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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 83 KB, 582x549, A+mcrevelation_bff263_9978633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14942332 No.14942332 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain how in 2022 these places aren't entirely automated?

A highschooler could write the code and build the arms in a week or two...

These guys post profits in the 10s of billions annually.

Literally no part of the food preparation can't be entirely automated, 10x fasters, run at the cost of electricity...


what is the possible explanation for employing human beings to do this for 10h a day...

>> No.14942341

A few reasons. First, cleaning and maintenance are *alot* of work that cant be automated easily. If you've never worked in fast food before, you probably don't have an understanding for the sheer volume of grease produced in a single day of operation. Also, actually overhauling and switching to an automated system has an enormous startup cost along with a high risk, since it hasn't been done before.

>> No.14942349

>enormous startup cost
>14bn profit last year

it's an automated system, it can just power wash itself

the grease can just be filtered through pipes and pumped into mexico or the ground

literally a 12 year old can design the system in a week and for a few hundred bucks then they can roll it out to thousands of locations and save billions on their hr costs.

>> No.14942380

I'm sure you know more about how economical it is than all of the accountants at every multi billion dollar restaurant chain.

>> No.14942410
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The accountants are 50 years old and grew up without the internet and AI meant pong

Again, 300 dollars and a random 12 year old with at least a B grade in math could design and build the entire system in a week.

>> No.14942420

It is not actually possible to do what you're asking at cost effective rate.
The greatest engineers can't do what you're asking let alone a high school kid.

>> No.14942433

If you think $14b is a lot of money in the context of researching, developing, purchasing and installing automation equipment, you're clearly out of touch or financially illiterate (which is totally fine - the overwhelming majority of people are). They've already automated much of the "front of house" side anyways - fast food will take the cheapest operational route, every time, without fail.

>> No.14942438

>how in 2022 these places aren't entirely automated?
>These guys post profits in the 10s of billions annually.
There you go. If it's not broken, don't fix it.

>> No.14942443

Just because something is possible doesn't mean its practical. You can automate a lot of fast food industry, but in most cases you're not getting much benefit out of it.

>> No.14942458

>A highschooler could write the code and build the arms in a week or two...
really? i'm pretty sure you're retarded for using "coding" and "writing code" instead of "algorithm" or even "program"

but either way, if it's so eas, please give me an algorithm for making a sandwich. Don't forget the fact that you need to specifiy how each crank in the arm will move, how will it know where is it located, what difficulties can happen and how to identify those, how will the arm move, etc

>> No.14942460

poor tranny..

>> No.14942461

>The accountants are 50 years old and grew up without the internet and AI meant pong
just for curiosity sake, have you ever had any business in your life? or is everything you know from internet videos?

>> No.14942465

wouldn't need an arm for a sandwich

bread slice slides down conveyor onto plate,
ingredients pushed onto conveyor
spreader presses toppings evenly
top bread slides down


They automate the ones in stores in packets too

>> No.14942468
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>a high schooler could write the code
Try coding a STM32 to just output accelerometer readings and see if you still think a high schooler could do it. Something like manipulating objects in 3D space in arbitrary ways costs tens of millions and teams of engineers to do.

>> No.14942496

>bread slice slides down conveyor onto plate
Where is the bread slice coming from dumbass? When is it sliced? What is slicing it? Describe every cog in the machine that slices the thing and and the conveyor. Account for any special cases that might happen like on bread pilling up on each other, a strong wind pushing breads away, an electricity shut down, a raging nigger hitting the machine, etc.

>ingredients pushed onto conveyor
>spreader presses toppings evenly
>top bread slides down
You haven't "done" anything, you are not God to say shit like "let there be light" and the shit just happens in an instant. You have to describe all the details of each part in terms of mechanical systems, you haven't even described the potential problems in the operation, not even entering the cost of the whole thing.

I doubt you even have "coded" anything in your life since this is usually taught in the first class of any programming course, let alone engineering course

In shirt, go back to >>>/g/

>> No.14942501
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>meat gets cooked with heat
wow, this changes everything

>> No.14942502

other than it being a castellated meat puck I don't see what's so wrong here

>> No.14942506

You can already buy unhealthy superprocessed stuff that comes in a plastic wrapping in a supermarket. People do go to these places because it's a cheap and fast restaurant.

>> No.14942510

literally 20 years ago....

They have made hundreds of billions over this period but are still using white and mexican 80iqs and paying them huge sums of money

>> No.14942518

That "sandwich" looks nothing like one you would get in a fast food chain, moreover, notice the labcoats. They are in a lab, not in a commercial setting where reality usually tears down scientists pet projects.

>> No.14942522

It seems machines can't handle a different type of bread as I imagined

Same company, still lneed workers handling it despite "automation"

>> No.14942527

>a highschooler could write the code and build the arms in a week or two
Not even kind of correct. Robotics is hard. Robots are expensive. They aren't set and forget.

>> No.14942534

so... is McRib back or not?

>> No.14942539

>wouldn't need an arm for a sandwich
>A highschooler could write the code and build the arms in a week or two...

You can't even maintain a coherent line of thought in the same thread OP

>> No.14942597

they're working on it

>> No.14942652

would it be better to have an AI restaurant or a whites only restaurant?

>> No.14942720

Those kitchens prepare many different dishes, the labor is also bottom of the barrel cheap.
You can design automated food machines in a factory setting, like for making frozen food.
Further, machines break down and what happens if theres some mixup of cleaning chemicals and the food? Big lawsuit

>> No.14942774

>be twitterfag
>see sometime shit in a bucket
>they throw the shit in a Mc rib mould and fry it
>can't come up with anything other than a generic snarkly comment

>> No.14942796

they need those jobs to keep niggers off the streets

>> No.14942803

You are a fucking troll.

>> No.14942843

it's not OP's fault, their brain has rotted from video games that make them thing that the real world works like redstone or roblox. that there's some ability to call some kind of "robotArm.moveTo(x1,y1,z1).grab().moveTo(x2,y2,z2).release()" that will work perfectly and sense problems and recover from them and shit.
i encourage everyone who thinks it would be easy to automate fast food to buy a barebones 3d printer and calibrate it to be dimensionally accurate, so it prints a 1x1x1 inch cube when instructed to. it's not hard, but you will discover there are many more intricacies to it than "printer.printCube(1,1,1)". good luck leveling the bed, adjusting feed rates, adjusting steps per move, adjusting temperatures, etc. i think most anyone who thinks they could just whip up a robotic arm fast food restaurant would be suicidal after an hour of it.

>> No.14942857

real life is not your minecraft redstone factory. you can build shit in your factorio world or your minecraft farm or whatever because you're given parts in an unrealistically perfect world that each generate no error and simultaneously tolerate massive error. when an object is supposed to be taken from a conveyor to another conveyor, the game engine will move it between them perfectly. the sponginess of the bread will not vary, there will be no risk of it bouncing sideways during a transfer, which jams the rest of the machine.
>spreader presses toppings evenly
even this step is wildly more difficult than it sounds. where does it press? what is the spreader shaped like? does it get cleaned between uses? how? how does it determine if the toppings are distributed evenly? are they placed uniformly so this can be done? if so, how are the ingredient-conveyors distributing them uniformly every single time? how do they tolerate differences in ingredient sizes like different sized slices of tomatoes or onions? does the slicer cut them perfectly uniform? is there a slicer? how does it accommodate onions of different sizes? does it throw away 90% of the input onions to prefer onions of a perfect size, then throw away 90% of those to prefer onion slices of an ideal geometry to be fed to the conveyors to be placed on the sandwich so the spreader can press them evenly?

>> No.14942864

theres no redstone on roblox

>> No.14942874

It is a lot of money... for people who know how to research, develop, and purchase equipment intelligently and efficiently instead of acting idiotically, like Facebook spending 1.2+ billion dollars on the joke that is the "metaverse".

>> No.14942886

>goyslop is goyslop
scientifically speaking why do people ignore how bad goyslop is for them?

>> No.14942891

The two biggest reasons are ignorance and apathy. Either people are oblivious to the negative effects of such foods or don't care that they're destroying themselves with them.

>> No.14942894

>their brain

>> No.14942895

I like how the chud is short
Manlet rage really sells the bit

>> No.14942912

You do realise this is machine is a marvel
of engineering that is very pricing and requires a non negligible amount of staff to run it, maintain it and clean it. It is only cost efficient because it produces massive volume of food way over what a single restaurant could sell.

>> No.14942924

You DO realize how TV dinners are made, yes? Seriously, people go to fast food restaurants to have other people make food for them. If people were willing to pay for robots to prepare their food they wouldn't go out to eat.

Dear lord you people don't think before you post.

>> No.14942930

people at mc dicks aren't "making" the food for someone... they are following a robotic process... there would be no difference in an automated burger and bun etc

>> No.14942947

>redstone or roblox
there's no reading comprehension in your brain

>> No.14942959

People are still paying for that process whether you agree with their decision or not. If people wanted completely machine made food it's readily available to them. They are paying specifically for fast food put together by a human worker.

Seriously, use your goddamn brain

>> No.14942971
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>If people wanted completely machine made food it's readily available to them

No it isn't....

The machine to make a burger would cost $800 or so,

the current mc dicksuck employee is making 20-30k a year and the employer is paying close to 50k with taxes, bennies, gibs, insurance, additional staff, managers etc

The machine can make a burger for electricity and raw materials and 24h a day etc

People cannot buy 10-50 cent burgers from a drive through machine made.

you're talking about some kind of preserved precooked burger shit you need to microwave

I'm talking about the end product being identical to the human made one at 1% the cost to the consumer and still netting the owner a massive profit.

>put together by a human worker

they absolutely don't give a shit that a human is doing the end stage of anything
the human doesn't start the fire or make the electricity, they don't make the preprepped materials etc
literally precut chips by a machine are poured into a deep fryer, submerged, then withdrawn when a timer goes off, no one would give a shit if the chips fell into the fryer by an AI then were taken out by an AI then put into the paper the mexican puts on your tray.

>> No.14943037

Robotic arm prices have to come down and there is also store footprint as a very large expense, pretty much keep the laboring beast going until there is no other option. Have you ever seen a Krispy Kreme factory? Whole lot of shit just to poop out donuts.

If vertical construction costs went down, then it would also be viable.

>> No.14943052

How does your robot pick items out of a freezer and walk it back over to active bins? Wheels, trays, conveyors, motors. How much bigger will the freezer have to be?
Mcdonalds has a bunch of stuff 80s automated, the grills, the fryers, microwaves, drinks, etc. The last few percent involves gutting the food service model and replacing it with a vending machine.

>> No.14943099

I can't believe you people are giving this "I can totally improve goyslop&co margins with this one simple automation trick" faggot so much time

>> No.14943105
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People enjoy interacting with other people. We live in a society that functions on interactions with one another.

>> No.14943110

Touch grass.

>> No.14943123

It just doesnt work, it might some day

>> No.14944372

What's closer to being realistic?

A. McDonald's fully automated. Vending machine style. Food is prepared and cooked by machines.

B. Humanoid robots (say, Atlas) complete work using current machines already present.

>> No.14944453

>1920s: Robots will do boring and dangerous jobs so we can all devote ourselves to be artists and shit
>2020: Art gets automated

>> No.14944462

Yeah, pop-sois really have gone insane since the 1920s. Imagine believing art is automated now.

>> No.14944475

Its basically 99.9% automated at this point, in the sense that one artist now can do the work that would require 1000 artists just a few years ago.

>> No.14944477


>> No.14944483

You have to go back

>> No.14944485

I'm sorry if you thought this was the corporate popsci propaganda regurgitation board.

>> No.14944490

Oh sweety

>> No.14944516

>watch video
>nothing weird happens
>mc donalds NEVER gave me the cramps and number 2 emergencies that i randomly get from no name restaurants/bakeries

the only benefit i can think of is that human workers allow you to change the procedures, recipes, everything, on the fly.

>> No.14944709
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Fabulously explained, have a gold star.

>> No.14944711

Before they try automating everything else they should fix the ice cream machines.

>> No.14944735
File: 294 KB, 2048x2048, safety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we still need one-click deploy to finally rid ourselves of min wage workers, but that will only produce min wage SAVAGES roaming the streets of sweden and northern canada and central australia in gangs of young angry men looting and pillaging what they please. just focus on yourself king

>> No.14944964

>leveling the bed
bed.level() # sets bed's 4 corners to heights where the levels is 0
>adjusting feed rates
>adjusting steps per move
This is built into the actuator drivers
>Adjusting temperatures

Let me know of you have any real problems

>> No.14944994
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>> No.14945003

You should not have posted this. You know how many PLMlets are on suicide watch now?

>> No.14945016


>> No.14945613

>Again, 300 dollars and a random 12 year old with at least a B grade in math could design and build the entire system in a week.
So why haven't you done it yet and become a millionaire, are you more retarded than a 12 year old with a B grade in math?

>> No.14945653

Fucking based

>> No.14945676

>what happens if theres some mixup of cleaning chemicals and the food?
They realize that dawn dish soap and generic floor cleaner cook chicken nuggets better while leaving a pleasant smell plus after taste.

>> No.14945912

OP is an underag retard

>> No.14945941

If you're so passionate about this OP, get a kitchen, and start building machines to cook for you. Open a restaurant and patent your technology. Take on the big guys and become the next Mcdonald's.

>> No.14945948

LMAO at the bluchecker in the comments saying the backlash to the video is antisemitic.

>> No.14945949

My favorite part of this video is the Stacy laughing her ass off.

>> No.14945953

>run at the cost of electricity

Excluding cost of human supervisors, security for expensive machinery, maintenance specialists, education for said specialists, infrastructure to install them nationwide, lawyers for the occasion when one of the robots rips a customer's finger off...

>> No.14946115

It's easier and more efficient to train monkeys... for now. The actual automation will begin server side - that is, at the checkout, where the customer chooses their meal. The customers choice will soon be automated based on a preference algorithm. It will then be feasible to use automation - the dynamism that requires at least a shred of creativity will be elimitated - McDonalds (or whatever GS chain) will already have assembled the burger perhaps even days before the person goes to order it. Restraunts will close and giant warehouse diners will open, where the drive through is a drive in, and where your car slides into a carpark with a little box, like in a drive in theatre, but instead of a speaker it's a fan blowing the grease stench straight from the processing station.

>> No.14946138

>muh processed food!
ground beef, cooked on a flat top, with a bit of vegetable oil.
some vegetables and leafs that come from the same farm your local grocer uses.
condiments that are identical to the ones in your fridge.
bread with some added sugar (not great, but again, nothing out of the ordinary.
some potatoes fried in vegetable oil. (too much starch and veggie oil is definitely not ideal, but again, not really bad, just kind of useless.)
16 ounces of carbonated sugar water. this is the only really unhealthy part, but you can easily just ask for a water instead.
the idea that fast food is SO BAD FOR YOU! is a cope for people who don't want to exercise and/or have bad genetics. fast food is not great, but other than the super-soda it's just mid quality, non-varied food.
if you are fat, you don't exercise enough and eat too much. if you are unhealthy, you have shitty genetics or you do drugs.

>> No.14946141
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Pic related: (You).

>> No.14946157

Fast food killed the Automat, food service was largely automated in 1922, but people don't want automatic machines giving them food in a place that isn't protected by people, they want to be served by other people in a place that is secured from bad people by decent people.

>> No.14946168

>with a bit of vegetable oil.
That "vegetable" oil is garbage bro, it's usually from soi or rape seed, the latter being toxic to anything with a heart so they had to modify it to CAN.O.LA

>> No.14946169

>condiments that are identical to the ones in your fridge
Who said I have them? Are you a fattass trying to justify your shitty eating habits piggy?

>> No.14946172

>the idea that fast food is SO BAD FOR YOU! is a cope for people who don't want to exercise and/or have bad genetics
Ok buddy, I will continue with my "cope" until the day I die and you live with your "not cope". Let's see who fares better.

>> No.14946191

>Are you a fattass
no, because I don't drunk sugary drinks, I eat appropriate portions, and I exercise often.

>> No.14946574

food automation is inevitable and is already happening in some niche contexts, mostly as a gimmick right now
you'll see it slowly creep into fast food, one job at a time, and the store slowly transition to be more automation focused.
a fully automated mcdonalds could probably exist in ten years but it'd be more of a "look at what we can do!" investor signal. Most of them will be automated by the 20 year mark though

>> No.14946585

>some vegetables and leafs that come from the same farm your local grocer uses.
they have no clue about this. they will use the wrong kind of potatoes for their fries, the wrong methods, and then claim that the difference in taste comes from chemicals, and that their badly made soggy fries are more "healthy"

>> No.14946597

Eat your McSlop, goy.

>> No.14946601

i have a strong visceral reaction to white women doing that fake teehee cover mouth laugh, i wish they would be shot

>> No.14946729

enjoy your pagpag, nigger

>> No.14946732

Niggers unironically eat the same McTrash you eat.

>> No.14946811

I dont believe in this argument just because its from 1920's. You cant just say "oh someone tried once 100 years ago and it didnt work so nobody can try ever again".
I dont believe people that go to eat fast food want the human touch of restaurant workers. People go with their families and friends, and that is the human touch, nobody cares about fry cooks.
That being said, the technology to fully automate fast food doesnt exist. Sure you can just have vending machines but these wont cook the food so it wont be fresh, thats much worse than the alleged human touch

>> No.14946842

>Can anyone explain how in 2022 these places aren't entirely automated?
Way too expensive. Too much different tasks and products, to much cleaning, non constant pre-products, refill problems, transport problems, storage problems, garbage problems, maintenance problems ... .

>t. automation engineer who work for an automated food shop that only paid off because crazy shop opening times then

>> No.14946875

It honestly sounds lik your psyche is just crumbling over finding out that your vile corporate goyslop is actually as bad as people say it is. I don't know what imaginary boogeymen you're lashing out against or why.

>> No.14946900

And machines aren't smart thus they wouldn't know if something is going wrong (a fly could be walking on the burgers)
That knowledge will belong to biologists and chemists because you need the ....... content to create delicious slop

>> No.14946942
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> didnt read

>> No.14946965

In Scandanavian countries there are many automated restaurants.

In most other cultures people want service staff to look down on, that is the only reason waiters still exist.

>> No.14946974

>that is the only reason waiters still exist.
There are no waiters at fast food restaurants

>> No.14946988

well, that's sort of the skeleton of an idea of an algorithm, good job anon

>> No.14947007
File: 48 KB, 620x701, 20750C2B-2D83-4809-9C47-DF1327636900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real life is not your minecraft redstone factory. you can build shit in your factorio world or your minecraft farm or whatever because you're given parts in an unrealistically perfect world that each generate no error and simultaneously tolerate massive error. when an object is supposed to be taken from a conveyor to another conveyor, the game engine will move it between them perfectly. the sponginess of the bread will not vary, there will be no risk of it bouncing sideways during a transfer, which jams the rest of the machine.
>>spreader presses toppings evenly
>even this step is wildly more difficult than it sounds. where does it press? what is the spreader shaped like? does it get cleaned between uses? how? how does it determine if the toppings are distributed evenly? are they placed uniformly so this can be done? if so, how are the ingredient-conveyors distributing them uniformly every single time? how do they tolerate differences in ingredient sizes like different sized slices of tomatoes or onions? does the slicer cut them perfectly uniform? is there a slicer? how does it accommodate onions of different sizes? does it throw away 90% of the input onions to prefer onions of a perfect size, then throw away 90% of those to prefer onion slices of an ideal geometry to be fed to the conveyors to be placed on the sandwich so the spreader can press them evenly?

>> No.14947009

kek, always good to see justice served, good lad

>> No.14947022

since nobody here that ive seen has answered it legitimately, there is a simple yet annoying reason: worker revolt. historically when someone made a invention that put people out of work they were either witchhunted or there was some regulation put in place to preserve the current workforce. its not that companies don't want to or can't, its that they either aren't allowed to or would suffer from ri- peaceful protesters destroying all their locations. humans are scary. but mostly stupid.

>> No.14947065

>that webm
Beautiful reminder that we settled the New World and robbed the land of is ancestral people so that we could produce in safety generations of people that just can't help getting more degenerate with each one, due to a lack of actual issues that aren't actually caused from within.

>> No.14947078

Define "realistic". If we ignore financial aspects, then A would lead to an absolute transformation of your brand/product that is very much non-interchangeable and non-equivalent to the current McGoyslop fast food restaurant offering. It might not be desirable to only degenerate to a walk-in kiosk business model on various grounds besides the profit calculus (e.g. the remaining but little prestige associated with a restaurant gets lost, which in turn might give the impression it is not worth the prices, etc.).
Option B would fully preserve it. If that is deemed vital then great

>> No.14947084

sounds like you just need to throw more machine learning onto it mate

>> No.14947175

>Again, 300 dollars and a random 12 year old with at least a B grade in math could design and build the entire system in a week.
You sound like an unberageb& who watched a few Youtube videos and now thinks he knows the answer to every problem in the world.
Like >>14945613 said, if you think you know more than the entirety of these companies why don't you actually do it?

>> No.14947269

A lot of restaurants have already implicitly phased out human order takers in favor of those digital kiosks, I know McDonalds and Taco Bell are almost entirely serving through kiosks at this point.

Completely replacing workers is relatively difficult at this point because food is just so diverse a product. You have hamburgers, chicken tenders, etc. All of which is prepared differently. Maybe in 10 years fast food joints will move to full automation, but not now.

>> No.14947274

mcdonalds should just make vending machines

>> No.14947276

>Hot food getting put directly into old ass plastic containers
Fast food is a scourge on the Earth with how many people it's dosed with microplastics. At least when you buy from the store they use a newly manufactured plastic container and let the food cool off first. Only takes like a month before it'll start throwing off microplastics and supermarket food is sold before then.

>> No.14947286
File: 152 KB, 1048x1584, A9D2E14C-3B69-4CF4-84F5-E6393F3A3044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fast food is a scourge on the Earth with how many people it's dosed with microplastics. At least when you buy from the store they use a newly manufactured plastic container and let the food cool off first. Only takes like a month before it'll start throwing off microplastics and supermarket food is sold before then

>> No.14947292

Kek, can't handle the truth goyslop addict? You deserve every pthalate and microplastic leeched into your bloodstream you sack of shit.

>> No.14947297
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>Kek, can't handle the truth goyslop addict? You deserve every pthalate and microplastic leeched into your bloodstream you sack of shit.

>> No.14947617

I don't give a fuck about microplastics or whatever. If it's edible and cheap it's fine

>> No.14947631

you are not only an imbecile who can't read, you're also a retard that can't imagine how you could just program redstone into roblox, the game known for being a platform for creativity.

>> No.14947662

Chad rage makes Stacy wet but she covers her mouth so she can still virtue signal compassion for weak faggots

>> No.14947663

I don't like the pink slime meat or the sauce but the only part that truely angers me is there is no attempt to shake some of the sauce off when it comes out of the bath.

>> No.14947701

There are some companies already planning to have the switch done by 2025`ish. No matter what the cost, it will always be better than the liability of having humans work for you and your unwillingness to pay them a fair wage, or be liable for their stupid shit (injuries, sickness, attitude, etc.)

>> No.14947708

>pink slime

>> No.14947713

What will they do with all the useless eaters who are suddenly out of work? Are they supposed to be dead from the jabs by then or what?

>> No.14947754

So this is what goes on inside a brainlets mind. Fascinating.

>> No.14947763
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>> No.14947780

the government will find them another modern slave job

>> No.14948220
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>There are some companies already planning to have the switch done by 2025`ish
Man plans, god laughs
>no matter the cost
Said no corporate executive ever

>> No.14948544

stop posting, idiot
learn a little well-deserved self doubt

>> No.14948732

NTA but fucking hell, dipshit.
lab coats are not reserved for nor restricted to scientists.
I work in a pharma plant and everyone that enters the plant wears a lab coat unless they are maintenance who for wear a shirt/pants uniform instead.
But to the counter point of the video, the asswipe can't recognize the level of complexity actually being shown.

>> No.14948758


>> No.14948883
File: 31 KB, 608x472, burger-factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey retard. Here's a prototype for an automated burger factory. It uses 4 input trucks for buns, meat, cheese and ketschup. I could make it in under one hour.

>> No.14948887

the goyslop perfected

>> No.14948895
File: 14 KB, 464x401, 32434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ will argue with this poster ad nauseam even though he's either literally or mentally 7

>> No.14948896

Do you honestly think food in your grocery freezer are made by people? 98% of that process is entirely machine.

Again, machine made food is readily available. People go to fast food because they want food made by other humans.

>> No.14948900
File: 23 KB, 608x456, 42132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People go to fast food because they want food made by other humans.
I refuse to accept that you ACTUALLY believe this.

>> No.14948982

>People go to fast food because they want food made by other humans.
No, they go to "fast food" because they don't want to do the food prep themselves.
Also, economy of size.

>> No.14948987

people go to fast-food because it's a food porn

>> No.14949007

Food factories still have workers and a restaurant is not a food factory. People dont want to go to a restaurant to eat microwaved frozen food from a factory.

>> No.14949020
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1640126848523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its the episode when anon realizes 4chan is mostly accessed by 12-16 year olds pretending to be edgy

>> No.14949038
File: 364 KB, 2688x2016, McCube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. But you are thinking about the properties of a robot arm, but what if you could simplify production by squaring the product itself!
Gentlemen. I give you, The McCube!

>> No.14949040
File: 2.16 MB, 640x360, 8f03f910fff0f6ca36a58f81ccb03e31_1c5a55b0_640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14949046
File: 491 KB, 626x822, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fucking menace to society and should be put down.

>> No.14949052

"The mathematician shall build a fence around himself and declare the outside surrounded."

>> No.14949060
File: 287 KB, 992x1390, L(M)AO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are now reaching levels of based that once I thought should not be possible.

>> No.14949071
File: 74 KB, 716x710, 60b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Demiurge wrote this. I am convinced. The fucking Demiurge made this post.

>> No.14949091
File: 3.18 MB, 640x420, 85328348371583_3834543_39582768234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mind right now.

>> No.14949112

>it's the episode where [reddit handle] projects

>> No.14949313

Yes that is proper English. It is his brain, that individual owns that brain, therefore to say "their brain" works just as would they used THEIR hands to chock anon out for being a dumb faggot"

>> No.14949316

>Do you really think that frozen food is made by people.
Yes, in some capacity humans are necessary. Namely to clean components and manage the machines since machines are retarded autists who are prone to fucking up if the setting isn't perfect in every single way.

>> No.14949698

I think you are really underestimating how hard it would be to automate.

Think about your printer. That is an automated machine. They are annoying to use and set up.They always have weird and opaque issues that are hard to figure out. There is no screen or real error reporting. Mechanical stuff can fail.

And a consumer printer is so much simpler than an entire McDonald's store.

You think a building sized robot is simpler but actually hiring someone to manage a bunch of low skilled labor is easier.

>> No.14949913
File: 827 KB, 2880x1914, creator-device-robot-burger-e1530192680644.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be done, so eventually it will be done.


>> No.14949916

>Into mexico
Absolute bottom idiot post over here.

>> No.14949921

Slop can only be forged in the dark cauldrons of a McWageSlop crafted by fleshy slop globin brood.

>> No.14950712

>any one of those ingredients feed incorrectly
>entire assembly line fucked, need a human to come reset it
huh, it's almost like people are just more adaptable than machines

>> No.14950831

If a 12 year old can do it, why don't you?

>> No.14952264

name one bad thing about rape

>> No.14952272

Good work! I especially like the fins and racing stripe

>> No.14952276

>It is his brain, that individual owns that brain, therefore to say "their brain" works just as would they used THEIR hands to chock anon out for being a dumb faggot"
t. proper English knower

>> No.14953073

that bitch know sumo, oh my god

>> No.14953535

/uh huh and tell me how liability works when something automated fucks something up, like giving someone coffee that's too hot or putting a bunch of splinters from broken equipment in food.
Is it the chain? The coder? The assembler? The maintenance team?

We use humans not only because humans are more flexible but it's easier to assign blame to when something goes wrong. Similar reason why self driving cars are such a legal hurdle.

>> No.14953555
File: 75 KB, 670x788, 1667266677045752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I stupid or something? How is any of this uniquely bad? The only thing that seems gross to me is the fact the meat is marinated in a plastic container that is heated. But then again so much of our food comes into contact with warm plastic so it seems weird to me to single out the mcrib when all of our food practically is cooked in and around plastic

>> No.14953568

they kinda are you have to order on kiosks now, it will eventaully be automated

>> No.14953597

They have tried to bring back automats repeatedly and found that people don't want to be served by machines if they can go next door and be served by people. Many people won't even use the self check out lane and prefer to have a human cashier and human bagger do the work.

>> No.14953603

Honestly it would be way more efficient to go the WALL-E route and just blend the hamburger ingredients and condition people to accept it than to try to force a square peg into a round hole having a machine make burgers.

>> No.14953663

Shit is edible and cheap, so why don't you just eat poopies, you can start with your own and work your way around the block, maybe hang out at dog parks and offer to pick up after people's pets?

>> No.14953667

When McDonald's serves someone coffee that is too hot, do they sue the chain, the manufacturer of the machine that boiled the water, the wage worker, the machine technician, etc?
They sue everyone they can possibly squeeze some money out of because you can try to sue anyone for liability and its up to a random jury to decide and its not always consistent who takes the blame, if anyone.

>> No.14956082

The McRib is back?

>> No.14956114

From the photos I've seen, the new automats were targeted at urban hipsters, which is a bad demographic given their tendencies towards oversocialization. In Asia, vending machine culture has evolved into self-service stores and meal prep machines so it can work for the right target.