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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 601x400, twins600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14957678 No.14957678 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14957683

Different hormone levels in the womb
Next question

>> No.14957684

Thy share the same womb environment
Try again

>> No.14957694

it's not genetic

>> No.14957701

One of them was molested as a child.

>> No.14957714

They share different positions and umbilical cords.

>> No.14957715

You can even see that the one in pink is the gay one
And it isnt the pink its the jaw and face shape

>> No.14957723

You sure it's the pink one? The yellow one takes better care of his eyebrows.

>> No.14957725

I have a feeling that's just a stock photo. The one in yellow definitely looks to have more testosterone, but I've seen plenty of masculine looking gay guys.

>> No.14957740

One went to church summer camp

>> No.14957741

This. I've never met anyone who was transgender or homosexual who was not sexualized as a child. This includes me and most of my friends.

>> No.14957815

This was well known to be the truth and accepted by medical science before "gay liberation." Now it's celebrated that 3/4ths of gay men will admit to being diddled as children.

>> No.14957828

The idea that children are not sexual beings is outdated and very obviously false from every single person's experience, if they're being honest. Infants masturbate for pleasure.
This doesn't justify adult-child sex, of course. Unwanted pain, fear, and powerlessness should never be part of sexual expression. Sexual denial and oppression are also destructive.

>> No.14957834

Pedophiles should be shot after a speedy jury trial under the law.

>> No.14957843

I agree, and never said anything to the contrary. I don't think adult-child sexual activity is necessary to produce homosexual and transgender people. Child-child sexual activity will likely suffice.

>> No.14957883

child abuse

>> No.14957891

>Why Do Some Identical Twins Have Different Sexual Orientations?

>> No.14958283

molestation or parasitic infection?

>> No.14958290

During childhood, one saw things on the internet that the other didn't.
Simple as.

>> No.14958326

>This. I've never met anyone who was transgender or homosexual who was not sexualized as a child. This includes me and most of my friends.
/pol/tard propaganda as always.

There are plenty of longitudinal studies on these finding anywhere from 0% to a whopping 2-3% increase in "incidence of non-heterosexual orientation". If you actually bother to read the studies - which asstarded /pol/ trolls never do - you'll find there's no increase in cohabitation. So a very minute, rare, situation of sex addiction stemming from abuse.

So no, you lying fuckwit, it has nothing to do with "being sexualized as a child".

>> No.14958333

I wasn't molested as a child yet I'm a tranny and a faggot
>I've never met anyone who was transgender or homosexual who was not sexualized as a child.
How many fags do you know, who are also openly telling you this? You're a liar.


>> No.14958390
File: 63 KB, 512x288, taste the rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undiscovered child molesters won't admit they were molested as children because they know it will out them as molesters. It's only after they get caught that they admit it. Someday you will get sloppy and get caught. Then you suddenly remember being a victim instead of seeing your molestation as natural.

>> No.14958397
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, schizoposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time facts get in the way there's always a conspiracy behind why you're wrong
Narcissistic personality disorder really sucks to have. It's also really effortless to mock.

>> No.14958507

>finding anywhere from 0% to a whopping 2-3% increase in "incidence of non-heterosexual orientation".
That's reasoning from "was molested" to "becomes gay", but the actual argument is from "is gay" to "was molested". We don't care about the numbers of molested people who don't become gay as long as a large part of the people who are gay turn out to have been molested.
Simple application of bayes' theorem but I can't be arsed.

>> No.14958522

Psychology studies are like a pick your adventure. You can find contradictory psychology studies easily. For example I could cute two psychology studies showing a dramatic increase in grooming and sexual deviancy in fags. But you don't care, because you didn't actually sample the literature. You just took two that agreed with you (since Jewgle gave you the results matching your query, i.e. a self fulfilling prophecy). You're not a scientist, and you need to stop overvaluing psychology studies (over half of which failed to replicate, mind you). Oh, what's that? You didn't even bother to check if your source study was replicated?

>> No.14958537

>You didn't even bother to check if your source study was replicated?
Literally linked two because the second one replicates the findings of the first one... and the first one is a replication of an earlier one as well.
What's that? You didn't fucking read anything?
>That's reasoning from "was molested" to "becomes gay", but the actual argument is from "is gay" to "was molested"
No it wasn't.
>One of them was molested as a child.
"Was molested" to "becomes gay". You /pol/tards suck at lying.

>> No.14958542

Anon... "similar articles" doesn't mean replication.

>> No.14958547

>Anon... "similar articles" doesn't mean replication.
...Using the same sample database as earlier studies and others existing doing the same with the same results. There are both replications from the same sample and replications from other samples.

Behold the best /pol/ is capable of. Making shit up with zero understanding.

>> No.14958551

>from the same sample
holy fucking shit you are terminally retarded. a follow-up on a longitudinal study isn't a replication you fucking moron, it's a continuation of the same research and prone to similar systematic errors as the earlier study. using the exact same data set isn't a replication in the scientific sense. if a general trend exists (or doesn't exist), you should be able to take a new sample and find the same trend (or no trend). that's what it means to replicate you fucking idiot. jesus christ i knew psychtards didn't understand fundamentals of the scientific method, but i had no idea the problem was this endemic.

>> No.14958557

>>>14958507 (You)
>>That's reasoning from "was molested" to "becomes gay", but the actual argument is from "is gay" to "was molested"
>No it wasn't.
>>One of them was molested as a child.
>"Was molested" to "becomes gay". You /pol/tards suck at lying.
But you were actually replying to this:
>I've never met anyone who was transgender or homosexual who was not sexualized as a child
I don't even have a strong opinion on how to become a faggot, just thought it could be worthwhile to point out an error in statistical reasoning.

>> No.14958561

American culture.
In short they have added another cage called gay to the other.
In reality sexuality is a lot more complex, but the current cultural climate forces people to choose explicitly if they are straight or gay and then go on pretending.
The twins probably are already some sort of bi, doesn't matter if they realize it or no.
It's the same reason why some people "discover" they are gay in their thirties.

>> No.14958566

>holy fucking shit you are terminally retarded. [...]if a general trend exists (or doesn't exist), you should be able to take a new sample and find the same trend (or no trend).
Which is what study #2 is. Christ you really are retarded.

>> No.14958568

>But you were actually replying to this:
Which was replying to what I quoted, making the same flawed inference.

>> No.14958572

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that is the case (it's actually not). The argument is moot. You've already argued that using the same sample is an example of replication, indicating you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. In short, you're an unreliable narrator, and even if what you say is true, what you say holds no weight.

>> No.14958579

>You've already argued that using the same sample is an example of replication
Um, no. That was you claiming I had. Now that you realize your mistake you're still trying to pin your fuckups onto me.

This is obvious by the fact I wouldn't have bothered linking two studies using separate datasets, and pointing that out, if I somehow didn't understand the point was to establish replication in the first place.

>> No.14958583

>There are both replications from the same sample . . .
>>You've already argued that using the same sample is an example of replication
>Um, no.
As I said. Unreliable narrator.

>> No.14958586

Then post one that contradicts his?

>> No.14958595

Alright then.

>> No.14958609

No, no I don't think I will.
Kek. Always love a good, unambiguous pwn

>> No.14958623

The man is so desperate he had to claim a statement saying "there are both kinds of studies" to mean "only one kind of thing is a replication". Obviously he's full of shit.

>> No.14958626

>Every anon who disagree with me is the same anon

>> No.14958630

You don't have to be the same anon to be the same retard.

>> No.14958631


>> No.14958642

You must be the same anon who doesn't understand sampling. No wonder you think multiple anons are the same person kek

>> No.14958846

Guess I'm the first then. Grew up in a happy home and turned out gay.
Married to my college boyfriend.

>> No.14958862

Or simply a liar. Degenerates aren't known for having high moral standards.

>> No.14958886

Schizo take your meds