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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14971403 No.14971403 [Reply] [Original]

Have you contributed anything to our current knowledge of science or math? Do actual researchers and inventors even post here?

>> No.14971410
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I have made comments online that knowledgeable people may or may not have used to rule me out as a source of reliable information and in that sense narrowed their search space which may or may not have led them to a useful discovery

>> No.14971487

I’m an engineering student, i just learn the formulas to apply them. I don’t develop new theory

>> No.14971496

Engineers build new things tho

>> No.14971498

i tried telling people that you can basically talk to crows
have them become guides for you.

mine would craw when pretty girls were nearby

>> No.14971501

I redefined evil as treacherous nature or 'depth'.

I pointed out that being a good mind means being a praised mind within reason.

I put forward that there are about 10 billion or less stars in the universe, not 100 billion trillion like NASA announced.

I disproved expanding universe and proved it is retracting using simple bang logic.

I have shown that each cube has the power to evolve into a tesseract with the evidence as metatrons cube formation.

I have demonstrated that pain is clutter of the mind.

>> No.14971519

Not much anymore. I've published multiple papers in JHEP. Whenever I try to post a thread on high energy physics, schizos come out in droves. Absolutely astonished nobody cares to talk about the Nobel Prize in physics awarded last month to quantum entanglement. This board is full of teenagers, high school drop outs, and college students who all inflate their knowledge. I just don't see a point in posting anymore (at least, not high quality content). Waste of my fucking time. I'd rather just grade than post here, and those of you who know what that's like know what I mean

>> No.14971527

Tell me secrets of universe, sorcerer

>> No.14971532

yes, I have, yes, I am an actual researcher and am probably in contact with one in my own thread

>> No.14971533

Yet you don't leave

>> No.14971534

I think quite a few anons have a PhD. I do… now I work in the private sector though and it’s boring as shit and I don’t interact with anyone of a similar background (company feels there’s no reason to hire 2 PhDs, they’re kinda right but it’s still boring for me) so I browse here and a few other forums for some stimulation

>> No.14971542

I came to /sci/ and called someone a fag once. He really deserved it too, so yeah I contributed.
You're welcome.

>> No.14971544

Yes, but inventing a better car doesn’t advance science or math. We just use mathematical formulas and scientific data to make things. Not concepts.

>> No.14971546

I've had good luck with the crows at Yellowstone, gift them food and they tell each other you're a good one and indicate lucky campsites and stuff.

>> No.14971553

Thank you for your hard work

>> No.14971572

You don't understand. I post way less frequently than I used to. And when I do post, it isn't with the in depth HEP topics I used to.

>> No.14971597

I actually did. A lot. But because I'm unaffiliated, it will take some time for me to promote my work.

>> No.14971618

I am actually a tenured researcher. But /sci/ is only good for shitposting and studying schizos, and the occasional good meme.

>> No.14971717

I published a few physics papers but they're nothing special

>> No.14971747

An anon posted a couple of pictures in /mg/ just last night that interfere with saccades in a novel way, at least for me
The posts here are more like playing with guinea pigs than sharing the results of scientific research, Anon...

>> No.14971758

How would the crow know a girl is pretty or not? Maybe they sense the girl’s fertility and BMI?

>> No.14971763

>Tenured researcher
Larp. That phrase doesn't exist.

>> No.14971766


>> No.14972899

Yes, a mere pimple in the knowledge of the body of science

>> No.14972977

Pure mathematicians do that. Engineers are wagies.

>> No.14972980

Inventing new shit allows more science to be done. If the microscope were never invented we would have never known about cells

>> No.14973038

>Do actual researchers and inventors even post here?
Have you contributed anything to our current knowledge of science or math?