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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14884195 No.14884195 [Reply] [Original]

Science is so freaking cool.

>> No.14884196


>> No.14884207 [DELETED] 

Then why does it make stupidly wrong predictions?

>> No.14884224

>Then why does it make stupidly wrong predictions
It's about the journey not the destination, and the friends we make along the way

>> No.14884279 [DELETED] 

Science is about modeling and predicting reality. The scientific method is about rejecting theory which makes bad predictions.

Science makes stupidly wrong predictions because the theory is wrong.

Desperately protecting wrong theory from being exposed as wrong, is psychotic.

There is no science anymore. There is only psychotic.

>> No.14884297

Exactly. Science told me I can spin a ball faster than a Ducati engine.

>> No.14884305

/sci/ is the only board I use aside from /v/, but I only come here to respond to threads with vaguely correct sounding bullshit in the hopes that people will parrot my garbage.

Feels good man.

>> No.14884318 [DELETED] 

Since you cannot, science is wrong and the theory must be rejected because that is the only reasonable response.

Trolling to prevent the truth being exposed is not reasonable.

>> No.14884321 [DELETED] 

So your trolling is justified because it is your intent to behave unreasonably?

>> No.14884364

An object in motion stays in motion unless forced otherwise

>> No.14884365

the true socratic method

>> No.14884367


>> No.14884373 [DELETED] 

Yes, so in the equation L = r x p, when r changes, p remains constant in magnitude and L must change.

Thank you for your agreement.

>> No.14884374 [DELETED] 

True trolling method.

Stop trolling and start behaving reasonably.

What the fuck is mentally wrong with you?

>> No.14884377 [DELETED] 

Fuck you and your unreasonable psychotic “suggestions”.

Stop trolling and behaving like a child having a tantrum.

The fact that you are a tranny is your problem.

Don’t make it everyone else’s.

>> No.14884394

For The Lulz

>> No.14884427 [DELETED] 

Stop being childish and obtuse.
If science is cool then it should make accurate predictions. The fact that we cannot even predict a ball on a string is the opposite of cool.

We are idiots for supporting science that is false.

>> No.14884445

>we cannot even predict a ball on a string
Society couldn't manufacture balls and strings on an industrial scale so that peons like you know what they are without science, the bad predictions, don't make the good predictions worse.
The alternatives to science are more false than science.

>> No.14884452

>If science is cool then it should make accurate predictions
It does, while also having some tolerance

>> No.14884453

fuck you stupid frog poster

>> No.14884463 [DELETED] 

Nope. 12000 rpm is objectively wrong.

It is delusional to claim it accurate.

>> No.14884521

Genuine question Mandlchad, have you even taken a calculus course?

>> No.14884528

Where did i say anything about 12000rpm

>> No.14884532 [DELETED] 

Ad hominem is not reasonable behavior and you are literally trolling.

Stop being unreasonable and address the discussion.

What the fuck is wrong with you?


Fuck off.

Why can’t you behave reasonably?

What do you think trolling is going to achieve. Dumbass.

>> No.14884533

I can't even tell the difference between imposters and the real deal anymore, please get a trip.

>> No.14884535 [DELETED] 

You say physics makes reasonable predictions and I am pointing out that it does not. I said 12000 rpm because 12000 rpm is objectively wrong, so physics is objectively wrong.

See example 4 : http://www.baur-research.com/Physics/measure.html

>> No.14884536 [DELETED] 

You are supposed to address the discussion and not the person.

Trolling is unreasonable behavior.

Stop trolling and address the argument rationally.

>> No.14884540
File: 99 KB, 594x578, 1664435063819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP and based Science. When I was a naive child, I enjoyed philosophy. But then I discovered Science. Science is so much more rigorous and it beautifully explains literally everything. It is our only method of finding actual objective truth.

>> No.14884541
File: 42 KB, 680x940, t23252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based OP and based Science. When I was a naive child, I enjoyed philosophy. But then I discovered Science. Science is so much more rigorous and it beautifully explains literally everything. It is our only method of finding actual objective truth.

>> No.14884542 [DELETED] 

Please explain why it contradicts example 4 then unless you simply prefer to remain delusional - like an anti-scientific flat earther.

>> No.14884557

Well it does.. Levers work, Elevators work, Swings work
I have no idea what 12000rpm is and i really dont want to know since it sounds littlebit /sci/zo

>> No.14884562 [DELETED] 

12000 rpm is the prediction for the example shown in example 4. As per the paper linked beneath the example. Since the example in reality contradicts the prediction, science is wrong.

>> No.14884563 [DELETED] 

The only way that a number of revolutions per minute can sound schitzo is if the person reading it has a psychological problem.

>> No.14884592
File: 79 KB, 995x332, 53243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real Mandelbaur has been dead for years, but dedicated anons will keep the legend alive for many more years to come. :^)

>> No.14884595

what happens at 12000rpm..?

>> No.14884616 [DELETED] 

This ad hominem fake bullshit is unreasonable behavior.
Why are you trolling?

>> No.14884621 [DELETED] 

12000 rpm does not happen, so the “law” of COAM is falsified.
This is obvious, so it is very clear that you are being obtuse and trolling.
Trolling is unscientific and unreasonable behavior.
Why are you trolling?

>> No.14884623 [DELETED] 


>> No.14884624


>> No.14884626


>> No.14884628

kek this

>> No.14884632 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 317x425, headupass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commenters “love science” just as long as nobody points out obvious mistakes in it. Then they are all desperately trying to cover it up by posting stupid shit.
If you love science then you should have an interest in fixing it when it is stupidly wrong.
Not hiding from the facts like flat earthers.

>> No.14884633

He's still arguing in the comment section of his "debate"

>> No.14884635 [DELETED] 

This is unreasonable behavior.
Stop trolling.
Do you have a psychological problem facing facts or what?

>> No.14884641

>12000 rpm does not happen
"The power a Formula One engine produces is generated by operating at a very high rotational speed, up to 20,000 revolutions per minute (rpm). However, they are electronically limited to 15,000 as of 2021 season"
Or is this 12k rpm related to something else?

>> No.14884652 [DELETED] 

Please click the link and scroll down to example 4 and observe the demonstration which does not do 12000 rpm by going to the suggested timestamp in the video. http://www.baur-research.com/Physics/measure.html

>> No.14884673

When someone says: Please click the link
>You dont click the link

>> No.14884691 [DELETED] 

Then don’t ask me stupid fucking ignorant questions and stfu cunt.

I don’t need your shit go and shit somewhere else. Idiot.

>> No.14884693

Thank god Mandlbaur hasn't ruined that thread yet

>> No.14884700
File: 36 KB, 640x746, 1649494227836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are idiots for supporting science that is false.

I study maths and phsyics to dunk on professors........why do you study it?

>> No.14884703 [DELETED] 

I studies physics 30 years ago and now have discovered that there is a stupid mistake being made.
If you had any interest in physics, you would address my discovery instead of personally insulting me in evasion of it.

>> No.14884704

Fixing what?

>> No.14884705 [DELETED] 

This is unreasonable ad hominem behavior.

Stop trolling and behaving like a playground bully.

Why are you so emotionally affected by my discovery?

>> No.14884707 [DELETED] 

To fix the problem, you have to recognize that angular momentum is not conserved and start measuring things to find out what is.

>> No.14884715

What problem?

>> No.14884719

You've addressed nothing and are having either a schizo moment or a woman moment...

Lulz is the hypothesis. Will it produce?

Science says yes, yes it will.

>> No.14884725 [DELETED] 

The problem that angular momentum is not conserved.

Do you think that behaving obtusely is somehow reasonable and communicating?

>> No.14884729


>> No.14884730 [DELETED] 

The hypothesis is that angular momentum is conserved and the fact that COAM predicts 12000 rpm for a hand held classic demonstration and it is objectively wrong means that the the “law” of COAM is wrong. That is the. Scientific method in action.

>> No.14884731

What theory would you use instead and what measurements are you referencing that prove your theory that things spontaneously spin slower or faster without external application of torque or friction?

>> No.14884734 [DELETED] 

Fuck off. What the fuck is wrong with you. I know you are a tranny but that doesn’t justify this stupid shit behavior of yours. Go fuck yourself and leave me the duck alone. Cunt.

>> No.14884735 [DELETED] 

I would use conservation of angular energy because independent experiment confirms perfectly that it is correct.

>> No.14884737


>> No.14884742 [DELETED] 

Go fuck your self you piece of stinking shit.

>> No.14884744

come to the soijak site please

>> No.14884746

Why would energy get conserved but not momentum when there is a direct energy-momentum relationship that just consists of a few constants depending on the body in motion?

>> No.14884749

Ok, I loosley read it over, watched a video on it, and it sounds like it goes against my known physics knowledge.

Thats all...I looked it over, it doesnt add up to me, and so I moved on. I do that for lots of "official" shit so its not that wild for me to see something and say "Mmm, no."

>> No.14884817


>> No.14884916 [DELETED] 

It is the known physics. 12000 rpm is the existing physics prediction by the book.

You are unscientific to ignore the evidence because the evidence falsifies your beliefs.

That is totally unreasonable.

>> No.14884918 [DELETED] 

Momentum is conserved when energy is conserved. What are you talking about?

>> No.14884922 [DELETED] 

So your robot can waste my time and you can stop having a trannyfit because you are shitting yourself that perhaps I convince someone on a site where there are actual people.

>> No.14884938

I am talking about how >>14884725 >>14884735 said that angular momentum is not conserved because angular energy is instead which is confusing since they are directly related by some material constants.

>> No.14884945 [DELETED] 

Do you understand that L = r x p?

Momentum is not directly related to angular momentum.

Got it?

>> No.14884953

That is the formula of a direct relationship, though. You are showing that p is directly in a r factor relationship with L. Do you understand what a direct relationship is?
>an association between two variables such that they rise and fall in value together.

>> No.14884976 [DELETED] 

P is directly related to energy. L is related to p and r. Changing r can affect L without affecting the energy. Got it?

>> No.14885008

So based. Science rules, bros!

>> No.14885014 [DELETED] 

Yes, that is why science predicts 12000 rpm for a classic classroom demonstration because it rules. Like fucking flat earthers rule, moron.

>> No.14885031

Math is pretty gay though

>> No.14885050

L is directly related to both p and r by factors of each other.
If L is directly related to P, then so are both p and r because they are directly related to L.

>> No.14885067 [DELETED] 

Do you understand that it is mathematically impossible to conserve the magnitude of p at the same time you conserve L unless you conserve r as well?

>> No.14885073

>12000 rpm is the existing physics prediction by the book.
What book? Post the equation/pictures instead of arguing with ghosts. I watched some of the video, Im not convinced by it because its not succinct.

If it was legit it would be in a less than 10 minute video, like a physics equation is succinct.

It doesnt refute shit, it rambles like a novice.

>> No.14885108 [DELETED] 

Rebuttal number 8 : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357302312_Rebuttals

>> No.14885139

Wouldnt the increase of rotation speed not be a flat "multiplication" because of loss of efficiency, *why greater speeda are not achieved linearly to increased energy?

I agree...academia is missing some big answers to big questions. Just my work is in other areas.

>> No.14885243 [DELETED] 

No. The increases rotational speed is simply because the radius is reduced so the mass traveling at the same speed (because in simple terms the momentum is conserved in magnitude and only the direction changes) so it spins faster but it does not move faster as COAM demands.

So it is very clear and obvious that angular momentum is not conserved.

This is not a big answer to a big question. This is a very simple answer to a very small question. Unfortunately it has been misapplied to the big things and so there is a prior investment logical fallacy going on.

>> No.14885295

>traveling at the same speed
But changing direction much faster.
>only the direction changes
Yes and doing so I would think it would not be a linear increase of rotation, as the increase is splitting the direction until the distance is reduced. Sorry, Im viewing this from a Astrophysicist/Spacetime perspective so Im trying to not think of this as celestial objects.

Like the reason why engine in a car acclerates a car slower and slower even though energy=speed, inefficiencies, drag, decreased torque etc etc.

Seems to me it is but that the equation isnt quite right but close. Wouldnt be the first time humanity used an imperfect equation. Someone should write a new one and name it with their last name.

>> No.14885315 [DELETED] 

Well the fact is that my claim is confirmed if you measure it.

>> No.14885320

I'll suggest it again;

Those midwits in academia...who's entire lively hood is founded on those lies, will reject every truth you present.

They will not let you make them obsolete.

I know. Ive been there, done that. They dont care for the Truth. They have degrees to sell at a quarter mil a pop. Youre gunna take their meal ticket from them.

>> No.14885339 [DELETED] 

Their meal ticket is not on the line.

What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.14885354
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The person thats reviewing your paper is a phsycist.....your paper says he is wrong.
>This is what you handed him.
...into the trash it goes.

>> No.14885380 [DELETED] 

Yes, I am aware of their criminal behavior.

What is your suggestion?

>> No.14885383 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14885389

This but the other way around for me

>> No.14885397

Work with your peers, they too are locked out by peer review. Eric Weinstein made it obvious. Sabine's paper on the expansion of the universe was rejected for not have a section defining how it would "effect women and people of color".

Literally said that, she deleted the tweet because she knows her job in on the line.

Just.....know youre not alone. There are others, same issue of provable, validated, works.

>Geocentrism was taught, even when Heliocentrism was invented.
>Darwin was mocked.
>Tesla was a pariah.

Youre not alone.

>> No.14885402 [DELETED] 

I am entirely alone. There are no “peers”.

You are just blabbering total fucking bullshit.

I am the person who discovered that angular momentum is not conserved and there is nobody who is supporting me.
Don’t try and tell me there are others. That is total fuckign bullshit. What is your fucking game. What the fuck do you want from me?

>> No.14885410
File: 55 KB, 785x658, socrates_drinking_the_hemlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going against academia is as old as time itself.

That is what I want from you...to see men like you have liged throughout history and paid much steeper prices from proclaiming;


>> No.14885411


>> No.14885416 [DELETED] 

Okay. There is someone supporting me. Thank you. Hopefully more will follow. I cannot believe how insane people behave. Fuck me.

>> No.14885422
File: 654 KB, 717x1314, 2022-09-29_23.21.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penrose and Weinstein's works overlap mine and mine strongly contradcits academia.

Time will force them...but as mortals our time to see it through is limited.

Such is the fate of good men.

>> No.14885423
File: 226 KB, 1428x1496, TIMESAND___700xxx762XXX777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am entirely alone. There are no “peers”.

>> No.14885427
File: 91 KB, 672x900, c1257d348e9f7ee1def700438cf4a2ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When one is above the clouds...its cold and alone...but the view is beyond measure.

>> No.14885430 [DELETED] 

Well I don’t accept that something so simple can just be neglected.
A five year old can understand that 12000 rpm is objectively wrong. I don’t know what your work is, but mine is so ducking simple and clear and obvious that even a five year old can understand it and I don’t accept that academia can just neglect what I have discovered.

I am going to push harder and harder until someone wakes the fuck up.

>> No.14885446

another 12000 rpm schizo

>> No.14885450
File: 78 KB, 720x720, 2022-09-29_03.43.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well I don’t accept that something so simple can just be neglected.

And I understand that, I wish you the best of luck, but to remember they do not care about the truth or playing fair.

My work is the outer edge of theoretical physics with zero applied experiements...so all I have are my equations.

You at least have something to show the commoners.
All I have is an alien language.

>> No.14885451 [DELETED] 

No. I am John Mandlbaur and I am the only reasonable person on the planet who can accept that the existing physics prediction of 12000 rpm is wrong.
You are the evasive faggot who is shit scared to face simple facts.

>> No.14885454 [DELETED] 

Well thank you.

Good luck to you too.

Hopefully when the angular momentum house of cards collapses, your work will be seen.

>> No.14886294

how did you acquire that knowledge?

>> No.14886758
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Too fucking true. The fact that this dolt can type this from Brazil on a Kathmandu kinetoscope viewing party is proof that 90% of humans are literally functionally retarded.

>> No.14886762

You are a worthless talentless trash

>> No.14886873
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>> No.14886876

>ctrl-f "deleted
>48 results

>> No.14887018

Well you are attacking the person instead of their argument so you a disgusting piece of shit and your cunt stinks

>> No.14887023

Nope. There is only one person who discovered that COAM is false and he is reasonable. You are the schizo because you are afraid of the truth.

>> No.14887029

The truth is literally being censored here and the reason is pure fear of the truth.

Moderators are biased and censoring the victim of personal attacks and trolling.

Disgusting behavior.

>> No.14887188

Yeah Mr. White! Yeah science!

>> No.14887199

Science is great and can only get better when the scientists eventually apply the scientific method and reject the “law” of conservation of angular momentum because 12000 rpm prediction is wrong for the typical ball on a string demonstration.

Unfortunately, scientists are blinded by bias and act like flat earth assholes and refuse to measure or accept any independent measurements.

Yeah science.

Boo current modern scientists.