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14985557 No.14985557 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14985574
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>> No.14985586

oh noooo vaxxsisters we got too cocky again
that does it, im going to dr. chud tomorrow to get UNVAXXED

>> No.14985597


>> No.14985603

Posting that link doesn't change how retarded you are. Riddle me this: What immunology expertise do you hold making it impossible for a vaccine to be effective against expected future mutations in a virus?
I'm all fuckin ears dipshit.

>> No.14985610

How do you know if your product (TM) can solve a problem that not yet exist? You pull it out of your ass and just say so without any scientific evidence

>> No.14985617

So you admit you have no expertise leading you to that conclusion. Alright. The answer, dipshit, is "modeled variants". Just like weather models, or literally every model ever, you have various models from past data to extrapolate from. Just like the cited study talks about, just like the second paragraph in your own fucking image talks about.
Never go full /pol/tard.

>> No.14985633

not him,
do you recommend to get this special and functionality robust booster anon?

>> No.14985636

Epic demonology.

>> No.14985638

>do you recommend to get this special and functionality robust booster anon?
Do I look like your doctor?

>> No.14985646

You are insane, your understanding of science is the same that the guys who heckin love scientism

>> No.14985656

you seem knowledgeable enough, i want to hear your opinion

>> No.14985659

So like flu and cold shots.

>> No.14985662

>you seem knowledgeable enough, i want to hear your opinion
My opinion: I am not your doctor. Ask your doctor.

>> No.14985673

i don't see any reason to trust my doctor more than the average anon in /sci/

>> No.14985676

The same fucking way you can sell wintercoats in fall. By extrapolating from experience that a winter will come soon.
Mutations aren't like "every X weeks genes get completely reshuffled", it happens in a somewhat predictable pace, and we kind of know wich way a virus goes eventually. Like, mutations that make it easier to spread and that dodge existing immune responses are the only ones that are expected to spread far.

>> No.14985678
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>i don't see any reason to trust my doctor more than the average anon in /sci/
i don't habeeb it

>> No.14985681

Your doctor can evaluate your situation because they are supposed to know some things about you like your medical history and even some basic biometry like your age or your job, wich helps estimating your personal risk of contracting a disease.
Like, if you are 65 and working as a cheap hooker I would recommend you vaccinate against everything that is available.

>> No.14985683

Imagine living as if reality is a game of infant's "peakaboo!", where you can't extrapolate because object fucking permanence doesn't exist.
That anon is, mentally, a literal fucking baby.

>> No.14985688

So you can advice him using basic common knowledge. And since you're some random faggot, any medical advice is non-binding because he's a tard for asking on a forum for college drop outs. So both of you are dodging the question.

>> No.14985690

doctors don't even read the recent studies they still think the vaccine prevent infection

>> No.14985702
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Technically speaking, no vaccine prevents infection in the strictest sense. As your immune system isn't going to snipe the virus before it infects a single cell. What vaccines certainly can do is prevent or reduce symptoms. To retarded journalists that means "preventing infection". Alternately, by reducing symptoms to being asymptomatic, early on this was thought to prevent spread. As later learned, the high degree of virulence means it can still spread if asymptomatic as well through close contact (like kissing). This also got reduced by retarded journalists to "preventing infection".

So you can ignore reality by strawmanning science with retarded "science journalism", OR stop lying. In retardo "science journalism" speak it prevents infection. More properly, it reduces symptoms (up to asymptomatic) and therefore can reduce virulence depending on circumstances.

>> No.14985706

Addendum: I should've also added that breathing (aspirating) even while asymptomatic also was later learned to be able to spread the virus. Either way risk is lower when vaccinated properly.

>> No.14985715

>no vaccine prevents infection
this is not true at all, the flu vaccine was designed to prevent infection and reduce symptoms, unlike the current popular vaccine
im not doing that, i just point on what they say.
they also say that masks block the virus access, which are nonsense, so why should i trust doctors?

>> No.14985721

The context you removed by cherrypicking refutes your incredulity. Learn to read.
>I'm not strawmanning!
>Proceeds to strawman my explanation

>> No.14985727

so every claim in this context is cherrypicking?
those are not even my words, this is what the experts say
do you even understand what "strawmanning" mean?
i am not exaggerating or misinterpret what you or the doctors say, i just show it to you

>> No.14985729

Literally no sane doctor, and no sane scientist ever claimed masks prevent 100% of the virus from passing through it.
You are comparing retarted expectations spread by idiots to reality, not scientific consensus to reality

>> No.14985730

>so every claim in this context is cherrypicking?
Your reply to this was >>14985702
>do you even understand what "strawmanning" mean?

>> No.14985733

>no sane scientist ever claimed masks prevent 100%
so how many? 80% 50%?
what offset can we get from "its not 100% but it helps"
yes and i reply with >>14985715
the flu vaccine was proven to prevent infection

>> No.14985735

We're not dealing with an honest actor here. Obviously. He took the following explanation,
>Technically speaking, no vaccine prevents infection in the strictest sense. As your immune system isn't going to snipe the virus before it infects a single cell.
and proceeded to ignore the second sentence, which explained why "preventing" infection is nonsense.
>the flu vaccine was proven to prevent infection
What does the sentence following what you cherrypicked say?

>> No.14985737

again, how this is cherrypicked?
this is what was proven.
do you have any claim that can counter that instead of using the "cherrypick" argument over and over?

>> No.14985739

>again, how this is cherrypicked?
What did the very next sentence say? What's the matter? scared?

>> No.14985746

next sentence?, scared?
you stop making sense at this point.
if you want to take a break or end the discussion just say so

>> No.14985755

>you stop making sense at this point.
>What do you mean a paragraph of multiple sentences has one sentence following the next?!
Haha no.

>> No.14985758

you must be confused there are many words and sentences in this post chain, why don't you just say what you want to say instead of going in circles

>> No.14985762

You people are fucking cultists. It's a wonder how humans even made.it this far without 375829 vaccines up our assholes, eh? Fuck off

>> No.14985766

>It's a wonder how humans even made.it this far without 375829 vaccines up our assholes, eh?
Remind me, I seem to have forgotten. How many people died in plagues before the invention of vaccines?

>> No.14985770

many people died regardless, this is one of the few times that it was decided to vaccinate during a pandemic

>> No.14985772

>many people died regardless
Except far fewer die. You're pathologically allergic to honesty.

>> No.14985774

>Except far fewer die
not during a pandemic

>> No.14985776

>not during a pandemic
What do you think the definition of "pandemic" is?

>> No.14985778


I don't think it being possible or not the issue, I think you see where I am going with this...

>> No.14985780

a large scale virus outbreak. but maybe i need to be more specific, i was referring to a virus that we have no knowledge about, and vaccine development should take years before it is distribute

>> No.14985781


They were telling you to hug a Chinese and wash your hands days before the coof meme started.

>> No.14985788

>i was referring to a virus that we have no knowledge about, and vaccine development should take years before it is distribute
How is that relevant?
All you did was tack on an exemption to the total history of pandemics and vaccines, just to weasel out of the stupid thing you said.

>> No.14985790

Most people died from plagues due to lack of basic hygiene as well as nourishing diets. Infact most infectious diseases/viruses were halted in the west last century way before vaccines, simply due to the advances in hygiene and the 3 meal a day diet.

People in 3rd world shit holes don't need vaccines. They need drinking water that isn't poisoned with heavy metals and animal feces, and need more than 1 meal a day consisting of 1 cup of rice, beans, and a piece of bread.

>> No.14985795

>People in 3rd world shit holes don't need vaccines.
>Between 1897 and 1925, 26 million doses of Haffkine's anti-plague vaccine were sent out from Bombay. Tests of the vaccine's efficacy showed between a 50% and 85% reduction in mortality.
Clearly, the 3rd world also needs vaccines. This vaccine was developed against bubonic plague, and used in India.

>> No.14985797

Kek this. It's truly amazing how """The Experts" can apparently completely fuck up and make 180s every 2 months while still maintaining validity because "we don't know anything about the virus!!!!" But then creating a vaccine in 8 months that requires boosters SURE

>> No.14985801

>How is that relevant?
it is mostly relevant because you can't give me one example of vaccine that save lives during this scenario

>> No.14985802

What if demons were just microorganisms that combined and created a collective consciousness?

>> No.14985803

>it is mostly relevant because you can't give me one example of vaccine that save lives during this scenario
Literally every single country publishing age-adjusted data for the unvaccinated vs the vaccinated. Every single one.

>> No.14985804
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Probably not many. Recording "reality" is an exotic practice, rarely done by non-Angl*s. Most texts were most likely written as a retelling of past events, whether real or imagined, and an adaptation to the writer's particular time and place. For example: only one city is affected by a "plague", people in surrounding cities then retell the story as if it had happened to them, simply to partake in Literature just as one likewise partakes in Art or, more accurately, in Fashion. Text pertains to "reality" no more or no less than clothing does.

>> No.14985809

>For children older than 1 year of age, the overalldecline in mortality experienced during the 20th century has been spectacular (Fig 8). In 1900 .3 in 100
children died between their first and 20th birthday;today, ,2 in 1000 die. Nearly 85% of this decline took
place before World War II, a period when few anti-biotics or modern vaccines and medications were available.39

In that near 3 decade long time line there were likely advances in infrastructure. Vaccines are for 80 year olds you worthless pussy

>> No.14985811

Lmao it's so fucking obvious to simply type "proof of my opinion" into Google. The CDC has lost all credibility by contradicting themselves 500 times during the pandemic compared to everything we've experienced previously in history

>> No.14985813

>my only example is the current covid vaccine
they don't parse the data properly in every related covid vector.
there are many missing pieces that probably indicate for corrupt information,
let me sum it for you

1. the PCR method is controversial
2. there is no clear definition regarding the determination of death from/with covid
3. since scientists are new to this, misconceptions about the side effects of covid/vaccine are popping up, for example the last israeli study show that there is no correlation between myocarditis and other heart complications to covid

there are many things that was clear before and changed completely after a few months, wait a few years before you are stating anything related to this matter

>> No.14985814

You clearly did not read the citation. There are individual trials and other figures published therein. Learn to read.
>The CDC has lost all credibility
Find me a country publishing age-adjusted vaccinated vs unvaccinated data where what I said is not true. You won't. You're reduced to "it's a conspiracy the whole world and millions of medical professionals are all in on"

>> No.14985815

That anon isn't entirely wrong. Parasitic infection and disease can alter vaccine efficacy in children from developing countries.
>Emerging evidence demonstrates that both antenatal and childhood parasitic infections alter levels of protective immune response to routine vaccinations. Successful antiparasite treatment may prevent immunomodulation caused by parasitic antigens during pregnancy and early childhood and may improve vaccine efficacy. Future research should highlight the varied effects that different parasites (alone and in combination) can have on human vaccine-related immunity. To optimize vaccine effectiveness in developing countries, better control of chronic NTDs may prove imperative

>> No.14985817

>there are many things that was clear before and changed completely after a few months, wait a few years before you are stating anything related to this matter
Okay you don't like this one.
You will find in every single case where a vaccine is developed the data shows a decline in deaths.
Plague, covid-19, the flu, smallpox, and so on.

>> No.14985818

>That anon isn't entirely wrong.
Note I said "also". Parasites and whatnot are the same reason the ivermectin retardation started, because curing that reduced lethality of covid. Unsurprisingly people in the 1st world rarely benefit if at all.

>> No.14985831

>Okay you don't like this one.
what i like or don't like, is not the issue.
the spanish flu vaccine was distribute years after the epidemic, same for smallpox and most of the viruses you care to find

>> No.14985832

>the spanish flu vaccine was distribute years after the epidemic, same for smallpox and most of the viruses you care to find
So what?

>> No.14985834

what do you mean so what?
no one submitted this vaccine during an epidemic from a virus that no one had any idea how to make a vaccine for

>> No.14985838

>no one submitted this vaccine during an epidemic from a virus that no one had any idea how to make a vaccine for
Again, so what? I have no idea how you think these extraneous whinges are relevant. For current vaccine, deaths are down once vaccinated. WITH or FROM, rendering your whinge above irrelevant as well. Again, so what?

>> No.14985854

i've given you enough reasons to understand, if it's beyond your comprehension, that's your problem, I can't help you anymore

>> No.14985860
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Glad to see you've realized I cornered you.

>> No.14985879

You do understand that with the increase of globalization comes an increase in spread of helminth infections and other diseases, correct? People from developing nations that visit or immigrate to first world nations aren't fully vetted and treated of all infectious diseas that aren't immediately apparent when they arrive. Infected people bring those helminth infections into the new environment and create a new breeding ground. Not only that, but the US already has quite the history with them in warmer Southern regions.
Reduced immune response due to obesity, poor nutrition, or some other immune system hindrance alone isn't going to see a benefit from antiparasitic treatments, no. People within the population that might have had an underlying infection might though.

>> No.14985881

And your point is...?

>> No.14985890

That people in the first world with underlying parasitic infections might have benefitted from the treatment with the ivermectin, and that parasitic infections might be more common in first world nations than most people would like to think. I'm just saying that it's not a completely retarded option.

>> No.14985895

>That people in the first world with underlying parasitic infections might have benefitted from the treatment with the ivermectin
So you stopped reading before the end of my post? >>14985818
>Unsurprisingly people in the 1st world rarely benefit if at all.
> I'm just saying that it's not a completely retarded option.
I'm saying you need to read what people write with more consideration.

>> No.14985900

Being a nigger in your replies is optional.

>> No.14985939

>You clearly did not read the citation. There are individual trials and other figures published therein. Learn to read.
This is a perfect example of someone that was utterly BTFO, so they deflect with some completely nonsensical bullshit

>Show me a age adjusted
You can simply look around and experience. Whether it's flu or COVID, etc, those vaccinated fair no differently besides a minute difference

>> No.14985943

>You can simply look around and experience
>Earth is flat bro all I see is flat!!

>> No.14985950

Yes meanwhile you g healthy people get over the flu and COVID perfectly fine with 0 long term issues. The only people I personally know negatively affected by COVID are vaccinated and boosted.

>> No.14985954

>muh anecdotes
Talk about coming to a gun fight with a drowned paraplegic

>> No.14986073

>Image of committing suicide for The Greater Good


>> No.14986138

>anecdotes are always wrong trust my loaded Google searches
No thanks I'm not a retarded 12 year old

>> No.14986407

>the same reason the ivermectin retardation started, because curing that reduced lethality of covid.
Ivermectin has been known as an antiviral since at least the early 2000s. It's been used as an effective AIDS treatment in human trials as well as a cure for SARS-1 alongside HCQ.