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14982363 No.14982363 [Reply] [Original]

I'm convinced different people process and live life at different speeds.
This explains why intelligent people have a hard time fitting in; they literally experience life faster.

Are there any papers on this? Any science behind this idea?

>> No.14982430


>> No.14982458

Could be true. I'm exceptionally smart and ugly at the same time. As a result I'm constantly being bombarded by society to get married; but I know it's stupid because I'd only be able to be marry an ugly person that I hate; most normies who are ugly settle to an ugly person and their life is miserable and their kids are ugly.

>> No.14982460

Once you watch videos at 2x speed, you'll notice how brain-damagedly slow people are.

>> No.14982465

Excessive personal pronoun use.

>> No.14982510

Being ugly literally doesn't matter for men but keep coping.

>> No.14982550

the reason i made this thread
i was watching a python tutorial at 2x and the guy explaining still sounded slow

>> No.14982598

Could you rewrite his post in order to reduce the personal pronoun usage?

>> No.14982605

I don't think perception of time is necessarily connected to IQ. Some low IQ people can play really fast music that would still take a high IQ person years to play properly. Also many fps video gamers have pretty low IQs.

>> No.14982608

He's going slow on purpose so people can learn retard

>> No.14982644

I think if you have a bigger brain with more facts and stories, it can take longer to scan and come up with something to say. Some really dumb people just babble back instantaneously. The way they learn is by stumbling around, then they do repetitive actions…

>> No.14982647
File: 946 KB, 927x737, TIMESAND___55QSVa88hDUIKfx4g3s5Q71M3gGe4T5fff94ReGEfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had both of these moles created on my face in the last year by a rapist injecting me with filth and poisons

>> No.14982724

Fucking zoomers. You're supposed to actively think about the content while watching it. Think about all the implications, and how you can use it. Think of memory devices to help you remember it. Make some notes.

>> No.14982775

would just like to point out that processing things faster would make time pass SLOWER relatively

>> No.14982784

only morons watch videos, text is superior

>> No.14982795

typing this out on 4chan is one thing, but I can't picture somebody honestly thinking this is true.

>> No.14982801


>> No.14982804

Intelligent people have a hard time fitting in because they spend more time indoors reading books than practising social skills. There's nothing more to it.

>> No.14982830

Maybe to some retard who can't process an entire page in less than a second and would rather wait several minutes to hear some different retard just speak a page worth of words.

>> No.14983000

It's obviously true. If the text contains everything the video does, then text is superior because you can read it at your own speed.

>> No.14983010

Retarded theory but this does bring up a good question: what determines the rate at which a being experiences reality?

>> No.14983014


One of the smartest things you can do is just conform. That is the curse of intelligence. You're constantly thinking against the norm... and being treated as a retard for doing so.

My roommate went to Cal Tech and did physics. He got accepted into MIT and Stanford. His strength is he can learn anything. His weakness is he hates rigid conformity and normie shit. His intelligence would allow him to be rich in theory. But the FBI, the banks, and the IRS have spent 40 hours a week, for decades, closing any loopholes he could find. His only (non-prison) option is to conform and work like all the other proles. Like they've been telling him since elementary school. And he's like "fuck that" and would appear as a "loser" to the average person.

I'm not throwing him under the bus btw. All of this applies to me, except I'm not super intelligent.

>> No.14983047

Intelligent people don't have a hard time fitting in. Midwit spergs like you do.

>> No.14983403

as i said, 2x speed was more than enough to process what he was saying, and he still sounded slow

>> No.14983408

Is there no metric already? It's a known fact different animals experience time at different paces. Usually the smaller the species, the faster.

>> No.14983417

you're wrong we all process life at the same speed however SMALLER things, like humming birds, process life faster. the reason we process life slower than hummingbirds is because our brains are larger so the time it takes to process data is slower because the pathways are longer

>> No.14983425

genius living in mummy's house.

>> No.14983450

im no genius, and i have my own ranch lol

>> No.14983828


>> No.14986007
File: 76 KB, 213x300, jewingFast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I think they test by showing the animal an image they'd react to and measure by the minimum frames /sec. the image can be shown and still be perceived.

While I'm sure that works pretty well for comparing between divergent species, I'd imagine that the intra-species differences are so small that one would need a significantly more sensitive method.

>> No.14986020

Neurology I'd assume. Smaller critters would have generally less travel time and less complex processing/integration of sensory stimuli. Of course the other edge to experiencing the world more quickly is that it's harder to detect slow movement.

>> No.14986027

Also I guess critters would evolve towards the most efficient biologically possible speed of experience relative to their metabolism and energy requirements.

>> No.14990966

You are dumb.

>> No.14990974

If your brain could process more events per unit of time things would appear slower not faster.

>> No.14991317

>I'm convinced different people process and live life at different speeds.
if you mean in the sense of differing time horizons, then obviously and its makes all the difference.

>> No.14991328

sounds like you just watched accel world

>> No.14991364

I don't think you could particularly capture this phenomenon in one paper, it would require an entire book at least, probably even more.

I wouldn't particularly say people "live life at different speeds", I would say that biology is inherently intrinsic. It's a very organic process that is based on certain principles, which play out in a multitude of ways. Different metabolic factors, brain genetics, epigenetic factors ranging from conditions in the womb to education, sexual maturity, etc. There are so many aspects to developing as a biological being and as a human being, for some a lot of things happen "earlier" and some a lot "later.

One of the biggest failings of our modern society is how fundamentally people look at the progression of life in terms of maturing and life events. It's a one-size-fits-all approach that is incredibly destructive on a large scale. Humans experience different facets of life at different "speeds" and with different inclinations. They benefit most from an environment where their individual traits can develop and flourish at the speed that suits them best, for some that is "faster" and for some that is "slower", and for some never at all. Our biological processes are not set and by cramming everyone into the same cookie-cutter expectation of mental, physical, social, sexual, intellectual, scholastic, financial, etc. etc. development we are doing irreparable harm to countless individuals and society as a whole.

But to really address this, you need such a huge corpus of work that deals with evolutionary speeds, the mechanics of human circadian rhythms and things like clock genes, brain development, global vs local rates of sexual development in adolescents, physical development differences in men and women and in different cultures/environments, differences with other primates and other mammals, the list goes on.

And even if you do manage that, you are not really going to break any of those societal misconceptions.

>> No.14991368

Brainlet detected. By that reasoning you can go to lecture at college, sleep while recording it, listen to the recording at 2x speed and learn? Wait. You're definitely a zoom zoom who did this during the pandemic, aren't you? It's obvious you don't know how to learn content and are delusional about your own intellect. Tell us all what you're doing for a career right now.

>> No.14991372

Holy based. I also watched al of my lectures during covid at 2x speed and I had a much better time learning.
Since then, I also cannot stand watching anything at a speed slower than 2x.

>> No.14991456

What's your GPA?

>> No.14991997

Nobody is replying to this because they can't refute it. Fastcels confirmed to be brainlets

>> No.14992779

>Tell us all what you're doing for a career right now.
neet 23yo with $2.3M in assets and a few k liquid.
no studies, no career. learning stuff i find interesting, reading books i find interesting and browsing the chans

>> No.14992830

I've noticed this, also; ugly people seemed to get married the most in order to propagate their ugly offspring, which also explains why my last sexual partner is sexually attractive and I've neither been married nor have any children.

>> No.14992833

Sources on the verity of this claim?

>> No.14993380

>t. ugly

>> No.14993424

how fast you can count

>> No.14995490

fix it then.

>> No.14995612

processing reality faster would mean experiencing it slower you fucking idiot

>> No.14995707

Coming from someone with experience being exceptionally smart and ugly at the same time, this could be true. Society constantly bombards people with the message that they should marry, but ugly people can only marry ugly people that they hate. Being smart enough to realize this means knowing that it's stupid for ugly people to marry. Most normies who are ugly settle for an ugly person and their life is miserable and their kids are ugly.

Rewriting just a little shows some places where it's not thought out very well. Presumably the original poster would rethink these parts rather than writing something obviously silly.

>> No.14995915

I live at the speed of science

>> No.14995921

I'm not a mod, I can't just delete stupid posts.

>> No.14995931
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 873EE7FF-091B-49DD-A7AB-26D7E6D5222A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sources on the verity of this claim?

>> No.14995973

Fucking brainlet, I watch my video's on x100.

>> No.14996005

fuck ((YOU)) then

>> No.14996101

Only if you're not ugly.

>> No.14996596

Weird, I've had the opposite experience. I am an exceptionally attractive person, and society constantly rewards me for having sex with multiple attractive partners.

>> No.14996787

Time can only be measured by how much matter changes. The number of rotations an electron makes is a good means to count time at an atomic level and for very consistent motions like the Earth's rotation, but is largely useless in quantifying the experience of complex aggregates like human consciousness, except for chemical processes.