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14965200 No.14965200 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women bother getting a Ph.D?

>> No.14965208
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>be woman
>talk about your vagina
why is that?

>> No.14965227

>be poltard incel
>get mad whenever anyone does something you don't personally agree with.

Isn't it funny how right wingers always talk about "personal freedom", but they're also the ones who are always trying to take away other people's freedoms and tell them what to do and how to live.
Maybe try having sex for once in your life and then you might not be so bitter.

>> No.14965230

>Why do women bother getting a Ph.D?
to force people to call them doctor.

>> No.14965241

doctor pussy

>> No.14965254

Degrees are a form of social credit score. PhD is the highest certificate of obedience. It's perfect for midwitted NPCs. Women are the epitome of midwitted NPC.

>> No.14965274

Women made me bitter

>> No.14965279

>Try having sex for once
I have the freedom not to, sir

>> No.14965283

i strike her with 1 punch right onto hard concrete and she's a vegetable for the rest of her life if not dead
it's ok i identify as trans so you can't arrest me

>> No.14965299
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>I have a tight pussy
Proof? The PhD girl has given me solid evidence that she has a PhD.

>> No.14965302

Uhhh?? BASED??????!!!!!!
The so-called """women""" who wasted their time getting a PHD whilst their pussy got beat up, used up, and dried up, just so they can have no job once they come out and on top of that not be able to find a man who can financially satisfy them and who is interested in an "older" women is just fucking hilarious.
The young thot moggs literally 95% of them just by existing with a tighter pussy, lmao. Based thot.

>> No.14965321

Stupid bitch. She looks dumb as fuck as well.

Tight pussy ... Depends on the cock width as well.

She wouldn't get that, because she hates education. Clearly. Haha.

>> No.14965346
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>> No.14965351

Why would anyone bother getting a PhD unless they absolutely need one to get a job in their field?

>> No.14965438


>> No.14965457

most based reply on this whole website

>> No.14965458

rarely do I see this little effort put into bait
if you were a hunter or trapper, you'd promptly starve to death

>> No.14965586

Ahahaha! That's kinds based.
Idk what she's responding to, but PhDfags need to shut up. Just because they got a PhD doesn't make their opinion validated.

If they can't explain the mechanism for a layman to understand, and instead rub their """"credentials"""" on their faces and expect people to swallow their bs, they are priests in the cathedral.

>> No.14965792

>all examples of high IQ individuals are from well over 100 years ago

>> No.14965797

>If they can't explain the mechanism for a layman to understand
Why would they?

>> No.14965814

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

"If we can't reduce it to a freshman level, we don't really understand it."

Because science is also about communication and understanding. Every useful bit of science in the world is a simplification of reality.

>> No.14965827

>What are your accomplishments?
>Muh fuggin dick

>> No.14965832
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>s-so what if you have healthy genitals and can reproduce properly? I have a hecking phd in soience.

>> No.14965842

>If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough
You are the reason pop sci aids is so prevalent these days.
Because people like you feel the need to simplify everything until even the last drooling retard thinks he understands it

>> No.14965844

You calling Einstein and Feynman wrong?

>> No.14965848

Over-complicating and introducing needless jargon was done by midwits to gatekeep.

>> No.14965860

There's a difference between introducing jargon and condensing a decade of study to a sentence that a boomer can understand and a zoomer doesn't fall asleep while listening to.

>> No.14965867

I'm going to defer to a pair of the smartest minds of the last century over some retard on a chan board when it comes to understanding science.

>> No.14965876

Good for you, just don't expect people to explain their jobs to you

>> No.14965971
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At first I thought it was a bad joke she made about Ph.D meaning pretty hard dick.

>> No.14966897

unironically this

>> No.14967021
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>> No.14967125

Social conservatives can't be trusted with free speech any more than modern liberals can.
The only reason these conservatives whine about free speech is that they're largely out of power and on the receiving end of the censorship. If they had power, they'd again be pushing for their censorship of Harry Potter, black metal, and anything their Christcuck minds deem to be blasphemous or degenerate.

>> No.14967127

The right-wing boogeyman doesn't exist. You are mentally ill. Your worldview and system of values are being rejected all over the world as we speak, and since everyone knows you are a non-reproducing life form, your leftism-prone genes will be erased as well. Your historical portrait will be painted by the people you hate the most. Your story will be told by your enemies. Everything you believe in and hold dear will be shown in such a light that future generations will regard you the same way as we regard the Bolshevik and Nazi criminals today.

>> No.14967131
File: 45 KB, 755x598, christcucks-disappearing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your worldview and system of values are being rejected all over the world as we speak
Cry harder, Christcuck, as the world moves on from your mental illness.

>> No.14967132

>fully-automated spergout against imaginary boogeymen continues
Don't care. See >>14967127

>> No.14967133

it seems tight-pussy girl has rejected your system of values, incel
and there's nothing you can do about it but seethe on the internet

>> No.14967136

Go write another seething blog post, Christcuck.

>> No.14967138

See >>14967132

>> No.14967140

refer to >>14967136

>> No.14967144

Are the right-wing extremeists and incel mass shooters and white supremacists and MRAs and christians and nazis and fascists in the room with us?

>> No.14967145

heh, these incel spergs never realize that the whole "i'm unfazed and triggering you" thing never works when they're putting in more effort than their board foes.

>> No.14967149
File: 69 KB, 1200x899, 2433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, these incel spergs never realize that the whole "i'm unfazed and triggering you" thing never works when they're putting in more effort than their board foes.
It's another episode of redditors trying to updoot each other. At least learn to recognize pastas...

>> No.14967153

No, just rednecks who can't spell and who have a stash of excuses for it.

>> No.14967155

Must be the "fully-automated spergout" mentioned here: >>14967132

>> No.14967156

Oh, right, rednecks. What else? Drumpfffff supporters? What other generic boogeymen are punched into your program?

>> No.14967159

I can't take rednecks seriously. Sorry, bro.

>> No.14967161

Russian trolls, maybe? Come on, what's else in your database?

>> No.14967162

She's not wrong. I'd certainly rather be tall than have a PhD.

>> No.14967166

>@latkedelrey: total stranger just dmed me “i wish you were hot enough to have a constructive conversation” (?)
lmao, some ugly pua-tard trying to run game gets the public shaming he deserves for buying into the approooooooacher pua scam.
chad doesn't need to approach.

>> No.14967167


>> No.14967172

sorry about your face

>> No.14967173

Sorry about the ineffectiveness of your currently prescribed medications.

>> No.14967180

There's a certain kind of ugly /fit/ grunt who buys into that nonsense and doesn't realize it's just another shade of simping. Meanwhile, the jacked pretty-boy misc'er merely has to put his pictures on a dating site, sit back, and wait for the thots to do all the work.

>> No.14967184

no prob, ugly

>> No.14967195

>generic goblina thinks having a tight cunt gives value
Woman moment

>> No.14967196

Who's stopping you from getting jacked at least?

Also, so what? Boo fucking hoo, some people have it easier than you. Get over it already.

>> No.14967199

She's not wrong. A baby incubator is worth a thousand times more than an academic. """Higher education"""" is a catastrophic net negative to humanity.

>> No.14967213

You have poor reading comprehension because you have a low IQ.

>> No.14967222

That's not a baby incubator, it's a hole to fuck. Anyone that impregnated her intentionally should be shot.

>> No.14967225

>That's not a baby incubator
It's whatever society makes of it. My point need not apply in your failed society.