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14947990 No.14947990 [Reply] [Original]

>women in STEM

>> No.14947994


>> No.14948026

Irrational and neverending

>> No.14948033

*cis women

>> No.14948040

Awkward but fun when u get to know them

>> No.14948047

I would rather they hire a bunch of dumb unqualified women rather than it just be a total sausage fest. At least I have the chance of actually meeting women with the former.
I don't care if it makes the company less efficient, I'm not the CEO that's literally not my problem. I just collect my wage and I go home.

>> No.14948051
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>trans women are women

>> No.14948054
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>I studied math all by myself

>> No.14948145

>I would rather they hire a bunch of dumb unqualified women rather than it just be a total sausage fest.
Holy fuck I'm glad someone else thinks this, I've worked and studied in sausage fest environments and it can be hellish especially if the guys are socially awkward like a lot of STEMfags are. Having cute girls to shoot the shit with even if you barely have anything in common makes things more bearable

>> No.14948225

>I don't care if it makes the company less efficient, I'm not the CEO that's literally not my problem. I just collect my wage and I go home.
Sounds like you won't be collecting a wage much longer with that attitude

>> No.14948227

>At least I have the chance of actually meeting women with the former.
Fucking touch grass idiot.

>> No.14948243

>normalfags not content with the joys of discovery and repetition
Here. This should be more your speed.

>> No.14948326
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>women in anything

>> No.14948339

>That pic
So she wants to be a house wife without kids then... Essentially useless

>> No.14948340

>So she wants to be a house wife without kids then...
Why is that bad?

>> No.14948343

>Why is that bad?
She won't have anyone to take care of her in her late years, moreover she is irresponsibly contributing to the demographic crisis.

>> No.14948347

>She won't have anyone to take care of her in her late years
I'll take care of her. A intelligent housewife who can not only take of my children and but also entertain me in a conversation sounds like a nice find.

>contributing to the demographic crisis
The only real demographic crisis going in, is caused by women entering the work force instead of having children.

>> No.14948353

>Being nothing more than a grazing animal is bad

>> No.14948355

Sounds like you're having a psychotic fit. Were you trying to communicate anything coherent?

>> No.14948356

useless eater, contributes nothing a maid couldn't do for cheaper

>> No.14948359

The sheer level of your mental illness...

>> No.14948361

>I don't care if it makes the company less efficient,
No shit

>> No.14948363

You exhibit, yes.
Provide value or fuck off.
World isn't peaches and roses, you not working is someone else working tiwce as much.

>> No.14948367

>Why is that bad?
Socially useless. Also bad for her in the long term, tho good in the short term.

>> No.14948373

>I'll take care of her
Good luck pal

>A intelligent housewife who can not only take of my children
You won't have children, that's the issue

>> No.14948379

This is what nonhuman corporate golems actually believe.

>> No.14948389

Perhaps you misread my original post...
The woman clearly just wants to read anything to her fancy with no responsibility at all. I understand she is a woman, but if she doesn't want to actually be productive the least she can do is rear children. However her goals seems to not even leave room for that. In fact, they're in direct opposition to it. So, quite literally she is useless. Sorry if the truth makes you angry

>> No.14948393

This is what lazy faggots with soft hands believe.

>> No.14948394

I don't know what your psychotic rambling is about. I'm just asking you why it's a problem if a woman doesn't have le heckin' career.

>> No.14948418

That's only ok if she has kids. It's preferable, in fact.

>> No.14948427

You can have both

>> No.14948428

>It's preferable
Then you agree with me. Good. Intelligent women should only be allowed to get an intellectually enriching but practically useless educations.

>> No.14948454

Americans are a bigger problem.
Imagine how much profit is lost when workers are forced to listen to nasally annoying american accents.

>> No.14948455

We need more women in STEM.
It's a virgin sausage fest here. And the big brain STEM genes need to spread for the sake of the world and humanity.

>> No.14948464

You are retarded

>> No.14948477

It’s interesting how women can read history and not realize it’s a nightmare. It’s almost like they don’t have real comprehension.

>> No.14948502

But you can work in STEM and be interested in Humanities too, she doesn't mention anything about actually doing work in that field

>> No.14948608

women in STEAM - you forgot the A which was added to make the percentage of women in STEM higher

>> No.14949423

just like your virginity

>> No.14949477

>i want to be an actor and be seen being an actor!

holy appearance vs reality distinction!

>> No.14949481

The difficulty of a class is inversely proportional to the number of white women enrolled in the course with the exception of biology related course work.

>> No.14949491
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also yes.

>> No.14949539

Help me /sci/ how do I get a cute mtf software engineer gf to talk about Haskell and Linux with?

>> No.14949559

Women in the workplace is a mistake.
Working in an all male group is the best thing ever. No drama, everyone is extremely efficient, we get work done and we go home.
After working in a field that was roughly 50:50 men:women to working in a research setting that has 2 girls on the entire floor I would rather babysit infants than go back to working closely with women.

>> No.14949576

it's pretty obvious you've never had sex

>> No.14949578

>I would rather they hire a bunch of dumb unqualified women rather than it just be a total sausage fest.
See, you're the problem. These fucking beta males in tech think that if they can just hire a bunch of women to be around them maybe they'll finally get laid (spoiler: you won't).

So you fucksticks ruin the workplace and ruin the job market because you want to use work for dating. Beta males should be rounded up and shot.

>> No.14949583

I guess they should all just wallow in their work and die sexless and alone then.
That's how a lot of people meet their partners. After high school (and university if you're social), you don't have a lot of chances to meet people anymore.

>> No.14949587

>I guess they should all just wallow in their work and die sexless and alone then.
No, they should just be rounded up and shot.

>> No.14949736

>I will heckin white knight on 4chan for a random whore in stem who doesn't know I exist while they get backdogged by chad.

god you're deplorable and insufferable waste of genetical liquids waste of oxygen.

>> No.14950002

its pretty obvious women have nothing to offer but this

>> No.14950048
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People like you are why HR is able to abuse everyone.

>> No.14950049


>> No.14950056

Kek how tf do you pick a girl up at a restaurant?

>> No.14950084

I met my spouse on here, but people do what they have to do. Finding a partner at work isn't the smartest thing to do because of the amount of disruption relationship problems can bring, and that's why HR policies are in place for a lot of employers.

>> No.14950468


>> No.14950851

I'm a woman actually and I'm a successful electrical engineer who works in power electronics.

It's hilarious to watch you seethe like the sexually frustrated incel you are. Your sudden rage upon reading someone's reminder that you're still a virgin is also a cry for help. Your misery is palpable and a clear signal you've never been intimate with a woman.

>> No.14950938

>I'm a woman actually
no you're not

>> No.14950973

> I want the aesthetic

Yep it's a women

>> No.14951589
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>> No.14951611

>le epic reddit comeback

>> No.14951713

But in all honesty I have nothing against women in STEM. It's just that they are grossly favored and given advantages at every turn between college admissions, scholarships, hiring, and internships as well as how they are actually treated on the job. Thus I despise them because they take so many opportunities away from men who work equally as hard if not more but will have a much harder time because of politics.

>> No.14951858

>Dumbasses thinking they'll get pussy just by virtue of being surrounded by women

That's not how it works, the chad in engineering just hooks up with the chicks outside of work

>> No.14952104

Are you here alone? Can I buy you some ravioli?

>> No.14952108

Even if I don't get laid they are still pleasant to be around. I get to smell their perfume and stare at their ass when they walk away. Their hair might accidentally brush my arm when they lean over my desk to point to something on my computer screen. I might see their belly when they reach for the top shelf for the extra coffee filters and their shirt rides up.
These are some perks.

>> No.14952112

holy shit that's sad, please tell me you're joking

>> No.14952113

Most of the women in STEM look like bridge trolls. I was onboard with your argument, but someone has to draw the lines of reality.

>> No.14952116

Nothin sad about popin wood

>> No.14952680

Grab her hair from behind and bend her over the table

>> No.14952736

>It's just that they are grossly favored and given advantages at every turn between college admissions, scholarships, hiring, and internships

lol this is so exaggerated. It sounds like you didn't get into the school you wanted to get into and you're blaming women lmao

>> No.14952794

If they’re such a normal fag, why are you in 4chan replying to them. You do essentially the same this as Jocko Willink but for STEM. kys fag

>> No.14952797

Thank god all you fags hate women or else my job would be even harder lmao.

>> No.14953396

I am looking around at job fairs and they clearly say they all wish to hire 50/50 for their engineers.
The gender ratio is something like 20/80. It really isn't exaggerated.
I am also Asian and we get cucked in college admissions.

>> No.14953428

You ever meet STEM girls atleast in typically male fields like electrical engineering? They are turbo autistic or have other issues like bi polar. Not for me bros. Something about autistic girls triggers my autism.

>> No.14954270

hey I like a cute autistic sperg

>> No.14954372

It's not exagerated at all, in academia or industry. The smart thing to do is to do what I did and find a smart wife so that whe she gets offers she can negotiates one for you too.

>> No.14954462

>if I hire a woman she’ll touch my pp
Fucking simp, get your T levels checked

>> No.14955250

Why would you want to put up with that?

>> No.14955381

very distracting and draining desu

>> No.14955403

I’m in second year mechanical engineering and the last couple of girls in my statics class are fucking cunts and bi polar as hell

>> No.14955418

In all organizations. And especially gov. These sneaker male fags have essentially institutionalized in-every-way-mid, angry women just for a chance at some some pusy crumbs. Utterly contemptible.

>> No.14955419

>I'm a woman
Stopped reading right there
You will never be a woman bro

>> No.14955423


>> No.14955448

After reading this thread, I honestly think /sci/ has the highest number of incels on this site.

Other boards post misogynistic shit too but they're usually joking about it. You guys sound like you genuinely hate women.

>> No.14955456

I hated women for long time because they ignored me. Now I do not mind them because I know it was lost fight since start and hate just causes me to be stuck in cycles. Accepting that I will die alone and childless was very hard.

>> No.14955465

I don't hate women. Hate is a strong word. I reserve my hate for beta males and communists. Women, I just find to be useless and annoying.

>> No.14955496

shut the fuck up, retard (now with sources!)

"In the most recent decades, 2000-19, we find consistent evidence that female scholars in all three fields are more likely to be inducted into the AAAS and NAS than male scholars with similar records. The magnitudes of the gender gaps in the 2010-2019 period are especially large and imply that women are 3 or more times more likely to be made members of the two academies than males,
holding constant research productivity"

stupid bitch!


>> No.14955510
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>Anon in a woman
Are frog-posters furries?
How come now one told me that's what's going on?

>> No.14955609

why shouldnt I hate women when none of them wants to date me?

>> No.14955646
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Just read a history book written by a feminist who will gloss over everything bad and just emphasize the great accomplishments of women throughout the ages that have been downplayed by the evil patriarchy.
History is just mythology anyway and 90% of it is made up bullshit.