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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14958845 No.14958845 [Reply] [Original]

>computer science
Do code monkeys really?

>> No.14958854

science is gay

>> No.14958885

you're gay

>> No.14958952

Why is this such a popular topic here?

>> No.14958971

Computer science includes processor and memory theory, algorithmic theory, etc. If being able to make predictions with math and experimentally verify them counts as science, then yes

>> No.14959130
File: 305 KB, 1711x975, ICL Sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we should leave coding to the "real" scientists.

>> No.14959260

Interesting, any chance you can give a link to the thread? I'm curious to see what the ensuing "debate" looks like

>> No.14959361

academia should have csfags for hire just like they have statisticians for hire. this would be perfect for those that don't won't to learn about advanced algorithms and problem solving for 7 years just to end up as a webdev codemonkey

>> No.14959366

We literally do, 99% of our software is outsourced to CS and ML students

>> No.14959376
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For a year or so my job title was changed to "data scientist" and I cringed at it every day until I moved on to the slightly less pretentious sounding "engineer" title.
"Data scientist" is a lot like "sandwich artist." Whoever came up with it thought they were flattering the people that would get stuck with these titles in the future when really they have the opposite effect since everyone knows "data scientists" aren't really scientists and "sandwich artists" aren't really artists.

>> No.14959455

Codemonkeying is not a science at all. Computer Science can relate to a lot of spheres from electrical circuits to improving algorithms or coming up with the new ones. It's a big field that doesn't come down only to soul sucking monotonous coding.

>> No.14959560
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>> No.14959606

Shut the fuck up bitch. Most CS majors don't even know what Ohm's Law is.

>> No.14959621
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guess which one makes more money?

*power dabs on stemcel*

>> No.14959636 [DELETED] 

all those other STEM majors can get any job as CS major can get dumbfuck

>> No.14959752

>guess which one makes more money?
the mint

>> No.14959888

i used my job in degree in computer science to get a degree in website engineering

>> No.14959898

CS is about logic and planning, it is similar in that sense to the other sciences.
There is no room for errors or subjective reasoning in CS, unlike fake "sciences" like psychology, there are no opinions in CS. There is simply logic and strategy and often times math is integrated, which once again makes it more of a science than psychology.

>> No.14959935

Prestige and $100k beats mindnumbing code monkey slave labor for $200k, especially considering even at FAANG you'll be working for done business B.A. from Berkeley. They have to pay you more for a reason, you know.

>> No.14959943

Guess what:

1. "Science" is in the name "Computer Science."
2. CS people use math and CS is NOT a subjective study, it is about executing the desired program after first building it with syntactically correct programming.
3. Scientists use computers all the time, so YOU need CS people to help you do YOUR jobs.

>> No.14959962

I also need janitors and line cooks to help me do my job.

>> No.14959971

1.) Software developer salaries are not much higher than electrical/mechanical engineering salaries

2.) You don't need a CS degree to get a job as a software developer.

>> No.14960221

Muh prestige, kek.
$200k for faang. For entry-level, maybe. Is this how you cope?

>> No.14960312

But here's the deal -- you wouldn't be able to follow half, what a CS curriculum teaches, no matter what you try.
Or at least, I'll allow you the out that you might be up to it if you actually attempted such a degree under regular parameters.

>> No.14960388

there is no prestige in engineering, please graduate already and join us in the real world

my CS friends with similar YOE make triple what i do, and i'm doing the best out of my mech e peers other than those who went into management

the pay difference is significant at mid tiers and astronomical at the high tiers (great engineer vs. great SWE)

>> No.14960663
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1) poo poo

2) pee pee

3) mommy needs to change me

4) i make more than you do

>> No.14960763

the cs boom is gone retards. now you need a cs master's, multiple internships and several projects to get an 60-80k job

>> No.14960776

You're retarded

>> No.14960782

>you wouldn't be comfortable in a high level CS undergraduate course if you aren't a CS student
Sure, maybe, who cares? I'm not a SE - we just pay the codemonkeys to do it for us so that we're able to focus on actual rigorous work.

>> No.14960791

students? how does one become a codemonkey for academia?

>> No.14960833

>They say this for every field
>any field of engineering
>physics, maths, biology

Go and fuck yourself.

>> No.14960837

Depends if you're an undergrad or a graduate student, and if you understand ML. ML is meme'd as being being an irrelevant field but almost every single research group I know has some ML component for data extrapolation and model predictions. If you're an undergrad, try to get a position with one of the big ML groups, and they'll probably give you a project to help out with. If you're a graduate student, I'd be surprised if you weren't doing this already.
To be honest, I'm being generous in saying that we hire codemonkeys to do the work. We do most of the software work in-house using .m, fortran, python, and a small amount of C. The ML stuff is, however, beyond all of our experience, so we outsource this to the ML research groups here.

>> No.14960856

the market is in downswing right now but this is just not true overall. people were saying this 10 years ago too. i know a dude with no degree clearing 200k

>> No.14960860

Two ways to look at it. Taking a large system and testing it from the outside, or the study of pure math applied into different physical systems.

>> No.14960895

You are in denial. the economy is declining, innovation in tech was already declining. there is only so much you can "techify" and new tech that people use. the abomination that is "web3" and wifi toilets are the biggest proof of the desperation the tech industry has reached.
every industry has to reach carrying capacity at some point. in the case of tech this total employee carrying capacity will start declining rapidly once tech stops growing because of nocode, minimal code and already built code bases (e.g. web frameworks) decreasing the amount of programmers needed

>> No.14960897

How about you do some thinking for yourself and distinguish yourself from the masses of followers? You are a literal npc as of now

>> No.14960905

Don't know, but I am having an easier time understanding math thanks to being a code monkey. However, maybe is because I actually try to solve algorithm stuff, and not just copy paste from the internet, don't know about other code monkeys.

>> No.14960944

Hoes mad

>> No.14961117

>putting a process on a pedestal
print("leaf mayo @ ur life")

>> No.14961120 [DELETED] 
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does your cunt have commie breadlines?

>> No.14961565

>now you need a cs master's

you don't even need a CS bachelor's to get a software developer job. I know tons of dudes making bank in that field without a CS degree

>> No.14961578

Politicians like to say cybersecurity is the safest route to take for job security if you're a CS major.

Are they right? Also, what specifically? Cybersecurity seems like a rather vague and broad subject.

>> No.14961597

It's a subset of mathematics. Figuring out the problems that can be solved by arithmetic calculations is CS.

Something like video compression for example is not obvious. Modern computers wouldn't be able to store and send pictures if it wasn't for this.

>> No.14961998
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I'm graduating next spring and already accepted an offer for 120k from the people I interned with (bigass boomer company). I have a 2.8 GPA and go to a state school kek

>> No.14962015
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>software "engineer"
>outsources your job to someone working from home in india

>> No.14962163


i know people without college degrees working as software devs for six figures

>> No.14962619
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>> No.14962639

It seems to be an USA thing, but at least here in GER, CS has little to do with programming, it is only a small fracton of their studies. The code monkey stuff is handled by professionals programmers, which follow a professional education outside university (vocational job?)

>> No.14962722

My conclusion is:
>/sci/ is absolutely retarded and wrong.
I'll get my biochemistry degree and am learning CS/algorithm theory on the side. There have to be niches that haven't been over-saturated, since most people take the path of least resistance.

>> No.14964289

Hypothesis: my code will do X
Test: run the code
Scientific method approves

>> No.14964385

it is a science, the problem is nobody is studying computer science, everyone sees it as programming, software engineering, software dev, etc. CS as a field isnt limited to computers and goes way back to before modern computers were even conceptualized, universities tried to circumvent this by having different degrees revolving around what CS is associated with these days, but if this board and the current perception is anything to go by, it hasnt made a lick of a difference. Which is sad because theres a lot of work to be done on the academic side of CS but its ignored because universities are so incompetent they cant properly accommodate modern tech into their fold anymore so they lost CS to corporations which is why its hard for people to even perceive CS as a "science" anymore even though for years and especially in its hayday we called it a science without a second thought. A shame too because academically CS has a long way to go since as a field it only really coalesced recently

>> No.14964400

physics cucks mad CS Chads make more money and their research actually has value so they cope by saying it's not a science

>> No.14964429

Pancomputational universe theory subscriber's here? What's that actually called?

Apparently my computation help was antagonised by ncorruptible yet irredeemable good and perhaps even bad

>> No.14965719

physics majors can get any jobs CS majors can get

you are so retarded

>> No.14966328

computer science isn’t a science and it isn’t about computers
but it is math and therefore more rigorous than whatever circlejerk you’re into.

>> No.14966331

Not true. Most money is made by banking software. Get wrecked

>> No.14966341

lol lmao
I have no qualifications other than experience and I get constant offers for many times more than that

>> No.14966390

>but it is math and therefore more rigorous than whatever circlejerk you’re into.

lmao no

>> No.14966392

same. I don't even have a college degree and I'm working as a software developer making six figures.

>> No.14966475

>my buddy eric got a 500k job after learning for loops in js and he has a 10 inch cock
Not an argument. consider responding to these facts:
- The rise of cloud computation like AWS/azure/google web services
- The rise of minimal code/nocode solutions
- The rise of coding AI
- Libraries, frameworks and other similar already written code significantly decreasing amount of work needed for a finished product
- The high influx of new workers
- The decline in tech innovation (see meta, web3, ar, vr, etc)
- The economic decline in general

>> No.14966590

no one cares you retard. most physics/math/engineering majors would have no problem learning that shit

CS is STEM for retards