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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14981132 No.14981132 [Reply] [Original]

what is the scientific explanation for THIS?

>> No.14981136

If he really wanted to be a woman he would hide it

>> No.14981159

is there any reason to think this is not a satanic shit?

>> No.14981163

Why would you think it's satanic?

>> No.14981167

Behaviour and beliefs are 100% genetic.
You either understand, or not.

Never push filth like >>14981163 to hide itself, apocalypses are Beautiful and Good, for they are the Truth.

>> No.14981170

Being a tranny isn't satanic.

>> No.14981171


>> No.14981176
File: 1006 KB, 650x985, 16754562342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really don't know bro just a weird thought crossed in my mind

>> No.14981179

God I wish futas were real. Those man hands instantly ruins it.

>> No.14981204

i don't believe in anything i just recognize the similarity in this symbolism and the current human interests, desires and activities.
this is clearly satanic according to the satanism ontology and set of believes, nature should be distorted man should be woman vice versa.

>> No.14981211

It's part of jewish esotericism where they think they have to unify all opposites (male/female, white/black, man/animal) in order to summon the messiah (satan) who helps them finally win their battle against god and will usher in the planetary utopia

>> No.14981214

You are clearly on their side because you're gay and your views are gay which is unnatural and therefore satanic.

>> No.14981225

mental illness?

>> No.14981251

Fucking boomers got lost on the way to Facebook

>> No.14981257

I’m certain that these people constantly crying about trannies and constantly bringing them up in unrelated topics are addicted to tranny porn. Like you’re giving more thoughts to them than they themselves do.

>> No.14981260

latina ladyboys are happy to be a sex toy

>> No.14981267

t. right wing incel loser

>> No.14981279

The right wing boogeyman doesn't exist. You are mentally ill.

>> No.14981290

this has nothing to do with judaism, nowhere in the old testament you can find something that illustrate this form of wicked stuff, this is /pol/ misinterpretation of weird hagiography like "kabala"(which is not even judaisem but mysticism) that even religious jews and historians who learn it all their lives can't make any sense out of it.
but i don't blame /pol/, there are people who claim to be jewish and they are far from it, however they use this identity for a variety of reasons i can think of, but still not quite sure why.
stop echoing glowi garbage that's exactly what they want you to do.

>> No.14981300

It's okay, incel. I know you are probably seething with anger over your recent election defeat, and you are not alone in that. There are millions of incels, virgins, and MAGA rednecks across the country who are absolutely seething right now, but you can make it through this troubling period in your life. Please, if you're feeling angry or sad or mentally unstable, get some help. I know MAGA incels have a lot of difficult dealing with their emotions, but the last thing we need as a nation at this time is another 4chan loser going on a shooting spree because they couldn't cope with the daily struggle of never having sex and always being wrong and getting BTFO in politics.

>> No.14981302

>this is clearly satanic according to the satanism ontology and set of believes,
Do you have Bible verses to support this?

>> No.14981303

Her penis is much bigger than mine therefore this picture is shopped

>> No.14981313

a man that looks like a woman to a terrifyingly accurate degree

>> No.14981315
File: 1.65 MB, 250x250, 1651754668043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I know you are probably seething with anger
Then shouldn't I be the one shitting out paragraphs of drivel?

>> No.14981325

That's a depiction of Baphomet and has nothing to do with Satan. Try again.

>jewish esotericism
Not Satanism

>> No.14981326

Is there a board where the mods aren't incompetent?

>> No.14981330

There is no permanent janitor presence watching over /sci/ and I don't think anyone has reported it

>> No.14981331

I heard the boards that pay their jannies have great moderation

>> No.14981332

OP is probably a mod and the pic is of himself.

>> No.14981358

>nothing to do with Satan
so what the fuck is it?

>> No.14981369

Oh I don't know, something actually described and associated with Satan in the Bible? Instead of random spooky things you retards find and make Satanic without any Biblical support?

>> No.14981380

>something actually described and associated with Satan in the Bible?
like what?
and why do you assume is have nothing to do with it?

>> No.14981383

The beast? The antichrist? The false Prophet? Instead of random things you find and call Satan?

>and why do you assume is have nothing to do with it?
Reiterate in understandable English

>> No.14981385

ESL lol

>> No.14981386

>Not Satanism
"Synagogue of Satan."

>> No.14981387

Damn I'm a retard but I'm pretty sure the Talmud says being a tranny is wrong, as well as Deuteronomy.

>> No.14981389

So why was trannyism invented by Jews?

>> No.14981393

Because they're genuinely sick and perverted and that's the kind of thing they want to promote

>> No.14981399

i see a creature with horns ,embedded satanic symbol on the forehead woman tits and cock, what do you see?

>> No.14981402

why are you so obsessed with a small typoo?

>> No.14981404

A spooky drawing drawn by an occultist that isn't supposed to be Satan nor described in the Bible as Satan?

>> No.14981408

It doesn't make any sense

>> No.14981410

So you might say that they could be described as, to paraphrase, "the children of their father, the Devil"?

>> No.14981413

I don't believe the devil can create thing especially humans so this seems like a heresy and also a blasphemy

>> No.14981414

>isn't supposed to be Satan
but you said it has nothing to do with satan

>> No.14981420

Those two things aren't contradictory?

>> No.14981423

replace 'is' with 'it', is that really so hard? did you never saw a typoo before?

>> No.14981425

Yeah, it's just a fetish. Honestly, if they were willing to admit it, they'd be more accepted. But because the fetish requires continually interaction with others to be treated as the gender they desire, and because most people don't want to engage in behavior like that, they lie and claim it's not sexual.

>> No.14981427

Because Baphomet was invented centuries later and not described in the Bible.

You wrote that sentence so you knew what it meant so it's easier for you to fix it. I didn't know what you meant.

>> No.14981430

>Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

>> No.14981433

so you know nothing about this shit, and you claim it have nothing to do with satan, or if its even satan himself.
how can you be so sure about something you know nothing about?

>> No.14981435

So it's a figure of speech. Also stop using an outdated translation from the 1600s.

>> No.14981436

>So it's a figure of speech.
Yes, Jews are Satanic because they embody the perfidy of Satan. I'm glad you finally agree.

>> No.14981437

I know exactly what I'm talking about.
>and you claim it have nothing to do with satan, or if its even satan himself.
Yes. Baphomet is not a depiction of Satan and is not referenced in the Bible.

>> No.14981438

So basically everything bad is satanic

>> No.14981441

Specifically denying God's word despite knowing God is real is Satanic.

>> No.14981443

So murder is also satanic, charging interest is satanic, being lazy is satanic, etc. etc.

>> No.14981448

satanism ontology is extended beyond the bible, i don't believe any of it but its pretty clear that it have satanic elements.
if you know something about the history/mythology of it, i will be glad to listen to your claim, but so far you just make statements that are based on your opinion alone

>> No.14981451

Argumentum ad Redditorum. Red card for fallacious argumentation. Go to the penalty box.

>> No.14981457

S what you're saying has no Biblical basis and is purely fanfiction written by insane retards who think everything is Satan.

>but so far you just make statements that are based on your opinion alone
That is you and only you doing that, see above

>> No.14981461

>Latinum ad buzzwordum
Concede faggot