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14965744 No.14965744 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all the Aliens !?

>> No.14965998


>> No.14966094

Fermi paradox is fake, conditions fir kufe are too rare and intelligence is useless for evolution

>> No.14966318

bruh....what if we ARE the aliens??

>> No.14966363

They got stuck while probing your asshole, let em free

>> No.14966405

>what if we ARE the aliens??
The original "humans" will return to earth in spaceships and kick us out.

>> No.14966418
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39.532790, -108.157415

>> No.14966452

>Earth is 4.5 billion years old
>Human civilization capable of scientifically documenting a visitation by ayys has only existed for the last 300 years or so
The chances of ayys visiting Earth in this narrow time window are virtually infinitesimal. The ayys could have visited millions of times in the past few billion years and we would never know it. There is no Fermi Paradox.

>> No.14967615
File: 1.40 MB, 1438x2278, odomtech overview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aliens are right here

>> No.14968095

we soon come
age aquaris search it

>> No.14968157

In galaxies far, far away.

>> No.14968171

There is no benefit for any intelligent civilization to send biological life into space beyond their solar system. Differences in the passing of time in different gravitational fields create an insurmountable obstacle between the home civilization and any distant astronauts. Civilizations would have to work on and plan for time differences and communication delays on the order of centuries and millennia, at best. But no one can plan on those time scales, because real life routinely pushes civilizations in and out of existence.
There could be practical uses for non-biological life, if biological life was kept from interfering. Von Neuman machines could possibly make observations of sufficient difficulty to the home AGI that they might be worth waiting thousands or millions of years to receive. But the motivations of non-biological intelligence are difficult to predict, and it's not at all obvious that such intelligence is even possible, much less capable of sustaining itself.
It might have been originally programmed to prioritize learning about the universe, and devoting resources and vast swathes of time to that end. But of what value would that gained knowledge be? The biological life that created the AGI would have either hit a great filter, or would have evolved into something different by the time anything of importance was received.
As Alan Watts said, "As an apple tree apples, so the Earth peoples." The creatures of a planet are organic to that planet. So as an apple that falls from a tree dies, so do people that leave their planet. The apple contains seeds that might fall on fertile soil, and create new trees. But that new tree does not benefit the original, except that it carries on the genetic information.
The best humanity can hope for from interstellar travel is a Battlestar Galactica situation, wherein a new civilization is created in a large ship that may take hundreds or thousands of generations to find a new planet to call home.

>> No.14968728

>Where are all the Aliens
Freely passing through our southern border because liberals need more wage-slaves to pick cheap avocados for their toast.

>> No.14968827

Most likely they're out there but it's simply not technologically possible to leave the origin system and colonise other planets and that's why we haven't seen any of them and will never do.

>> No.14968838
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Antinatalism is the great filter.

Once a species grows too intelligent, they stop breeding. There are countless civilizations out there but its more or less one giant favela with anyone knowledgeable enough for space travel long since deceased.

>> No.14968887

There is probably a template for an advanced civilization, determined by how their circumstances react to existence. In all of these templates, the aliens are probably just preoccupied.

>> No.14968891

God only created life on Earth.

>> No.14969801


>> No.14969830

What the fuck that's my house

>> No.14969938


>> No.14970681

here are your aliens

>> No.14971645

>Once a species grows too intelligent, they stop breeding
If a species stops breeding then by definition it is not intelligent, quite the opposite.

>> No.14971647

Would you come here?

\Case closed \

>> No.14971672

incel logic

>> No.14971834


>> No.14971842

They exist in cupboards, that's where there home is. E.T 'phone home'- cupboard reference for phones are near cupboards. Phone ---> home. Exactly.

>> No.14971853

don't know if psyop but many government officials physicists, scientists including other known entities like queen elizabeth constantly said/say that they live among us

>> No.14971912

Life in the universe is extremely rare.
- Of all lifeforms, unicellular life must logically be the most common, but I'd wager even that is probably only found on 1 out of 10,000 terrestial planets. So it's no wonder we haven't found any in our solar system. The chances that two celestial bodies carry life in the same stellar system are very small.
- Multicellular life is extremely rare as it requires billions of years of stable conditions to form. Keep in mind life on this paradise we call Earth stayed unicellular for a billion years too. So I'd guess at best multicellular life is found only on 1 out of a billion planets.
- Sentient life is probably extremely, extremely rare. I'd guess most galaxies are devoid of it entirely. Let's say one out of every quadrillion planets.
Even if two sentient species inhabit the same galaxy, you'd have to be extremely lucky for them to be reasonably close to each other AND exist at the same proverbial blink of an eye.
Tl;dr We will never meet aliens, let alone talk to them.

>> No.14972027

You may as well ask "Where are all the garden gnomes?"

There is no credible scientific evidence for aliens or gnomes existing. Believing that they should exist even though there's no evidence for them existing just makes you an idiot.

>> No.14972028

The edgelord of the milky way has arrived.

You know that it's much, much more likely intelligence to be created than to emerge out of nothing? We are about to create life ourselves in the labs. Now imagine thousands if not millions of years from now.
Out progenitors are within visitation range. Why they don't show themselves or what our purpose is, we don't know yet.

>> No.14972032

Fossil record proves that humans evolved on Earth. The best you could rationally believe is that early microbial life on Earth came from space. But considering that humans have been to space and found it utterly sterile, the panspermia hypothesis is basically bunk.

>> No.14972038

There is ZERO evidence for life on Earth being intelligently designed.

>> No.14972047

>Life in the universe is extremely rare.
This is the likely answer. The retard-tier analysis says that the universe is huge so there must be lots of life. But the universe isn't really all that huge. There are only something like 10^24 stars in the observable universe. That's a big number by ordinary day in the life of a human terms, but not so big to make life guaranteed.

You only need to stack a handful of independent "one in a million" circumstantial conditions for the formation of complex life, before you reach improbabilities so huge that even Earth is lucky to exist at all. Four such circumstances is already 1 in 10^24. A fifth one-in-a-million circumstance blows WAY past it.

>> No.14972051

There's ZERO evidence BECAUSE it was intelligently designed.

They interfer here with UAPs. Watch the recent tic tac hype.

>> No.14972052

Believing something despite there being no evidence for it is the precise opposite of science.

>> No.14972055


>> No.14972059

>There's ZERO evidence BECAUSE it was intelligently designed.
There is no evidence for this hypothesis, your belief is completely unfounded.

>> No.14972067

I don't think a progenitor alien would want us to know we are his spawn.
We are probably in an isolated zoo for study/entertainment.
Again, in this world nothing is certain. That's why we work with probabilities.

>> No.14972070

Believing something for which there is no evidence is the opposite of science, even if you throw in hand-wavy explanations for why there wouldn't be evidence.

>> No.14972091

A likely possibility is that we'll end up in a Dune situation where any weirdness we encounter will be isolated pockets of humanity that got into weirdshit or were forced to adapt to survive on hostile worlds. But that requires humanity getting off of its ass and to stop bitching about stupid, unimportant shit and instead pushing towards the stars and solving some of the more pressing issues facing the species.

>> No.14972532

How can I prove to myself that I'm not a p-zombie? Do I just have to accept it as an axiom based on the sensation of having subjective experience?

>> No.14972537