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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 453x680, Fgtg10eWAAAk3eE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14961221 No.14961221 [Reply] [Original]

It's over anons, It's finally over. Some tiktok asshole brain had to make a video to make it viral about Zlib and now it's down.
Libgen doesn't have all the title zlib had.

I'm fucking grieving right now. There were books literally impossible to find in other places, and now it's gone probably forever.

>> No.14961224

isn't the tor domain still working?

>> No.14961228

The entire archive is backed up

>> No.14961230

where am I going to store 30 TB?

>> No.14961231

for now yes. But I wonder for how long till some mf decides to move some puppet to shut it down aswell

>> No.14961240

Would libgen be down in the near future too?

>> No.14961248

A 40TB external drive is $400. If you want every single digitized book known to man with instant free access, that's a small price to pay. Or, you know, just use other platforms like libgen and soulseek

>> No.14961450

>Some tiktok asshole brain had to make a video to make it viral about Zlib

>> No.14961533

tiktoker makes a tiktok about "illegal sites you should know"
shit goes viral
zlib gets shuted down
that's what happened as it is my understanding atm

>> No.14961562

What other illegal sites did he recommend?
Asking for a friend

>> No.14961607

idk, probably 1337 or some other torrent site. The account went bullied and shit (well deserved imo)

>> No.14961610

Where would you download it from, im thinking there's a torrent somewhere
And wouldn't it still take ages?

>> No.14961611

sensitivecontent.info is probably the most cursed site i know

>> No.14961624

Is this even legal? I mean aside from the part where they're showing parts of copyrighted movies.

>> No.14961631

in the US it sure is. and i dont believe they show any copyrighted material beyond movie posters.

>> No.14961761

It ain't dead yet OP, just taken underground.
Any person could very well have a part of z-lib
on them whether they know it or not, and so it lives.

>You can let knowledge fly, but know not to let it fly away...

>> No.14962044

personally I have a few hundreds of books I've downloaded over the years, so I have a small portion to do small backup of a very specific field. Still I have no infrastructure to dedicate a pc for exclusivbely torrenting it or coming up with a "spin off" site as personal server. Maybe that will change in the future tho.

>> No.14962430

I have gotten the books I need from places like z-lib
despite some valid complaints. But for now, it's
"smoke 'em if you have 'em, and give one for your buddy".

>> No.14963332

Modern day library of alexandria. what a crime.

>> No.14963368

Jesus Christ I fucking hate zoomer faggots

>> No.14963373

>Where would you download it from
I'd like to know this as well.

>> No.14963397

Tor is still working, I downloaded a few books to check. I'm scared though. That site is an absolute gold mine, not just for the books but the articles as well. There are so many things you simply cannot find anywhere else. Fuck.

Tell me it's gonna be all right bros. Are there any good alternatives? I've never tried torrenting.

>> No.14963399

there's always libgen, you should upload any of the books you have that they don't there.

>> No.14963406

whats the onion link

>> No.14963411
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>Sci-hub is still in limbo and mostly unusable
>Libgen is inaccesible
>Zlib is dead now
Thank god arxiv is still there, and I downloaded a way more stuff thatn I read from those platforms to the point where I start seeing the point of having my own NAS when everything is just in the internet and can be taken down at a whim.

Still it fucking sucks, even when I was at the university and could legally access papers I still had to use sci-hub because I couldn't get everything and now I pray that google scholar has a pdf linked, someone uploaded it to researchgate or is simply open because otherwise it's impossible to access.

>> No.14963417
File: 131 KB, 1346x774, fuckyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear God, I hate the antichrist so much it's unreal. Fuck that bitchboy satan and all his servants.

>> No.14963445



>> No.14963446

tracking piracy sites is one of the few things reddit's decent for, iirc their datahoarders forum has links to everything
there was also some schizo named the eye or something that had a bunch of cool stuff but that was years ago

>> No.14963448

Pirating is stealing, repent.

>> No.14963463

Same, this makes me realize that nothing online can be taken for granted; shit can be yanked away at any time.

Time to start taking data hoarding seriously.

>> No.14963465

Thank you anon

>> No.14963468


>> No.14963470

Since knowledge is immune to scarcity, it is impossible to own it. Another person using 'your' knowledge doesn't impact your ability to use it. It only impacts your ability to maintain a market monopoly on it, and guarantee of market monopoly is not a part of property rights.

>> No.14963496

>Since knowledge is immune to scarcity
Irrelevant and also wrong. Knowledge does not exist without humans' minds to understand and remember them, which are scarce, therefore knowledge is also scarce

>it is impossible to own it
Incorrect. There are many mechanisms to enforce the ownership of an idea or knowledge.

>Another person using 'your' knowledge doesn't impact your ability to use it
It does, for example when a commercial secret is stolen by a corporate spy by another competitor, thus halving your profit.

>> No.14963501

>guarantee of market monopoly is not a part of property rights
Rights as defined by legal positivism can be anything the legislator invents. Rights as defined by jusnaturalism are inherent to reality. Reality was created by its Creator, therefore if the society wants to do well it must follow whatever the Creator has determined.

>> No.14963505

Knowledge exists independently of humans. If this were not true then the extinction of the human race would cause the universe to immediately morph into a meaningless blob of chaos as the last human mind expires. Knowledge is discovered, not created.

>Incorrect. There are many mechanisms to enforce the ownership of an idea or knowledge.
As you stated earlier, the ownership being asserted is not over an idea but over the human mind. The gangsters you are referencing are claiming that they own part of your mind, and part of your body. It is slavery, and it is Evil.

>It does, for example when a commercial secret is stolen by a corporate spy by another competitor, thus halving your profit.
Non sequitar. Reducing the value of the utilization of an idea on the open market does not reduce your ability to utilize the idea. The market is made up of people, and to claim that you 'own' part of the market is equivalent to claiming that you 'own' part of the human populace. Again, slavery. Evil.

>> No.14963518

>Knowledge exists independently of humans
prove it

>If this were not true then the extinction of the human race would cause the universe to immediately morph into a meaningless blob of chaos
The structure of reality does not imply ideas exist. Language is a set of symbols through which ideas come to reality. Without humans languages don't exist and the universe still keeps running.

>Knowledge is discovered, not created.
Abstractions are created, not discovered.

>As you stated earlier, the ownership being asserted is not over an idea but over the human mind
I concede that point.

>The gangsters you are referencing are claiming that they own part of your mind
I'm not referencing the State, I'm refering rabbinical authorities, which are the spokesmen of God in this realm. You are not the owner of your mind, your body, or even your soul, you are using them as a borrower.

>It is slavery, and it is Evil.
Who defines what is evil? A man? A man says the opposite. Both are still just the opinions of men.

>Reducing the value of the utilization of an idea on the open market does not reduce your ability to utilize the idea
It does not, but it cuts your profit by half by illegal means (corporate spying), by means that were not agreed upon by both parts, this is fraud.

>to claim that you 'own' part of the market is equivalent to claiming that you 'own' part of the human populace
"Non sequitar", the products in the market aren't the people buying them.

>> No.14963533
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>> No.14963548
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Problem? Americans

>> No.14963558

Never used. LibGen had everything I ever needed. It's really not a big deal, you can't kill these sites because at the end of the day there's always torrenting and plenty of autists who back everything up.

>> No.14963564
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>LibGen had everything I ever needed
Maybe for you, but in my particular case there were some books on zlib that weren't at libgen. I have this quick access to search for books on both sites at the time and mostly zlib gave me way better results than libgen. Also Libgen searching is a pain in the ass, just like the difference between searching a song by its lyrics on youtube and spotify.

No, Libgen doesn't sucks but it could be a way much better than its current state is.

>> No.14963565

Maybe they should've been doing it legally
>There were books literally impossible to find in other places
Have you tried Amazon?

>> No.14963569
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>shilling for Besos and Publishers

>> No.14963576

>Have you tried Amazon?
of course I had.
Actually found about books that were not listed on amazon or google books through zlib.
And to be fairly honest, amazon and google book platform suck big cock. If they're not listed or available, so fuck you, no book for you. On the other hand zlib was a backup of many many out of printing and old books. Authors you would not find anywhere else.

Now, if you come up with the "if X book is unknown then it's not a good book and doesn't deserve to be preserved" fallacy, then fuck you anon. Live and let die.

>> No.14963580

The only academic books that you could find in zlib but not libgen are the shitty ones.

>> No.14963585

I STRONGLY disagree with you on this one anon.
Most of the pop-academics titles nowdays seems to be made for glue-eating brainlets.
And I already mentioned how shitty is libgen search function.

>> No.14963590
File: 687 KB, 1280x720, FUCK YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to find a book there as usual but this shit popped. What can I do? Is there a backup somewhere? I don't mind torrent, but I need a book quickly. Thanks

>> No.14963592

half of their mirrors are zlib, and you know they're going down next, right? retard

>> No.14963597

How is that career as a cocksucker going anon?
Let me guess, you have and Iphone™ aswell, right? even a besos/jobs tatoo? that would totally fit your style.

>> No.14963599

I'm not paying 100 euros for a 2015 book on invertebrates

>> No.14963603

>biggest library in the world gets cracked down
>international drug cartels still run rampant
politicians deserve to hang in the streets and have their families shot before their eyes

>> No.14963604

I feel you anon. Libgen for the moment. Use author's name at searching, it gives better result than the whole title btw.

>> No.14963610

shut up retard, obviously you don't know how books work since you're a brainlet

>> No.14963621

>And I already mentioned how shitty is libgen search function.

>> No.14963623


>> No.14963624

It's bad because...because...it just is okay!

>> No.14963655

If ideas "come to" reality it necessitates that they must exist in some place outside of the physical manifestation of temporal reality as we know it before being channeled into physicality by a human agent. God created these ideas and the methods by which humans interact with them, not man. Therefore it is madness to prolaim that a man "owns" a supernal ideal simply because he happened to be the the first to channel it in his community.
And what exactly are you claiming ownership of when you say that you "own" knowledge? Surely not the divine supernal Form that you are channeling, since as stated before others channeling the same form does not cause change to the Form in the slightest. You are in fact claiming ownership over your fellow man's ability to exercise their God-given gifts in a certain way.
>the products in the market aren't the people buying them.
Correct, which just further solidifies my point. By "stealing" an idea, you are not stealing a product. You are simply stepping into a market that other person has a monopoly in, and this person is then using violence to drive you away. If this act is to be morally justified, it must be said that the patent holder "owns" the market. Markets are made up of people, and you cannot own another person, so this is impossible.
>Who defines what is evil?
God. By denying reality through lies you are denying God, since reality is an emanation of God.
>but it cuts your profit by half by illegal means (corporate spying),
In this instance spying is the crime, not the use of a specific idea.

>> No.14963683

Then don't. What do you need in a textbook that you can't find through a Google search?

>> No.14963689

>What do you need in a textbook that you can't find through a Google search?
one of the weakest arguments I've witnessed in a while. Spoted the brainlet here.

>> No.14963690

No, I don't, because I don't buy them for my classes. I'm not a retard who needs to be told 8 times from 3 different sources before I can answer a simple question on the topic

>> No.14963694

Can't answer the question

>> No.14963701

>What do you need in a textbook that you can't find through a Google search?
Baity but /sci/ never gets enough activty so wathevs.

I get deepness, rigour, context and actual explanations that helps me understand the subject instead of just skimming it or reading dispersed fragments of things for which I care little

>> No.14963723
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>If ideas "come to" reality it necessitates that they must exist in some place outside of the physical manifestation of temporal reality as we know it before being channeled into physicality by a human agent.
Ah, finally, I made someone from sci recognize a counter-example to materialism. Yes, that is correct, if something exists outside of their physical manifestation, it implies materialism is false.

> God created these ideas and the methods by which humans interact with them, not man. Therefore it is madness to prolaim that a man "owns" a supernal ideal simply because he happened to be the the first to channel it in his community.
You're missing the part that God also gives those ideas to whoever He wants, and also takes it always from whoever He wants. He has a set of laws and rules though to administer justice, and the rabbis will determine whether the idea was stolen or not.

As of now, the current understanding of orthodox rabbis as far as I know is that since copyright is the law of the land and it does not contradict the Torah, it has to be obeyed too.

>By denying reality through lies you are denying God, since reality is an emanation of God.
Be careful with that line of thought since it can lead to heresy

>In this instance spying is the crime, not the use of a specific idea.
Correct, and the author of the pdf i linked discusses rabbis' position on copyright and piracy. The rabbis argue on the basis of breach of contract or dishonest business practices. Inside each book there is a part that specifies the trademark of that book's edition which tells you what the producers of that book allow you to do with it and what they do not allow you, if you disobey the conditions layed down by the producers of the book you are committing a breach of contract, which is considering stealing in Judaism and thus you will lose all the money you earned due to your stealing and if not, you will not be able to enter Heaven until you have payed every cent back.

>> No.14963724

oh no
you must be kidding
where the fuck am I going to get all my springer pdfs now?

>> No.14963726
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>> No.14963728

Here, plenty of books in those websites, all free

Every book 100+ years is public domain, sometimes they're better than the modern ones

>> No.14963729

I downloaded like 1k books from there in the last 3 years by the way... if you're interested just tell me.

>> No.14963730


>> No.14963731

who cares about 100 years old books?
a poor scientist needs access to new stuff too, and I cannot pay 200 dollars for every book without knowing if it's a shitty one!

>> No.14963732

same here.
I'm considering getting a RPi to dedicate it for torrenting exclusively and running a Calibre library for browser access. But I'm trying to figure out how to hide my IP so it's not direct access point to my personal network.

>> No.14963735
File: 66 KB, 984x236, yeah fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good / serious books are not there OF course

>> No.14963736

>a poor scientist
You are poor because you steal. ASk for your university for the books and HaShem for money.

>I cannot pay 200 dollars for every book
Borrow them, search for lecture notes from a professor that used those books as his base, look for lectures based on the textbook on youtube. This is enough for 100% of undergraduate along with the other links I posted

For graduate school you'll probably spend more time reading papers anyway.

>> No.14963740

>who cares about 100 years old books?
Lol I do, I have been studying a very specific topic that was only on really ancient books (40's to 80's maybe?) and it's not discussed in detail in modern ones.

>and I cannot pay 200 dollars for every book without knowing if it's a shitty one!
True: I've dodged a few bullets by not buying books only due to recommendations that happened to suck a little too much for my needs.

>> No.14963741

fucking jew
science books should go into public domain 5 years after the first publication

>> No.14963742




>> No.14963747

>This is enough for 100% of undergraduate along with the other links I posted
The jew thinking everyone around is undergrad still on school.

Some of us are out of that jerking circle since a long time ago. And access to academic material out of academic own-fart-smelling-environment is stupid to say the least. If not it's ridiculously unaffordable or not even possible to get.

So fuck you anon, fuck yourself at your moms basement. Fuck you so fucking much.

>> No.14963748

I don't care if you're wicked, I'm telling you the truth, this is what you need to obey to be righteous.

Consider that for all the pirated books you hoard you will ever only read a tiny fraction of them, remember an even smaller portion of what you read, and apply even less of a percentage. You are not immortal, so you should choose carefully what you spend your life on.

>> No.14963749
File: 36 KB, 1132x364, books on laptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should indeed create a z-lib backup torrent, particularly for /sci/ books.
these are some titles I currently have on laptop, have the remaining 1k on another HDD.

>> No.14963752

most american post itt

>> No.14963756

openstax is globohomo shit

>> No.14963759

>most american
yeah that's very jewish indeed

>> No.14963760

Rabbis do not speak for God. I doubt that there is even a single practicing Rabbi who has had a legitimate divine experience where he spoke with the Divine. Treating Rabbis and other priests as mouthpieces for God is a form of idolatry.

>> No.14963761

I have around 16GB on downloaded books. Now the challenge is to organize them and make them available again. If I find some device to dedicate it for torrenting I'll share a soulseek name for sharing. It's still something under the radar for what I know.

>> No.14963766

if you do please create a thread about it, I'll be lurking around here and contribute with my books.

>> No.14963768

That's what the lectures are for, or at least the syllabus to outline it for you

>> No.14963770

>Math books go from HS algebra to Calculus and statistics.
>Stops there.
>not even linear algebra at sight.
I will not even rant on how miserable this feels.

>> No.14963773

oh shut up you cocksucker. Go buy an iphone and post some tiktoks somewhere else.

>> No.14963774
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>> No.14963775

sure bud. But I'm afraid it won't be soon anyway.

>> No.14963777

This bait is so low quality this is not fitting for /sci/

>> No.14963779

You seem to be unfamiliar with trade secrets.

>> No.14963782

>Knowledge exists independently of humans.
The Romans knew how to make concrete that could be used in salt water. Then the knowledge was lost for about a thousand years. Humanity existed but the Romans who knew were dead. The knowedge had to be rediscovered, and even now it is not certain that we make salt water proof concrete the way they did.

>> No.14963784

>Rabbis do not speak for God.
They do, they are the masters of the Law

Deuteronomy 17:8-12
>8 If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy within thy gates: then shalt thou arise, and get thee up into the place which the LORD thy God shall choose;
>9 And thou shalt come unto the priests the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and inquire; and they shall shew thee the sentence of judgment: 10 And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that place which the LORD shall choose shall shew thee; and thou shalt observe to do according to all that they inform thee: 11 According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline from the sentence which they shall shew thee, to the right hand, nor to the left.
>12 And the man that will do presumptuously, and will not hearken unto the priest that standeth to minister there before the LORD thy God, or unto the judge, even that man shall die: and thou shalt put away the evil from Israel. 13 And all the people shall hear, and fear, and do no more presumptuously.

Matthew 23:1-3
>1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: 3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

You have no idea how much time the rabbis dedicate to studying the Torah from generations since Moses and earlier, you won't do wrong if you obey it.

>> No.14963792

have your (You) and kill yourself.

>> No.14963801

Nah they aren't. Again you literally can't kill these things, they just morph into other shit. Books and articles are far too small to ever kill piracy of them. Again, worst case situation it just goes to torrenting.

Most of these books are available off other sites than both zlib and LibGen anyway. Just googling XYZ pdf gets it for you.

>> No.14963803
File: 106 KB, 800x750, c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you need in a textbook that you can't find through a Google search?
What do you need in an image board you can't get on tiktok/instargam?

>> No.14963804

if the glowies seized the clearnet mirror, they will 100% also seize the TOR ones in the next couple of days / weeks.

>> No.14963807

I can't go back to lectures to check if I remember correctly the carrying capacity formula of a certain ecosystem nor if I remeber it's application correctly

>> No.14963808

libgen has almost NO serious scientific books published in the last 5-10 years.
kys richfag

>> No.14963809


>> No.14963811

Fuck piracy.
Fuck libgen.
Fuck zlib.
Fuck scihub.
Fuck Alexandra Elbakyan.
Fuck Russians and other third worlders who want to steal intellectual property from America and American taxpayers.

>> No.14963813

I searched for 10 titles I'm reading right now, z-lib had them all, none on libgen.

>> No.14963814

Worshiping a book is idolatry. God is not a book.

>> No.14963815

>shilling for pirates, organized criminals, and third world dictatorships that want to steal from the west

Cringe and schizopilled.

>> No.14963817

Name them

>> No.14963818

I need this for work, shit.

>> No.14963821

>and other third worlders who want to steal intellectual property from America and American taxpayers.


fuck you big piece of mental deviated aberration of nature. There's not that much soi in this world to feed your cock hungry asshole.

>> No.14963830

>Worshiping a book is idolatry. God is not a book.
ok christian just don't pretend your god is the same as mine

>> No.14963831

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.14963835

fuck you, YWNBAW anyway

>> No.14963841


>> No.14963846

And you will always be a white trash loser and a virgin who lives in his moms basement.

>> No.14963851
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>And you will always be a white trash loser and a virgin who lives in his moms basement.
said the fagot living in his mom's basement

>> No.14963854

>freedom means letting hostile foreign countries and pirates on the internet steal your science and research

This is your brain on populism and conspiracy theories.

>> No.14963856
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>> No.14963861

>American taxpayers
If the research is funded by the American tax payer, why should private companies have copyright.

>> No.14963952
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Professional retard here. Why not use archive.org?i have seen a lot people use that place to storage copyrighted stuff

>> No.14963957

I used to aswell. But some books got wiped out and others changed the pdf donwloading to a "borrow the digital copy for 1 hour" shit.

At this point I'm even more convinced of the actual intent to limit the availability of books or information.

>> No.14963967

incomplete records and recently their server's been dropping out

>> No.14963971

they only took some domains retard. once it settles down they can buy a 100 new domains

>> No.14963972

>i was molested as kid

>> No.14963984

>ASk for your university for the books and HaShem for money.
I asked HaShem for money to buy books, and he never responded so I pirated them instead.

>> No.14964001

>I asked HaShem for money to buy books, and he never responded so I pirated them instead.
You need to have more bitachon in HaShem

Remember this week's parashat, where Abraham simply believed HaKadosh BaruchHu and this counted as his merit.

I recommmend this series to strengthen your emunah and bitachon

My rabbi talks about copyright in this section from what I've seen so far

>> No.14964197

>Sci-hub is still in limbo and mostly unusable
>Libgen is inaccesible
I quite literally used both of them today, Libgen and sci-hub seem to be fine.

>> No.14964205

Everytime I use sci-hub I get either a not found or a blank page, and I have tried all libgen mirrors(7 days ago tho) and I couldn't connect, and yes I tried the onion site in both cases.

>> No.14964218

eye is still around, I was in their discord for a while

>> No.14964254

>Some of us are out of that jerking circle since a long time ago. And access to academic material out of academic own-fart-smelling-environment is stupid to say the least. If not it's ridiculously unaffordable or not even possible to get.
Not that guy, but why would you wanna have access to academic journal papers if you're gonna use them to pad the word count on your research papers and essays for class?
Most research out there involves insignificant little pieces of information that are of interest only to 7 guys at most in the entire world, 6 of whom got into it because they were meme'd into those subjects by their PhD thesis advisors for the sake of not doing exactly the same thing everybody else in the field is doing.

>> No.14964406

>but why would you wanna have access to academic journal papers
Books anon, I was talking about the books.
Beacuse some people just read them. Books are for reading them, not only to decorate the bookshelf of a professor office. If one has the ability to read certain topic with some understanding it's foolish choose not to.
And please don't start with the utilitarian argument of "why would you do X if you don't do Y, what's the use of this, yada yada yada" crap. Just not your business.

>> No.14964415

i fucking hate zoomers

>> No.14965394


>> No.14965423

>Everytime I use sci-hub I get either a not found or a blank page
This is definitely a problem, although it can often be fixed by checking one of the mirrors. There are usually a few copies of scihub up with different urls. Also, you often need to try both the DOI and the article title. I often find that one works but not the other.

>> No.14966381
