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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 570x320, astral projection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14964184 No.14964184 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a hyperdimensional astral plane that generates or mutates 4D spacetime?

>> No.14964587

You will never have magic powers schizo

>> No.14964590

generates...? i would answer no, and also, i would say to not pursue this train of thought.

>> No.14964596
File: 1.26 MB, 768x954, craiyon_002552_quantum_consciousness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14964597

the only rational explanation for this is that it is a 'google hack' of another alien technology. What do you think would happen if the Russians got their hands on this? It would be world war 3 times 1000

>> No.14964615


>> No.14964727

holographic principle says the 3D world might be generated virtually from a 2D plane. I don't know if it's true or not, maybe not, there's some pretty popular physicists behind it though

>> No.14964732

word soup without meaning

>> No.14964737

>the le heck I'm science terms

>> No.14965422

how would that explain the higher dimensions or the consciousness field, the astral plane?

>> No.14965436


>> No.14965668


>> No.14965699

No, that's the problem. That's what we have to build.

>> No.14965706
File: 147 KB, 800x789, 23523433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who got his 7th booster, believes in AGW and buys into green scams.

>> No.14965710

Dr. Steven Greer says we don't have to build, we can just manifest stuff. This is supported by the testimony of Bob Lazar who said the UFO he inspected was a single piece with no signs of manufacturing.

>> No.14965716

No vaccine, no mask, no test. Try again /pol/ chud.

>> No.14965730

>no test
That's the only truthful part of your post, troon. The /pol/ boogeyman doesn't exist.

>> No.14965913

sure it is kiddo, if you are a hack like you

>> No.14966571

We have to admit that God's plan is to use morality to trick us into constructing the path to the 4th dimension geometrically...monotheism implies a determination to build a bridge to the 4th dimension at any cost...the sooner we admit this, the better off we'll all be

>> No.14966591

that manifesting produces all sorts of high energy effects in heaven (a cheap trick, by the way) that produce interstellar inter-dimensional residue, and that residue supports 4-D electromagnetic resonance, and we're filling the universe with this stuff...

>> No.14966599
File: 36 KB, 640x797, 0c8e6c8c02345fb299ad1fb130c22bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So heaven (just Chinese theatrics) is also involved in "cleaning up the crime scene" and containing all of this 4-D ectoplasm in a storage containment unit Ghostbusters-style as if it were merely a matter of some "communist misunderstanding" and we could simply put our guns down and stop the race to the 4th dimension...if only it were so simple, if only...

>> No.14966606

Markov-chain generator.

>> No.14966717
File: 197 KB, 1200x1200, c64d4dcb08c38c124ee5fe28683199-large-nw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 4-D rock grinder in disguise

>> No.14968639

>Markov-chain generator.
Nothing wrong with a good Markov-chain. It's the bad ones you should probably worry about. High-performance can still be of a Markov-chain. Too many markov-chain make life less lifelike?
What a thread, what they said appears entirely nonmarkov-chain

>> No.14968643

Don't allow people's lives to be lofi markov-chain implemented?
An issue I've unjustly suffered from

>> No.14968675


It has been thought of.

>> No.14970320

If part of the scientific narrative is a mirror universe then a further part of the scientific narrative might giga that mega idea

>> No.14970472



>> No.14970680

this has some good information on the consciousness field

>> No.14970691

Negative IQ moment

>> No.14971590

for you