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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14985694 No.14985694 [Reply] [Original]

What were some scientific realizations in your life where you really had to let that sink in?

>> No.14985951
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>> No.14985969

the gravitational force basically means I'm bi. I attract (and am attracted by) both men and women.

>> No.14985980

That I wasn't going to make any progress in understanding scientific concepts until I had a solid grasp of higher level mathematics (to the point where solving/setting up the math is instinct).

>> No.14985984
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My beliefs are firm and I ignore all evidence to the contrary.

I never let that sink in. I never will.

>> No.14986019

Making the connection between the structure of the Periodic Table of Elements and electron shells. As simple as the connection is, it was never explicitly taught so when I noticed it myself, a little lightbulb went on.

>> No.14986044

how do you plan to grasp higher level math?

>> No.14986076

that genders are not binary

>> No.14986158

Test statistics. It finally clicked when I had a PhD course with a guy whose research specialized in those. I "knew" how hypothesis testing worked but it was mostly mindlessly following a script before.

>> No.14986269
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The "reals" just aren't real.

>> No.14986278

Higher education is dead because liberals cannot handle basic reality

>> No.14986297

That information requires difference in measurements. This then entails that the amount of information a system can get from another system is determined by the ability of the receiver to discern between different states in the observed object. So, while "objective information," the maximal amount needed to describe a system might not increase, system to system information absolutely can increase as asymmetries result in more discernible states.

Information theoretic models of complexity never made sense to me before that. But they make sense when you realize that, in complex systems, more states are discernable from one another due to asymmetry.

Extremely ordered and extremely disordered states can both be models to high degrees of accuracy much more easily than complex states for this reason.

>> No.14986382

What the fuck is wrong with seven reps

>> No.14986455

That nothing really noble or truly informative is happening here. Measurement and formulae will never tell me the why of anything. I may as well be an NFL enthusiast. Its just as useful. We're not special, we're just jerking around like anyone else.

>> No.14986471

you loose all gains if you stop there

>> No.14986499

Things are made out of stuff and this stuff interacts according to some framework of rules.

Everything beyond that is pure subjectivity that arises from human delusion.

>> No.14986539

that 50% of the people in the west have an IQ below 50.

>> No.14988118

Hello fellow /fit/ anon. Now tell me you're also /k/.

>> No.14990886

musk shill thread

>> No.14990888

euroid tier post

>> No.14991081

sometimes the homework wants you to use the small angle approximation without saying that clearly

>> No.14991102
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This was both a good joke and a good way of showing off your flexed muscles.

>> No.14991107

In other words a normal scientist.

>> No.14991119

well cocksucked
unfortunately, you will never go to space

>> No.14991284

What do you think the joke is?
Also, its not a joke, its a gag.

>> No.14991287

my corp and inv banking prof took a 30 sec detour talking about what a powerful metaphore this was

>> No.14991705

>7 reps = negative gainz
Say it ain't so, /sci/bros. Sauce?

>> No.14991722

That consciousness is fundamental and cannot be reduced to a physical description, if quantum mechanics is to be believed.

>> No.14991726


>> No.14991826

>That consciousness is fundamental and cannot be reduced to a physical description
This is true, though QM has nothing to do with consciousness

>> No.14991878

That science sacrificed everything for bootlicking the one in power. That no lie is to gross and no thesis too idiotic just to support the current thing. That they betrayed every ideal and even common sense.

>> No.14991917


>> No.14991920

Burden of proof lies on you, my amigo

>> No.14991944

Not how it works. You made a positivist claim that quantum mechanics has nothing to do with consciousness. This is different from the null hypothesis; you need to back your claim up or reject it and make a new claim.

>> No.14992007

It's bs.

>> No.14992422

that 1/0 = ∞

>> No.14992444

>You made a positivist claim that quantum mechanics has nothing to do with consciousness.
You made the claim that QM indicates a truth about consciousness.

>> No.14992536

I didn't claim anything, fag.

>> No.14992851

A single cell can be conscious. Consciousness doesn't require neurons. Consciousness may just be part of the fabric of existence. We don't know.

I am confused about consciousness, and it still hasn't sunk in.

Also, it still has taken awhile to accept that there might not be free will.

>> No.14992866

The dataplot stops at 6.5 reps; look harder

>> No.14992877

There is free will, but not to the degree that you imagine is possible

>> No.14992885

Pretty much this; once I started listening and reading to Sowell, I realized that the original conservative ethos was based on tested hypotheses and facts, not religious fundamentalism and reactionary traditionalism.

>> No.14992933

Searching for authors cited is not turning anything up either

Is this a /fit/ meme I missed?

>> No.14992969

That science is just an institution that hides behind a method that is not even practiced in the way they pretend it is. I always thought I could find a place in the world being good at science but it is just a big fraudulent thing. Oh well time to just grow up and live as an "adult" in the most "advanced" society we have had.

>> No.14992972


The world is not material. It is consciousness.

>> No.14992979

When it really hit me, I realized that what we are living in currently is just a prelude to an infinite life within universal consciousness.

All the problems I go through in this life don't have the punch they used to anymore. Because I realize there is infinity ahead of me, and it doesn't end with the death of my human headset.

>> No.14992985

Laws or facts are descriptions of invariences. Holding meaning constant is useful for building structure with perscriptavisms, but ultimately what we call reality is structure of tags or markings that we combine and seperate as we measure the economics of our guiding risk and reward system.

>> No.14994029

There are not degrees of freedom, placing any restriction on freedom by definition means it is no longer freedom, it is restricted and restricted freedom is an oxymoron.

>> No.14994034

If reality is all just imagination, then you could just imagine it is actually material and you will be correct.

>> No.14994059
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