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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14957838 No.14957838 [Reply] [Original]

I dropped out for reasons in the past now I'm 25 and want to get a physics degree. I have an AA and some experience in other technically areas I could go into but I don't want to turn this into a blog post. I don't care about money that is of no issue. Any tips? Guides? Probably a stupid post since it really is as simple as read sticky read book but I want to hear y'all's experiences and if you're interested I can give some of my background

>> No.14957842
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i did it. it sucks though. you will have no friends. nobody will talk to you. you will probably be smarter than most of your classmates. you wont be hired when you graduate. and any work you do no matter how valuable will never get published.

>> No.14957844

/sci/ told me that physics is fake

>> No.14957846

What does redditfrog have to do with it?

>> No.14957863
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Eh I can make friends I'm pretty funny used to be the treasurer for my unis astronomy club and have sold drugs and I'm not too worried about money I can just be a poker dealer or start my own company. My dad was a drop out who made a successful manufacturing company which I learned a lot from, other stuff I learned from lurking skiddy forums and the dw. As far as work being valuable idk I think I just want to be around smart people and hot college aged pussy.

>> No.14957865

the college aged pussy wont come near you dude. trust me. you will be like a fucking alien creature to them

>> No.14957873

You should self study a typical physics undergraduate cuuricula first

>> No.14957876

Nah I can totally get some I know it I used to be married

>> No.14957886

How hard is that l really I feel like classes kind of make things harder than they need to be sometimes. I have the Feynman lectures favorited but I never ran all the way through that desu. Should I just get an anime guide or something?

>> No.14957911

Hold on, and follow my instructions

>> No.14957915

checked I will wait

>> No.14957922

You really only need a few books for a physics curricula, you should buy a ONYX BOOX MAX Lumi 2 13.3 tablet to easily write down and save your notes into it when self studying.

All the books you need to buy are here below.
Mathematics for physicists by Altland
First course in differential equations by Logan
Applied partial differential equations by Logan
Mathematics for physics by Stone
That's the order you should work through for the math books.
Now for physics...
Classical mechanics by Taylor
Analytical mechanics by Lemos
Electrodynamics by Griffiths
Quantum mechanics by Griffiths
Thermal physics by Reif
Solid state basics by Simon
Computational physics by Giordano

After you go through these on you own, you are now unofficially a physicist

>> No.14957929

Checked thanks anon so you've read through all these? I never understood how one could just read through a textbook I always skimmed but I guess I probably just lack disciprine

>> No.14957937

Once you finish 1 textbook and do atleast half the problems in each chapter you will have the motivation to finish more textbooks, an electronic ink tablet helps a lot because you only need the textbook and the tablet to write down and complete the textbook

>> No.14957996

Physics like science is a scam, fake garbage.
Believing the claims of arrogant little men wasting their lives inside a lab that they understand the laws of the universe is a dire mistake.

>> No.14958016

>now I'm 25 and want to get a physics degree
You'll be fine. I read the title and thought you were like 40 or some shit lmao. No one (literally no one) is gonna think twice when they see you, a 25 year old, in their freshman class.
Textbooks come with exercises that are essential for getting the material, even if it's really simple. When you're not forced to by the class, you're not likely to do them. I wouldn't worry about it, if you get basic algebra from high school then first year physics classes will be fine and you'll build up to the more complex material along with everyone else.

>> No.14958042

You sound angry and confused, maybe even a little retarded

>> No.14958047
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Oy vey

>> No.14958051
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Scientists and doctors are professional liars. Why sell your dignity in order to have some ego boost and feel that you are so incredibly smart?

>> No.14958070

Physics is just a blanket term for the study of the physical world. You really are retarded schizophrenic if you sincerely think physics as a legitimate scientific discipline was made up by Jews in some sort of conspiracy.

Bad and devious doctors exist8ng is no indictment on the discipline of medical practice generally, any more than bad English speakers or bad philosophers are an indictment on the English language and Philosophy as a whole.

>Damm that cop was a bad guy and abused his authority
>therefor, all cops are bad and evil and we need to disband all police departments nationwide and denounce all police everywhere as evil and quacks

That's literally your reasoning with that image right now.

Is this what the average level of discourse on this board has been reduced to? Anti-doctos and paranoid anti-semetics? I haven't been to a doctor in ten years and haven't had health insurance in 9. I maintain a healthy lifestyle as well, since i am aware that the best healthcare is preventative care, but even so, I can see the importance of doctors in our society very clearly.

>> No.14958073
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Oy vey

>> No.14958077

Extremely embaressing, shameful behaviour.

>> No.14958079
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Oy gevalt!

>> No.14958099
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>Computational physics by Giordano
skimming this
lel. i program shit like random walks for funsies. maybe i am a bit further along than i realize