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14968739 No.14968739 [Reply] [Original]

>Individual differences in how people feel about hierarchy help explain variation in the extent of Them-ing. This is shown in studies examining social-dominance orientation (SDO: how much someone values prestige and power) and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA: how much someone values centralized authority, the rule of law, and convention).75 High-SDO individuals show the greatest increases in automatic prejudices when feeling threatened; more acceptance of bias against low-status out-groups; if male, more tolerance of sexism. And as discussed, people high in SDO (and/or in RWA) are less bothered by hostile humor about out-groups.
>Back to a concept from the last chapter, social-dominance orientation (SDO), the measure of how much people value power and prestige. In one study subjects viewed someone in emotional pain. As reviewed in chapter 2, this activates the anterior cingulate cortex and insular cortex—empathy, and disgust at the circumstance that evoked the pain. The higher someone’s SDO score, the less activation of those two regions. Those with the most interest in prestige and power seem least likely to feel for those less fortunate.23
>from "Behave by Robert Sapolsky"
Wtf does this mean right wingers have brain damage

>> No.14968757

Obviously yeah

>> No.14968778

Social science isn't science. Everything you said is just a bunch of pseud horseshit.
That being said, your conclusion is correct.
Social sciene is nothing but leftist propaganda. However, the leftist platform is ideologically sound. Rightards are just too stupid to realize "the jews" are actually global-scale christian/atheist corporatists pretending to be jews so that rightards will blame the jews, ignore the corporatists, and remain convinced of the efficacy of capitalism as a system. Capitalism isn't unworkable, but it isn't infallible either, and maintaining a status quo of way too much of it is how corporatists stay in power.

>> No.14968780
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I would propose instead that the brain is working normally. Society tries to play it this way in a effort to confront the status quo.

Man look around. The world is not going to co-operate. Russia was trying to kill us all over loosing a war about a week ago.
And America pushed a space rock away. At this point China's going to eat itself and India is going to loose it's deposit on a future.

Us vs them is not going anywhere and we have to adjust to that. Checks and balances. Republicans just got too lazy.

>> No.14968782

>As reviewed in chapter 2, this activates the anterior cingulate cortex and insular cortex—empathy, and disgust at the circumstance that evoked the pain. The higher someone’s SDO score, the less activation of those two regions.
These are neuroscience experiments
Not social science
also crapitalism is a Jewish invention

>> No.14968786

>also crapitalism is a Jewish invention
No, it wasn't the jews, it was the corporatists pretending to be jews. You just fell for the disguise

>> No.14968792

Under whose orders?
That's right, bankers. Which are just jews better at hiding their documents.
Speaking of which, Are you a jew? Am i a jew? Did i just blow your mind?

>> No.14968795

>Under whose orders?
No one's. Corporatists are out for nothing but personal gain
>That's right, bankers.
AKA corporatists

>> No.14968817

>corporatists pretending to be jews
why would they do this?

>> No.14968820

>so that rightards will blame the jews, ignore the corporatists, and remain convinced of the efficacy of capitalism as a system. Capitalism isn't unworkable, but it isn't infallible either, and maintaining a status quo of way too much of it is how corporatists stay in power.

>> No.14968823

Actually it's been proven that left-wing people have brain damage. Empirical studies of patients who had their threat centers lobotomized by electromagnetism shows that they embrace left-wing views no matter their prior political affiliation.

>> No.14968840

No, right wingers don't have brain damage, authoritarians have brain damage. That or they're just natural slaves.

>> No.14968849

You are the most bluepilled retard. Probably used to be a vaxxtard too.

>> No.14968904

Right wingers promote hierarchies

>> No.14968920

Hierarchies have always and will always exist. The greatest magic trick of the 20th century was fooling the old monarchy to willingly fall into irrelevance for some nebulous (((new))) systems of capitalism,communism,etc.
The same is happening now on a global scale.
How to convince the middle class of the first world to willingly give up power, wealth/social mobility, for some nebulous thing like "Climate Change" or "World Peace".

>> No.14968938

We're specifically talking about hierarchies that translate to power/authority to make someone else slave off for your profits, you dumb nigger.

>> No.14968948

Moving the goalposts. Red card for fallacious argument.

>> No.14969036

it's not my problem you're an autist and can't understand context and take everything literally

>> No.14969115

>corporatists invent complex narratives and hierarchical structures to make a small minority want to kill them but hey at least they think capatalism is still working
You dare to tell me you're more normal than me?

>> No.14969130

Tankies also promote hierarchies, anarchiddos also promote hierarchies when they understand they can't get muh equality.

The last autonomous shithole had a nigger warlord with armed police.

>> No.14969138

>a small minority
About half the country, here at least.
>want to kill them
No it makes them want to kill the jews, that's the point, the corporatists make it look like everything they did was done by jews so no one will blame the corporatists

>> No.14969142

>No it makes them want to kill the jews, that's the point, the corporatists make it look like everything they did was done by jews so no one will blame the corporatists
What ethnicity are the corporatists? Martian? Iguana?

>> No.14969143
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>Social science isn't science. Everything you said is just a bunch of pseud horseshit.
Pretty much.
>global-scale christian/atheist corporatists
You seem to forget Hindu/Islamic groups which have been infiltrating and destabilizing the West for the past Century.

>Us vs them is not going anywhere and we have to adjust to that
Yet that's literally what your post is trying to do; an "Us" vs "Them".

>> No.14969153

Human probably

>> No.14969159

oy vey

>> No.14969162

You're trying to get me to say they're jews. But they're not, they just convincingly feign being jews. Unfortunately since their disguise is convincing and reinforced by the ID systems (which they control) it's impossible to tell who they actually are

>> No.14969169

half the country don't believr in kikes controlling the world, go to any cuckservative and ask about jews he will tell you they're poor fellas

>> No.14969170
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I thought schizos were divergents against the system, I didnt think you could also turn into one by sucking the systems cock too hard

>> No.14969172

>you're forcing me to say jews are overrapresented even when they're actually are
next step is coping with "judaism is just the religion bro, they're all white"

>> No.14969174

Fuck off you know I'm right corporatist scum.
>even when they're actually are
They're literally not, those are just corporatists disguising themselves as jews and forging jew identities. They look ethnically like jews because they're in disguise

>> No.14969177
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>They look ethnically like jews because they're in disguise

>> No.14969178
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>they disguise themselves as jews for hundreds of years to convince 4chudders they rule the world
>that huge nose is just a mask bro

>> No.14969179

You dismiss it and laugh because they've programmed you well

>> No.14969180

Yes i'm programmed to laughs at retards like you, left-wingers can't stop shattering ino more dumbass movements.

>> No.14969182

oh i'm sorry, i meant anticapitalists in general and not leftoids

>> No.14969183

Yeah ok, keep sucking corporate t-dick chuddiebuddie mcchuddie. Sir this is a tendies, we only have the wendies, just like god intendies

>> No.14969188
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heckin wholesome redditbro, get a gold and shove it up your ass

>> No.14969189
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>> No.14969192

>schizoid spamming scat
checks out

>> No.14969195
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corporatist bootlicker

>> No.14969203

>corporatist bootlicker
>his mind fried by the pornographic jews

>> No.14969205
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>it's LE JOOZ!
corporatist bootlicker

>> No.14969207

>*eats his own cum in frong of a discord roleplay* t-take that chud!

>> No.14969208
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>> No.14969210
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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god even a furfaggot

>> No.14969215
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you're just mad because my degeneracy proves me right

>> No.14969218 [DELETED] 
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ah fuck wrong version

>> No.14969219

do your worst i've seen everything in 15 years

>> No.14969220
File: 465 KB, 1006x1867, 1642087005693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately not even i can claim to like this one but at least i can say i had it saved

>> No.14969779
File: 75 KB, 540x666, 0FC20597-4941-41DF-99D4-869938216833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High-SDO individuals show the greatest increases in automatic prejudices when feeling threatened; more acceptance of bias against low-status out-groups; if male, more tolerance of sexism. And as discussed, people high in SDO (and/or in RWA) are less bothered by hostile humor about out-groups.
I don’t know what SDO and RWA are but from the description it sounds like a lot like the BLM arsonists their apologists, and the general anti-white movement to me