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14967424 No.14967424 [Reply] [Original]

if evolution is real then will future humans have like 200 IQ levels

>> No.14967434

no, if anything the future humans will have lower IQ than now unless the chinese power ahead with gene editing because they aren't ruled over by muh ethics fagtrons

>> No.14967435

It's unlikely that humans will evolve to solve children's puzzles

>> No.14967437


>> No.14967463

no, unless culling of retards and eugenic programs will happen

>> No.14967587

Just shill antinatalism.

>> No.14967618

Probably. Evolution already knows that IQ is fake. But it will keep fucking with us in that way.

>> No.14967642

We are more organized less standing in the way of a Darwinian evolutionary system taking course and everyone is becoming dumber

>> No.14967644

You don't know what IQ is, do you. . .

>> No.14967675

It's a tough question to answer there are contrary forces.

On the pro-side for increased intelligence:
- Better nutrition and eduction in the under-developed world
- Return of strong sexual selection (proof: global height increase, has been proven to stem from sexual selection in the Netherlands) which could partly select for intelligence as it can help deliver "high status"

On the negative side:
- Demographic growth favors certain populations -- today only Africa is growing. Question mark as if there are intelligence differences by race, but it could be
- Strong sexual selection could select against intelligence by favoring other factors while stagnant societies do not make intelligence a differentiator for men (as they cannot achieve high status)
- Environmental factors like screes could mess with epigenetics

>> No.14967730

Because of the way the test is scored, 100 will always be the average IQ. People may get dumber or smarter on average, and the average IQ will remain 100. You cannot compare IQ scores across large time gaps.

>> No.14967737

> will future humans have like 200 IQ levels
There are no hints that iq is heritable. Proof:Ze (human) world outside your basement.

>> No.14967751

>There are no hints that iq is heritable
Why would you say that, when you obviously have no clue what you're talking about? It would have been better for you to remain silent.

>Early twin studies of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%,[6] with some recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80%.[7] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with the child's age and reaches a plateau at 18–20 years old, continuing at that level well into adulthood.

And you:
>no hints

Your parents and grandparents were absolute morons. I hope you don't reproduce.

>> No.14967772

No, humanity will lose the ability to be conscious. Being aware of one's own existence is an evolutionary dead-end.

>> No.14967778

Spoken like the most typical 115 IQ, low-awareness golem.

>> No.14967802

A branch of humans will evolve to 200IQ, sure.
Its already happening with people working in high end research building their own enclaves, and these enclaves spread out over all western countries are hyper-connected via high speed travel to facilitate cross pollination. With women being liberated, the distribution of woman IQ will now concentrate rather than be evenly dispersed, even further accelerating the process.

Be prepared for a future of hyper-IQ priest class.

>> No.14967903 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 607x467, 94 IQ anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ fancies itself an IQ expert
common occurrence

>> No.14967912

>You cannot compare IQ scores across large time gaps.
you can if they take the same test, idiot

>> No.14967927

no. evolution is adaptive pressure. without the situation to provide pressure, you won't automatically get higher iqs.

>> No.14968199

>Your parents and grandparents were absolute morons. I hope you don't reproduce.
Says an idiot believing in studies. There are no double blind ones possible and it can be an culture effect too (proof in your cites for people able to grasp even the simplest effects). Otherwise it would be cultivable. Spare your answer, this side is way to dumb and ignorant to waste my time on it.

>> No.14968608

>if evolution is real
It's not.

>> No.14969686

>he thinks IQ is an evolutionary advantage

>> No.14969690

If it's it's useful then it will be selected for. But why would it?

Kill yourself

>> No.14969694

>chinese gene edit themselves to be hyperintelligent 7 foot tall superhumans
>americans continue to slowly turn into 5'6 hispanic goblins
the future is chinese for sure

>> No.14969695

>hyperintelligent 7 foot tall superhumans
And that's a benefit why?

>> No.14969698

cope, manlet

>> No.14969700

I knew that you were a fucking moron the minute you promoted genetic modification. And this post confirms it.

>> No.14969704

>how is being intelligent and tall a benefit

>> No.14969708

>Answer a question with a question

>> No.14969710

If evolution was real, it should have already happened by now. Thus, evolution is not real.

>> No.14969713

Why is having 200IQ a benefit?

>> No.14969716

Efficient gathering of resources

>> No.14969721

There's no current problem with the current IQ average doing that in that environment

>> No.14969722


>> No.14969723

Then why hasn't natural selection chosen for it?

>> No.14969726

Ask that to the idiots who believe in natural selection.

>> No.14969729

What's stupid about the idea of natural selection?

>> No.14969730

You can easily prove that it's wrong. See >>14969710

>> No.14969734

There isn't natural pressure to cause it to happen.

>> No.14969735

You have autism

>> No.14969741

That's correct, do you have a problem with that?

>> No.14969747

Yes, I'll pray for you

>> No.14969752

Think about that for a minute. Say someone takes an IQ test at age 15 in 1965. Another person takes an IQ test at age 15 in 2015. You can't compare the two scores because the two tests were so far apart in time. They were each scored on a scale in which the mean score for their time was 100. It doesn't matter if the tests were identical. The scoring is different.
Of course, if you test the older person again at age 65 in 2015, you can compare that to the test taken by the 15 year old in 2015. But since a person's IQ changes over time, that's not going to tell you much.

>> No.14969754

Hey, I was out of line to insult you like that. You were wrong, and it was enough for me to point that out. I shouldn't have gone for the slam-dunk and taken it personal. That was childish of me. I apologize.

>> No.14969755

If evolution, then OP is a faggot

>> No.14969757

the mean score for that specific test is 100. when the test is being taken is irrelevant. you could make an IQ test and have someone who is 15 in 2022 take it and then someone who is 15 in 2075 take it and it would be perfectly valid. the scoring for the test remains the same

>> No.14970183

then evolution isn't real

>> No.14971069
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No because the Industrial Revolution fucked our environment and destroyed the Darwinian conditions we were living

>> No.14971085

Yes and no. Look into the Flynn effect.

>> No.14971157

IQ is has a negative association with reproductive success, therefore IQ will decrease

>> No.14971168
File: 289 KB, 866x878, world IQ and population balance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is looking pretty grim. We will need either neural link or genetic engineering to stop ourselves from literally returning to monkey.

>> No.14971174

yeah bro, rip all those 300 IQ cavemen, gonna pour one down for them tonight

>> No.14971177

>tfw too intelligent to manage a basic task like getting laid