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File: 1.14 MB, 1288x866, 12hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14979986 No.14979986 [Reply] [Original]

I do take adhd meds they work but 4-5 hours is usually the max I can do before I cannot do it. If its something hard or tedious.

I could double my dose but thats unsustainable and would cause issues. Is there some other way besides stims I've only ever worked 10 hours straight when I was super stressed out for a test.

I mean how do guys like in the video genuinely stay focused on difficult tasks for 12 hours...?

>> No.14980022

>I mean how do guys like in the video genuinely stay focused on difficult tasks for 12 hours...?
Rewired his dopamine reward system by the attention he gets for I'M GONNA STOOOOODY, also studying is piss easy if the only thing you have to do is pretend to study without any practical application

Regarding your question, it might be too late for you if you are full blown on stims your brain might be permanently fucked, but what works for me is tea, shitloads of tea, basically I'm copying what asians do since they seem to be immune to oxidative stress despite working constantly, and so far it works wonders I just made a shitload of refrigerator tea

>> No.14980029

Been on stims since 9 so if my brain is fucked the damage has already been done.

I use stims for some tasks others are better without them. Might have to try tea coffee gives me stomach issues sometimes.
Also you bring up a good point on the quality of studying. If by studying you mean dicking around ever other minute or not seriously learning new material then I probably could do it for 10 hours. But if you mean seriously studying then 4 hours max on a good day.

>> No.14980034

Uni student here, I do about 6-10 hours of concerted studying per day. Worked up to it by pretty much removing most sources of dopamine from my life. I don't play video games, blocked youtube on my router, deleted all social media, and generally don't have too many relationships. It's certainly a bit of a sacrifice, but I've learned to find a deeper sense of joy in working towards eudaimonism.

>> No.14980036

Tea is good, its less about caffeine and more about the synergy of caffeine with L-theanine and a shitload of polyphenols

>> No.14980050

if you're studying 10 hours a day for an undergraduate degree, you're a fucking retard. simple as.

>> No.14980087

>Is there anyway to study 10 hours a day consistently?
It's easy when you like what you're studying, and if you don't like what you're studying, might be time to rethink some life choices. Not a dig -- been there myself. I was doing an undergrad major in geology because in my country geologists are in six-figure demand, and I just hated the material, so studying it felt like an awful chore, and I ended up switching to math. No more problems with marathon study sessions after that.

>> No.14980279

You ever considered that people can be interested in learning things beyond their coursework? Maybe your bug brain cannot comprehend this

>> No.14980299

Then you are not studying, you are reading.

>> No.14981346
File: 41 KB, 622x640, 1667917030720865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything besides stims
In long term no unless you enjoy being unhinged, irritable and chronically stressed
>stay focused on tasks for 12 hour
Determination, autism and functional frontal lobe

>> No.14981355

>unless you enjoy being unhinged, irritable and chronically stressed
I enjoy it. That's been my life for the past 10 years. Working. No games or fun.

>> No.14981398
File: 126 KB, 1920x1541, 1668283291921969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say the same, I've been like that since forever prior to meds (only started at 20 when I got problem with binge eating) whenever I was required to do anything, follow anything or had a lot of shit going for more than few minutes, hours tops

>> No.14981400

stupid fucking crt hipster faggot

>> No.14981405

not enough time for it.

>> No.14982553

you are genuinely stupid