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14982048 No.14982048 [Reply] [Original]

Is Lex Friedman a pseud?

>> No.14982051

No he’s a genuine good Jewish boy.

>> No.14982061
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>> No.14982063

He's a jew.

>> No.14982121

My understanding is that he never actually went to MIT , however constantly reminds the world about his association

>> No.14982135

I would think someone with affiliations at MIT would interview people who knew what they were talking about, but instead it's basically the Rogan crowd with a much less interesting interviewer.

>> No.14982152

Aren't Jews supposed to be charismatic and smart?

>> No.14982200

rogan is interesting?

>> No.14982209

>Aren't Jews supposed to be charismatic and smart?
Uhhhhh no. lmao They tend to be swarmy and sneaky and vile.

>> No.14982212

He's interesting only because he brings interesting people on his stage - personally I find his idolization from weed bros utterly disgusting

>> No.14982219

^what this guy said

Don't tell me this isn't entertaining

>> No.14982227

I actually went to school with him and was on the Drexel judo club with him. He mostly did his own thing and trained a lot of his own. This is before we had the better weight lifting gym and he was down to earth enough to use the piece of shit one we had.

Didnt seem like a mountain of intellect at the time but I am a big dumb dumb so what do I know.

>> No.14982450

Huh. Are the charismatic ones high IQ then?

>> No.14982453

Is Sam a retard or is this a persona of his?

>> No.14982456
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he "taught an elect" class at MIT. same shit as someone taking a soapbox into a public area of harvard and mumbling some shit, then put "gave a speech at harvard" on their resume

>> No.14982509


>> No.14982572

What are your thoughts on his current career as a youtuber?
Personally I don't agree with /sci/'s schizophrenic hatred of him, I just think he realised that he didn't have much of a talent as a researcher and his podcast thing worked out for him. He does seem genuine in his effort to popularise science as well as jiu jitsu/combat sports

>> No.14982637

Pretty sure a bit of both. Comedians are just like this.

>> No.14983067

>Aren't Jews supposed to be charismatic and smart?
No, just really good at nepotism, lying, and emotional manipulation.

>> No.14983081

>rogan is interesting?
He's an excellent interviewer. Always asks the right questions to keep the other guy talking, at a level understandable to a general audience.

Fridman SHOULD be like that but for a more advanced audience, but he just isn't. Fridman should have got some kind of training before taking this role on, but he didn't, and unfortunately he isn't learning on the job either.

>> No.14983107

He has some tendencies of "pseudity".
I think hes just another dude with a podcast, who people watch.
I dont really..give a fuck.

>> No.14983110

At the end of the day is just entertainment.

>> No.14983449

Eh, its one thing when you're just an annoying podcaster, quite another when the "algorithm" absolutely beats you over the head with this mumbly shitstain.

>> No.14983455

Run-of-the-mill podcaster. Got success earlier than usual because of his connections.

>> No.14983506
File: 321 KB, 2048x1376, Mark-Zuckerberg-Duke-UNC-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.14984720

You already know he is, so why are you asking?

>> No.14984732

when will they learn?

>> No.14984735

When a Jewish guy pops onto your jewtube I MEAN YouTube suggestions... Then yeah he's totally a genius

>> No.14984739

You mean the Jews?

>> No.14984966

guys I now understand why jews are that way. they suffer generational trauma. they were wrong they didn't accept their brother Jesus, and they are so ashamed they play all sorts of scientific mental gymnastics to find a sort of truth that explains their pain

>> No.14984969

Typical Christian insecurity

>> No.14984985

hahahaha. lol.
let's discuss LOGIC. not even fucking but muh god.
Let's say you hypothetically believe, GOD CAN ENTER THE HUMAN SPIRIT THROUGH THE HOLY TRINITY. The example is set by our brother Jesus, it's not that Jesus unlocked it for the rest or anything, he just came by to make us realize we should not worry so much, he's like the big hug humanity needed to JUST BE YOURSELF BRO. He fucking died in the cross because he was badass, because he's telling you that if you don't do what you're ought to do by GOD=PERFECTION, then you're cursed, you will be cursed everytime you fail to do what's best for you. He's basically telling humanity that we need to surpass all our fears.

Of course that, church is corrupted, everyone is becoming sick again and forgetting, you will just feel a burning feeling in your chest that you're doing the right thing. You will be able to off-load your stress to your family, you will start feeling alive again.

Meanwhile with Jew biological dynamics, he thinks he is the inferior creature that didn't deserve paradise so he was sent to Earth to suffer? KEK. You're free, yet you make it worse on you, instead of clearing your mind you play mental gymnastic. Stress is fucking killing jews, that's why they're so on the defensive. With Jesus they wouldn't feel that way

>> No.14985029

Go home christfag you’re drunk

>> No.14985032

it's called 'happiness' something kikes wouldn't know because they're trying to get back at people who're actually happy

>> No.14985049


>> No.14985065

No, someone on here explained it better recently. The thing is that the entire Jewish religion is sociopathic. They believe that they are God's Chosen people and that everyone else is to essentially be their willing slaves. Anyone with an ounce of decency and perspective realise that this is deeply flawed, racist and untenable, so they leave. What remains in the faith then are the worst of humanity. The utter dreggs. The greediest, most maligned self-centred reprobates that have ever been filtered from humanity. That's why they are the way they are.

>> No.14985074

If that’s the case, then why is it always Christians who are jealous of Jews, and not the other way around?

>> No.14985077

Jews wrote the bible