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14961668 No.14961668 [Reply] [Original]

why do normies put people with degrees on a pedestal despite living in the information era? Back in university, I knew an autist dropout who was well studied in molecular bio and biochem, and remember nobody taking him seriously after he dropped out, nobody ever listening to his situational knowledge on anything for that matter. He was better read than most of those undergrads, and probably still is, yet they still disregarded his existence and derived a sick schadenfreude thrill at STEM failures, despite being midwits who will accomplish absolutely nothing. Fast forward to today, I notice even adults act like children when they find out someone is educated, act like they’re “special” in some way and even go as far as to question their own sense of self worth for not being highly educated. To be fair though, I believe gen alpha will destroy this framework and we are already seeing the beginning of it. Nothing impresses gen alpha, nothing interests them, the world is daunting, education is a joke to them. We will soon revert back to pre-1950 era where nobody will look at a scientist or engineer like they are some godlike individual. Society will become even more enamoured by influencers, streamers, celebrities and attractive people

>> No.14961679

It's more about where you attended.

A Harvard dropout is more respectable than someone with a STEM degree and 4.0 GPA from a shitty state university.

The Harvard dropout probably had better SAT scores too.

>> No.14961723

Perception is all that matters in this world. Doesnt matter if it's real or not.
The harvard dropout could have shit SAT scores but having some with Harvard in a suit facing clients is worth much more than a percent SAT 4.0 state school honors kid in a suit.

>> No.14961751


>> No.14961752

Nerds should be bullied, not lauded. It gives them a false sense of superiority.

>> No.14961755
File: 303 KB, 691x494, Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 22-48-58 cde.jpg (Imagen JPEG 1280 × 2500 píxeles).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's already what happens irl.


>> No.14961792

Cause self teaching is fairly unpredictable when it comes to what they will know and the world need specialized individuals.

Unless you wanna go down the corporate shill route nobody cares what uni you went to, they just care they you'll do that job and understand how to talk to people.

>> No.14961795
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NPCs need an authority to tell them what to think. They can't evaluate factual or logical truth on their own. They also mistake obedience for intelligence. In their eyes it's "smart" to follow an authority and "dumb" to question something an authority says. Acadummic degrees take this principle to the extreme. They are certificates of obedience, basically a social credit score. A degree means you spent years repeating what your professors said and doing exactly what they told you.

>> No.14962169

>The harvard dropout could have shit SAT scores

kind of hard to get into Harvard with shit SAT scores unless you have white privilege and legacy/donor parents.

>> No.14962186
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It doesn't matter though.
You have a very limited number of options for life:
>1. Military
Dumbfuck rules
>2. Illegal Activities
Results will significantly vary
>3. Nepotism/Trade-Apprenticeship
Competence/Passion don't seem to really be used as a metric to gauge meritocratic worth anymore
>4. College Education
Everywhere that pays over $15/hr requires a college degree

It's fucked up.

>> No.14962190
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>kind of hard to get into Harvard with shit SAT scores unless you have white privilege
Actually, Schools are more interested in their students having Religious Affiliations, rather than filling up with "White" kids.

Their more interested in purging all of the "heretics" from the World, as opposed to being worried about skin color.

>> No.14962191

Because having a degree shows you are at least able put the bare minimum of effort to achieve something. It's not that having a degree is something outstanding, but it's a proof that you're not a fucking retard (which is more than a lot of people, e.g, OP).

>> No.14962199
File: 3.82 MB, 4272x2555, ModernAcademia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because having a degree shows you are at least able put the bare minimum of effort to achieve something
Actually, these days degrees can essentially just be bought/bribed/blackmailed for, so it doesn't necessarily indicate that any level of competence or intelligence or effort.