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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14964955 No.14964955 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about sandniggers, poor countries and the West?

Do sand niggers have a good reason to be violent? Is the West pretending to want to help poor countries but really just exploiting them for money?

I assume most of you are pretty smart. I didn't finish high school, I am an ignorant fuck and I wanna hear what you think.

>> No.14964960
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>I assume most of you are pretty smart

>> No.14964966

>Do sand niggers have a good reason to be violent? Is the West pretending to want to help poor countries but really just exploiting them for money?
You literally won't find an instance of mass-scale or systemic violence in the Middle East that isn't directly caused by the greatest fascist cancer on the planet known as the US.

>> No.14964970

I mean it is a forum about science and maths.

>> No.14964971

Scientists don't go arround assuming things. Do you have a peer-reviewed study to support your claims?

>> No.14965021

This but we don't their history or why x tribe fights z tribe.
At least we know americans want more power and can annihilate cultures and humans to achieve it

>> No.14965035

IMO it's simple, every nation uses violence or the threat of violence all the time, we in the west just prefer not to think of it that way as we halt elections in other countries and hang foreign governments that defy us.
As for dune coons I won't pretend to know enough about their history to understand their problems with each other but I can say that throwing western powers out is the only way their people will ever benefit for their resource wealth.

>> No.14965047

>Do sand niggers have a good reason to be violent?
I would think nobody has a good reason to be violent in the modern day. If you're attacked first that's a bit different. A lot of the violence in the middle east comes from their religious beliefs, so the problem is religion. You can hear it when they speak, they're constantly talking about religion and violence at the same time, talking about Allah and infidels and the holy land etc.
And there's religious terrorists like Isis etc going around killing everyone. It's not just an Islamic thing though, only a few hundred years ago Christians were much the same, beheading people and burning them at the stake for heresy and waging religious wars and killing innocents for refusing to convert etc. Religion in general is the problem, it's like a mass brainwashing tool used to control populations and have them do the bidding of the leaders who are often insane. In the West the religions have largely replaced violence with just general hatred of those unwilling to conform which still creates division. Maybe the separation of church and state had something to do with lessening the impact of religion although it did come a bit later. I don't think belief in God is the problem though, it's more the need to align with some religious sect which has it's own goals and culture apart from the general belief in God

>> No.14965049

>Do sand niggers have a good reason to be violent?
The only reason why sand niggers are violent is because CIA trains them to be.

>> No.14965059

invalid ticket. get this blue shit off my board.

>> No.14965064
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>erode and abolish the political systems
>people flock under the banner of religion
the funny thing is, the west did gain nothing from it besides terrorism and refugees
>but why did we do it?
literally just to secure the future and existence of the state of Israel
I might sound like the common /pol/ shizo but stopping the funding of Israel pretty much ends terrorism and the war in the middle east.
It is all so tiresome.

>> No.14965065

>we don't their history or why x tribe fights z tribe.
An intentional and well-documented divinde-and-conquer strategy by the Anglos. That's not to say they haven't been feuding with each other since the dawn of time, but the escalation of it into constant terrorist attacks and large-scale wars is specifically the work of Anglos. "Radical" Islam is the work of the Eternal Anglo. Muslim terrorism is a CIA invention.

>> No.14965067
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>A lot of the violence in the middle east comes from their religious beliefs, so the problem is religion.
The problem is your cancerous "secular" society creating Islamic terrorism out of thin air in the name of your Jewish God, AKA the dollar.

>> No.14965094

This. Radical islam is a one of the greatest lies in modern history. Whole thing is a CIA project that got out of hand (somewhat).

>> No.14965416

Have you not seen anything that comes out of the middle east? Almost everything they do is religious. Isis is a religious group, their whole image is based around religion. Isis kills middle eastern people, they're religious jihadists, westerners are just one of the kinds of people they don't like, they kill anyone that doesn't conform with their religion. If westerners didn't exist they'd still be killing eachother. Christians were much the same during the crusades, they killed millions of innocent people including other westerners for heresy. I guess they grew out if it, hopefully the middle eastern religious extremists do too

>> No.14965418
File: 896 KB, 1280x696, vlcsnap-2022-10-20-23h00m27s420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean it is a forum about science and maths.
This shithole is barely better than pol, 99.99% retards.

>> No.14965420

>Isis is a religious group,
Wrong. The CIA is secular.

>Christians were much the same during the crusades
Oh. I see what's going on here. I just want you to know the holocaust never happened and Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.14965435

>literally just to secure the future and existence of the state of Israel
The US gets a lot out of their deals with Israel. 95%+ of the foreign aid goes to the military there who also funds mossad. The US has quite a few troops there and a permanent military base. They use Israel as a military outpost pretty much. And Israel spies on all the countries in that region for them. If Israel weren't allies with the US they'd probably get blown away by arabs in a few days

>> No.14965442

>Isis is all cia employees
You need to stop getting your news from pol. Regardless whether or not the leaders of Isis have been trained by the cia, all the personnel are lured into the group on a religious basis. They kill innocent people on a religious basis. Their training videos are all based around religion if you've watched any of them.They often kill westerners and film it and put it on the internet

>> No.14965455

See >>14965065
Hitler did nothing wrong. Epstein faithfully represents the average American jew.

>> No.14965466

I am so sick of reading posts blaming jews, niggers, and trannies. We are not all reactive ungroomed males.

>> No.14965479

>The US gets a lot out of their deals with Israel
>proceeds with listing only things that benefit Israel
Israel is the destabilizing factor for the entire region and the west gains nothing from supporting them besides having a money pit and a never ending conflict zone.

>> No.14965569

The main commerce route in the world still is open thanks to direct interventions in that zone.

>> No.14965571

See >>14965065
Hitler did nothing wrong. Epstein faithfully represents the average American jew.

>> No.14967493


>> No.14967652

ME was a hot mess thousands of years before Columbus.

>> No.14967832

>Is the West pretending to want to help poor countries but really just exploiting them for money?
IRL the west just sucks resources from the third world. It can be brazen in Africa with french soldiers killing presidents. But Russia and Latam also get drained hard.
USA also gets manufactured wealth from western europe, not really resources,

>> No.14967840

The koran literally tells people to kill and force them to convert or become slaves, the extremist islam we have seen may be a front by the usual suspects but political islam is a credible threat to ethnic europeans

>> No.14967885
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semites are the way that they are because semites are of negro blood, which also explains the semites' dark complexion, afro hair and fat lips

>> No.14967937

George Friedman gave a talk explaining that US foreign policy is about causing chaos in Asia and preventing an united continental Europe.