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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 112 KB, 320x230, Double_slit_experiment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14963199 No.14963199 [Reply] [Original]

>The single electron goes through both slits.
How many times have you heard this? Look at vid related. This is how it's proposed the single electron goes through both slits. You see that portion of the wave reflecting backward? This generates a testable claim: if Copenhagen interpretation is the correct one, we should be able to put a screen behind the electron gun, and measure an interference pattern.
>But anon, the intensity would be too small!
Then put the gun closer to the slits. Also, I disagree. It will be small, but surely measurable over a very, very long time.

Can this Copenhatin shit finally be put to rest?

>> No.14963202

>put the gun closer to the slits

>> No.14963209

It doesn't go through both slits, according to the Copenhagen interpretation the electron is in a superposition and only the one that is observed goes through the slit.

>> No.14963214
File: 36 KB, 353x256, Double_Slit_Backscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see your reading comprehension is lacking. Let me sketch it out for you.

>> No.14963217

Yes, sometimes things you throw at some other thing rebound back to you. Why is this so surprising?

>> No.14963219

It's not. The surprising part is that no physicist has ever detected this (and to my knowledge, never attempted to measure this). See the blue screen here

>> No.14963233

>no physicist has ever detected this
Lol. The nucleus was discovered because particles thrown at a gold foil were rebounded.

>> No.14963237

Rutherford scattering isn't a double slit experiment, dumbass.

>> No.14963246

You are just a schizo sperging out. Your experiment tells absolutely nothing new and is unrelated to the "copenhagen interpretation"

>> No.14963254
File: 27 KB, 449x298, CopenHatein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee you I have more physics education than you do. You don't understand this post, so why don't you go post on some of the IQ threads or some shit? I'll spell it out in detail for the lurkers.

The double slit experiment reveals an interference pattern on a screen (the red screen here). >>14963214 and is one of the strongest pieces of evidence of wave-particle duality. Physicists (most notably Bohm, Einstein, Bohr, and Sommerfeld) attempted to explain (interpret) what they were seeing (more precisely: how the interference pattern arose). Quantum mechanically we know it has to arise from a probability distribution governed by the Schrodinger equation, but how exactly the electron passes through the slits was unclear.

The Copenhagen interpretation became the most popular interpretation (even until today, but is not the only interpretation out there). Copenhagen interpretation proposes the electron exists in a superposition of states (goes through one slit, the other slit, or both slits) all with finite probabilities. I claim if the Copenhagen interpretation is true, then a testable claim exists: there should exist a SECOND interference pattern on the blue screen here >>14963214 (and it is THIS experiment no physicist has ever done---Rutherford scattering is completely irrelevant).

It amazes me that undergraduates like to call others schizos. I guarantee you that you would fail my modern physics class.

>> No.14963279
File: 260 KB, 1370x1262, sychrad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electron is pretty much its ELECTRIC FIELD=EM WAVE.

Case solved. Everything QM is actually wave mechanics of particle's EM waves. The screen wont even notice the electron, it notices the electromagnetic field.

>> No.14963289
File: 91 KB, 668x706, interference_pattersn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think the top image is actually measuredb y an actual double slit? Wrong! its just FFT of the bottom image.

This won't suprise. When x-ray EM waves scatter from crystal they make similar FFT diffraction image of the actual crystal.

QM=EM wave mechanics.

>> No.14963349
File: 96 KB, 1488x555, ParticleWaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14963381

>proposed the single electron
Is there only one electron in that experiment?

>> No.14963400

this is how the whole thing is framed isnt it? photons electrons and even larger atoms have this property
i dont know anything but i think its probably bullshit or misrepresented in some way. idk who cares

>> No.14963453

>i dont know anything
Me2, never cared about popsci.
> but i think its probably bullshit
Methink: the answer to "why the hell didn't scientists describe the experiment correctly, they had more than enough time" is better unknown to me.

>> No.14963502

What interpretation is that one which got only one vote?

>> No.14963509

"schizo" on this board means they are too stupid to understand what you are talking about

>> No.14963530

this is article with the survey
the 1-vote interpretation is a fringe opinion named after these three authors (GRM)
which is also called DRM

>> No.14963791

ironic to hear the dumbest fuck on the board calling anyone stupid

>> No.14963987

well dont leave us hanging... is the copenhagen interpretation bullshit or not bro?

>> No.14964011

> You see that portion of the wave reflecting backward? This generates a testable claim
Yes it does, and it's correct. There is a chance the electron can be reflected. Some times when an electron is emitted it doesn't go through the experiment. But so what? That It doesn't invalidate the double-slit experiment in any way.

>> No.14964016


>> No.14964022

Did you forget that 4chan was anonymous? Or are you telepathically picking up on who wrote that?

>> No.14964047
File: 24 KB, 270x360, 1667636468559682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legitimately implying humans, the least effective creature in existence, have figured out how to generate and fire a single, controlled electron

need help tying your fucking shoes lmfao kys braindrain pretenders, or start praying to the correct god

>> No.14964061

He wrote his namefag name in the post header. bodhi is a middle aged drug addict and one of the most obnoxious people on /sci/ right now. Even worse than Mandlbaur because he's not even fun to work up.

>> No.14964071

The only answer I can give is that there exists a way to test the Copenhagen interpretation, and yet that test has never been done to my knowledge. So, it's potentially bullshit pending a validation study.

>> No.14964079

This is the proper scientific method btw. If there's no evidence for something either way it's honest to admit you don't know.

>> No.14964132

Just puzzling to me why that test hasn't been done, given about a hundred years to do it. Physicists should be clamoring at the prospect of testing the most widely accepted interpretation of quantum mechanics.

>> No.14964207

there isnt a single original thought has ever been posted on this board that didnt come from me you seething mouth breather. Keep crying about it it is cash money

>> No.14964215

you are literally the most moronic person on this board and your posts are easy to identify without any names because you always a spastic retard that says monumentally retarded shit. I can go through the archives and pick out your posts purely by how fucking stupid they are and your seething rage at how stupid you are. You have got to be manlet. Generally Only manlets have as much pent up rage as you do. You are a poor manlet so it is no big surprise why you are always angry at your betters

>> No.14964261

Yeah that's a bit baffling to me too. It seems like it would be quite an easy experiment to perform as well.

>> No.14964288

wtf are you talking about. The test has been done and there is a proven non-zero chance the electron does not go through the slit exactly as expected. I still don't understand why you think that matters?

>> No.14964407

>The test has been done

>> No.14964414

What matters is if there's reflection of the wavefront backwards towards the direction the beam came from. This would disprove certain elements of Copenhagen and suggest light is much more of a wave-like form and that the supposed trouble is easily explained by existing theories of electromagnetism.

>> No.14964424

> This would disprove certain elements of Copenhagen
No it wouldn't. The whole point of the double slit experiment is where the particles that go through the slits hit the detector at the back. It's irrelevant if some are reflected.

>> No.14964426

>if some are reflected.
If only there were a way to test whether they actually are reflected in a quantum mechanical way.... (see OP).

>> No.14964431

>It's irrelevant if some are reflected.
That's also my assessment (I'm not a physicist BTW). I think it would be an interesting experiment nonetheless.

>> No.14964467

What's the point? There would be nothing special to see since there would be no interference pattern. It's just a simple reflection.

>> No.14964573

>there would be no interference pattern
If you don't understand why there would be, then why are you even bothering to post in this thread?

>> No.14964670

Then tell everyone how there can be interference when there is only a single wave?

>> No.14964671

>you are literally the most moronic person on this board
so he's actually (you)?

>> No.14964693

Schizo cope at its finest.

>> No.14964945

ooooooooooooh sick own bro. I bet you impress all the 12yo's with your extensive repertoire of "your mama" jokes!

no you

>> No.14965016

Ever hear of the single slit experiment, retard?

>> No.14965689

>Ever hear of the single slit experiment, retard?
Usually i think that /sci pretends to be dumb as fuck and the discussion are made to gain the worst out of evertyhing that can be even remotely meaningful. I am right, am i?

>> No.14966985

The easy answer is the sides of the slit are made up of millions of electrons too, so to say the electron is interacting with itself is a little bit retarded.

>> No.14967265


>> No.14967786

The Copenhagen interpretation works. Because there is effects of particle and waves simultaneously.
The detector being on instantly collapses the wave functionality, and the particle keeps going. That’s proven.
Where the particle hits over time depends on wave function, observer, and randomness.

The slit is splitting the wave up. The particle goes through either slit.

That’s all that’s happening. The observer is messing with the setup. The math is working.

When they present this experiment they do it to blow minds. It’s not magic.

I’m not educated enough, I can’t remember if this happens faster than speed of light.

>> No.14968414

look mom i said the word salad again!

>> No.14968423

no retard, electric field travels in all directions, electron exists in one place
try again simplifying brain dead child, you cant prove your baby theory

>> No.14968455
File: 57 KB, 525x503, img_58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NO, particles do not communicate with each other instantaneously that would take FTL travel!
>But yes, particles do collapse instantaneously. This is fine and acceptable.

The fuck?

>> No.14968465

Mentioning this short-circuits the schizo.

>> No.14968469
File: 227 KB, 1x1, a_common_fallacy.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone ITT should read pdf related, it will take care of all your confusions regarding misleading qm interpretations

>> No.14968489

nobody is talking about delayed choice experiments, schizo

>> No.14968499

double slit is right there in section 2

>> No.14968519

and in that section, there's a section on delayed choice experiments. just fuck off and admit you autistically linked something irrelevant.

>> No.14968530

Gen z scientist wannabes, 4baby.org , im off to physics forum to read posts from people who already have a better scope on QM than listen to genz spewing shite.

>> No.14970058

electron interferes with its own em field through the double slit

>> No.14970656

I remember miles mathis saying the same thing about measuring bounceback.
Ctrl+F "prediction" to jump to the relevant part
It's obvious copenhagen interpretation is a big fat laugh, just shows how absurd soience is right now for still humoring it

>> No.14970762

The interpretation has little to do with whether you would measure a backscattered interference pattern. All interpretations of QM make the same predictions for a simple case like this. It has nothing to do with muh Copenhagen. You absolutely could measure the backscattered electrons, and physicists routinely do experiments which include measurements of backscattered electrons and other particles. I'm not sure if the kind of experiment presented in the OP has been done in that form, or how technically challenging it would be. Unfortunately, few physicists are interested in such simple/fundamental experiments as they are unlikely to lead to anything other than a confirmation of basic physics and a very low-impact publication. Nonetheless QM is routinely employed in experiments involving backscattering, and the interpretation is largely irrelevant because all the valid interpretations make the same predictions except in some very tricky/special cases, which are at the edge of experimental viability.