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14885890 No.14885890 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this keep on happening? Why are scientists so disloyal, greedy and selfish? Where do scientists get their outsized senses of entitlement from?
>The Army’s first openly transgender officer was indicted for spying
The Army’s first openly transgender officer was indicted Thursday on charges of trying to provide American soldiers’ medical information to the Russian government.

A federal grand jury in Baltimore indicted Jamie Lee Henry and his wife, Anna Gabrielian, on charges of conspiracy and wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information. According to prosecutors, the couple met last month with an undercover FBI agent posing as a Russian diplomat and offered medical information from Fort Bragg, the home of the Delta Force.

Gabrielian, an anesthesiologist at Johns Hopkins University, told the undercover agent during an Aug. 17 meeting that "she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail," according to the indictment. Gabrielian gave the undercover agent medical information on a spouse of someone who works in the Office of Naval Intelligence, and "highlighted" a medical issue that "Russia could exploit."

Henry, a doctor at Fort Bragg, gave the undercover agent information on five patients at the military facility, according to the indictment.

Henry has been praised as a pioneer of the transgender movement after coming out as transgender in an interview with BuzzFeed News in 2015. Henry claimed to be the first known active-duty Army officer to come out as transgender, and the first to legally change their name while in service.

Henry told BuzzFeed his experience transitioning helped him in the medical field

>> No.14886014

Trannies are janissaries for whatever status quo will pay them the most. As non-reproductive people, they have no loyalty to their home or progeny.

>> No.14886046

>army doctor

Anyway most people do it for financial reasons. Russians probably paid them well

>> No.14886051

That or they hate the GAE and its imperialism and want to help its enemies.

>> No.14886071

The wife (the one biologically female) is a Russian speaker and said it was her patriotic duty to help Russia, even if it meant going to prison. I haven't found anything that says she is Russian or from a Russian family, but Russian isn't a language that's common to learn in the US unless there's a family connection or you have business dealings there. The tranny got pressured into helping and it might have been why the Russian speaking wife married him in the first place, knowing the mentally ill are susceptible to manipulation.

>> No.14886079

Trannies are mentally ill, and can't be relied on. People used to understand this and kept them away from important matters, but our society has gone mad and now puts these people into positions where they can do a lot of damage.

>> No.14886080

>haven't found anything that says she is Russian or from a Russian family, but Russian isn't a language that's common to learn in the US unless there's a family connection or you have business dealings there.
Pretty sure the feds pay a lot of people to learn it. Or used to at least.

>> No.14886097

I'm happy to let ZOG self-destruct by putting them in charge of everything. It's better for everyone if the leaders of the occupation are incompetent and insane.

>> No.14886098

They might hate or not, or love russia, but financial compensation no one would do anything

>> No.14886368

Reminds me of the Russian spy ring bust in 2010. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegals_Program

>> No.14886560
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What about the millions of foreign infiltrators we literally pay to handle our citizens' private data and national security?

>> No.14886568

They support ZOG and the GAE so they're allowed.

>> No.14886570
File: 3.76 MB, 4111x2933, MarketingEmergencyPowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's better for everyone if the leaders of the occupation are incompetent and insane.
I guess that's true if you're some 3rd world infiltrator or a domestic traitor; but overall, it's actually not working out so great for most people.

>> No.14886571

>They support ZOG and the GAE so they're allowed.
Oh ok, so basically once we get rid of trannies, all of **our** problems will be solved?

>> No.14886644

Spies, analysists, and people in the State Department, though if she was one of them, you have to wonder why simply learning Russian would make her loyal to Russia.

>> No.14886646

You really think most people here can't quickly identify a false dichotomy?

>> No.14886661

Trannies are just janissaries for the people in power. You have to get rid of the Sultan and his advisors to solve the issue, not solely the soldiers he employs.