.14987940
File: 39 KB, 520x569, 11100101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden is literally going to print money and pay it to student loan companies. That's how the plan is written. It's MONEY LAUNDERING.

Just like the Democrats/RINOs/FTX/Ukraine scam

>> No.14987947

What do you think will happen when they start loan payments up again? This is frustrating to have to worry about every 4-6mo.

>> No.14988005

republicans are never winning an election again so maybe the dems will just permanently keep postponing payments

>> No.14988015

>so maybe the dems will just permanently keep postponing payments
That's what the uni-party is doing with the national debt anyway, so that idea checks out.

They are riding it till it crashes.

>> No.14988031

It was just a one-time thing to buy votes. I doubt they're willing to let white people get free educations forever.

>> No.14988041

Yeah, that would be racists yo! Ban white peepo from educations and only give blacks free educations yo! You know, cause diversity and reparations.

>> No.14988176
File: 38 KB, 1063x455, Screenshot 2022-11-15 11.36.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another thing you Europeans can do is have a very small military budget since the USA will protect you.
t. civnat neocon faggot

The US military does not protect the US, nor does it protect Europe. If anything, they put us in danger by instigating wars. Also, we don't need to be spending nearly as much as we do on the military. First of all, we send literally billions of dollars a year to Israel, and on top of that, much of our foreign policy is crafted to serve Zionist interests. Furthermore, the way the US government spends money is EXTREMELY inefficient. Our governmet spending is actually the most inefficient in the world on many metrics, because we rely on so-called "public/private" partnerships, where the government basically doesn't do anything themselves other that provide funding, and then all the actual work is done by private companies - which is actually extremely inefficient. Ironically, many of these companies are super "woke" and left-leaning, and many of them have ties to China, which I imagine you would at least claim to not support, but obviously sucking corporate cock is more important to a neocon that protecting individual freedom or preserving traditional values. To give you a concrete example, the US spends more than any other country on healthcare. Not in total, but per capita. Yes the US government (and hence the American taxpayer) literally spends more PER CAPITA on healthcare than any other nation. In fact, PER CAPITA we outspend the nearest countries by over 100% (including Canada, the UK, and the entire EU). Keep in mind, almost all of these countries have FREE healthcare. The reason the US spends so much on healthcare is because we rely on "public/private partnerships", which incentives corporations to negotiate excessive and exorbitant costs for public health care, since they know the government will foot the bill.

>> No.14988330
File: 460 KB, 500x360, 1667543389930532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>globohomo art style
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.14988335

damn right, pay up chud

>> No.14989123

Lmao. No one's reading all that.

>> No.14989322

I wouldn't be against free higher education if it covered only STEM degrees and maybe economics. It makes sense for society to subsidize these degrees, but there's little point to subsidize women's studies and other victim studies degrees. In fact, subsidizing degrees in this type of stuff is actively detrimental to society.

>> No.14991122

Reddit won get over it.

>> No.14991123

cognitive dissonace at its finest
>same md5 hash
Get together you shitpost jabroni
TSMT unironically

>> No.14991129

>The US military does not protect the US, nor does it protect Europe. If anything, they put us in danger by instigating wars. Also, we don't need to be spending nearly as much as we do on the military. First of all, we send literally billions of dollars a year to Israel, and on top of that, much of our foreign policy is crafted to serve Zionist interests. Furthermore, the way the US government spends money is EXTREMELY inefficient. Our governmet spending is actually the most inefficient in the world on many metrics, because we rely on so-called "public/private" partnerships, where the government basically doesn't do anything themselves other that provide funding, and then all the actual work is done by private companies - which is actually extremely inefficient. Ironically, many of these companies are super "woke" and left-leaning, and many of them have ties to China, which I imagine you would at least claim to not support, but obviously sucking corporate cock is more important to a neocon that protecting individual freedom or preserving traditional values. To give you a concrete example, the US spends more than any other country on healthcare. Not in total, but per capita. Yes the US government (and hence the American taxpayer) literally spends more PER CAPITA on healthcare than any other nation. In fact, PER CAPITA we outspend the nearest countries by over 100% (including Canada, the UK, and the entire EU). Keep in mind, almost all of these countries have FREE healthcare. The reason the US spends so much on healthcare is because we rely on "public/private partnerships", which incentives corporations to negotiate excessive and exorbitant costs for public health care, since they know the government will foot the bill.
Do demoralise americans really?
>troon toons

>> No.14991136

i think we should have mortgage forgiveness

>> No.14991198

>In civilized countries, education is free.
It's not "free". We are fucking paying for it in countless ways. In the first we get no scholarships/bursaries in Europe so our kids cannot easily study as smart kids in America could without taking on extra part time work or massive support from parents amounting to renting flats for them plus living costs. On top of that we get raped for taxes to fund it all, only for international students to abuse the system. Either as a visa loophole to hop on welfare or to fuckoff for higher American salaries at the first chance they get.

If the idea of "we" still existed I might even support it. But right now it's a pure abuse system which actually heavily punishes deserving students while making placements more competative, and in general the net result is that fewer of our lower and lower middle class youth get the opportunity to attend university like they do in America.

tl;dr: We have "student debt" too, not through tuition, but loans to pay hyperinflanted rent in student towns owned by Blackrock

>> No.14991207

>Another thing you Europeans can do is have a very small military budget since the USA will protect you.
Europe has a bigger military than the US you idiot. Both in total and in per capita numbers.

>> No.14991211

>at least it would be going to Americans and likely being spent in America
Yes, sure, because remittance is not a thing at all. And most students aren't just visa loop hole internationals or anything.

>> No.14991216

Mortgages have a collateral which is your house
Student loans have no collateral at all

>> No.14991220


>> No.14991223

>but there's little point to subsidize women's studies and other victim studies degrees.
These are also the only people that asked for it. Full time activists that make a living out of telling us how shit and evil our society is on tax payer money. The legitmately believe that what they do is useful to us.

>> No.14991237

Brainlet take. The educated earn more on average and thus pay more in taxes.

>> No.14991255

Irrelevant. Many degrees have negative ROI already.

The trend of humanities and biology majors riding on the prestige of STEM should be opposed at all costs.

>> No.14991258

Midwit college grads are the number one threat to the nation's welfare.

>> No.14991265

You really don't understand what an average is, do you? Of course it's relevant. It implies that educated people pay more raw amount into taxes.

>> No.14991289

>You really don't understand what an average is, do you?
I do, I studied STEM.
>Of course it's relevant
It's not. Stop grouping Physics and Engineering students with Feminism, Phsycology and Social Studies majors.

This is fundamentally why the system is broken to begin with. Because stupid people study the latter and have expectations that they will get a non-existant "average" ROI.

Smarter nations like Japan have already banned many non-STEM degrees. UK is also now passing laws that will make it possible for students to sue universities that gradaute them in worthless degrees.

>educated people
A person who can't string a sentence together without adding in "decolonialise" is not educated. This is what you fail to understand. These anti-Western propoganda degrees have absolutely no value to anyone and they should recieve no funding.

>> No.14991349

>I studied STEM.
Mhmm, sure you did sweetie. You and I both know you previously used to lie about a specific field in STEM but couldn't back it up. Now you fall back on some vague "I studied STEM", completely blind to the fact that nobody says that. It's a pseud statement if ever there was one.

Just admit you don't know why averages are used. You claim to know and then dig yourself deeper. The individual degrees are irrelevant. On average, college educated people earn more. Multiply by the number of college graduates and you have the amount of tax dollars paid by college graduates. This is more than taxes paid by non college graduates.

In other words, OP, an uneducated faggot, doesn't understand it's college grads bailing out other indebted college grads.

>> No.14991356

>Europe has a bigger military than the US you idiot
europe doesnt exist and you'll realize this very soon.

>> No.14991361

Its free in America if you're smart or good at whatever you study. My wife had a full ride to a conservatory for flute, was just required to play 1st chair for various events.
I only had debt from living on campus, and left with a masters.
If you aren't getting scholarships, maybe you shouldn't be there. If you're not white you definitely shouldn't be there.

>> No.14991365

Your wife played the skin flute and used the first chair? So you married a stripper. How many men do you think she fucked before marrying you?

>> No.14991366
File: 113 KB, 600x750, IMG_20221114_101034_459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggot ass little children fail to realize that education, healthcare, etc were all easily affordable right until the government and liberals came into play. Private practice doctor's MADE HOUSE CALLS for the middle and lower class. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not realize the government fails at every program it implements. Hence the NHS and shit going bankrupt

>> No.14991367

>Beg the """non-educated""" to bail you out
You expect a bunch of poor people working menial labor jobs living off of gibs to bail everyone out? The breadwinners of America are California, New York and Texas. America's technology and healthcare are what makes money.

>> No.14991431

>You and I both know you previously used to lie about a specific field in STEM but couldn't back it up.
Meds, now.

>> No.14991436

Shutup you coping thirdie filth.

>> No.14991444

>America's technology and healthcare are what makes money.
Yes, and WE are fucking sick of bailing out retards that studied meme degrees. There are 10% of people working in tech who only have certs and no bachelors, in the petroleum sector it's even more blue collar people.

All the partyschool fuckwits that studied feminism etc. should not get bailed out for stupid decisions and laziness.

>> No.14991668

Donald Trump was right and now Euros can't afford to hear their homes lel

>> No.14991669

But dude I was told I would work for Nike because I got a Marketing Degree from a state school!!!!!

>> No.14991709

We can't even afford to buy a home here

>> No.14991715
File: 31 KB, 281x287, 1668457556160219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really fair for a nation to spend a decade using its Department of Education to market and advertise the benefits of a degree to children and their parents, subsidize the degrees, and then leave the graduates to hang?

If a bachelor's in underwater basket weaving was such a dumb idea, why wait until now to bring it up?

How many STEM students actually tried to confirm there were jobs?
>There will totally be jobs! Everyone knows that STEM (except math and science) is in high demand!

>> No.14991745


>> No.14991747

What does this have to do with protestants?

>> No.14991877

He means Western Europe like the Nordic countries which is heavily allied with the US. You are being too literal

>> No.14992167
File: 123 KB, 1200x912, 1666178666788324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas prices are pre-war level you coping vatnik.

>> No.14992231

So what? You're seriously expecting countries with 5 million people (and top 10 military budget per capita) to have an army the size of the US? Norway in particular spends 21% of its budget on defense which is higher than America's 18%

This would be equivalent to me complaining that individual American states don't spend 50% of their budget to have an army the size of the entire EU. European NATO has the biggest combined forces on the planet. It's own modern ICBMs which has actually kept developing unlike our allies who have stalled, it's own fleet, it's own GPS. Basically all that's lacking is advanced CAGs. Not only is it more than capable of defending itself (literally not even America has enough force projection to be a threat), but it also builds the M1 Abrams' turret, America's next gen small arms, and most optics and chip systems that the USAF actually uses.

This accusation that Europeans don't spend on the military is a nonsense layman meme for people that have no clue about the larger OECD industrial military complex. I expected everyone on /sci/ to know better than Jewish media outlets.

Let's also not pretend American military funding actually means military funding. DARPA funds the biggest fucking pure math research grants on the planet with zero military applications.

>> No.14992259

>If a bachelor's in underwater basket weaving was such a dumb idea, why wait until now to bring it up?
I have never seen anyone promote meme degrees. The STEM acronym was literally invented to warn people not to study worthless non-STEM bachelor degrees.

I don't know a single person studying English Lit. or whatever that isn't aware of the poor job market for the degree. They do it anyway because they want to party for 3 years and "experience college life". Now they are unemployed activists still partying and they want you to pick up the bill.

Engineers certainly aren't bitching about student debt forgiveness.

>Is it really fair for a nation to spend a decade using its Department of Education to market and advertise the benefits of a degree to children and their parents, subsidize the degrees, and then leave the graduates to hang?
>There will totally be jobs! Everyone knows that STEM (except math and science) is in high demand!

Right, and this is probably the best point you have. Why force people into these degrees when the job market is oversaturated? Well this is why we fucking don't. India and China pump out millions of STEM grads every year only for 99% of them to end up working on factory lines or IT. Then people bitch and moan that the West is falling behind on STEM. There is no actual evidence of that at all. Our innovation rates per capita are still the highest in the world and still increasing.

Training people for specific jobs is better because we can put them into the economy faster.

>> No.14992350


the way I see it. Those w/o these debts are okay with bailouts for homeowners, banks, and pandemics. But cannot stand student loan forgiveness which you cannot declare bankruptcy on.

How does the money come? If the credit is payed back to the government that isn't looking for profit. How is this inflationary? Other than there is more purchasing power to ex-students. Its not like the government buying bad credit from banks which is inflationary.

>> No.14992424

No they fucking aren't you retard. I'm spending €800 more a month on my bills kys

>> No.14992450

>I'm spending €800 more a month on my bills kys
Doing fucking what? I'm paying 70 eur for gas and warm water, 40 for power. Barely a bump from before and not noticable.

>> No.14992468

In what country is your cuck shed in?

>> No.14992486

It's a four person home in Munich dummkopf.. Buy panels if you unironically think electricity is expensive. You can actually literally get paid to put them on your roof. For heating if you whine about 70 euros get a geothermal ground pump they are 10k and you get heating for life.

Since you somehow manage to cuck yourself out of 800 a month by running a home flare stack or whatever this should be no problem for you to amortise within a year.

>> No.14992490

>Starts with the scam green scam pitch
Kill yourself gay boy

>> No.14992560

>Hurr making money is a scam
You deserve to suffer.

>> No.14994166

>Making money with scam Chinese plastic solar panels
Ftfy nigger

>> No.14994263

We'd have extra money for "free" shit if we weren't already babysitting our diversity and paying to be the world police.
On the bright side, gas is cheap, food is cheap, taxes are low, and if you are top 20% then scholarships will cover much of the cost at a public university.
Even if you aren't top 20%, Pell grants for the poor + summer job should cover most of it.
If you want to save even more, you can do your first 2 years at community college to cover the gen eds then transfer to a university.
High schools in my area have a program that pays for community college if you tutor kids after school.

You kinda need to be retarded with money and/or an academic failure to get buried in college loan debt.
I do agree somewhat with >>14989322 that the money could be more focused on employable degrees.
The government could give extra cash incentives for students to go into fields that are projected to need more people 4-6 years ahead.
You would think the lenders could perform this task (since they want their money repaid).

>> No.14994296

>On the bright side, gas is cheap, food is cheap, taxes are low
You must live in a Republican state

>> No.14994376

The government is the lender. Not sure why so many think this is 1968 and students are going down to First National Bank on Main Street in their Sunday best with their high school report card to convince the loan that they're a good risk. Leftists really have won the information war on that one. Same with their imaginary "lunch debt".

>> No.14994385


>> No.14994388

Protestants haven't been politically powerful for decades. And when they were politically influential in the in the past, all the problems you cite were not as severe as they are presently.

The problems in modern America are rooted in cynical secular capitalist values.

>> No.14994391

>he thinks the banks won't get paid
lmao you utter moron.

>> No.14994399

I've been advocating to change the name of this field to women's sciences to combat this kind of thinking. It deserves the same respect as any other STEM field.

>> No.14994422

Absolute brainlet. We're in the age of big data and machine learning. There's no reason to use a simple average when you can factor in the many components which lead to productivity and income like the specific degree, the individual's IQ, personal motivation, family background, social network, academic institution, etc. Thinking that a degree in anything from anywhere is good enough is simple cargo culting and confusing causation vs correlation.

>> No.14994427

Music majors are the biggest whores. My condolences

>> No.14994450

Encouraging people to get educations and retrain was a deliberate neoliberal policy solution to globalization and manufacturing decline and those "trash degrees" include a lot of nurses and welders and pharmacists and sysadmins other rather modest jobs that still require a couple thousand dollars worth of debt from obtaining the necessary training and certifications.

The whole opposition to student loan forgiveness is based on memes about how honest god fearing Republican voting truck drivers and car dealership owners shouldn't pay for the underwater basket weaving degrees of the child molesting baby eating democrat voting cashiers and grocery store shelf stockers that rely on knowledge of post secondary education 50 years out of date.

These people never care about the working class until they can split them into categories and try to play on resentments.

>> No.14994556

>no collateral at all
The collateral is called stolen surplus in minimum wage jobs

>> No.14994565

>Big data and ML shill
>Doesn't understand the utility of an average
Not even surprised. Top tier pseud behavior.

>> No.14994711

Who gives a fuck about surplus money when you are simultaneously demanding to print cash whenever anything goes wrong? Stupid ass